Trump chooses the guy from Big Oil for Secretary of State

And this jackass nominee for Sec of Labor makes no sense. This purveyor of down-market fast food LOVES imported labor. He can't get enough cut-rate wage earning Mexicans into his dirty restaurants. He said so himself. Why did Trump choose this guy, after all that 'build the wall' stuff?

The Labor guy is Trump's big Fuck you to the labor vote that got him elected.

I'm beginning to believe there's no one left in America that Trump hasn't lied to.
Trump's cabinet, Generals and CEO's.

The military/industrial complex formally takes over the US government.

As opposed to lying, thieving scumbag lawyers that know -- Nothing? Have done anything and don't have a clue how to do anything?

And brainless Academics that know -- Nothing? Have never done anything and wouldn't have the first clue to do anyting?

What would you have us put in Cabinet positions -- Winners that know how to get things done or Life's Failures. Like you. That know -- Nothing

The dimocrap scum party is done.

The dimocrap scum party will never hold National Power again. Not, Ever.

Just not gonna happen. You're too stupid, too dishonest and too arrogant to ever hold power again.

You are what we call, 'Confident in your ignorance'
Trump chooses the guy from Big Oil for Secretary of State

Look in the dictionary under "Fake News" and you'll find a copy of this OP.
Trump has stated that the reason he is choosing the people he has is because wants successful people that have actual experience, not educators or cronies that very little or no real world experience at the position.

The fact that they ARE wealthy just proves they are successful in their field, and have the leadership abilities to make whatever they endeavor to do a success as well. It's a new concept in governing.

Yeah, a retired brain surgeon heading up HUD; tons of experience. A nation of, by, and for the wealthy. Gee, we've never gone down that road before have we now.
Trump's cabinet, Generals and CEO's.

The military/industrial complex formally takes over the US government.

The Obama cheap gasoline days are coming to an end. Oil men and War Mongers will get it back to the $4 / gal that the Bush War Monkey Boy got to in 2008.

You give the president too much credit, one way or the other.
Like Barack is the reason gas prices are so low. Yeah, he's the genius behind it.

Kind of makes you look stupid for blaming him when prices were higher.

Yes, it would. (but he did have a penchant for stopping a lot of domestic drilling and exploration)

Speaking of stupid, have you been following our president's other despicable cowardliness and cover ups the past 8 years?
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Trump has stated that the reason he is choosing the people he has is because wants successful people that have actual experience, not educators or cronies that very little or no real world experience at the position.

The fact that they ARE wealthy just proves they are successful in their field, and have the leadership abilities to make whatever they endeavor to do a success as well. It's a new concept in governing.
Right - he's planning on running the state department with the emphasis on creating personal wealth for those best at creating personal wealth!

Remember when Banon interviewed Trump while at Breightbart?

When Banon asked Trump a question about our policy wrt Turkey, his answer was to start talking about his hotels there!

So, now we're making decisions affecting us all (and especially our military) and we're doing that not to promote peace or justice, or whatever, but for the purpose of making rich Americans even richer!

Tillerson will be paired with former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton as his deputy secretary of state for day-to-day management of the department, one source added.

Tillerson will have an "accident" and the psychopathic neo cons will have their man in charge of starting a goddamn war with Iran. Great fucking choice you lying sack of shit Trump! You just named a loud mouth asshole who has no problem getting American men and women slaughtered for his ignorant ideology of regime change all over the world. Yeah wouldn't want someone with some TACT and CALMNESS to be appointed the deputy.
Trump has been one his entire life and people were dumb enough to fall for it. Doesn't surprise anyone that looked at his history.

The fucking the American people are going to get is going to be historic.
Trump's cabinet, Generals and CEO's.

The military/industrial complex formally takes over the US government.

The Obama cheap gasoline days are coming to an end. Oil men and War Mongers will get it back to the $4 / gal that the Bush War Monkey Boy got to in 2008.

You give the president too much credit, one way or the other.
Like Barack is the reason gas prices are so low. Yeah, he's the genius behind it.

Kind of makes you look stupid for blaming him when prices were higher.

The reason prices were high was because of OPEC gouging and we weren't producing the amount of oil we need. One of the reasons prices stayed high was because Bill Clinton and Obama stifled oil exploration, and in Obama's case , shut down producing wells offshore and canceled drilling leases.

Did you not notice that prices went down for two reasons? First and foremost, were the huge oil deposit on private land (that Obama had no control over and couldn't stop) that, second, put the fear of God in OPEC.

The same thing happened after Carter's oil crisis. The U.S. started producing more, so OPEC lowered their prices in order to keep their market share.

It's not rocket surgery.
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I did not hear you bitch about obama's crony capitalism

Obama Cronyism Enriches Friends, Shortchanges Others
I didn't pay a damn bit of attention to Obama because I didn't vote for the sack of shit and never expected him to be honest about what he was going to do. I did vote for Trump and expected him to be honest about his policies. Appointing a crony of his as Secretary of State and the craziest neo con in the world as the deputy is NOT sticking with his rhetoric.
Trump picks Exxon CEO Tillerson for secretary of State: report

Better than Romney but hey welcome to the Corporatocracy! Disgusting. This is what Crony Capitalism looks like.

I love that his picks upset the left so much.

To quote Barack Hussein Obama in 2009:

"Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, we won!"


"The republicans can come along for the ride, but they are going to have to sit in the back of the bus!"

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