Trump: Civil War

The military doesn't need up to put down the uprising of the left
Why will there be an uprising of the left to put down when the only ones talking about Civil war are you d1c suckers???
If the coup attempted by the left has to be explained to you the answer is above your head
Due process is exactly the opposite of a "coup", ya dummy.
LOL kavanaugh was guilty even though he was innocent you must believe the woman. Trump is guilty we just got to find the crime yeah that's what they call due process
Nice spin. But still, due process is not a coup. You are embarrassing yourself.

It's complete tribalism. No critical thought allowed.
Why will there be an uprising of the left to put down when the only ones talking about Civil war are you d1c suckers???
If the coup attempted by the left has to be explained to you the answer is above your head
Due process is exactly the opposite of a "coup", ya dummy.
LOL kavanaugh was guilty even though he was innocent you must believe the woman. Trump is guilty we just got to find the crime yeah that's what they call due process
Nice spin. But still, due process is not a coup. You are embarrassing yourself.

It's complete tribalism. No critical thought allowed.
LOL that's funny considering you use a moniker for something that is moved by the wind and has no footing.
Finding that point of equilibrium would take a great deal of effort and collaboration, so we both know it's not going to happen any time soon.

And why? Because if the solution is going to be complex or hard work, the government wants no part in it. Sure, they'll talk a good game, but in the long run, manufacturing outrage about issues/policies is the government's real bread and butter. That and campaigning. Heck, our politicians don't even try to hide their own corruption these days.

It appears that we have lost the ability to collaborate or innovate.

Innovation and collaboration will always be there. Unfortunately, there's absolutely no place for them in the current incarnation of our government system and it's been that way for quite some time. This is why we must rely on the private sector for those things.
Just brilliant, Mr President.

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

You have your talk radio troops riled up already, but that wasn't enough. Now you have to threaten this with your quote of this nut.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
7:11 PM - Sep 29, 2019

If Trump is impeached, I will consider it to be the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy.

I will consider the political process from this point on, to be a show, just going though the motions, with everyone knowing that no outsider will ever be allowed to upset the status quo.

And I think at least, tens of millions of Americans will feel the same way.

"If Trump is impeached, I will consider it to be the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy."

when trump was elected I considered it the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy.

and I know tens of millions of people who feel the same way.
Yep. Funny how that works.

Except that losing an election is not the same as having an election overturned.

Not even a little.
Throwing a corrupt president out of office is not overturning an election.

The way that you people immediately started your "resist" before he even took office, shows that your reason is to overturn the election.

ANYTHING, that you find as a rationalization, is just shit you found or made up, welll after the decision was made, to sort of, maybe pretend to justify your coup.

You do this, and you will divide this country against itself forever.
IF winning the White House and Congress, AND having the Supreme COurt, does not get our voices heard, then explain how under the current system, we get it heard.
You don't, when your voices are saying stupid and unconstitutional things. It's one of the points of how our system is constructed.

So, people like you, deciding that what we want is "stupid" somehow is more important than US holding ALL THREE BRANCHS OF THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT?

I was going to ask how that works, but that is not the real question.

THe real question is... actually it is not even a question.

THe answer is, that if that is the reality of our situation, then Trump is completely fucking right, that his impeachment will cause a civil war like divide in this country.

And that is the fucking point.

Why are you trying to tear this nation apart?
The country already has a civil war like divide.

The vast majority of working class Trump supporters, still think, or at least hope, that the political process is open to them.

You do this, you will prove to them, beyond a shadow of a doubt that that is no longer true, and has not been, for quite some time.

THe divide you have seen to date, will be nothing like what comes next.
Indeed RC Spain lost to Prot England. Spanish Armada 1588.
Hitler (RC, Pagan and Nationalist) officially "lost" in 1945.
However, the victors did not see themselves as "Protestants." The ideology of the victors was really Socialist- Globalist.
Note the victors immediately created the "United Nations."
Spain only lost some provinces to Prot America. Mexico had a revolution, but did not "lose" to America.
In the long run, Cuba did not lose to America... surviving the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco that was launched by the Catholic dominated CIA and also sabotaged by Roman Catholic JFK.

