Trump Caravan, Police, Sued in Texas

The idiots filmed themselves doing it and posted it on their own accounts.
Doing what?

Try reading the news accounts of the lawsuit. I refuse to spoon feed you.

Lawsuits are filed and settled all the time, few ever make it to court and I doubt this will go anywhere, it would be interesting to see where it ends up.

This one will probably make it to Court. The Trump Train were explicit in their intention. To prevent the political rally and stop the bus from arriving.

That violates the KKK act. The act specifically authorized monetary damages.

As for lawyers fees. To go through Discovery and all the motions and then the trial. Figure a quarter million. That is for each defendant unless they wish to pool their resources and get one lawyer to represent them all.

If the Plaintiff wins. The jury award is in addition to their legal fees.

The Bankruptcy Reform passed by Bush said that you can’t write off debt as individuals anymore. So the defendants will be working for the plaintiffs for years to pay off the award.

That comes to a lot of money. And the loser of the lawsuit is liable for the legal fees of the winner.

How many of them have a couple million dollars laying around they don’t mind paying for a morning of joyriding?
You could be right, I think it gets settled long before it sees a courtroom.

I don’t think it will unless the defendants offer a lot of money to make it go away. I don’t think they can manage that. The people involved want to do the discovery. They want a long drawn out legal fight in the media.

The Trump Train people will be seeing their names in the news over and over again and it will be that they are being sued under the Ku Klux Klan act every time.

Friends and relatives will distance themselves. Companies will decide that they don’t need this person working for them. And there goes any hope of getting the money to make it all go away.

I think the plaintiffs will drag this out for months or years. Depositions. Document discovery. Interviews with neighbors and coworkers. And that is just the start.

I could do this all day long,,

but you go ahead with your singular event,,

I could do this all day long,,

but you go ahead with your singular event,,

What is your point? One crime doesn't cancel out another. You are playing a very juvenile tit-for-tat game. I doubt that any of these people allegedly attempting to cause an auto accident in Texas even knew anything about any incidents in NYC or San Francisco. You seem like you are pro crime. I'm not. Somebody could have gotten seriously hurt or killed.
it does when theres one event on one side and hundreds on the other,,,
Good. Put some in jail, and fine them BIGLY!

I wonder if these people could be prosecuted under the KKK law??

Not prosecuted. Sued.
This one will probably make it to Court. The Trump Train were explicit in their intention. To prevent the political rally and stop the bus from arriving.
There's no evidence of that and they cannot generally blame that on a political candidate who was not there, absent some concrete evidence Trump ordered them to "prevent" the bus from arriving.

They are suing the people in the Trump train. They can prove that easily. The idiots filmed themselves doing it snd posted it on their own accounts.
They are suing Trump. What does any of that prove regarding Trump himself?
Good. Put some in jail, and fine them BIGLY!

Ironic, given the fact that your party created, funded, and maintains the KKK to this day.

"maintains the KKK to this day"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Say hi to your governor for me!

This one will probably make it to Court. The Trump Train were explicit in their intention. To prevent the political rally and stop the bus from arriving.
There's no evidence of that and they cannot generally blame that on a political candidate who was not there, absent some concrete evidence Trump ordered them to "prevent" the bus from arriving.

They are suing the people in the Trump train. They can prove that easily. The idiots filmed themselves doing it snd posted it on their own accounts.
They are suing Trump. What does any of that prove regarding Trump himself?

Scooter. You have the news confused. Let’s go slowly so even you can understand. Several people in Congress are suing Trump and Giuliani for the 1/6 “protest” under the same law.

The people named in the Trump Train Lawsuit do not. Let me repeat. Do not. Let me bold this. Do not include Trump

Trump is not being sued. The Trump Fanboys are. The minions if you prefer.

From the news story.

The complaint alleges that the defendants -- named as Eliazar Cisneros, Hannah Ceh, Joeylynn Mesaros, Robert Mesaros, Dolores Park, and a Jane and John Doe -- conspired beforehand to surround and block the bus in violation of the Ku Klux Klan Act, passed by Congress in 1871 to prohibit the obstruction of free and fair elections via the coordinated intimidation of voters. As a result of their actions, they claim, the campaign was forced to cancel its stops in San Marcos and Austin out of fear for their safety.

Not Trump. Not Trump. The patriotic good Americans who violated the law. They are being sued.

