Trump chooses the guy from Big Oil for Secretary of State

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

We've had a sharpest and longest lasting increase in US crude oil production under Obama than under any US president EVER.

And you know what the Lying Cocksucker in Chief hadto do with that?

Nothing. Not a GODDAMNED thing.

In fact, the steaming pile of SHIT got in the way of fracking and is, right now, STILL trying to get in the way of racking.

Obama Adminstration Ramps Up Legal Fight Against Fracking

Nobody is that stupid. Nobody can be unaware of the Lying Cocksucker's stance on fracking.

So that must mean that --
You're a lying sack of shit.....

A lying dimocrap scumbag? Will wonders never cease.....
You are a disgusting individual who has no logical argument of ANY kind, and thus wallows in filth - as if that was a credit!

Eat a dick, slimeball
Tillerson is giving up a fortune to step down to SOS and serve the country.

He is going to use his powers as SOS to push Exxon business interests in the 80 or so foreign countries that they are active in. Considering the things this guy is responsible for, he does not have a sense of ethics.
Trump's cabinet, Generals and CEO's.

The military/industrial complex formally takes over the US government.

ExxonMobil is not apart of the military industrial complex, although they do finance violent conflicts across the third world.
Trump's cabinet, Generals and CEO's.

The military/industrial complex formally takes over the US government.
Military Industrial Complex dramatic rolling of eyes. Big Union presence in the Defense Industry, so are you conflicted at all about that ?

I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to get along with the Russians
The fact that they ARE wealthy just proves they are successful in their field, and have the leadership abilities to make whatever they endeavor to do a success as well. It's a new concept in governing.

It is an ancient concept known as an oligarchy. The USA has always been an oligarchy, but the next administration is making it blatantly obvious.
Trump was supposed to pick those he owed political favors to. He doesn't owe any political favors so he could pick the best qualified.
None of this has been announced or is official. Earliest we are told this will be announced is mid next week.
I am glad of Trump's pick because it causes so much butt hurt for the Moon Bats. That is always a good thing.

It is great that Trump picked a businessman. That will be a refreshing change after those yokels that Obama picked. An incompetent and corrupt Crooked Hillary and a dumbass pussy clown Kerry who has been an embarrassment to this country.
Trump's cabinet, Generals and CEO's.

The military/industrial complex formally takes over the US government.

The Obama cheap gasoline days are coming to an end. Oil men and War Mongers will get it back to the $4 / gal that the Bush War Monkey Boy got to in 2008.

You give the president too much credit, one way or the other.
Like Barack is the reason gas prices are so low. Yeah, he's the genius behind it.

Kind of makes you look stupid for blaming him when prices were higher.

The reason prices were high was because of OPEC gouging and we weren't producing the amount of oil we need. One of the reasons prices stayed high was because Bill Clinton and Obama stifled oil exploration, and in Obama's case , shut down producing wells offshore and canceled drilling leases.

Did you not notice that prices went down for two reasons? First and foremost, were the huge oil deposit on private land (that Obama had no control over and couldn't stop) that, second, put the fear of God in OPEC.

The same thing happened after Carter's oil crisis. The U.S. started producing more, so OPEC lowered their prices in order to keep their market share.

It's not rocket surgery.

You don't know what you're talking about.
The American far right and alt right and the working classes, all important in electing Trump, are going to get screwed as badly or worse than the rest of America.

They deserve it.

Your predictions have been spot-on so far (sarcasm). It amazes me you still share your "wisdom" after being proven wrong so often for so long.

Trump won't be perfect and was not most voters' first choice. At least we dodged that nightmare, Hillary.
Tresha, you are a goofus doofus, as usual, about me, but you are right about the two worst choices in our last century and a half, and one is gone, and the other needs to go right quick.
Trump was supposed to pick those he owed political favors to. He doesn't owe any political favors so he could pick the best qualified.
When he was pitching himself to the public he berated Clinton for talking to Goldman Sachs, and stated over and over again how he would prevent them from having any influence.

NOW, he's hiring THREE of them into top Executive Branch positions that have to do with money and strategy!!

Our president elect is a lying SOB!

Russia should have picked someone more qualified.
Under Obama we pumped so much oil that extraction companies were going bankrupt from the low price!

The right wing has tried to suggest that Obama hasn't kept us up with fossil fuel production - and that is just absolute garbage!
The left wing is filled with liars like you. Oil production increases have NOTHING to do with obama. Last I heard it was way down on federal land. It's been largely due to technology and fracking from the private sector. and fracking is the new bogeyman of the left. Under obama like hell!

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