Trump caves on vaccine: Tells Americans to get it

Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.
/----/ Post the link proving Trump told people not to get vaccinated. Remember, you dolt, Trump launched Warp Speed to get the vaccine to us years ahead of time.
Dude was strangely quiet about encouraging people to get the vaccine. People noticed.
/—-/ So you libtards go from Trump told us not to get the vaccine to he was strangely quiet about it?
BTW: Trump urges all Americans to get COVID vaccine: 'It's a safe vaccine' and it 'works'
I never said that he told us not to get it.
Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.
He promised the vaccine by the end of 2020 and delivered. It was people like Heels Up Harris who said they would have second thoughts on taking the vaccine.
But I’m glad you’re listening to President Trump now.

Have you gotten your shots yet?
The Trump Vaccine is saving millions of lives in the US, and around the globe.

Veggie Joe didn't know it existed when he took office, despite getting it. :cuckoo:
When was he telling people not to get it? Seems to me that was demos
Didn't he call COVID a hoax?
No, you fucking idiot.

You gullible TDS afflicted morons were just brainwashed by the fake news media into believing that Trump called COVID a hoax.
Trump played it down......he always liked to play stuff Americans wouldn't panic.....

Because if they panic about a virus that isn't worse than the flu -- they wouldn't have enough time to panic about zillions of illegals coming in caravans to rape our children; and the water pressure in showers, why isn't no one talking about the water pressure in showers!!!!
If people aren't afraid of a virus, people don't take the necessary precautions against it. Moron.
So you gave Biff a thumbs up on that post and now you're calling him a moron?
When was he telling people not to get it? Seems to me that was demos
Didn't he call COVID a hoax?
No, you fucking idiot.

You gullible TDS afflicted morons were just brainwashed by the fake news media into believing that Trump called COVID a hoax.
Trump played it down......he always liked to play stuff Americans wouldn't panic.....

Because if they panic about a virus that isn't worse than the flu -- they wouldn't have enough time to panic about zillions of illegals coming in caravans to rape our children; and the water pressure in showers, why isn't no one talking about the water pressure in showers!!!!
If people aren't afraid of a virus, people don't take the necessary precautions against it. Moron.
So you gave Biff a thumbs up on that post and now you're calling him a moron?
He just wants people to be distracted from the real dangers.....

Like how our toilets don't flush with the proper amount of American force and water.....big water
I don't think Trump has been very vocal about pushing people to take the vaccine. He was also not very consistent on wearing masks. I think Trump's actions on the vaccine and the virus itself are the biggest reason why there is such a partisan divide regarding taking this vaccine.

Not consistent? Could that be due to the INCONSISTENT advice he was getting from the "Scientists"?

Partly. As the scientists changed their advice, all Trump had to do was go with their new input.

Instead, he was directly disputing with Fauci and others over matters that are entirely over his head. This resulted in him politicizing the entire thing including making a bunch of inbred hillbillies think they know more than these scientists.
I don't think Trump has been very vocal about pushing people to take the vaccine. He was also not very consistent on wearing masks. I think Trump's actions on the vaccine and the virus itself are the biggest reason why there is such a partisan divide regarding taking this vaccine.

Not consistent? Could that be due to the INCONSISTENT advice he was getting from the "Scientists"?

Partly. As the scientists changed their advice, all Trump had to do was go with their new input.

Instead, he was directly disputing with Fauci and others over matters that are entirely over his head. This resulted in him politicizing the entire thing including making a bunch of inbred hillbillies think they know more than these scientists.
The moron Fauci has been on 14 sides of everything regarding the China Flu.
I think Trump's actions on the vaccine and the virus itself are the biggest reason why there is such a partisan divide regarding taking this vaccine.

And, poster Chaos, Tony Fabrizio, Don Trump's pet pollster, found that Trump's actions on the vaccine and the virus itself are one of the reasons he lost his job. More voters thought him incompetent with Covid, than those who thought otherwise.

So there is that.

(ps....the other reason was more voters than not thought he was untrustworthy. So there is that, too.)

Oh definitely. I think Trump lost the election over how he handled covid. And he could have handled it so easily if he just deferred to Fauci and the CDC.

“My fellow Americans. My health officials inform me that the coronavirus is spreading faster than expected and it is time for us to take extra precautions to keep ourselves safe from this global pandemic. Don’t be alarmed - we have some of the best minds working on this. Please take simple precautions and listen to the CDC’s advice. Here is Dr. Fauci to answer your questions.”

If he says something like that, he wins the last election in my opinion.
The moron Fauci has been on 14 sides of everything regarding the China Flu.

Fauci knows more about this than Trump. Trump needed to listen to Fauci.

Instead, Trump politicized this all to the point where uneducated hillbillies like yourself actually think you know than our leading medical experts.