Ok. Got it now? Biden campaign workers and ex-state lawmaker sue 'Trump Train' members involved in dangerous Texas highway incident

I could do this all day long,,

but you go ahead with your singular event,,

I could do this all day long,,

but you go ahead with your singular event,,

What is your point? One crime doesn't cancel out another. You are playing a very juvenile tit-for-tat game. I doubt that any of these people allegedly attempting to cause an auto accident in Texas even knew anything about any incidents in NYC or San Francisco. You seem like you are pro crime. I'm not. Somebody could have gotten seriously hurt or killed.
it does when theres one event on one side and hundreds on the other,,,
If you think that there has been only one incident created by trumpsters, you are seriously deluded. Scumbags like the proud boys, oath keepers and other thugs have been all over the place even before Jan. 6.

I could do this all day long,,

but you go ahead with your singular event,,

I could do this all day long,,

but you go ahead with your singular event,,

What is your point? One crime doesn't cancel out another. You are playing a very juvenile tit-for-tat game. I doubt that any of these people allegedly attempting to cause an auto accident in Texas even knew anything about any incidents in NYC or San Francisco. You seem like you are pro crime. I'm not. Somebody could have gotten seriously hurt or killed.
it does when theres one event on one side and hundreds on the other,,,
If you think that there has been only one incident created by trumpsters, you are seriously deluded. Scumbags like the proud boys, oath keepers and other thugs have been all over the place even before Jan. 6.
and yet you dont post a single one where they were the aggressors,,

while on the other hand I could post one every 10 minutes for 24 hrs straight,,
This one will probably make it to Court. The Trump Train were explicit in their intention. To prevent the political rally and stop the bus from arriving.
There's no evidence of that and they cannot generally blame that on a political candidate who was not there, absent some concrete evidence Trump ordered them to "prevent" the bus from arriving.

They are suing the people in the Trump train. They can prove that easily. The idiots filmed themselves doing it snd posted it on their own accounts.
They are suing Trump. What does any of that prove regarding Trump himself?

Scooter. You have the news confused. Let’s go slowly so even you can understand. Several people in Congress are suing Trump and Giuliani for the 1/6 “protest” under the same law.

The people named in the Trump Train Lawsuit do not. Let me repeat. Do not. Let me bold this. Do not include Trump

Trump is not being sued. The Trump Fanboys are. The minions if you prefer.

From the news story.

The complaint alleges that the defendants -- named as Eliazar Cisneros, Hannah Ceh, Joeylynn Mesaros, Robert Mesaros, Dolores Park, and a Jane and John Doe -- conspired beforehand to surround and block the bus in violation of the Ku Klux Klan Act, passed by Congress in 1871 to prohibit the obstruction of free and fair elections via the coordinated intimidation of voters. As a result of their actions, they claim, the campaign was forced to cancel its stops in San Marcos and Austin out of fear for their safety.

Not Trump. Not Trump. The patriotic good Americans who violated the law. They are being sued.

Ok. Got it now? Biden campaign workers and ex-state lawmaker sue 'Trump Train' members involved in dangerous Texas highway incident
They are suing joe blow for "blocking" a campaign bus???

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That is even MORE stupid than I thought.

How pathetic. It will go NOWHERE!!!
Lawsuits are filed and settled all the time, few ever make it to court and I doubt this will go anywhere, it would be interesting to see where it ends up.

This one will probably make it to Court. The Trump Train were explicit in their intention. To prevent the political rally and stop the bus from arriving.

That violates the KKK act. The act specifically authorized monetary damages.

As for lawyers fees. To go through Discovery and all the motions and then the trial. Figure a quarter million. That is for each defendant unless they wish to pool their resources and get one lawyer to represent them all.

If the Plaintiff wins. The jury award is in addition to their legal fees.

The Bankruptcy Reform passed by Bush said that you can’t write off debt as individuals anymore. So the defendants will be working for the plaintiffs for years to pay off the award.

That comes to a lot of money. And the loser of the lawsuit is liable for the legal fees of the winner.

How many of them have a couple million dollars laying around they don’t mind paying for a morning of joyriding?
Excellent post.

And it's called "the consequences of your actions". The Party of Personal Responsibility now wants to dismiss all that, and decades of them lecturing us. Not gonna happen.
This one will probably make it to Court. The Trump Train were explicit in their intention. To prevent the political rally and stop the bus from arriving.
There's no evidence of that and they cannot generally blame that on a political candidate who was not there, absent some concrete evidence Trump ordered them to "prevent" the bus from arriving.
Trump is not named in the suit.

What else will you FAIL at in this thread?

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