Trump: China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day

5 million/day is not right.

56.064 million mt estimate exports for the entire marketing year.

^ That's still quite a bit. Around 1 million tons a week.
Ofc dipshit has no credibility yet.

PS, dipshit, your stuff is from 2016, when Obama was president. ;)

US soybean net exports decrease 33.23% on week: USDA | S&P Global Platts

yep; math aint your forte jackwad

My math/your math=>2, bitchboy. I tend to have that area downpat since college. Not since high school, I took algebra 7x in jr.high-high school. Got to college with a good professor and it all lined up. All As in all math, faggot.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington


LOSING ................ MAGGOT

Who’s your President now Dumb Ass…

That’s right…..

Come on now, I know you can say it…

President Donald J. Trump…

Stacking the courts for future generations………..

Trump stuck it up your libtarded asses sideways……..

Is life good or what? :fu:
Last edited:
5 million/day is not right.

56.064 million mt estimate exports for the entire marketing year.

^ That's still quite a bit. Around 1 million tons a week.
Ofc dipshit has no credibility yet.

PS, dipshit, your stuff is from 2016, when Obama was president. ;)

US soybean net exports decrease 33.23% on week: USDA | S&P Global Platts

yep; math aint your forte jackwad

My math/your math=>2, bitchboy. I tend to have that area downpat since college. Not since high school, I took algebra 7x in jr.high-high school. Got to college with a good professor and it all lined up. All As in all math, faggot.

YOU took algebra 7 times because you FAILED it 6 times.

Yep, professor; U R A dumb ass
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

Breaking even after a year long fight that he started is not a victory, it is a failure.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

Breaking even after a year long fight that he started is not a victory, it is a failure.

to someone that failed algebra 6 times breaking even is a GAIN :abgg2q.jpg:
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

Breaking even after a year long fight that he started is not a victory, it is a failure.

You are wrong Cock Head......
It is amazing, in a very BAD way, that so many in this thread think that treading water is a good thing when one is drowning.

Way to go TrumPutins; you are looking dumber by the second.

Do the math, look at TrumPutin's madness & lies, realize you are being lied to, and none of this soy bean shit adds up to reality.
Due diligence is required by all desiring credibility, BUT you and JGalt have been found lacking those qualities. Now piss off, Boi!!

Or're going to have a coronary or a cerebral thrombosis? STFU you punk...nobody is this angry all day every day without being in prison or a cubicle monkey.....JGalt's headline was accurate when he wrote it and you only have a few minutes to change a headline before you have to ask a Mod to do shove your meltdown up your ass.
STFU you punk...
Interpretation: Uh, Uh, Uh...what am I going to say to that...OH, I know... I won't mention anything in his response... and, and I'll change the subject... and act really tough... fluff it up with some BS...and hope it's believable so I can pretend someone bought my shtick!

Didn't work, Boi! And is editing a headline on a posted OP a new feature on this editor, Boi? I've never been able to do that after I've posted an OP and others have had the same luck over the last 6-7 years I've been on this board! But hey, maybe it has been changed at midnight on News Years.

Know what the fuck your talking about before you post it, foolish Boi! Smart folks know when to stop digging you bloody fool! Think and stop digging, dummy, or ask a nice policeman to walk you home to Mommy!!
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

Breaking even after a year long fight that he started is not a victory, it is a failure.

You are wrong Cock Head......

That was powerful. How could anyone fail to be persuaded by such a dazzling display of intellect.
Horseshit! Do you have any fucking idea how much 5 million metric tonnes of soybeans is? It would be an utter impossibility to even deliver that amount of beans in a day. Five million tonnes TOTAL or ~4.2% of US production maybe, and that sure as Hell would show a market loss from where the US was with Brazil and Argentina taking up the difference the US lost in Trumpy's great deal!

Hell, your own bloody source says that China only bought 23 million tonnes from the US last year, Smack, which was about 20% of total US production 116.9 million tonnes in 2017! That's a loss of about 80% year over. Great deal maker Trumpy!

