Trump Charged With Questioning Election Results While Not Being A Democrat


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Trump Charged With Questioning Election Results
While Not Being A Democrat

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Trump appeared in court yesterday after Special Council Jack Smith charged him with the high crime of questioning his election results while not being a Democrat.
"The sacred words penned in our Constitution, which I have so much reverence for, make it clear that only Democrats are allowed to question election results," said Smith to reporters. "Trump brazenly questioned an election even though his name isn't Hillary and he didn't even have a fake Russian dossier to prove his case. This is a dark and dangerous day for our democracy. Hehe, alliteration."
"We must be clear: no one who is a Republican is above the law."
The former President has also been charged with 6 other counts, including:
  • Removing USB drive without ejecting it first
  • Going to McDonald's and getting a cup for water but filling it with Sprite
  • Wearing a National Park Junior Ranger badge without finishing the activity booklet
  • Pressing the 'credit' button on a card reader even though he was using a debit card
  • Clicking the box saying he had read the Terms Of Service when he really just scrolled through it
  • High treason against the media
At publishing time, Trump had pleaded "not guilty" on all charges on the grounds that he is actually a Democrat.

Remember those “hanging chads,” “dimpled chads” and “pregnant chads” becoming part of the lexicon. Democrats desperately looking to overturn the 2000 presidential election.
Then in the 2004 election The biased media complained about voter errors in the past when their candidate lost.
Then the 2004 election, which saw George W Bush re-elected despite the mounting unpopularity of the Iraq war, saw an explosion of unfounded conspiracy theories that Republicans were in cahoots with the manufacturers of electronic voting machines and would never lose an election again. (The theory fell apart as soon as Democrats retook control of the House of Representatives two years later.) The history of 'rigged' US elections: from Bush v Gore to Trump v Clinton
And since their candidate lost, the liberal Boston Globe found:
More than 4,000 votes vanished without a trace into a computer's overloaded memory in one North Carolina county, and about a hundred paper ballots were thrown out by mistake in another. In Texas, a county needed help from a laboratory in Canada to unlock the memory of a touch-screen machine and unearth five dozen votes.​
It's appropriate that this thread is in the Satire section, considering how MAGA world is pretending that all he has done is "question" the elections.

Yeah, he was just sitting around one day, and questioned the elections. That's when the cops dragged him away. That's it. Poor guy. Persecuted 'n stuff.
He’s every right to question it.

Al Gore did it.

Hillary did it. On British TV. Incessantly. It was the Russians! :102:
All of these cases are little more than noise until they make their way to SCOTUS. If SCOTUS rules that the Dems are right, this nation is over. It'll be time to start making new plans for the future.
All of these cases are little more than noise until they make their way to SCOTUS. If SCOTUS rules that the Dems are right, this nation is over. It'll be time to start making new plans for the future.

I was wondering when they/it would step in, to decide things.
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Everyone has a right to question an election result.

It's a crime, however, to conspire and try to overthrow it.
Then you do question the reliability of the 2020 election results and the Democrats coverup of voter fraud that effectively deprived people of having any say in the election. That voter fraud amounted to a conspiracy to overthrow a sitting President, which it did.
Then you do question the reliability of the 2020 election results and the Democrats coverup of voter fraud that effectively deprived people of having any say in the election. That voter fraud amounted to a conspiracy to overthrow a sitting President, which it did.
Not in the slightest. The 2020 election was the most secure and fair in American history. It was certified by all 50 states, the majority with Republican certifiers. 99% of the witnesses are Republican.

To now say it was fraud reveals that you (1) know nothing, or (2) sucked in by a Qanon conspiracy theory.
It's appropriate that this thread is in the Satire section, considering how MAGA world is pretending that all he has done is "question" the elections.

Yeah, he was just sitting around one day, and questioned the elections. That's when the cops dragged him away. That's it. Poor guy. Persecuted 'n stuff.
Pair point.