And that’s why he lost.
Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.
Why would he "cave in" on the vaccines he produced?

Because he spent most of 2020 claiming that the covid 19 virus was a hoax created by the Democrats and China to overthrow his presidency in a coup. He claimed that the vaccines were hoax and that the virus would magically disappear following the election.

There have even been some conspiracy theories on the far right that high level Republicans like Herman Cain who have died from covid-19 were actually assassinated by the Democrats and China, conspiracy theories which have been promoted and supported by Trump and his supporters.

And let's get one thing straight Trump did nothing to produce the vaccines they were already being produced by private companies while he was still pretending the virus didn't exist. He was doing his best in 2020 to stem the development of the virus hinting that it would only be released if he one re-election.
/----/ "Because he spent most of 2020 claiming that the covid 19 virus was a hoax "

Liar. He said the media coverage was a hoax, not the disease. Unless you have proof otherwise - piss off.
Why would he "cave in" on the vaccines he produced?
Americans forget all the lab time he put in experimenting with guzzling disinfectants and shining lights up folks' trumpers before he finally came up with the vaccine.

One would not expect white republican males to be such ingrates.

Republican men are most likely to be COVID-19 anti-vaxxers

President Joe Biden is on track to surpass his goal of administering 100 million Covid-19 shots as soon as Thursday, notching the milestone about six weeks before the 100-day deadline he set for his new administration!
Over 97 million shots had been administered since Biden took office, as the country is now providing almost 2.5 million doses per day.
The milestone, on Biden's 58th day in office, marks an early victory for the president, who campaigned on taking control of a pandemic response that the Trump administration had largely pushed off onto states...
Why would he "cave in" on the vaccines he produced?
Americans forget all the lab time he put in experimenting with guzzling disinfectants and shining lights up folks' trumpers before he finally came up with the vaccine.

One would not expect white republican males to be such ingrates.

Republican men are most likely to be COVID-19 anti-vaxxers

President Joe Biden is on track to surpass his goal of administering 100 million Covid-19 shots as soon as Thursday, notching the milestone about six weeks before the 100-day deadline he set for his new administration!
Over 97 million shots had been administered since Biden took office, as the country is now providing almost 2.5 million doses per day.
The milestone, on Biden's 58th day in office, marks an early victory for the president, who campaigned on taking control of a pandemic response that the Trump administration had largely pushed off onto states...
The Trump vaccines are working out great. In Europe just 10% are vaccinated where America is reaching 25.

Great job on Operation Warp Speed!
Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.
When has Trump ever opposed getting vaccinated?
“My fellow Americans. My health officials inform me that the coronavirus is spreading faster than expected and it is time for us to take extra precautions to keep ourselves safe from this global pandemic. Don’t be alarmed - we have some of the best minds working on this. Please take simple precautions and listen to the CDC’s advice. Here is Dr. Fauci to answer your questions.”

You know, poster Chaos, THAT paragraph that you just posted could have won Don Trump a second term in office.

First, let me admit that I have been a long-time skeptic of Don Trump, well before he ran for office.

Back when his 'Art of the Deal' was popular I had speed-read through it, and I read a profile in Fortune, or Money, or some financial/business slick magazine. He was being touted as this 'ace negotiator'. That intrigued me, as that is what I did for a living.

But what struck me with the 'Ick'-factor in both treatments was his bold statement that he intentionally didn't pay his vendors for the total amount of their invoice. As a business 'tactic'. He intentionally shorted 'em. As an MO. Figuring that they wouldn't want to go through the cost and bother of suing him.

I was in business at the time. I negotiated with clients, vendors, landlords, staff, every day in a 30 year career. I never...ever....went into a negotiation with the avowed intent to 'screw-em'. To be sure, both sides were willing and often did play hard-ball. But, on my side it was good faith hard-ball. Meaning, if they didn't perform to the contract, then they didn't earn the contract amount.....and hence we sat down.

So, in my eyes, Don Trump's approach to good-faith negotiating was 180-degrees different than mine.
I found it repellant.
Not to mention his racist attacks on those 5 black teenagers in the rape case in NYC.
Not to mention his racist 'birther' attack on Barack Obama.
Not to mention the serial bankruptcies.
So that set the stage for Don Trump as a presidential candidate in my view.

And then, when I saw him flailing and failing as my president, I so feared that he would switch gears....flip a switch.....and go to the teleprompter and read out a statement akin to what poster Chaos offered in the above quote.

I was convinced then, and remain so, that such a message could swing the Independt but skeptical voters. After all, the economy was good.....Trump hadn't screwed up the Obama wave he rode into office on. So he had that as big 'Mo'.....momentum. But his personality, style, narcissism, and play-to-the-lowest-denominator tactics was clearly detracting from that Big Mo.
I strongly felt he could lose this thing.

