Trump: China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day

Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.

Better than nothing. I'm sure you'd rather have the deal fall through so you can continue your hammering on the President.

You people are really something.

Hell, the anti-Trumpers on this board were hoping and wishing for a free fall when the Dow was bumping 23k recently!
What a bunch of losers!

Losers is right. Look at all the "doom and gloom" predictions the left has made since 2016:

1. Trump will never run for President
2. Trump doesn’t really want to be President
3. Trump is only running to make more money in the next season of The Apprentice
4. Trump can never beat serious candidates like Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz
5. Trump can never win the nomination and will never be the nominee
6. Trumps numbers will nosedive long before the primaries get rolling
7. Trump cannot get enough delegates to secure the nomination
8. Trump cannot maintain a campaign through November
9. Trump will lose every debate
10. Billy Bush and the tape have ended the Trump campaign
11. Trump cannot compete against Hillary Clinton
12. Trump will destroy the Republican Party
13. Trump will destroy America
14. Trump can never win the General Election
15. Trump will never win Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina or Florida. It isn’t possible
16. Trump will never make it through his first 100 days
17. Trump will fail to get anything done
18. Trump will never pick conservative justices for the Federal Courts
19. Trump won’t be able to cut taxes for the American people
20. Trump can’t defeat ISIS in a few months
21. Trump will not be able to leave the Paris Climate Accords
22. Trump won’t be able to renegotiate NAFTA
23. There is no way Trump can get a deal on Dodd-Frank
24. Congress will never let Trump roll back regulations
25. Trump will cause World War 3
26. Trump will be the last President ever
27. Trump will never be able to move the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Moving the embassy will take years
28. Putting together a summit with Kim Jong Un will take years
29. Trump will never get GDP to 4% or better
30. Unemployment will never fall below 5% with Trump and certainly not below 4%
31. As President Trump will never be able to improve the Veterans
32. Trump will never be on good terms with China
33. Trump can say what he wants but he can never have any serious impact on Syria
34. Trump will never get anything done with Kim Jong Un because he could never get a summit in the first place

And this is just the short list. The truth is, the nay-saying "Chicken Little" doom-predicting left dearly wants him to fail, but he keeps delivering more than he promised. The left keeps scoring zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. And they're too effing stupid to realize how badly they're losing.

Funny how many of those actually have been coming true. Trump is destroying the Republican Party. Remember the GOP was the party of Lincoln. And now because of Trump it’s the party of the KKK and the Aryan nation and the alt white.

Trump didn’t cut taxes for the American people. He cut taxes for billionaires and corporations. But in this country all Americans are the American people, not just a few wealthy.

Isis isn’t defeated. And that’s according to his own Intel officers.

Trump rolled back regulations. That’s why they’re swimming in pig sh!t and radioactive ash in North Carolina. The damage he’s caused to the environment will last for decades.

I mystified by what you think he’s done with the murderous dictator of North Korea.

You bring up NAFTA but you forget to mention the trans Pacific treaty that causes our beef to cost 27% more than Australians and our wheat 14% more than Canada.

So as time goes by, it looks like more and more of those are coming true. And a whole lot of ones that we didn’t even see coming.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

That is winning! Trump is a good president, better than any other in my lifetime.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
5 million metric tons "per day", according to Lyin' Donald.

The US produces about 120 million metric tons of soybeans a year: Production of soybeans in the U.S. 2017 | Statistic

5 million metric tons "per day" would go through our entire national soybean production in less than a month.

Once again, Trump is full of shit.

The total sale is probably 5 million metric tons. A one-off.

Better than nothing. I'm sure you'd rather have the deal fall through so you can continue your hammering on the President.

You people are really something.

Hell, the anti-Trumpers on this board were hoping and wishing for a free fall when the Dow was bumping 23k recently!
What a bunch of losers!

