Trump chooses the guy from Big Oil for Secretary of State

Wait, is this guy a Billionaire? If he isn't, Stump may have screwed up.
Tillerson vs Hillary as SOS.

Hillary - a rank amateur who was not qualified for the job. Which is why she fucked everything up. She got the job because Obama had to buy her off.

Tillerson - his global acumen and credentials are impeccable. His record is chocked full of successes. He got the job because he was qualified.

Trump doesn't owe any of these politician hacks any favors so he's free to pick the best qualified people for these cabinet positions. Tillerson is giving up a fortune to step down to SOS and serve the country.
Be great if it wasn't for the fact he is PERSONALLY getting something out of it that's only reason I don't like Tillerson. His closeness with Russia is awesome I love it. Bolton on the other hand if a fucking psychopath and goes 100% against what Trump CLAIMS to believe.

I'm not crazy about Bolton but the question is, at least in the short term, if not Bolton then who?
Tillerson will be paired with former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton as his deputy secretary of state for day-to-day management of the department, one source added.

Tillerson will have an "accident" and the psychopathic neo cons will have their man in charge of starting a goddamn war with Iran. Great fucking choice you lying sack of shit Trump! You just named a loud mouth asshole who has no problem getting American men and women slaughtered for his ignorant ideology of regime change all over the world. Yeah wouldn't want someone with some TACT and CALMNESS to be appointed the deputy.
You got that right about Iran. Trump's cabinet is already beating the drums for war with Iran. They have a hard-on for war with Iran. The latest lie I've read is that Iran and ISIS are working together which is utter bullshit. We will see more and more demonization of Iran as they soften up the masses for another invasion. And who will take over Iran after the war? Some Islamic government based on Sharia law under a caliphate?
Tillerson vs Hillary as SOS.

Hillary - a rank amateur who was not qualified for the job. Which is why she fucked everything up. She got the job because Obama had to buy her off.

Tillerson - his global acumen and credentials are impeccable. His record is chocked full of successes. He got the job because he was qualified.

Trump doesn't owe any of these politician hacks any favors so he's free to pick the best qualified people for these cabinet positions. Tillerson is giving up a fortune to step down to SOS and serve the country.

How do you think he got into office. Everyone he has picked.

What are you blubbering about lib?
Trump's cabinet, Generals and CEO's.

The military/industrial complex formally takes over the US government.

The Obama cheap gasoline days are coming to an end. Oil men and War Mongers will get it back to the $4 / gal that the Bush War Monkey Boy got to in 2008.

You give the president too much credit, one way or the other.
Like Barack is the reason gas prices are so low. Yeah, he's the genius behind it.

Kind of makes you look stupid for blaming him when prices were higher.

The reason prices were high was because of OPEC gouging and we weren't producing the amount of oil we need. One of the reasons prices stayed high was because Bill Clinton and Obama stifled oil exploration, and in Obama's case , shut down producing wells offshore and canceled drilling leases.

Did you not notice that prices went down for two reasons? First and foremost, were the huge oil deposit on private land (that Obama had no control over and couldn't stop) that, second, put the fear of God in OPEC.

The same thing happened after Carter's oil crisis. The U.S. started producing more, so OPEC lowered their prices in order to keep their market share.

It's not rocket surgery.
You clearly do NOT have a clue:

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

We've had a sharpest and longest lasting increase in US crude oil production under Obama than under any US president EVER.

And, that has come in the face of stupendous increases in gas production - a cheaper and cleaner fuel type.

AND, OPEC wasn't "gouging" - they were moderating the volume they were producing. That does have an affect on price, but it is not gouging. And, for years now OPEC has had significantly limited ability to control volume for several reasons.

Also, remember that oil companies have always had vast areas where they could drill when they wanted to.

I guess I do not care if it increased or not. I am sure the huge finds and operations in North Dakota alone were a big contributor to the increase.

