Trump Cares About the Middle Class and Not the Rich... NOT!


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.

Smart move White middle-class America! you just elected a fraud that is going to screw you 6 ways to Sunday.

He's not even in office yet and he is proving how hard he trolled the country.
Waaahhhhhhhhh!! Still whining and moaning like a butt hurt little bitch. :biggrin:
Waaahhhhhhhhh!! Still whining and moaning like a butt hurt little bitch. :biggrin:
See that's what's pathetic about you Trumpsters. When someone points out Trump's obvious bullshit, all you can do is deflect to this butthurt about the election. Grow a pair and address the topic at hand.
They will be arguing the benefits of giving the billionaires a monstrous tax cut before they even know it and not even care.
President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.

Smart move White middle-class America! you just elected a fraud that is going to screw you 6 ways to Sunday.

He's not even in office yet and he is proving how hard he trolled the country.
The evidence of Trump being a terrible president-elect is overwhelming but no con on here can admit it.
Anyone going through life expecting national politicians to actually "care" about them is deluded.
President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.

Smart move White middle-class America! you just elected a fraud that is going to screw you 6 ways to Sunday.

He's not even in office yet and he is proving how hard he trolled the country.
2% of what? 13.5% of what? Polls are showing both consumer confidence and investor confidence are soaring, which will mean more jobs, good paying jobs, not like the part time jobs Obama was so proud of.
The OP is quoting Yahoo nooz. What do you expect?

Here you go Boss. Analyze the research quoted in the article for yourself.

This paper analyzes presidential candidate Donald Trump’s revised tax proposal, which would significantly reduce marginal tax rates, increase standard deduction amounts, repeal personal exemptions, cap itemized deductions, and allow businesses to elect to expense new investment and not deduct interest expense. His proposal would cut taxes at all income levels, although the largest benefits, in dollar and percentage terms, would go to the highest-income households. Federal revenues would fall by $6.2 trillion over the first decade before accounting for added interest costs. Including interest costs, the federal debt would rise by $7.2 trillion over the first decade and by $20.9 trillion by 2036.

An Analysis of Donald Trump's Revised Tax Plan
Waaahhhhhhhhh!! Still whining and moaning like a butt hurt little bitch. :biggrin:
See that's what's pathetic about you Trumpsters. When someone points out Trump's obvious bullshit, all you can do is deflect to this butthurt about the election. Grow a pair and address the topic at hand.
Yahoo?? Puff,,puff, pass....
President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.

Smart move White middle-class America! you just elected a fraud that is going to screw you 6 ways to Sunday.

He's not even in office yet and he is proving how hard he trolled the country.
The evidence of Trump being a terrible president-elect is overwhelming but no con on here can admit it.

So you morons make shit up, or quote stuff other left wing nutters make up and then you can't understand that we don't believe it? You are too stupid for words.
Rosie---oracle at USMB-------does not know yet

Yeah could anyone be expected to know what this man is like? We've only got 50+ years of him being in the public eye to judge him by.

Reminds me of the idiots who kept saying how thrilled they were when he got all "presidential" for an hour or two before going back to his interminable and childish twitter fights.

But hey, he's not going to actually serve anyway. He twice said that he would turn over the country to Mike Sharia Law Pence while he's out "making the country great again".

My bet is that he will continue to make speeches to his adoring crowds while creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. Oh and selling those tacky, machine signed caps to the suckers.
Taking from the entitlement programs to fund the tax breaks for the wealthy. Way to go, but hey the rich have lived off of us for decades, why stop now.
Oh, you mean this one from Tax Policy Center ORG that says this?

This paper analyzes presidential candidate Donald Trump’s tax proposal. His plan would significantly reduce marginal tax rates on individuals and businesses, increase standard deduction amounts to nearly four times current levels, and curtail many tax expenditures. His proposal would cut taxes at all income levels, although the largest benefits, in dollar and percentage terms, would go to the highest-income households. The plan would reduce federal revenues by $9.5 trillion over its first decade before accounting for added interest costs or considering macro economic feedback effects. The plan would improve incentives to work, save, and invest. However, unless it is accompanied by very large spending cuts, it could increase the national debt by nearly 80 percent of gross domestic productby 2036, offsetting some or all of the incentive effects of the tax cuts."
~~ Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan ~~

Oh, you must because it's the same one! Actually, the OP is right on target and the year old debunked bullshit you posted is well beyond "horse hockey", but rather is now HORSESHIT! Have some more fun...three shots for a dollar rube!
Waaahhhhhhhhh!! Still whining and moaning like a butt hurt little bitch. :biggrin:
See that's what's pathetic about you Trumpsters. When someone points out Trump's obvious bullshit, all you can do is deflect to this butthurt about the election. Grow a pair and address the topic at hand.
Yahoo?? Puff,,puff, pass....

IOW, you can't refute it.


Refute what, Dudley Luddite? It's from a fake news site....didn't you get the memo?
Taking from the entitlement programs to fund the tax breaks for the wealthy. Way to go, but hey the rich have lived off of us for decades, why stop now.

Ronnie Ray-Gun was the first to steal from the entitlement programs and the Repubs now plan to clean us out.

Note to RWNJ traitors: they're called "entitlements" because they are paid for and Americans are ENTITLED to them.

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