Last year, the entire soybean production in the US was only 120.04 million tonnes.
~~ (page 24) ~~

Taking 5 million tonnes a day per the lying Clown, that would total to 24 five million tonne load deliveries for the entire annual bean production of the US.

If you believe that bullshit Trump tried to sell, I have the 1947 Studebaker Land Cruiser that Elvis lost his virginity in, and I'll sell it to ya for just $2.50 with a full tank of gas!

Simply put, Trump is a God Damn LIAR AND FOOL, and he sunk his hook deep into your gullible gullet!

Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey you puffed up sack of shit keyboard commando, read the title of the OP. Then read the first two sentences of the OP, asswipe!

I did the necessary research to find the truth about the article and the dumb ass agitating fraud & Randian pretender, JGalt, who did nothing to find the truth. Then I attacked the obvious and impossible lies of the falsehoods presented in the OP. What does the sum total of the OP's title, the OP's opening comments and the cited article itself say Hotshot? What was boasted and crowed over when it was so painfully obvious it was embedded in a LIE!

If you believe it's credible that the US could deliver to China 4.2% of the US soybean production of 2017 in a single day multiple times, you are a stone cold fucking IDIOT! I got nothing wrong in my critique but the same can't be said about the OP or your own pitiful dragging ass, you fucking blowhard!!

Due diligence is required by all desiring credibility, BUT you and JGalt have been found lacking those qualities. Now piss off, Boi!!

Dude. Are we having an "episode"? Of course the Chinese guy and two news agencies got the numbers wrong, and Trump was guilty of repeating what they said.

Regardless, it's still a good deal he worked out with the Chinese, as we're getting some important things in return.
Of course the Chinese guy and two news agencies got the numbers wrong, and Trump was guilty of repeating what they said.
Really, you bloody lying fraud! Why wasn't that in your OP instead of your crowing in the first two sentences of the OP! You simply wanted to talk shit and crow like a God Damn immature brat. You didn't know about that then and you just wanted to fly your partisan freak flag! You didn't give a shit about the IMPOSSIBILITY of trumps claim of the volume of product and time relationship. You just picked up your flagon of Trump piss and drank deeply, ya damn fraud!
Regardless, it's still a good deal he worked out with the Chinese, as we're getting some important things in return.
You really haven't a fucking clue, do you? You actually believe the Chinese agreeing to buy only 20% of the beans they contracted for last year is a good deal? And what are the "important things" were getting in return? Fucking Chinese handcuffs to bind up undocumented's on the southern boarder? Kid, you don't know what the Sam Hill you're talking about! Trump's a damn fraud and some day you'll be secretly embarrassed you were a Trump Ass Smacker with those fine lips of yours!

Bitch! Obviously you're not American, or hetero enough to understand the fish-story telling uncle. Piss off, wanker!
Bitch! Obviously you're not American, or hetero enough to understand the fish-story telling uncle. Piss off, wanker!

UH...OK! But first, could you send me a decoder ring so I can figure out what the fuck you're trying to get at, and also explain what stake you have in my discussion with another...'re thinking I'm a Brit with that wanker bit. Jesus, you're an IDIOT!

On another note, can you tell me why people want to cross dress to pretend they look like movie stars, Pilgrim?
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

Breaking even after a year long fight that he started is not a victory, it is a failure.

to someone that failed algebra 6 times breaking even is a GAIN :abgg2q.jpg:

Due to stupid teachers. Well, one wasn't, but I just wasn't having it then.

Largely due to people as smart as you. :rolleyes:

5 million/day is not right.

56.064 million mt estimate exports for the entire marketing year.

^ That's still quite a bit. Around 1 million tons a week.
Ofc dipshit has no credibility yet.

PS, dipshit, your stuff is from 2016, when Obama was president. ;)

US soybean net exports decrease 33.23% on week: USDA | S&P Global Platts

yep; math aint your forte jackwad

My math/your math=>2, bitchboy. I tend to have that area downpat since college. Not since high school, I took algebra 7x in jr.high-high school. Got to college with a good professor and it all lined up. All As in all math, faggot.

