Trump chooses the guy from Big Oil for Secretary of State

Trump's cabinet, Generals and CEO's.

The military/industrial complex formally takes over the US government.

The Obama cheap gasoline days are coming to an end. Oil men and War Mongers will get it back to the $4 / gal that the Bush War Monkey Boy got to in 2008.

You give the president too much credit, one way or the other.
Like Barack is the reason gas prices are so low. Yeah, he's the genius behind it.

Kind of makes you look stupid for blaming him when prices were higher.

The reason prices were high was because of OPEC gouging and we weren't producing the amount of oil we need. One of the reasons prices stayed high was because Bill Clinton and Obama stifled oil exploration, and in Obama's case , shut down producing wells offshore and canceled drilling leases.

Did you not notice that prices went down for two reasons? First and foremost, were the huge oil deposit on private land (that Obama had no control over and couldn't stop) that, second, put the fear of God in OPEC.

The same thing happened after Carter's oil crisis. The U.S. started producing more, so OPEC lowered their prices in order to keep their market share.

It's not rocket surgery.
You clearly do NOT have a clue:

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

We've had a sharpest and longest lasting increase in US crude oil production under Obama than under any US president EVER.

And, that has come in the face of stupendous increases in gas production - a cheaper and cleaner fuel type.

AND, OPEC wasn't "gouging" - they were moderating the volume they were producing. That does have an affect on price, but it is not gouging. And, for years now OPEC has had significantly limited ability to control volume for several reasons.

Also, remember that oil companies have always had vast areas where they could drill when they wanted to.

Correct. US oil production near all time high. Drill down (no pun) into your data shows "all increase" is on private lands. Frackers "flyover rubes" in ND TX OK ramped up when it was needed ( American enginuity ). Obama and goons were unable to stop it thus far. Hip hip hooray. A win for common man.
Trump picks Exxon CEO Tillerson for secretary of State: report

Better than Romney but hey welcome to the Corporatocracy! Disgusting. This is what Crony Capitalism looks like.

I love that his picks upset the left so much.

To quote Barack Hussein Obama in 2009:

"Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, we won!"


"The republicans can come along for the ride, but they are going to have to sit in the back of the bus!"
I can see you don't think very much. Oh well....its starting to settle exactly what kind of idiot thinks EVERY pick Trump makes is awesome....the same morons who think EVERY heathen hates christmas,every person that criticizes capitalism is a COMMUNIST! blah blah blah...critical thinking isn't your thing. I get it.

I see you don't read very well. I never said I think all his picks are awesome. Re-read what I said or take a remedial reading course.
Trump was supposed to pick those he owed political favors to. He doesn't owe any political favors so he could pick the best qualified.
When he was pitching himself to the public he berated Clinton for talking to Goldman Sachs, and stated over and over again how he would prevent them from having any influence.

NOW, he's hiring THREE of them into top Executive Branch positions that have to do with money and strategy!!

Our president elect is a lying SOB!

Russia should have picked someone more qualified.
I know of a former employee that he's had a long business relationship with. What's your evidence. Time to quit laying turds and start backing up some of your shit.
If it gives dimocrap scum heartburn, it's a GREAT pick
You do realize MILLIONS of people voted for Trump because he criticized the IDIOTIC fucking wars in the ME that the MORONIC psychopath Bolton thinks were GRAND! He even wants war with Iran!
Awesome pick !
neo cons will love his deputy pick because most neo cons are nutless wonders who have never set foot in a military uniform and yet have no problem sending American boys and girls to die for Israel's wants in the ME. I hope Rand Paul holds up Bolton's confirmation.

Ok, now we see the kook come out. The first clue was the use of the idiotic label "corporatocrisy" and now it's the Jew's fault.

Good bye nutball.
Nice spelling nutless wonder. Funny how you AUTOMATICALLY assume a race had something to do with when I clearly stated the state of Israel did. God what a fucking idiot.

Yeah it looks like I scored a direct hit.
Under Obama we pumped so much oil that extraction companies were going bankrupt from the low price!