I am referring to Obama and his agency's refusal to allow various proposals for off shore drilling, Alaska drilling, pipelines, and other explorations. Not to mention his almost destroying the coal industry and zero interest on nuclear poser. IOW, he should have allowed much more and all in the interests of national security.
Production Obstruction I am sure I could find many other articles or reports, but you need not bother reading, I don't have the time myself.
Tillerson vs Hillary as SOS.

Hillary - a rank amateur who was not qualified for the job. Which is why she fucked everything up. She got the job because Obama had to buy her off.

Tillerson - his global acumen and credentials are impeccable. His record is chocked full of successes. He got the job because he was qualified.

Trump doesn't owe any of these politician hacks any favors so he's free to pick the best qualified people for these cabinet positions. Tillerson is giving up a fortune to step down to SOS and serve the country.
Be great if it wasn't for the fact he is PERSONALLY getting something out of it that's only reason I don't like Tillerson. His closeness with Russia is awesome I love it. Bolton on the other hand if a fucking psychopath and goes 100% against what Trump CLAIMS to believe.

I'm not crazy about Bolton but the question is, at least in the short term, if not Bolton then who?
ANYONE! Hell why not Manchin from WV? Takes a senate seat from democrats and it being WV no certainty a democrat wins the seat back.
Tillerson will be paired with former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton as his deputy secretary of state for day-to-day management of the department, one source added.

Tillerson will have an "accident" and the psychopathic neo cons will have their man in charge of starting a goddamn war with Iran. Great fucking choice you lying sack of shit Trump! You just named a loud mouth asshole who has no problem getting American men and women slaughtered for his ignorant ideology of regime change all over the world. Yeah wouldn't want someone with some TACT and CALMNESS to be appointed the deputy.
You got that right about Iran. Trump's cabinet is already beating the drums for war with Iran. They have a hard-on for war with Iran. The latest lie I've read is that Iran and ISIS are working together which is utter bullshit. We will see more and more demonization of Iran as they soften up the masses for another invasion. And who will take over Iran after the war? Some Islamic government based on Sharia law under a caliphate?
LOL who said Iran and ISIS are working together? Holy shit that's funny! I wouldn't put it past some here to believe that shit. The reason Iran backed militias are in Iraq is to defeat ISIS.I a hopeful but not sure that since the SOS nominee is close to Russia,that Russia can keep the US's nose out of Iran's business. Iran and Russia are close. Why put 2 wildly different people at SOS and deputy SOS? Going to lead to nothing but butting heads.
Tillerson vs Hillary as SOS.

Hillary - a rank amateur who was not qualified for the job. Which is why she fucked everything up. She got the job because Obama had to buy her off.

Tillerson - his global acumen and credentials are impeccable. His record is chocked full of successes. He got the job because he was qualified.

Trump doesn't owe any of these politician hacks any favors so he's free to pick the best qualified people for these cabinet positions. Tillerson is giving up a fortune to step down to SOS and serve the country.
Be great if it wasn't for the fact he is PERSONALLY getting something out of it that's only reason I don't like Tillerson. His closeness with Russia is awesome I love it. Bolton on the other hand if a fucking psychopath and goes 100% against what Trump CLAIMS to believe.

I'm not crazy about Bolton but the question is, at least in the short term, if not Bolton then who?
I have liked Bolton ever since he was ambassador to the UN and they went crazy over it.
Tillerson vs Hillary as SOS.

Hillary - a rank amateur who was not qualified for the job. Which is why she fucked everything up. She got the job because Obama had to buy her off.

Tillerson - his global acumen and credentials are impeccable. His record is chocked full of successes. He got the job because he was qualified.

Trump doesn't owe any of these politician hacks any favors so he's free to pick the best qualified people for these cabinet positions. Tillerson is giving up a fortune to step down to SOS and serve the country.
Be great if it wasn't for the fact he is PERSONALLY getting something out of it that's only reason I don't like Tillerson. His closeness with Russia is awesome I love it. Bolton on the other hand if a fucking psychopath and goes 100% against what Trump CLAIMS to believe.