Oh, Pruitt, the only reason why you have a "Protestant" Church is that Henry VIII wanted to get laid and the Pope wouldn't let him dump his wife.

View attachment 282970
Chick Magnet - 1530!

Protestant Reformers - Wikipedia

Guy, I have no love for the Catholic Church, but stupid evangelicals like you are kind of boring..........

Your assignment is to find someone else to bother.
THANK GOODNESS insane people like you are so few and far between.
Why will there be an uprising of the left to put down when the only ones talking about Civil war are you d1c suckers???
If the coup attempted by the left has to be explained to you the answer is above your head
Due process is exactly the opposite of a "coup", ya dummy.
LOL kavanaugh was guilty even though he was innocent you must believe the woman. Trump is guilty we just got to find the crime yeah that's what they call due process
Nice spin. But still, due process is not a coup. You are embarrassing yourself.

It's complete tribalism. No critical thought allowed.
Correct. He is not a serious person. He is a caricature.
If Trump is impeached, I will consider it to be the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy.

I will consider the political process from this point on, to be a show, just going though the motions, with everyone knowing that no outsider will ever be allowed to upset the status quo.

And I think at least, tens of millions of Americans will feel the same way.

"If Trump is impeached, I will consider it to be the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy."

when trump was elected I considered it the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy.

and I know tens of millions of people who feel the same way.
Yep. Funny how that works.

Except that losing an election is not the same as having an election overturned.

Not even a little.
Throwing a corrupt president out of office is not overturning an election.

The way that you people immediately started your "resist" before he even took office, shows that your reason is to overturn the election.

ANYTHING, that you find as a rationalization, is just shit you found or made up, welll after the decision was made, to sort of, maybe pretend to justify your coup.

You do this, and you will divide this country against itself forever.
Bullshit. You wanna see what resistance from an opposition from the onset by a party actually looks like?

The Republicans’ Plan for the New President

On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

Among them were Senate power brokers Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl and Tom Coburn, and conservative congressmen Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan.

After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning.

... well guess what ... ?

Now you can go fuck yourself. :fu:
IF winning the White House and Congress, AND having the Supreme COurt, does not get our voices heard, then explain how under the current system, we get it heard.
You don't, when your voices are saying stupid and unconstitutional things. It's one of the points of how our system is constructed.

So, people like you, deciding that what we want is "stupid" somehow is more important than US holding ALL THREE BRANCHS OF THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT?

I was going to ask how that works, but that is not the real question.

THe real question is... actually it is not even a question.

THe answer is, that if that is the reality of our situation, then Trump is completely fucking right, that his impeachment will cause a civil war like divide in this country.

And that is the fucking point.

Why are you trying to tear this nation apart?
The country already has a civil war like divide.

The vast majority of working class Trump supporters, still think, or at least hope, that the political process is open to them.

You do this, you will prove to them, beyond a shadow of a doubt that that is no longer true, and has not been, for quite some time.

THe divide you have seen to date, will be nothing like what comes next.
The country is split down the middle. In the last presidential election, Republicans won the electoral vote, the one that matters, but not the popular vote. I won't predict who will win the next election but there are still more of us than there are of you.
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
The United States military vs. Trump`s Walmart militia. Where can I place my bet?
most of the military and vets will be on the side of the patriots. Remember this-one side has a trillion rounds of ammo and forty million rifles that cause liberals to soil their panties, and the other side eats Tide Pods and cannot figure out which toilet to use in public lavatories
Wouldn't be much of a "civil war."

Although some on the right might laugh themselves to death when being confronted by a horde of leftists armed with cardboard signs and dildos.
The United States military vs. Trump`s Walmart militia. Where can I place my bet?
most of the military and vets will be on the side of the patriots. Remember this-one side has a trillion rounds of ammo and forty million rifles that cause liberals to soil their panties, and the other side eats Tide Pods and cannot figure out which toilet to use in public lavatories
This military that you believe can overthrow the govt. of the United States is not the military that you see in John Wayne movies. It`s no longer just a bunch of white guys that are loyal to Dear Leader.
The country is split down the middle. In the last presidential election, Republicans won the electoral vote, the one that matters, but not the popular vote. I won't predict who will win the next election but there are still more of us than there are of you.

