Trump: China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day

Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
Horseshit! Do you have any fucking idea how much 5 million metric tonnes of soybeans is? It would be an utter impossibility to even deliver that amount of beans in a day. Five million tonnes TOTAL or ~4.2% of US production maybe, and that sure as Hell would show a market loss from where the US was with Brazil and Argentina taking up the difference the US lost in Trumpy's great deal!

Hell, your own bloody source says that China only bought 23 million tonnes from the US last year, Smack, which was about 20% of total US production 116.9 million tonnes in 2017! That's a loss of about 80% year over. Great deal maker Trumpy!

Last year, the entire soybean production in the US was only 120.04 million tonnes.
~~ (page 24) ~~

Taking 5 million tonnes a day per the lying Clown, that would total to 24 five million tonne load deliveries for the entire annual bean production of the US.

If you believe that bullshit Trump tried to sell, I have the 1947 Studebaker Land Cruiser that Elvis lost his virginity in, and I'll sell it to ya for just $2.50 with a full tank of gas!

Simply put, Trump is a God Damn LIAR AND FOOL, and he sunk his hook deep into your gullible gullet!

Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey you puffed up sack of shit keyboard commando, read the title of the OP. Then read the first two sentences of the OP, asswipe!

I did the necessary research to find the truth about the article and the dumb ass agitating fraud & Randian pretender, JGalt, who did nothing to find the truth. Then I attacked the obvious and impossible lies of the falsehoods presented in the OP. What does the sum total of the OP's title, the OP's opening comments and the cited article itself say Hotshot? What was boasted and crowed over when it was so painfully obvious it was embedded in a LIE!

If you believe it's credible that the US could deliver to China 4.2% of the US soybean production of 2017 in a single day multiple times, you are a stone cold fucking IDIOT! I got nothing wrong in my critique but the same can't be said about the OP or your own pitiful dragging ass, you fucking blowhard!!

Due diligence is required by all desiring credibility, BUT you and JGalt have been found lacking those qualities. Now piss off, Boi!!
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
Horseshit! Do you have any fucking idea how much 5 million metric tonnes of soybeans is? It would be an utter impossibility to even deliver that amount of beans in a day. Five million tonnes TOTAL or ~4.2% of US production maybe, and that sure as Hell would show a market loss from where the US was with Brazil and Argentina taking up the difference the US lost in Trumpy's great deal!

Hell, your own bloody source says that China only bought 23 million tonnes from the US last year, Smack, which was about 20% of total US production 116.9 million tonnes in 2017! That's a loss of about 80% year over. Great deal maker Trumpy!

Last year, the entire soybean production in the US was only 120.04 million tonnes.
~~ (page 24) ~~

Taking 5 million tonnes a day per the lying Clown, that would total to 24 five million tonne load deliveries for the entire annual bean production of the US.

If you believe that bullshit Trump tried to sell, I have the 1947 Studebaker Land Cruiser that Elvis lost his virginity in, and I'll sell it to ya for just $2.50 with a full tank of gas!

Simply put, Trump is a God Damn LIAR AND FOOL, and he sunk his hook deep into your gullible gullet!

Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.

And in addition to that, it was the Wall Street Journal and Reuters who quoted the Chinese guy. President Trump did say "per day" but a U.S. administration official told Reuters the exact amount was misinterpreted, and it is not a per day amount but rather one purchase of 5 million metric tons.

I don't blame President Trump for his mis-quote, as he has a lot of stuff going on. He's not a freaking robot and you know the left wants to ding him at every opportunity, regardless of the great job he's doing.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.

Better than nothing. I'm sure you'd rather have the deal fall through so you can continue your hammering on the President.

You people are really something.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
Horseshit! Do you have any fucking idea how much 5 million metric tonnes of soybeans is? It would be an utter impossibility to even deliver that amount of beans in a day. Five million tonnes TOTAL or ~4.2% of US production maybe, and that sure as Hell would show a market loss from where the US was with Brazil and Argentina taking up the difference the US lost in Trumpy's great deal!

Hell, your own bloody source says that China only bought 23 million tonnes from the US last year, Smack, which was about 20% of total US production 116.9 million tonnes in 2017! That's a loss of about 80% year over. Great deal maker Trumpy!

Last year, the entire soybean production in the US was only 120.04 million tonnes.
~~ (page 24) ~~

Taking 5 million tonnes a day per the lying Clown, that would total to 24 five million tonne load deliveries for the entire annual bean production of the US.