Losers is right. Look at all the "doom and gloom" predictions the left has made since 2016:

1. Trump will never run for President
2. Trump doesn’t really want to be President
3. Trump is only running to make more money in the next season of The Apprentice
4. Trump can never beat serious candidates like Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz
5. Trump can never win the nomination and will never be the nominee
6. Trumps numbers will nosedive long before the primaries get rolling
7. Trump cannot get enough delegates to secure the nomination
8. Trump cannot maintain a campaign through November
9. Trump will lose every debate
10. Billy Bush and the tape have ended the Trump campaign
11. Trump cannot compete against Hillary Clinton
12. Trump will destroy the Republican Party
13. Trump will destroy America
14. Trump can never win the General Election
15. Trump will never win Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina or Florida. It isn’t possible
16. Trump will never make it through his first 100 days
17. Trump will fail to get anything done
18. Trump will never pick conservative justices for the Federal Courts
19. Trump won’t be able to cut taxes for the American people
20. Trump can’t defeat ISIS in a few months
21. Trump will not be able to leave the Paris Climate Accords
22. Trump won’t be able to renegotiate NAFTA
23. There is no way Trump can get a deal on Dodd-Frank
24. Congress will never let Trump roll back regulations
25. Trump will cause World War 3
26. Trump will be the last President ever
27. Trump will never be able to move the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Moving the embassy will take years
28. Putting together a summit with Kim Jong Un will take years
29. Trump will never get GDP to 4% or better
30. Unemployment will never fall below 5% with Trump and certainly not below 4%
31. As President Trump will never be able to improve the Veterans
32. Trump will never be on good terms with China
33. Trump can say what he wants but he can never have any serious impact on Syria
34. Trump will never get anything done with Kim Jong Un because he could never get a summit in the first place

And this is just the short list. The truth is, the nay-saying "Chicken Little" doom-predicting left dearly wants him to fail, but he keeps delivering more than he promised. The left keeps scoring zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. And they're too effing stupid to realize how badly they're losing.

Funny how many of those actually have been coming true. Trump is destroying the Republican Party. Remember the GOP was the party of Lincoln. And now because of Trump it’s the party of the KKK and the Aryan nation and the alt white.

Trump didn’t cut taxes for the American people. He cut taxes for billionaires and corporations. But in this country all Americans are the American people, not just a few wealthy.

Isis isn’t defeated. And that’s according to his own Intel officers.

Trump rolled back regulations. That’s why they’re swimming in pig sh!t and radioactive ash in North Carolina. The damage he’s caused to the environment will last for decades.

I mystified by what you think he’s done with the murderous dictator of North Korea.

You bring up NAFTA but you forget to mention the trans Pacific treaty that causes our beef to cost 27% more than Australians and our wheat 14% more than Canada.

So as time goes by, it looks like more and more of those are coming true. And a whole lot of ones that we didn’t even see coming.


Due diligence is required by all desiring credibility, BUT you and JGalt have been found lacking those qualities. Now piss off, Boi!!

Or're going to have a coronary or a cerebral thrombosis? STFU you punk...nobody is this angry all day every day without being in prison or a cubicle monkey.....JGalt's headline was accurate when he wrote it and you only have a few minutes to change a headline before you have to ask a Mod to do shove your meltdown up your ass.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
Well thank you trump for returning less than five percent of what was sold before the tarriffs. I bet the farmers are ecstatic. You are a dumb fuck!
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

That is winning! Trump is a good president, better than any other in my lifetime.

Trump is a terrible POTUS & a piece of dog crap.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

That is winning! Trump is a good president, better than any other in my lifetime.

Trump is a terrible POTUS & a piece of dog crap.

5 million tons of soybeans a day. In what way is the president a "terrible POTUS", you faggot leftist shill loose cat crap?
Due diligence is required by all desiring credibility, BUT you and JGalt have been found lacking those qualities. Now piss off, Boi!!

Or're going to have a coronary or a cerebral thrombosis? STFU you punk...nobody is this angry all day every day without being in prison or a cubicle monkey.....JGalt's headline was accurate when he wrote it and you only have a few minutes to change a headline before you have to ask a Mod to do shove your meltdown up your ass.

Post # 60 puts the OP's claim to shame & exposes the OP's claim for the bullshit that it is.

POST # 60:
Statistics show the production of soybeans in the United States from 2000 to 2017. According to the report, roughly 4.31 billion bushels of soybeans were produced in the country in 2016. Around 31.86 million metric tons of soybeans were exported to China that year.

So, 31.86 million metric tons is about 35.4 million conventional tons.
How in hell is China gonna purchase "5 million tons a day" and how long will that last; about 7, maybe 8 days?

Who comes up with this bullshit from the OP?


so shove your meltdown up your ass
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

That is winning! Trump is a good president, better than any other in my lifetime.

Trump is a terrible POTUS & a piece of dog crap.