The country is split among fake news idiots who hate whitey, racist angry chronic welfare non-whites, racist illegal alien non-whites who demand what chronic welfare non-whites get, etc., and rational American citizen taxpayers who support civilization. Now you Faun have an avatar of that humiliated corrupt POS who attacked our democracy. So are you Faun even an American citizen, you douchebag?
The country is split down the middle. In the last presidential election, Republicans won the electoral vote, the one that matters, but not the popular vote. I won't predict who will win the next election but there are still more of us than there are of you.

The country is split among fake news idiots who hate whitey, racist angry chronic welfare non-whites, racist illegal alien non-whites who demand what chronic welfare non-whites get, etc., and rational American citizen taxpayers who support civilization. Now you Faun have an avatar of that humiliated corrupt POS who attacked our democracy. So are you Faun even an American citizen, you douchebag?
Well that's a lot of rightarded bullshit. In reality, most people voting Democrat are white. Myself included. And Mueller was humiliated? For getting at the truth?? What kind of lead paint are they feeding rightards these days?
"If Trump is impeached, I will consider it to be the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy."

when trump was elected I considered it the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy.

and I know tens of millions of people who feel the same way.
Yep. Funny how that works.

Except that losing an election is not the same as having an election overturned.

Not even a little.
Throwing a corrupt president out of office is not overturning an election.

The way that you people immediately started your "resist" before he even took office, shows that your reason is to overturn the election.

ANYTHING, that you find as a rationalization, is just shit you found or made up, welll after the decision was made, to sort of, maybe pretend to justify your coup.

You do this, and you will divide this country against itself forever.
Bullshit. You wanna see what resistance from an opposition from the onset by a party actually looks like?

The Republicans’ Plan for the New President

On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

Among them were Senate power brokers Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl and Tom Coburn, and conservative congressmen Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan.

After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning.

... well guess what ... ?

Now you can go fuck yourself. :fu:

Yeah, it's called Political Opposition.

Big difference between Political opponents opposing someone, politically, and civil servants illegally and falsely working to reverse an election on bullshit made up shit.

You can go fuck yourself. YOu are not fooling anyone.
IF winning the White House and Congress, AND having the Supreme COurt, does not get our voices heard, then explain how under the current system, we get it heard.
You don't, when your voices are saying stupid and unconstitutional things. It's one of the points of how our system is constructed.

So, people like you, deciding that what we want is "stupid" somehow is more important than US holding ALL THREE BRANCHS OF THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT?

I was going to ask how that works, but that is not the real question.

THe real question is... actually it is not even a question.

THe answer is, that if that is the reality of our situation, then Trump is completely fucking right, that his impeachment will cause a civil war like divide in this country.

And that is the fucking point.

Why are you trying to tear this nation apart?
The country already has a civil war like divide.

The vast majority of working class Trump supporters, still think, or at least hope, that the political process is open to them.

You do this, you will prove to them, beyond a shadow of a doubt that that is no longer true, and has not been, for quite some time.

THe divide you have seen to date, will be nothing like what comes next.
The country is split down the middle. In the last presidential election, Republicans won the electoral vote, the one that matters, but not the popular vote. I won't predict who will win the next election but there are still more of us than there are of you.

So, you fully prepared to use democracy to rule and just shit can the idea of governing by consent?

That will be a very different country. You sure that is a change for the better? Have you considered how it could go wrong?

Thanks for admitting it though. I guess you figure it is late enough that you can finally be truthful.
Yep. Funny how that works.

Except that losing an election is not the same as having an election overturned.

Not even a little.
Throwing a corrupt president out of office is not overturning an election.

The way that you people immediately started your "resist" before he even took office, shows that your reason is to overturn the election.

ANYTHING, that you find as a rationalization, is just shit you found or made up, welll after the decision was made, to sort of, maybe pretend to justify your coup.