But he wouldn't lose.....if he channeled our poster Chaos.
He could salvage it.
But, as Corey Lewandowski used to say......'Let Trump be Trump'.
And so he was.....Trump was Trump. And America rejected him.
Rejected him as untrustworthy.
Rejected him as incompetent.

He, and his enablers would have been better served to have hired poster Chaos.

“My fellow Americans. My health officials inform me that the coronavirus is spreading faster than expected and it is time for us to take extra precautions to keep ourselves safe from this global pandemic. Don’t be alarmed - we have some of the best minds working on this. Please take simple precautions and listen to the CDC’s advice. Here is Dr. Fauci to answer your questions.”

You know, poster Chaos, THAT paragraph that you just posted could have won Don Trump a second term in office.

First, let me admit that I have been a long-time skeptic of Don Trump, well before he ran for office.

Back when his 'Art of the Deal' was popular I had speed-read through it, and I read a profile in Fortune, or Money, or some financial/business slick magazine. He was being touted as this 'ace negotiator'. That intrigued me, as that is what I did for a living.

But what struck me with the 'Ick'-factor in both treatments was his bold statement that he intentionally didn't pay his vendors for the total amount of their invoice. As a business 'tactic'. He intentionally shorted 'em. As an MO. Figuring that they wouldn't want to go through the cost and bother of suing him.

I was in business at the time. I negotiated with clients, vendors, landlords, staff, every day in a 30 year career. I never...ever....went into a negotiation with the avowed intent to 'screw-em'. To be sure, both sides were willing and often did play hard-ball. But, on my side it was good faith hard-ball. Meaning, if they didn't perform to the contract, then they didn't earn the contract amount.....and hence we sat down.

So, in my eyes, Don Trump's approach to good-faith negotiating was 180-degrees different than mine.
I found it repellant.
Not to mention his racist attacks on those 5 black teenagers in the rape case in NYC.
Not to mention his racist 'birther' attack on Barack Obama.
Not to mention the serial bankruptcies.
So that set the stage for Don Trump as a presidential candidate in my view.

And then, when I saw him flailing and failing as my president, I so feared that he would switch gears....flip a switch.....and go to the teleprompter and read out a statement akin to what poster Chaos offered in the above quote.

I was convinced then, and remain so, that such a message could swing the Independt but skeptical voters. After all, the economy was good.....Trump hadn't screwed up the Obama wave he rode into office on. So he had that as big 'Mo'.....momentum. But his personality, style, narcissism, and play-to-the-lowest-denominator tactics was clearly detracting from that Big Mo.
I strongly felt he could lose this thing.

But he wouldn't lose.....if he channeled our poster Chaos.
He could salvage it.
But, as Corey Lewandowski used to say......'Let Trump be Trump'.
And so he was.....Trump was Trump. And America rejected him.
Rejected him as untrustworthy.
Rejected him as incompetent.

He, and his enablers would have been better served to have hired poster Chaos.

Your opinion has much to be humble about. All the BS aside, Trump is clearly not done as a political force or a politician. He remains the most powerful man in America and will be as long as he lives.
Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.
When has Trump ever opposed getting vaccinated?

It's incredible, isn't it?

Democrats actually remember it that way. Even when they watch video of how wrong they are. They actually believe Trump said not to take the virus ... he created. And they don't remember Democrats all saying not to take it even though at the time they fully agreed with the Democrats.

You need people to be as big a sheep as Lakhota for the Nazi Democrat party to work. And it works, they are that big a sheep
The Trump vaccines are working out great. In Europe just 10% are vaccinated where America is reaching 25.

Great job on Operation Warp Speed!
He did not even have to wear a white lab coat when he came up with it!

Screen Shot 2020-10-01 at 12.27.45 PM.png

"I like this stuff! I really get it!… every one of these doctors said,
‘how do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability!"

Screen Shot 2021-03-18 at 1.22.11 PM.png
Why would he "cave in" on the vaccines he produced?
Americans forget all the lab time he put in experimenting with guzzling disinfectants and shining lights up folks' trumpers before he finally came up with the vaccine.

One would not expect white republican males to be such ingrates.

Republican men are most likely to be COVID-19 anti-vaxxers

President Joe Biden is on track to surpass his goal of administering 100 million Covid-19 shots as soon as Thursday, notching the milestone about six weeks before the 100-day deadline he set for his new administration!
Over 97 million shots had been administered since Biden took office, as the country is now providing almost 2.5 million doses per day.
The milestone, on Biden's 58th day in office, marks an early victory for the president, who campaigned on taking control of a pandemic response that the Trump administration had largely pushed off onto states...
/—-/ Another pack of lies from a Libtard Moonbat.

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