YOU took algebra 7 times because you FAILED it 6 times.

Yep, professor; U R A dumb ass

Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

Breaking even after a year long fight that he started is not a victory, it is a failure.

to someone that failed algebra 6 times breaking even is a GAIN :abgg2q.jpg:

I aced every college math course there is, dumbass. Was it me prior to college, or the teachers? I'll give you it was me with 1 of them, because I just slept the whole fucking time. She was actually the most competent out of them all as well.

As for the other 7-8 ehh..maybe they just weren't qualified for their job.
Last edited:
Due diligence is required by all desiring credibility, BUT you and JGalt have been found lacking those qualities. Now piss off, Boi!!

Or're going to have a coronary or a cerebral thrombosis? STFU you punk...nobody is this angry all day every day without being in prison or a cubicle monkey.....JGalt's headline was accurate when he wrote it and you only have a few minutes to change a headline before you have to ask a Mod to do shove your meltdown up your ass.

Post # 60 puts the OP's claim to shame & exposes the OP's claim for the bullshit that it is.

POST # 60:
Statistics show the production of soybeans in the United States from 2000 to 2017. According to the report, roughly 4.31 billion bushels of soybeans were produced in the country in 2016. Around 31.86 million metric tons of soybeans were exported to China that year.

So, 31.86 million metric tons is about 35.4 million conventional tons.
How in hell is China gonna purchase "5 million tons a day" and how long will that last; about 7, maybe 8 days?

Who comes up with this bullshit from the OP?


so shove your meltdown up your ass
I explained it in thread #118.
...he didn't get where he is now by failing.

He got where he is by...

1. using Daddy's money
2. multiple bankruptcies
3. not paying his vendors
4. not paying his employees
5. charging tuition for ponzi schemes useless, uncredentialed schools
6. paying exorbitant hush-money to uphold his image because he couldn't keep his pekker in his pocket back-in-the-day

Ask me if I care. The only thing that matters is that he got where he is, to the highest office in this country.

BTW: How's that "Mueller" thingy coming along? :laughing0301:
He also didn't ride the affimitive action train to get where he got. Like the trasnsgender before him.

No he got his rich Daddy to buy him an admission to Wharton where he graduated with no distinctions, other than one of profs called Trump the dumbest student he ever had.

What difference does that make? Obama was the smartest Affirmative Action student in college, yet the crappiest President we've ever had.

Trump has his performance beat hands down.

Nah, tRumputin has even slid under Dubya as the worst president ever!

He got where he is by...

1. using Daddy's money
2. multiple bankruptcies
3. not paying his vendors
4. not paying his employees
5. charging tuition for ponzi schemes useless, uncredentialed schools
6. paying exorbitant hush-money to uphold his image because he couldn't keep his pekker in his pocket back-in-the-day

Ask me if I care. The only thing that matters is that he got where he is, to the highest office in this country.

BTW: How's that "Mueller" thingy coming along? :laughing0301:
He also didn't ride the affimitive action train to get where he got. Like the trasnsgender before him.

nope, just his daddy's money and his grandma's company.
Awe, you jealous?
Of a pimp, a robber-baron, and a draft-dodger? Not much.
He is better than the transgendered you supported.
...he didn't get where he is now by failing.

He got where he is by...

1. using Daddy's money
2. multiple bankruptcies
3. not paying his vendors
4. not paying his employees
5. charging tuition for ponzi schemes useless, uncredentialed schools
6. paying exorbitant hush-money to uphold his image because he couldn't keep his pekker in his pocket back-in-the-day

Ask me if I care. The only thing that matters is that he got where he is, to the highest office in this country.

BTW: How's that "Mueller" thingy coming along? :laughing0301:
He also didn't ride the affimitive action train to get where he got. Like the trasnsgender before him.

No he got his rich Daddy to buy him an admission to Wharton where he graduated with no distinctions, other than one of profs called Trump the dumbest student he ever had.
Awe, while your transgendered one snorted cocaine and smoked pot to come down, riding the affirmitive action train all the way home. The only reason he became president was because he was black.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

Breaking even after a year long fight that he started is not a victory, it is a failure.