If you believe that bullshit Trump tried to sell, I have the 1947 Studebaker Land Cruiser that Elvis lost his virginity in, and I'll sell it to ya for just $2.50 with a full tank of gas!

Simply put, Trump is a God Damn LIAR AND FOOL, and he sunk his hook deep into your gullible gullet!

Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey you puffed up sack of shit keyboard commando, read the title of the OP. Then read the first two sentences of the OP, asswipe!

I did the necessary research to find the truth about the article and the dumb ass agitating fraud & Randian pretender, JGalt, who did nothing to find the truth. Then I attacked the obvious and impossible lies of the falsehoods presented in the OP. What does the sum total of the OP's title, the OP's opening comments and the cited article itself say Hotshot? What was boasted and crowed over when it was so painfully obvious it was embedded in a LIE!

If you believe it's credible that the US could deliver to China 4.2% of the US soybean production of 2017 in a single day multiple times, you are a stone cold fucking IDIOT! I got nothing wrong in my critique but the same can't be said about the OP or your own pitiful dragging ass, you fucking blowhard!!

Due diligence is required by all desiring credibility, BUT you and JGalt have been found lacking those qualities. Now piss off, Boi!!

Dude. Are we having an "episode"? Of course the Chinese guy and two news agencies got the numbers wrong, and Trump was guilty of repeating what they said.

Regardless, it's still a good deal he worked out with the Chinese, as we're getting some important things in return.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
Horseshit! Do you have any fucking idea how much 5 million metric tonnes of soybeans is? It would be an utter impossibility to even deliver that amount of beans in a day. Five million tonnes TOTAL or ~4.2% of US production maybe, and that sure as Hell would show a market loss from where the US was with Brazil and Argentina taking up the difference the US lost in Trumpy's great deal!

Hell, your own bloody source says that China only bought 23 million tonnes from the US last year, Smack, which was about 20% of total US production 116.9 million tonnes in 2017! That's a loss of about 80% year over. Great deal maker Trumpy!

Last year, the entire soybean production in the US was only 120.04 million tonnes.
~~ (page 24) ~~

Taking 5 million tonnes a day per the lying Clown, that would total to 24 five million tonne load deliveries for the entire annual bean production of the US.

If you believe that bullshit Trump tried to sell, I have the 1947 Studebaker Land Cruiser that Elvis lost his virginity in, and I'll sell it to ya for just $2.50 with a full tank of gas!

Simply put, Trump is a God Damn LIAR AND FOOL, and he sunk his hook deep into your gullible gullet!

Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey you puffed up sack of shit keyboard commando, read the title of the OP. Then read the first two sentences of the OP, asswipe!

I did the necessary research to find the truth about the article and the dumb ass agitating fraud & Randian pretender, JGalt, who did nothing to find the truth. Then I attacked the obvious and impossible lies of the falsehoods presented in the OP. What does the sum total of the OP's title, the OP's opening comments and the cited article itself say Hotshot? What was boasted and crowed over when it was so painfully obvious it was embedded in a LIE!

If you believe it's credible that the US could deliver to China 4.2% of the US soybean production of 2017 in a single day multiple times, you are a stone cold fucking IDIOT! I got nothing wrong in my critique but the same can't be said about the OP or your own pitiful dragging ass, you fucking blowhard!!

Due diligence is required by all desiring credibility, BUT you and JGalt have been found lacking those qualities. Now piss off, Boi!!

Dude. Are we having an "episode"? Of course the Chinese guy and two news agencies got the numbers wrong, and Trump was guilty of repeating what they said.

Regardless, it's still a good deal he worked out with the Chinese, as we're getting some important things in return.

A "good deal"...he got them to agree to do what they were doing before his started his trade war and had to pay the farmers 12 billion dollars to keep them from revolting against him.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.

Better than nothing. I'm sure you'd rather have the deal fall through so you can continue your hammering on the President.

You people are really something.
Better than nothing? It's much less than BEFORE the trade war, you sap!

No wonder Trump lies to you. You BEG to be lied to. He must really hold you idiots in total contempt.
The Trade negotiations truce is in effect until March 1st. They are hammering out differences with both trying to get a better deal. This is how it works...........And it only works if you have the guts to CALL THEM on their unfair Trade Practices.