5 million tons of soybeans a day. In what way is the president a "terrible POTUS", you faggot leftist shill loose cat crap?

YOU obviously do NOT understand the FACTUAL history of Chinese purchases of US soy bean production.

But one would expect that from a complete dumb fvck like U.
Due diligence is required by all desiring credibility, BUT you and JGalt have been found lacking those qualities. Now piss off, Boi!!

Or're going to have a coronary or a cerebral thrombosis? STFU you punk...nobody is this angry all day every day without being in prison or a cubicle monkey.....JGalt's headline was accurate when he wrote it and you only have a few minutes to change a headline before you have to ask a Mod to do shove your meltdown up your ass.

Post # 60 puts the OP's claim to shame & exposes the OP's claim for the bullshit that it is.

POST # 60:
Statistics show the production of soybeans in the United States from 2000 to 2017. According to the report, roughly 4.31 billion bushels of soybeans were produced in the country in 2016. Around 31.86 million metric tons of soybeans were exported to China that year.

So, 31.86 million metric tons is about 35.4 million conventional tons.
How in hell is China gonna purchase "5 million tons a day" and how long will that last; about 7, maybe 8 days?

Who comes up with this bullshit from the OP?


so shove your meltdown up your ass

Who claims things without a link? You.

Link or go fuck yourself. There's no link in post #60, and your word just isn't good enough, sorry.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

That is winning! Trump is a good president, better than any other in my lifetime.

Trump is a terrible POTUS & a piece of dog crap.

5 million tons of soybeans a day. In what way is the president a "terrible POTUS", you faggot leftist shill loose cat crap?

YOU obviously do NOT understand the FACTUAL history of Chinese purchases of US soy bean production.

But one would expect that from a complete dumb fvck like U.

You obviously cannot back anything up with a credible link and shortly should be summarily dismissed.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington


LOSING ................ MAGGOT
YOU obviously do NOT understand the FACTUAL history of Chinese purchases of US soy bean production.

But one would expect that from a complete dumb fvck like U.

We can't all be smart like you caddo.....if we were we'd be making those kit-wallets in an elder-care facility like you probably are.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
Horseshit! Do you have any fucking idea how much 5 million metric tonnes of soybeans is? It would be an utter impossibility to even deliver that amount of beans in a day. Five million tonnes TOTAL or ~4.2% of US production maybe, and that sure as Hell would show a market loss from where the US was with Brazil and Argentina taking up the difference the US lost in Trumpy's great deal!

Hell, your own bloody source says that China only bought 23 million tonnes from the US last year, Smack, which was about 20% of total US production 116.9 million tonnes in 2017! That's a loss of about 80% year over. Great deal maker Trumpy!

Last year, the entire soybean production in the US was only 120.04 million tonnes.
~~ (page 24) ~~

Taking 5 million tonnes a day per the lying Clown, that would total to 24 five million tonne load deliveries for the entire annual bean production of the US.

If you believe that bullshit Trump tried to sell, I have the 1947 Studebaker Land Cruiser that Elvis lost his virginity in, and I'll sell it to ya for just $2.50 with a full tank of gas!

Simply put, Trump is a God Damn LIAR AND FOOL, and he sunk his hook deep into your gullible gullet!

Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey you puffed up sack of shit keyboard commando, read the title of the OP. Then read the first two sentences of the OP, asswipe!

I did the necessary research to find the truth about the article and the dumb ass agitating fraud & Randian pretender, JGalt, who did nothing to find the truth. Then I attacked the obvious and impossible lies of the falsehoods presented in the OP. What does the sum total of the OP's title, the OP's opening comments and the cited article itself say Hotshot? What was boasted and crowed over when it was so painfully obvious it was embedded in a LIE!

If you believe it's credible that the US could deliver to China 4.2% of the US soybean production of 2017 in a single day multiple times, you are a stone cold fucking IDIOT! I got nothing wrong in my critique but the same can't be said about the OP or your own pitiful dragging ass, you fucking blowhard!!

Due diligence is required by all desiring credibility, BUT you and JGalt have been found lacking those qualities. Now piss off, Boi!!

Dude. Are we having an "episode"? Of course the Chinese guy and two news agencies got the numbers wrong, and Trump was guilty of repeating what they said.