I'm not crazy about Bolton but the question is, at least in the short term, if not Bolton then who?
I have liked Bolton ever since he was ambassador to the UN and they went crazy over it.
Bolton is a psychopath you put in charge of committing a genocide and you need a loyal no questions asked ass kisser NOT someone you want being DIPLOMATIC with foreign countries.
The Obama cheap gasoline days are coming to an end. Oil men and War Mongers will get it back to the $4 / gal that the Bush War Monkey Boy got to in 2008.

You give the president too much credit, one way or the other.
Like Barack is the reason gas prices are so low. Yeah, he's the genius behind it.

Kind of makes you look stupid for blaming him when prices were higher.

The reason prices were high was because of OPEC gouging and we weren't producing the amount of oil we need. One of the reasons prices stayed high was because Bill Clinton and Obama stifled oil exploration, and in Obama's case , shut down producing wells offshore and canceled drilling leases.

Did you not notice that prices went down for two reasons? First and foremost, were the huge oil deposit on private land (that Obama had no control over and couldn't stop) that, second, put the fear of God in OPEC.

The same thing happened after Carter's oil crisis. The U.S. started producing more, so OPEC lowered their prices in order to keep their market share.

It's not rocket surgery.
You clearly do NOT have a clue:

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

We've had a sharpest and longest lasting increase in US crude oil production under Obama than under any US president EVER.

And, that has come in the face of stupendous increases in gas production - a cheaper and cleaner fuel type.

AND, OPEC wasn't "gouging" - they were moderating the volume they were producing. That does have an affect on price, but it is not gouging. And, for years now OPEC has had significantly limited ability to control volume for several reasons.

Also, remember that oil companies have always had vast areas where they could drill when they wanted to.

I guess I do not care if it increased or not. I am sure the huge finds and operations in North Dakota alone were a big contributor to the increase.

I am referring to Obama and his agency's refusal to allow various proposals for off shore drilling, Alaska drilling, pipelines, and other explorations. Not to mention his almost destroying the coal industry and zero interest on nuclear poser. IOW, he should have allowed much more and all in the interests of national security.
Production Obstruction I am sure I could find many other articles or reports, but you need not bother reading, I don't have the time myself.
You claim it doesn't matter and then moan about if for more paragraphs?

Under Obama we pumped so much oil that extraction companies were going bankrupt from the low price!

Coal is going down because a significant percent of coal fired power plants are ancient and there isn't any investment going on in that direction. Gas is far too cheap for that. Coal isn't going to come back. And, even if it did it wouldn't mean anything in terms of employment, because mining coal has undergone an automation explosion. In fact, in general extraction isn't a great employment opportunity, because the jobs are getting more automated and are temporary. Once the pump is installed, there's no significant work left for workers to do.

OK, so you don't have time. But, before you post on this topic again, make some time to figure out where the nation is on fossil fuel production.

The right wing has tried to suggest that Obama hasn't kept us up with fossil fuel production - and that is just absolute garbage!
You give the president too much credit, one way or the other.
Like Barack is the reason gas prices are so low. Yeah, he's the genius behind it.

Kind of makes you look stupid for blaming him when prices were higher.

The reason prices were high was because of OPEC gouging and we weren't producing the amount of oil we need. One of the reasons prices stayed high was because Bill Clinton and Obama stifled oil exploration, and in Obama's case , shut down producing wells offshore and canceled drilling leases.

Did you not notice that prices went down for two reasons? First and foremost, were the huge oil deposit on private land (that Obama had no control over and couldn't stop) that, second, put the fear of God in OPEC.

The same thing happened after Carter's oil crisis. The U.S. started producing more, so OPEC lowered their prices in order to keep their market share.

It's not rocket surgery.
You clearly do NOT have a clue:

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

We've had a sharpest and longest lasting increase in US crude oil production under Obama than under any US president EVER.

And, that has come in the face of stupendous increases in gas production - a cheaper and cleaner fuel type.