Surrendering to whatever China wanted in the past was the norm.............SURRENDER MONKEYS..........everyone predicted GLOOM AND DOOM.......the sky is not falling.....our economy is booming..........and GDP of China is falling.................This is economic pressure to do a deal...........and it is working........the end result on final deals is still in question.

Stop waving the WHITE FLAGS.........or move to France.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.

Better than nothing. I'm sure you'd rather have the deal fall through so you can continue your hammering on the President.

You people are really something.
Better than nothing? It's much less than BEFORE the trade war, you sap!

As usual, you leftards can never see the "big picture", because you're too busy looking at what's dripping from your snotty booger-infested noses.

What is China's cutting tariffs on American-manufactured cars, working to prevent their theft of valuable corporate secrets, and the allowing of foreign investors into more industries worth to you? Just the Chinese theft of intellectual-property alone costs this country about $600 billion a year.

Those are what we got, in addition to their continuing purchase of the soybeans. And what did Trump offer them? Merely the possibility of additional tariffs on $200 billion a year of Chinese-made goods in March.

You guys and girls seriously suck big fat donkey anuses at making deals. I thank God every day that you brainless zipperheads aren't running this country any more.
Remember the leftists told us China would buy their soybeans from Brazil or Argentina and we'd lose the market permanently? They'll deny ever saying that but I recall it quite vividly. Nobody grows the quantity and quality of food products we do....nobody is even close. Thanks #45.....I thought we'd lost the country to the dirtbags until you came along. :thup:

The soybeans from Argentina and Brazil don't start flowing for a couple of months which is precisely why we got this ONE TIME deal from China.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.

Better than nothing. I'm sure you'd rather have the deal fall through so you can continue your hammering on the President.

You people are really something.
Better than nothing? It's much less than BEFORE the trade war, you sap!

As usual, you leftards can never see the "big picture", because you're too busy looking at what's dripping from your snotty booger-infested noses.

What is China's cutting tariffs on American-manufactured cars, working to prevent their theft of valuable corporate secrets, and the allowing of foreign investors into more industries worth to you? Just the Chinese theft of intellectual-property alone costs this country about $600 billion a year.

Those are what we got, in addition to their continuing purchase of the soybeans. And what did Trump offer them? Merely the possibility of additional tariffs on $200 billion a year of Chinese-made goods in March.

You guys and girls seriously suck big fat donkey anuses at making deals. I thank God every day that you brainless zipperheads aren't running this country any more.

Man, you are even more credulous than I realized! :lol:
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.

Better than nothing. I'm sure you'd rather have the deal fall through so you can continue your hammering on the President.

You people are really something.
Better than nothing? It's much less than BEFORE the trade war, you sap!

As usual, you leftards can never see the "big picture", because you're too busy looking at what's dripping from your snotty booger-infested noses.

What is China's cutting tariffs on American-manufactured cars, working to prevent their theft of valuable corporate secrets, and the allowing of foreign investors into more industries worth to you? Just the Chinese theft of intellectual-property alone costs this country about $600 billion a year.

Those are what we got, in addition to their continuing purchase of the soybeans. And what did Trump offer them? Merely the possibility of additional tariffs on $200 billion a year of Chinese-made goods in March.

You guys and girls seriously suck big fat donkey anuses at making deals. I thank God every day that you brainless zipperheads aren't running this country any more.

Man, you are even more credulous than I realized! :lol:

Dude, you're going to realize just how gullible and naive you are when Trump is still sitting in the Oval Office in 2021.
However much China buys its a win for our soybean farmers.

And we will get that wall.

The bean farmers are some happy campers. They got billions in handouts from Trump because of his trade war, and now they get to sell most of their excess beans to the very people they were selling them to about double dipping.

Delusional. Five million tons is not squat.
This is one of those threads where you just have to laugh.

This is the entire title of the article:
China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

This is the title of this thread:
Trump: China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day

See the difference?

Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.

Better than nothing. I'm sure you'd rather have the deal fall through so you can continue your hammering on the President.

You people are really something.

Hell, the anti-Trumpers on this board were hoping and wishing for a free fall when the Dow was bumping 23k recently!
What a bunch of losers!
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.

Better than nothing. I'm sure you'd rather have the deal fall through so you can continue your hammering on the President.

You people are really something.

Hell, the anti-Trumpers on this board were hoping and wishing for a free fall when the Dow was bumping 23k recently!
What a bunch of losers!

Yep....for some reason anything great for America and Americans becomes bad because Trump is POTUS.

These loons need serious help

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