You are wrong Cock Head......

That was powerful. How could anyone fail to be persuaded by such a dazzling display of intellect.

I know I have to keep it simple for you libtards..

You libtards have no intellect…..

If you did you wouldn’t be a Tard…
Trump lies about the soybeans. A nd the tards are like, "Well it doesn't matter he lied because we are winning Trump's protectionist trade war. And we know this because of a bunch of other bullshit he has spewed!"


Meanwhile, our trade deficit is INCREASING rapidly.

You just can't find more credulous rubes than the tards who are in love with the globalist Trump.
It's already been pointed out the other guy said the a day crap...........never what was intended anyway.........that would be about 1.5 billion bushels of soybeans.......

Just both sides scewing the data...............One side going I hate Trump......see he lied not caring the other guy said it...........

And the other going wow........5 million tons a

neither side is right on this one.
The last I heard it was 1,000,000,000 bushels of soybeans and that came from the department of agriculture.
I was doing the math.....using the 5 million tons for the math..........if that is correct.
Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey fool...this has all been gone over, it was the Chinese guy who said it, not Trump, and if you don't read a thread before you post in it, you'll continue making a barking jackass of yourself.
Hey you puffed up sack of shit keyboard commando, read the title of the OP. Then read the first two sentences of the OP, asswipe!

I did the necessary research to find the truth about the article and the dumb ass agitating fraud & Randian pretender, JGalt, who did nothing to find the truth. Then I attacked the obvious and impossible lies of the falsehoods presented in the OP. What does the sum total of the OP's title, the OP's opening comments and the cited article itself say Hotshot? What was boasted and crowed over when it was so painfully obvious it was embedded in a LIE!

If you believe it's credible that the US could deliver to China 4.2% of the US soybean production of 2017 in a single day multiple times, you are a stone cold fucking IDIOT! I got nothing wrong in my critique but the same can't be said about the OP or your own pitiful dragging ass, you fucking blowhard!!

Due diligence is required by all desiring credibility, BUT you and JGalt have been found lacking those qualities. Now piss off, Boi!!

Dude. Are we having an "episode"? Of course the Chinese guy and two news agencies got the numbers wrong, and Trump was guilty of repeating what they said.

Regardless, it's still a good deal he worked out with the Chinese, as we're getting some important things in return.
Of course the Chinese guy and two news agencies got the numbers wrong, and Trump was guilty of repeating what they said.
Really, you bloody lying fraud! Why wasn't that in your OP instead of your crowing in the first two sentences of the OP! You simply wanted to talk shit and crow like a God Damn immature brat. You didn't know about that then and you just wanted to fly your partisan freak flag! You didn't give a shit about the IMPOSSIBILITY of trumps claim of the volume of product and time relationship. You just picked up your flagon of Trump piss and drank deeply, ya damn fraud!
Regardless, it's still a good deal he worked out with the Chinese, as we're getting some important things in return.
You really haven't a fucking clue, do you? You actually believe the Chinese agreeing to buy only 20% of the beans they contracted for last year is a good deal? And what are the "important things" were getting in return? Fucking Chinese handcuffs to bind up undocumented's on the southern boarder? Kid, you don't know what the Sam Hill you're talking about! Trump's a damn fraud and some day you'll be secretly embarrassed you were a Trump Ass Smacker with those fine lips of yours!

Bitch! Obviously you're not American, or hetero enough to understand the fish-story telling uncle. Piss off, wanker!
Bitch! Obviously you're not American, or hetero enough to understand the fish-story telling uncle. Piss off, wanker!

UH...OK! But first, could you send me a decoder ring so I can figure out what the fuck you're trying to get at, and also explain what stake you have in my discussion with another...'re thinking I'm a Brit with that wanker bit. Jesus, you're an IDIOT!

On another note, can you tell me why people want to cross dress to pretend they look like movie stars, Pilgrim?

It’s a Russian troll thing. They all like iconic Americans as avatars.

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