The right wing has tried to suggest that Obama hasn't kept us up with fossil fuel production - and that is just absolute garbage!
The left wing is filled with liars like you. Oil production increases have NOTHING to do with obama. Last I heard it was way down on federal land. It's been largely due to technology and fracking from the private sector. and fracking is the new bogeyman of the left. Under obama like hell!
Where to start ...

Why do you care what land it came out of when we increased production so fast that companies were going broke from the drop in prices?

I just don't see that you have an honest issue anywhere related to energy, let alone oil.
The Obama cheap gasoline days are coming to an end. Oil men and War Mongers will get it back to the $4 / gal that the Bush War Monkey Boy got to in 2008.

You give the president too much credit, one way or the other.
Like Barack is the reason gas prices are so low. Yeah, he's the genius behind it.

Kind of makes you look stupid for blaming him when prices were higher.

The reason prices were high was because of OPEC gouging and we weren't producing the amount of oil we need. One of the reasons prices stayed high was because Bill Clinton and Obama stifled oil exploration, and in Obama's case , shut down producing wells offshore and canceled drilling leases.

Did you not notice that prices went down for two reasons? First and foremost, were the huge oil deposit on private land (that Obama had no control over and couldn't stop) that, second, put the fear of God in OPEC.

The same thing happened after Carter's oil crisis. The U.S. started producing more, so OPEC lowered their prices in order to keep their market share.

It's not rocket surgery.
You clearly do NOT have a clue:

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

We've had a sharpest and longest lasting increase in US crude oil production under Obama than under any US president EVER.

And, that has come in the face of stupendous increases in gas production - a cheaper and cleaner fuel type.

AND, OPEC wasn't "gouging" - they were moderating the volume they were producing. That does have an affect on price, but it is not gouging. And, for years now OPEC has had significantly limited ability to control volume for several reasons.

Also, remember that oil companies have always had vast areas where they could drill when they wanted to.

Correct. US oil production near all time high. Drill down (no pun) into your data shows "all increase" is on private lands. Frackers "flyover rubes" in ND TX OK ramped up when it was needed ( American enginuity ). Obama and goons were unable to stop it thus far. Hip hip hooray. A win for common man.

If you have an issue, just state it.
Trump was supposed to pick those he owed political favors to. He doesn't owe any political favors so he could pick the best qualified.
When he was pitching himself to the public he berated Clinton for talking to Goldman Sachs, and stated over and over again how he would prevent them from having any influence.

NOW, he's hiring THREE of them into top Executive Branch positions that have to do with money and strategy!!

Our president elect is a lying SOB!

Russia should have picked someone more qualified.
I know of a former employee that he's had a long business relationship with. What's your evidence. Time to quit laying turds and start backing up some of your shit.
Name droppers usually actually mention a name.
Haha. I'm the dufus? That's pretty funny from someone proven so wrong at every turn. Keep on believin', Jake. Even a broken clock is right now and then.
The Obama cheap gasoline days are coming to an end. Oil men and War Mongers will get it back to the $4 / gal that the Bush War Monkey Boy got to in 2008.

You give the president too much credit, one way or the other.
Like Barack is the reason gas prices are so low. Yeah, he's the genius behind it.

Kind of makes you look stupid for blaming him when prices were higher.

The reason prices were high was because of OPEC gouging and we weren't producing the amount of oil we need. One of the reasons prices stayed high was because Bill Clinton and Obama stifled oil exploration, and in Obama's case , shut down producing wells offshore and canceled drilling leases.

Did you not notice that prices went down for two reasons? First and foremost, were the huge oil deposit on private land (that Obama had no control over and couldn't stop) that, second, put the fear of God in OPEC.

The same thing happened after Carter's oil crisis. The U.S. started producing more, so OPEC lowered their prices in order to keep their market share.

It's not rocket surgery.
You clearly do NOT have a clue:

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

We've had a sharpest and longest lasting increase in US crude oil production under Obama than under any US president EVER.

And, that has come in the face of stupendous increases in gas production - a cheaper and cleaner fuel type.

AND, OPEC wasn't "gouging" - they were moderating the volume they were producing. That does have an affect on price, but it is not gouging. And, for years now OPEC has had significantly limited ability to control volume for several reasons.

Also, remember that oil companies have always had vast areas where they could drill when they wanted to.

