Trump: China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day

This is one of those threads where you just have to laugh.

This is the entire title of the article:
China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

This is the title of this thread:
Trump: China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day

See the difference?
Doesn't matter. Both are a lie.
Trump lies about the soybeans. A nd the tards are like, "Well it doesn't matter he lied because we are winning Trump's protectionist trade war. And we know this because of a bunch of other bullshit he has spewed!"


Meanwhile, our trade deficit is INCREASING rapidly.

You just can't find more credulous rubes than the tards who are in love with the globalist Trump.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.

Better than nothing. I'm sure you'd rather have the deal fall through so you can continue your hammering on the President.

You people are really something.

Hell, the anti-Trumpers on this board were hoping and wishing for a free fall when the Dow was bumping 23k recently!
What a bunch of losers!

Yep....for some reason anything great for America and Americans becomes bad because Trump is POTUS.

These loons need serious help

I listened closely to what Larry Kudlow had to say at the WH presser the other day and came away with a bullish impression that Team Trump has a close bead on the pulse of our economy and they do, indeed, know what they're doing.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
/——/ Libtards will just change the narrative to something else. They never admit they are wrong.
5 million metric tons a day is FANTASY.........Would be about 18 times the amount we produce every year..............

10 Countries With Largest Soybean Production

I think your site is misinformed. US soybean production in 2017 was 4.3 billion bushels.

Corn Yield and Soybean Production Up in 2017, USDA Reports - Winter Wheat Seedings and Grain Stocks also reported
Conversion Table

The Op is in tons..........not bushels
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.

Better than nothing. I'm sure you'd rather have the deal fall through so you can continue your hammering on the President.

You people are really something.

Hell, the anti-Trumpers on this board were hoping and wishing for a free fall when the Dow was bumping 23k recently!
What a bunch of losers!

Losers is right. Look at all the "doom and gloom" predictions the left has made since 2016:

1. Trump will never run for President
2. Trump doesn’t really want to be President
3. Trump is only running to make more money in the next season of The Apprentice
4. Trump can never beat serious candidates like Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz
5. Trump can never win the nomination and will never be the nominee
6. Trumps numbers will nosedive long before the primaries get rolling
7. Trump cannot get enough delegates to secure the nomination
8. Trump cannot maintain a campaign through November
9. Trump will lose every debate
10. Billy Bush and the tape have ended the Trump campaign
11. Trump cannot compete against Hillary Clinton
12. Trump will destroy the Republican Party
13. Trump will destroy America
14. Trump can never win the General Election
15. Trump will never win Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina or Florida. It isn’t possible
16. Trump will never make it through his first 100 days
17. Trump will fail to get anything done
18. Trump will never pick conservative justices for the Federal Courts
19. Trump won’t be able to cut taxes for the American people
20. Trump can’t defeat ISIS in a few months
21. Trump will not be able to leave the Paris Climate Accords
22. Trump won’t be able to renegotiate NAFTA
23. There is no way Trump can get a deal on Dodd-Frank
24. Congress will never let Trump roll back regulations
25. Trump will cause World War 3
26. Trump will be the last President ever
27. Trump will never be able to move the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Moving the embassy will take years
28. Putting together a summit with Kim Jong Un will take years
29. Trump will never get GDP to 4% or better
30. Unemployment will never fall below 5% with Trump and certainly not below 4%
31. As President Trump will never be able to improve the Veterans
32. Trump will never be on good terms with China
33. Trump can say what he wants but he can never have any serious impact on Syria
34. Trump will never get anything done with Kim Jong Un because he could never get a summit in the first place

And this is just the short list. The truth is, the nay-saying "Chicken Little" doom-predicting left dearly wants him to fail, but he keeps delivering more than he promised. The left keeps scoring zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. And they're too effing stupid to realize how badly they're losing.

5 million metric tons a day is FANTASY.........Would be about 18 times the amount we produce every year..............

10 Countries With Largest Soybean Production

I think your site is misinformed. US soybean production in 2017 was 4.3 billion bushels.

Corn Yield and Soybean Production Up in 2017, USDA Reports - Winter Wheat Seedings and Grain Stocks also reported
Conversion Table

The Op is in tons..........not bushels

A bushel of soybeans weighs 60 pounds.

The math doesn't add up.
Trump lies about the soybeans. A nd the tards are like, "Well it doesn't matter he lied because we are winning Trump's protectionist trade war. And we know this because of a bunch of other bullshit he has spewed!"


Meanwhile, our trade deficit is INCREASING rapidly.

You just can't find more credulous rubes than the tards who are in love with the globalist Trump.
It's already been pointed out the other guy said the a day crap...........never what was intended anyway.........that would be about 1.5 billion bushels of soybeans.......

Just both sides scewing the data...............One side going I hate Trump......see he lied not caring the other guy said it...........

And the other going wow........5 million tons a

neither side is right on this one.
Well, when China and us hammer out a deal, the Dow will be nudging 30,000 later this year.
Bookmark this post.


Will bring it back up in July and see how you fared.

If it ends up being just short of 29k, I'm prepared for you to be bitchin' and attempting to shove that high water mark in my face...:1peleas:

if it ends just short of 29k I will be so fucking happy with my investments I will not care you were off by a little bit! I care more about money than making points on a political forum...just saying!
5 million metric tons a day is FANTASY.........Would be about 18 times the amount we produce every year..............

10 Countries With Largest Soybean Production

I think your site is misinformed. US soybean production in 2017 was 4.3 billion bushels.