AND, OPEC wasn't "gouging" - they were moderating the volume they were producing. That does have an affect on price, but it is not gouging. And, for years now OPEC has had significantly limited ability to control volume for several reasons.

Also, remember that oil companies have always had vast areas where they could drill when they wanted to.

I guess I do not care if it increased or not. I am sure the huge finds and operations in North Dakota alone were a big contributor to the increase.

I am referring to Obama and his agency's refusal to allow various proposals for off shore drilling, Alaska drilling, pipelines, and other explorations. Not to mention his almost destroying the coal industry and zero interest on nuclear poser. IOW, he should have allowed much more and all in the interests of national security.
Production Obstruction I am sure I could find many other articles or reports, but you need not bother reading, I don't have the time myself.
You claim it doesn't matter and then moan about if for more paragraphs?

Under Obama we pumped so much oil that extraction companies were going bankrupt from the low price!

Coal is going down because a significant percent of coal fired power plants are ancient and there isn't any investment going on in that direction. Gas is far too cheap for that. Coal isn't going to come back. And, even if it did it wouldn't mean anything in terms of employment, because mining coal has undergone an automation explosion. In fact, in general extraction isn't a great employment opportunity, because the jobs are getting more automated and are temporary. Once the pump is installed, there's no significant work left for workers to do.

OK, so you don't have time. But, before you post on this topic again, make some time to figure out where the nation is on fossil fuel production.

The right wing has tried to suggest that Obama hasn't kept us up with fossil fuel production - and that is just absolute garbage!

Thanks for your educated counter arguments.
As it is, on the main point I do not agree with you.
Obama has been a major obstruction to making America less energy dependent on foreign nations, including those hostile to our ways. (It can be demonstrated but like I said I am not interested in taking the time to read more, I have read enough about what Obama has done and has not done.)
I am more interested in national security than I am in his over the top environmental concerns and his B.S. about global warming being the biggest threat to Americans. Your man even had the shameful gall to tell us that global warming was a major factor in the Syrian Civil War. And you want me to look him straight in the eyes and swallow that?
U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

We've had a sharpest and longest lasting increase in US crude oil production under Obama than under any US president EVER.

And you know what the Lying Cocksucker in Chief hadto do with that?

Nothing. Not a GODDAMNED thing.

In fact, the steaming pile of SHIT got in the way of fracking and is, right now, STILL trying to get in the way of racking.

Obama Adminstration Ramps Up Legal Fight Against Fracking

Nobody is that stupid. Nobody can be unaware of the Lying Cocksucker's stance on fracking.

So that must mean that --
You're a lying sack of shit.....

A lying dimocrap scumbag? Will wonders never cease.....
So, what country will we make war with first? I hope Iran, rather than China. Stump and Bolton will have to start lathering up the cult members soon after he takes office. It took W quite some time to sell everyone on his manufactured war with Iraq. I expect the war mongers are already planting some evidence to allow another invasion.
The American far right and alt right and the working classes, all important in electing Trump, are going to get screwed as badly or worse than the rest of America.

They deserve it.

Your predictions have been spot-on so far (sarcasm). It amazes me you still share your "wisdom" after being proven wrong so often for so long.

Trump won't be perfect and was not most voters' first choice. At least we dodged that nightmare, Hillary.
It is an official. Donald Trump is leading the largest oligarchy in American history, and the Trump cultists LOVE it!
Rex Tillerson is a monster of a human being. He should be "taken care of," like the rest of the Trump administration.
Kind of makes you look stupid for blaming him when prices were higher.

The reason prices were high was because of OPEC gouging and we weren't producing the amount of oil we need. One of the reasons prices stayed high was because Bill Clinton and Obama stifled oil exploration, and in Obama's case , shut down producing wells offshore and canceled drilling leases.

Did you not notice that prices went down for two reasons? First and foremost, were the huge oil deposit on private land (that Obama had no control over and couldn't stop) that, second, put the fear of God in OPEC.