Correct. US oil production near all time high. Drill down (no pun) into your data shows "all increase" is on private lands. Frackers "flyover rubes" in ND TX OK ramped up when it was needed ( American enginuity ). Obama and goons were unable to stop it thus far. Hip hip hooray. A win for common man.

They didn't try to stop it.

Now the prices are so low that domestic oil production has pulled back because the cost of drilling in many places is above the cost you can sell the oil for.
Under Obama we pumped so much oil that extraction companies were going bankrupt from the low price!

The right wing has tried to suggest that Obama hasn't kept us up with fossil fuel production - and that is just absolute garbage!
The left wing is filled with liars like you. Oil production increases have NOTHING to do with obama. Last I heard it was way down on federal land. It's been largely due to technology and fracking from the private sector. and fracking is the new bogeyman of the left. Under obama like hell!
Where to start ...

Why do you care what land it came out of when we increased production so fast that companies were going broke from the drop in prices?

I just don't see that you have an honest issue anywhere related to energy, let alone oil.
I don't know if you are stupid, dishonest or both but it matters a great deal. obama controls federal land, not private land. So giving him credit where none is due is wrong.

And I haven't proposed any energy issues, I responded to your nonsense.
If it gives dimocrap scum heartburn, it's a GREAT pick
You do realize MILLIONS of people voted for Trump because he criticized the IDIOTIC fucking wars in the ME that the MORONIC psychopath Bolton thinks were GRAND! He even wants war with Iran!
Awesome pick !
neo cons will love his deputy pick because most neo cons are nutless wonders who have never set foot in a military uniform and yet have no problem sending American boys and girls to die for Israel's wants in the ME. I hope Rand Paul holds up Bolton's confirmation.

Ok, now we see the kook come out. The first clue was the use of the idiotic label "corporatocrisy" and now it's the Jew's fault.

Good bye nutball.
Nice spelling nutless wonder. Funny how you AUTOMATICALLY assume a race had something to do with when I clearly stated the state of Israel did. God what a fucking idiot.

Yeah it looks like I scored a direct hit.
Derp.Your spelling,comprehension and critical thinking skills are SEVERELY lacking. Work on that cupcake.
Put oilmen back in charge, you'll get this:

Inflation Adjusted Oil Prices Chart


Take note of what happened to oil once Bush and his neocon oilmen came to power,

then look where it is now.
You give the president too much credit, one way or the other.
Like Barack is the reason gas prices are so low. Yeah, he's the genius behind it.

Kind of makes you look stupid for blaming him when prices were higher.

The reason prices were high was because of OPEC gouging and we weren't producing the amount of oil we need. One of the reasons prices stayed high was because Bill Clinton and Obama stifled oil exploration, and in Obama's case , shut down producing wells offshore and canceled drilling leases.

Did you not notice that prices went down for two reasons? First and foremost, were the huge oil deposit on private land (that Obama had no control over and couldn't stop) that, second, put the fear of God in OPEC.

The same thing happened after Carter's oil crisis. The U.S. started producing more, so OPEC lowered their prices in order to keep their market share.

It's not rocket surgery.
You clearly do NOT have a clue:

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

We've had a sharpest and longest lasting increase in US crude oil production under Obama than under any US president EVER.

And, that has come in the face of stupendous increases in gas production - a cheaper and cleaner fuel type.

AND, OPEC wasn't "gouging" - they were moderating the volume they were producing. That does have an affect on price, but it is not gouging. And, for years now OPEC has had significantly limited ability to control volume for several reasons.

Also, remember that oil companies have always had vast areas where they could drill when they wanted to.

Correct. US oil production near all time high. Drill down (no pun) into your data shows "all increase" is on private lands. Frackers "flyover rubes" in ND TX OK ramped up when it was needed ( American enginuity ). Obama and goons were unable to stop it thus far. Hip hip hooray. A win for common man.

They didn't try to stop it.

Now the prices are so low that domestic oil production has pulled back because the cost of drilling in many places is above the cost you can sell the oil for.
That's how capitalism works. The market sets the price. Liberals think they can pull prices out of their asses and make it work.
Kind of makes you look stupid for blaming him when prices were higher.