You do this, and you will divide this country against itself forever.
Bullshit. You wanna see what resistance from an opposition from the onset by a party actually looks like?

The Republicans’ Plan for the New President

On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

Among them were Senate power brokers Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl and Tom Coburn, and conservative congressmen Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan.

After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning.

... well guess what ... ?

Now you can go fuck yourself. :fu:

Yeah, it's called Political Opposition.

Big difference between Political opponents opposing someone, politically, and civil servants illegally and falsely working to reverse an election on bullshit made up shit.

You can go fuck yourself. YOu are not fooling anyone.
There's nothing false about it, shitstain.
You don't, when your voices are saying stupid and unconstitutional things. It's one of the points of how our system is constructed.

So, people like you, deciding that what we want is "stupid" somehow is more important than US holding ALL THREE BRANCHS OF THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT?

I was going to ask how that works, but that is not the real question.

THe real question is... actually it is not even a question.

THe answer is, that if that is the reality of our situation, then Trump is completely fucking right, that his impeachment will cause a civil war like divide in this country.

And that is the fucking point.

Why are you trying to tear this nation apart?
The country already has a civil war like divide.

The vast majority of working class Trump supporters, still think, or at least hope, that the political process is open to them.

You do this, you will prove to them, beyond a shadow of a doubt that that is no longer true, and has not been, for quite some time.

THe divide you have seen to date, will be nothing like what comes next.
The country is split down the middle. In the last presidential election, Republicans won the electoral vote, the one that matters, but not the popular vote. I won't predict who will win the next election but there are still more of us than there are of you.

So, you fully prepared to use democracy to rule and just shit can the idea of governing by consent?

That will be a very different country. You sure that is a change for the better? Have you considered how it could go wrong?

Thanks for admitting it though. I guess you figure it is late enough that you can finally be truthful.
Except that losing an election is not the same as having an election overturned.

Not even a little.
Throwing a corrupt president out of office is not overturning an election.

The way that you people immediately started your "resist" before he even took office, shows that your reason is to overturn the election.

ANYTHING, that you find as a rationalization, is just shit you found or made up, welll after the decision was made, to sort of, maybe pretend to justify your coup.

You do this, and you will divide this country against itself forever.
Bullshit. You wanna see what resistance from an opposition from the onset by a party actually looks like?

The Republicans’ Plan for the New President

On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

Among them were Senate power brokers Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl and Tom Coburn, and conservative congressmen Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan.

After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning.

... well guess what ... ?

Now you can go fuck yourself. :fu:

Yeah, it's called Political Opposition.

Big difference between Political opponents opposing someone, politically, and civil servants illegally and falsely working to reverse an election on bullshit made up shit.

You can go fuck yourself. YOu are not fooling anyone.
There's nothing false about it, shitstain.

YOu don't care whether it is false or not. YOu support it regardless.

This is a coup attempt and if you succeed, you will divide this nation against itself forever.

The President was absolutely right to call you fucktards out on your actions.
So, people like you, deciding that what we want is "stupid" somehow is more important than US holding ALL THREE BRANCHS OF THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT?

I was going to ask how that works, but that is not the real question.

THe real question is... actually it is not even a question.

THe answer is, that if that is the reality of our situation, then Trump is completely fucking right, that his impeachment will cause a civil war like divide in this country.

And that is the fucking point.

Why are you trying to tear this nation apart?
The country already has a civil war like divide.

The vast majority of working class Trump supporters, still think, or at least hope, that the political process is open to them.

You do this, you will prove to them, beyond a shadow of a doubt that that is no longer true, and has not been, for quite some time.

THe divide you have seen to date, will be nothing like what comes next.
The country is split down the middle. In the last presidential election, Republicans won the electoral vote, the one that matters, but not the popular vote. I won't predict who will win the next election but there are still more of us than there are of you.

So, you fully prepared to use democracy to rule and just shit can the idea of governing by consent?

That will be a very different country. You sure that is a change for the better? Have you considered how it could go wrong?

Thanks for admitting it though. I guess you figure it is late enough that you can finally be truthful.

You intent was obvious. Are you really too dim to understand the meanings of the words you posted, you moron?

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