The same thing happened after Carter's oil crisis. The U.S. started producing more, so OPEC lowered their prices in order to keep their market share.

It's not rocket surgery.
You clearly do NOT have a clue:

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

We've had a sharpest and longest lasting increase in US crude oil production under Obama than under any US president EVER.

And, that has come in the face of stupendous increases in gas production - a cheaper and cleaner fuel type.

AND, OPEC wasn't "gouging" - they were moderating the volume they were producing. That does have an affect on price, but it is not gouging. And, for years now OPEC has had significantly limited ability to control volume for several reasons.

Also, remember that oil companies have always had vast areas where they could drill when they wanted to.

I guess I do not care if it increased or not. I am sure the huge finds and operations in North Dakota alone were a big contributor to the increase.

I am referring to Obama and his agency's refusal to allow various proposals for off shore drilling, Alaska drilling, pipelines, and other explorations. Not to mention his almost destroying the coal industry and zero interest on nuclear poser. IOW, he should have allowed much more and all in the interests of national security.
Production Obstruction I am sure I could find many other articles or reports, but you need not bother reading, I don't have the time myself.
You claim it doesn't matter and then moan about if for more paragraphs?

Under Obama we pumped so much oil that extraction companies were going bankrupt from the low price!

Coal is going down because a significant percent of coal fired power plants are ancient and there isn't any investment going on in that direction. Gas is far too cheap for that. Coal isn't going to come back. And, even if it did it wouldn't mean anything in terms of employment, because mining coal has undergone an automation explosion. In fact, in general extraction isn't a great employment opportunity, because the jobs are getting more automated and are temporary. Once the pump is installed, there's no significant work left for workers to do.

OK, so you don't have time. But, before you post on this topic again, make some time to figure out where the nation is on fossil fuel production.

The right wing has tried to suggest that Obama hasn't kept us up with fossil fuel production - and that is just absolute garbage!

Thanks for your educated counter arguments.
As it is, on the main point I do not agree with you.
Obama has been a major obstruction to making America less energy dependent on foreign nations, including those hostile to our ways. (It can be demonstrated but like I said I am not interested in taking the time to read more, I have read enough about what Obama has done and has not done.)
I am more interested in national security than I am in his over the top environmental concerns and his B.S. about global warming being the biggest threat to Americans. Your man even had the shameful gall to tell us that global warming was a major factor in the Syrian Civil War. And you want me to look him straight in the eyes and swallow that?
I posted a chart of what actually happened - which is that oil production increased faster under Obama than any other president. In fact, it caused some extraction companies to go out of business, due to the resultant fall in oil price. Plus, gas shot super high, too.

You have nothing to oppose that. Obama's terms have the MOST fossil fuel extraction in US history.

Our military agrees with Obama that climate change is a serious national security issue.

As for Syria, the multi-year drought there caused farmers to leave their farms and come into the cities for food relief - resulting in problems for which Assad only had barrel bombs. And, science has found that the drought was exacerbated by climate change - a pattern that will continue to worsen.

The primary problem of climate change is that of people moving - due to sea rise and/or due to water/agriculture.

Today, India is increasing the size of its defense against people moving from Bangladesh due to agricultural failure and water issues that are leading to starvation. They have a significant wall at this point.
U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

We've had a sharpest and longest lasting increase in US crude oil production under Obama than under any US president EVER.

And you know what the Lying Cocksucker in Chief hadto do with that?

Nothing. Not a GODDAMNED thing.

In fact, the steaming pile of SHIT got in the way of fracking and is, right now, STILL trying to get in the way of racking.

Obama Adminstration Ramps Up Legal Fight Against Fracking

Nobody is that stupid. Nobody can be unaware of the Lying Cocksucker's stance on fracking.

So that must mean that --
You're a lying sack of shit.....

A lying dimocrap scumbag? Will wonders never cease.....
You are a disgusting individual who has no logical argument of ANY kind, and thus wallows in filth - as if that was a credit!

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