Regardless, it's still a good deal he worked out with the Chinese, as we're getting some important things in return.
Of course the Chinese guy and two news agencies got the numbers wrong, and Trump was guilty of repeating what they said.
Really, you bloody lying fraud! Why wasn't that in your OP instead of your crowing in the first two sentences of the OP! You simply wanted to talk shit and crow like a God Damn immature brat. You didn't know about that then and you just wanted to fly your partisan freak flag! You didn't give a shit about the IMPOSSIBILITY of trumps claim of the volume of product and time relationship. You just picked up your flagon of Trump piss and drank deeply, ya damn fraud!
Regardless, it's still a good deal he worked out with the Chinese, as we're getting some important things in return.
You really haven't a fucking clue, do you? You actually believe the Chinese agreeing to buy only 20% of the beans they contracted for last year is a good deal? And what are the "important things" were getting in return? Fucking Chinese handcuffs to bind up undocumented's on the southern boarder? Kid, you don't know what the Sam Hill you're talking about! Trump's a damn fraud and some day you'll be secretly embarrassed you were a Trump Ass Smacker with those fine lips of yours!
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
Horseshit! Do you have any fucking idea how much 5 million metric tonnes of soybeans is? It would be an utter impossibility to even deliver that amount of beans in a day. Five million tonnes TOTAL or ~4.2% of US production maybe, and that sure as Hell would show a market loss from where the US was with Brazil and Argentina taking up the difference the US lost in Trumpy's great deal!

Hell, your own bloody source says that China only bought 23 million tonnes from the US last year, Smack, which was about 20% of total US production 116.9 million tonnes in 2017! That's a loss of about 80% year over. Great deal maker Trumpy!

Last year, the entire soybean production in the US was only 120.04 million tonnes.
~~ (page 24) ~~

Taking 5 million tonnes a day per the lying Clown, that would total to 24 five million tonne load deliveries for the entire annual bean production of the US.

If you believe that bullshit Trump tried to sell, I have the 1947 Studebaker Land Cruiser that Elvis lost his virginity in, and I'll sell it to ya for just $2.50 with a full tank of gas!

Simply put, Trump is a God Damn LIAR AND FOOL, and he sunk his hook deep into your gullible gullet!

Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey you puffed up sack of shit keyboard commando, read the title of the OP. Then read the first two sentences of the OP, asswipe!

I did the necessary research to find the truth about the article and the dumb ass agitating fraud & Randian pretender, JGalt, who did nothing to find the truth. Then I attacked the obvious and impossible lies of the falsehoods presented in the OP. What does the sum total of the OP's title, the OP's opening comments and the cited article itself say Hotshot? What was boasted and crowed over when it was so painfully obvious it was embedded in a LIE!

If you believe it's credible that the US could deliver to China 4.2% of the US soybean production of 2017 in a single day multiple times, you are a stone cold fucking IDIOT! I got nothing wrong in my critique but the same can't be said about the OP or your own pitiful dragging ass, you fucking blowhard!!

Due diligence is required by all desiring credibility, BUT you and JGalt have been found lacking those qualities. Now piss off, Boi!!

Dude. Are we having an "episode"? Of course the Chinese guy and two news agencies got the numbers wrong, and Trump was guilty of repeating what they said.

Regardless, it's still a good deal he worked out with the Chinese, as we're getting some important things in return.
Of course the Chinese guy and two news agencies got the numbers wrong, and Trump was guilty of repeating what they said.
Really, you bloody lying fraud! Why wasn't that in your OP instead of your crowing in the first two sentences of the OP! You simply wanted to talk shit and crow like a God Damn immature brat. You didn't know about that then and you just wanted to fly your partisan freak flag! You didn't give a shit about the IMPOSSIBILITY of trumps claim of the volume of product and time relationship. You just picked up your flagon of Trump piss and drank deeply, ya damn fraud!
Regardless, it's still a good deal he worked out with the Chinese, as we're getting some important things in return.
You really haven't a fucking clue, do you? You actually believe the Chinese agreeing to buy only 20% of the beans they contracted for last year is a good deal? And what are the "important things" were getting in return? Fucking Chinese handcuffs to bind up undocumented's on the southern boarder? Kid, you don't know what the Sam Hill you're talking about! Trump's a damn fraud and some day you'll be secretly embarrassed you were a Trump Ass Smacker with those fine lips of yours!

Bitch! Obviously you're not American, or hetero enough to understand the fish-story telling uncle. Piss off, wanker!

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