He did not just "question" the election, he outright stated that it was fraudulent, rigged by the Deep State, and numerous other such statements. Statements, particularly statements about the machinations of our democracy, are precisely what the 1st Amendment is intended to protect. We put up with profanity in public, racist diatribes, misinformation, and comically unsupported claims disguised as science, so that we can be free to make such political statements.

This prosecution is an attack on that freedom. Not just for Donald Trump, but for every American.
Everyone has a right to question an election result.

It's a crime, however, to conspire and try to overthrow it.
It isn't a crime to petition government for redress. That's another key freedom protected by the 1st Amendment.

If the petition is denied, you are a petitioner whose petition did not prevail, not a criminal for having petitioned in the first place.
All of these cases are little more than noise until they make their way to SCOTUS. If SCOTUS rules that the Dems are right, this nation is over. It'll be time to start making new plans for the future.
Don't wait on that. Start now. If you haven't started already...
Then you do question the reliability of the 2020 election results and the Democrats coverup of voter fraud that effectively deprived people of having any say in the election. That voter fraud amounted to a conspiracy to overthrow a sitting President, which it did.
If you have credible evidence that happened, you should file charges, So far, there have been a lot of theories, but no proof.
Not in the slightest. The 2020 election was the most secure and fair in American history. It was certified by all 50 states, the majority with Republican certifiers. 99% of the witnesses are Republican.

To now say it was fraud reveals that you (1) know nothing, or (2) sucked in by a Qanon conspiracy theory.

Translation -- "We're scared shitless".

He’s every right to question it.

Al Gore did it.

Hillary did it. On British TV. Incessantly. It was the Russians! :102:
Except he's being prosecuted for his ACTIONS. Not his thoughts or questions.
Gore and Clinton made no such claims of "rigged" or "stolen".

Gore had a (the only) legitimate argument of questioning the results of an election in my lifetime. But, he still conceded. Even stood up in front of the Senate and proclaimed Bush the winner.
Clinton started claiming Russian interference (they did) months AFTER Trump was inaugurated. But she still lost. And she lost mainly because she took the three states that decided the election for granted...and Comey.

Translation -- "We're scared shitless".


You're absolutely right. We know those 60+ court cases were just a ruse to lull us into a sense of safety, but now that you have us in the right frame of mind, you're gonna spring your real proof that nobody has ever seen before. and really put us in our place. The fear is palpable.
I was wondering when they/it would step in, to decide things.
That's what worries me.

Three votes are certain lunatic votes.

Three are likely in line with sanity but the other three are going to depend on integrity over politics and I'm not confident of the results.
Pair point.

He did not just "question" the election, he outright stated that it was fraudulent, rigged by the Deep State, and numerous other such statements. Statements, particularly statements about the machinations of our democracy, are precisely what the 1st Amendment is intended to protect. We put up with profanity in public, racist diatribes, misinformation, and comically unsupported claims disguised as science, so that we can be free to make such political statements.

This prosecution is an attack on that freedom. Not just for Donald Trump, but for every American.

It isn't a crime to petition government for redress. That's another key freedom protected by the 1st Amendment.

If the petition is denied, you are a petitioner whose petition did not prevail, not a criminal for having petitioned in the first place.
Nope. Jack Smith saw this phony argument coming a mile away and clearly addressed it in the third paragraph of the indictment, below.

This is about what was DONE, not SAID, no matter how hard MAGA world wants to avoid it.

You're absolutely right. We know those 60+ court cases were just a ruse to lull us into a sense of safety, but now that you have us in the right frame of mind, you're gonna spring your real proof that nobody has ever seen before. and really put us in our place. The fear is palpable.

Nope. Jack Smith saw this phony argument coming a mile away and clearly addressed it in the third paragraph of the indictment, below.

This is about what was DONE, not SAID, no matter how hard MAGA world wants to avoid it.

None of that statement demonstrates any wrongdoing whatsoever. None...

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