Corn Yield and Soybean Production Up in 2017, USDA Reports - Winter Wheat Seedings and Grain Stocks also reported
Conversion Table

The Op is in tons..........not bushels

A bushel of soybeans weighs 60 pounds.

The math doesn't add up.
The full yields are in billions of bushels...........Not tons............takes 36.74 bushels for a metric ton. In 2018 we produced 4.6 Billion tons of soybeans.

which is about 130 metric tons of soybeans a year.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.

Better than nothing. I'm sure you'd rather have the deal fall through so you can continue your hammering on the President.

You people are really something.

Hell, the anti-Trumpers on this board were hoping and wishing for a free fall when the Dow was bumping 23k recently!
What a bunch of losers!
Weird the sh!t Republicans come up with when they’re always trying to say what Democrats are thinking.

Is it because the things Republicans think are so fuking weird? They just assume that what Democrats think is also weird?
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.

Better than nothing. I'm sure you'd rather have the deal fall through so you can continue your hammering on the President.

You people are really something.

Hell, the anti-Trumpers on this board were hoping and wishing for a free fall when the Dow was bumping 23k recently!
What a bunch of losers!
Weird the sh!t Republicans come up with when they’re always trying to say what Democrats are thinking.

Is it because the things Republicans think are so fuking weird? They just assume that what Democrats think is also weird?

You sound confused. No wonder, you belong to a visionless Party.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

You really need to stop drinking the Trump koolaid.

How many days at that rate equals the total US production?

...he didn't get where he is now by failing.

He got where he is by...

1. using Daddy's money
2. multiple bankruptcies
3. not paying his vendors
4. not paying his employees
5. charging tuition for ponzi schemes useless, uncredentialed schools
6. paying exorbitant hush-money to uphold his image because he couldn't keep his pekker in his pocket back-in-the-day

Ask me if I care. The only thing that matters is that he got where he is, to the highest office in this country.

BTW: How's that "Mueller" thingy coming along? :laughing0301:
He also didn't ride the affimitive action train to get where he got. Like the trasnsgender before him.

nope, just his daddy's money and his grandma's company.
Awe, you jealous?
Of a pimp, a robber-baron, and a draft-dodger? Not much.
...he didn't get where he is now by failing.

He got where he is by...

1. using Daddy's money
2. multiple bankruptcies
3. not paying his vendors
4. not paying his employees
5. charging tuition for ponzi schemes useless, uncredentialed schools
6. paying exorbitant hush-money to uphold his image because he couldn't keep his pekker in his pocket back-in-the-day

Ask me if I care. The only thing that matters is that he got where he is, to the highest office in this country.

BTW: How's that "Mueller" thingy coming along? :laughing0301:
He also didn't ride the affimitive action train to get where he got. Like the trasnsgender before him.

No he got his rich Daddy to buy him an admission to Wharton where he graduated with no distinctions, other than one of profs called Trump the dumbest student he ever had.
...he didn't get where he is now by failing.

He got where he is by...

1. using Daddy's money
2. multiple bankruptcies
3. not paying his vendors
4. not paying his employees
5. charging tuition for ponzi schemes useless, uncredentialed schools
6. paying exorbitant hush-money to uphold his image because he couldn't keep his pekker in his pocket back-in-the-day

Ask me if I care. The only thing that matters is that he got where he is, to the highest office in this country.

BTW: How's that "Mueller" thingy coming along? :laughing0301:
He also didn't ride the affimitive action train to get where he got. Like the trasnsgender before him.

No he got his rich Daddy to buy him an admission to Wharton where he graduated with no distinctions, other than one of profs called Trump the dumbest student he ever had.

What difference does that make? Obama was the smartest Affirmative Action student in college, yet the crappiest President we've ever had.

Trump has his performance beat hands down.
...he didn't get where he is now by failing.

He got where he is by...

1. using Daddy's money
2. multiple bankruptcies
3. not paying his vendors
4. not paying his employees
5. charging tuition for ponzi schemes useless, uncredentialed schools
6. paying exorbitant hush-money to uphold his image because he couldn't keep his pekker in his pocket back-in-the-day

Ask me if I care. The only thing that matters is that he got where he is, to the highest office in this country.

BTW: How's that "Mueller" thingy coming along? :laughing0301:
He also didn't ride the affimitive action train to get where he got. Like the trasnsgender before him.

No he got his rich Daddy to buy him an admission to Wharton where he graduated with no distinctions, other than one of profs called Trump the dumbest student he ever had.

What difference does that make? Obama was the smartest Affirmative Action student in college, yet the crappiest President we've ever had.

Trump has his performance beat hands down.
That depends on the nature of your yardstick and what it is measuring...
Trump lies about the soybeans. A nd the tards are like, "Well it doesn't matter he lied because we are winning Trump's protectionist trade war. And we know this because of a bunch of other bullshit he has spewed!"


Meanwhile, our trade deficit is INCREASING rapidly.

You just can't find more credulous rubes than the tards who are in love with the globalist Trump.
It's already been pointed out the other guy said the a day crap...........never what was intended anyway.........that would be about 1.5 billion bushels of soybeans.......

Just both sides scewing the data...............One side going I hate Trump......see he lied not caring the other guy said it...........

And the other going wow........5 million tons a

neither side is right on this one.
The last I heard it was 1,000,000,000 bushels of soybeans and that came from the department of agriculture.

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