The reason prices were high was because of OPEC gouging and we weren't producing the amount of oil we need. One of the reasons prices stayed high was because Bill Clinton and Obama stifled oil exploration, and in Obama's case , shut down producing wells offshore and canceled drilling leases.

Did you not notice that prices went down for two reasons? First and foremost, were the huge oil deposit on private land (that Obama had no control over and couldn't stop) that, second, put the fear of God in OPEC.

The same thing happened after Carter's oil crisis. The U.S. started producing more, so OPEC lowered their prices in order to keep their market share.

It's not rocket surgery.
You clearly do NOT have a clue:

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

We've had a sharpest and longest lasting increase in US crude oil production under Obama than under any US president EVER.

And, that has come in the face of stupendous increases in gas production - a cheaper and cleaner fuel type.

AND, OPEC wasn't "gouging" - they were moderating the volume they were producing. That does have an affect on price, but it is not gouging. And, for years now OPEC has had significantly limited ability to control volume for several reasons.

Also, remember that oil companies have always had vast areas where they could drill when they wanted to.

Correct. US oil production near all time high. Drill down (no pun) into your data shows "all increase" is on private lands. Frackers "flyover rubes" in ND TX OK ramped up when it was needed ( American enginuity ). Obama and goons were unable to stop it thus far. Hip hip hooray. A win for common man.

They didn't try to stop it.

Now the prices are so low that domestic oil production has pulled back because the cost of drilling in many places is above the cost you can sell the oil for.
That's how capitalism works. The market sets the price. Liberals think they can pull prices out of their asses and make it work.

Or, you have a presidency that starts an unnecessary war in Iraq and oil goes up 120 bucks a barrel.
Take note of what happened to oil once Bush and his neocon oilmen came to power,

then look where it is now.
I remember the Carter years, you goddamn retard. Cars lined up around the block on ration days. Fuck you and your brain dead lying philosophies.
We have the Military to protect citizens and the industrial might of the greatest Country in the world to make the things we need and employ the people and create the GDP that makes the Country work. When you eliminate the Military and the Industrial complex from the equation you end up with socialists, career politicians, illegal immigrants and people on welfare which happens to be the democrat party base.
The reason prices were high was because of OPEC gouging and we weren't producing the amount of oil we need. One of the reasons prices stayed high was because Bill Clinton and Obama stifled oil exploration, and in Obama's case , shut down producing wells offshore and canceled drilling leases.

Did you not notice that prices went down for two reasons? First and foremost, were the huge oil deposit on private land (that Obama had no control over and couldn't stop) that, second, put the fear of God in OPEC.

The same thing happened after Carter's oil crisis. The U.S. started producing more, so OPEC lowered their prices in order to keep their market share.

It's not rocket surgery.
You clearly do NOT have a clue:

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

We've had a sharpest and longest lasting increase in US crude oil production under Obama than under any US president EVER.

And, that has come in the face of stupendous increases in gas production - a cheaper and cleaner fuel type.

AND, OPEC wasn't "gouging" - they were moderating the volume they were producing. That does have an affect on price, but it is not gouging. And, for years now OPEC has had significantly limited ability to control volume for several reasons.

Also, remember that oil companies have always had vast areas where they could drill when they wanted to.

Correct. US oil production near all time high. Drill down (no pun) into your data shows "all increase" is on private lands. Frackers "flyover rubes" in ND TX OK ramped up when it was needed ( American enginuity ). Obama and goons were unable to stop it thus far. Hip hip hooray. A win for common man.

They didn't try to stop it.

Now the prices are so low that domestic oil production has pulled back because the cost of drilling in many places is above the cost you can sell the oil for.
That's how capitalism works. The market sets the price. Liberals think they can pull prices out of their asses and make it work.

Or, you have a presidency that starts an unnecessary war in Iraq and oil goes up 120 bucks a barrel.
That Hillary voted for. But what's your evidence it had anything to do with oil?

...and no, I don't really expect an answer, stinky turds is all you have.
So what? TIT!

Trump selects successful businessmen. Would you rather he picks from the local street beggars?

Brainpower is better than political nonsense. maybe they can clean up some waste? Motivate? Combine depts? TIT! It ain't working last 30 years.

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