Trump: Civil War

A). No one tried to impeach Bill Clinton. He WAS impeached. But the Dimocriters refused to remove him from office.

Um, yeah, because it was a farce.

B). Legitimately elected president? IRRELEVANT. No one has ever questioned a presidential election until Obama who for YEARS told the world he was Kenyan.

Oh, I wasn't even talking about your racist reaction to the black guy... but it's like you guys can't help yourself.

C). Impeachment was over suborning perjury. Stop trying to lie abut the blowjob. That was simply vulgar. God only knows what else Clinton did we never heard about.

Suborning perjury wasn't one of the charges that went to the Senate. Just Perjury and Obstruction, both of which were rejected, because it was OVER A BLOW JOB. Hey, you know what, we all do vulgar things that most people don't hear about, because it's none of their business.

D). No. The Civil War did not begin until GW got in office and they tried to eviscerate him for doing his job. With Clinton, it was simply high crimes of treason with China.

It was his job to get us into a war over a lie?

I think his job was the opposite of that.
Won't be a civil war. It will be a massacre of Trumpsters and Nationalist. Satan's Pope led Globalist have planned this for decades.

Try post number 1. You created a thread about Trump retweeting the obvious. Then you act like it is egregious and have no idea why he would do it. People are trying to help you here. The acts of 'Your' party are tearing the country apart, so you troll and act like you have no idea what is going on.
You could either quote or ask. It couldn't be more simple.

There's no reason for you to be ignorant. That's your choice.

You sure do whine a lot about my posts.

Fine, I'll ask you a straight up question. Do you believe the democrat attacks of Russia collusion, the attack on Kavanaugh, or the Ukranian whistleblower are legit? Normally you say it is all 'winger' make believe dreamed up on AM radio.
Their actions on Russia and Kavanaugh were motivated by partisan politics.

No doubt so is this Ukranian story, although we don't have enough facts yet to know if the story actually has teeth.

Anything else?

Wow, you shocked me. I didn't think you would go there. lol I do kinda feel like a wheeny now. I'm still going to have to jab you a bit though, because you know what this means. It means you agree with Rush Limbaugh on at least two, possibly three major points. It isn't too late you know, you can still join us. If you tally the list, you might be surprised on how many points we agree on.
No, I'm afraid I'm a hopeless case. I'm so sick of the behaviors of both ends of the spectrum that the last thing I want to do is attach myself to either.

Here's how I see things, in a nutshell: The Left has wrecked our culture, the Right has wrecked our socio-economics. Both of those are absolutely unforgivable offenses in my book. And BOTH ends have wrecked our politics. That's been a team effort.

So I'll just stumble along, leaning Left somewhat, but I've got no use for either tribe.

I do have to agree with you. I lean right, but the left has wrecked our culture and the right has failed to do much of anything. At least they have not done much over the last 20 years. Trump is a jerk and lies and exaggerates. But at least he's gotten some things actually done which is driving the left nuts.

But I don't have much time for the Republicans by and large.
Won't be a civil war. It will be a massacre of Trumpsters and Nationalist. Satan's Pope led Globalist have planned this for decades.


The Catholics have lost all the wars in the last 200 yrs to the Protestants
I'd like to see a list of the wars to which you refer.

Catholic Spain losing to Protestant England

And joining hitler and losing again to Protestants

Spain and Mexico and Cuban Catholics losing to Protestant America
Indeed RC Spain lost to Prot England. Spanish Armada 1588.
Hitler (RC, Pagan and Nationalist) officially "lost" in 1945.
However, the victors did not see themselves as "Protestants." The ideology of the victors was really Socialist- Globalist.
Note the victors immediately created the "United Nations."
Spain only lost some provinces to Prot America. Mexico had a revolution, but did not "lose" to America.
In the long run, Cuba did not lose to America... surviving the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco that was launched by the Catholic dominated CIA and also sabotaged by Roman Catholic JFK.
Would you believe there are still people sooooooo ignorant, they still think the CIA serves "Sovereign" USA and the American people.
Indeed RC Spain lost to Prot England. Spanish Armada 1588.
Hitler (RC, Pagan and Nationalist) officially "lost" in 1945.
However, the victors did not see themselves as "Protestants." The ideology of the victors was really Socialist- Globalist.
Note the victors immediately created the "United Nations."
Spain only lost some provinces to Prot America. Mexico had a revolution, but did not "lose" to America.
In the long run, Cuba did not lose to America... surviving the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco that was launched by the Catholic dominated CIA and also sabotaged by Roman Catholic JFK.

Wrong dead wrong

Protestants beat the Catholics because of their higher logic ability to invent better and predict better

Changing from catholic to Protestant came because of the wise fleeing to the better religion

Unemployment rate drops to 3.5 %. Record low number

These screwery polls does show the Hispanics rising fast for trump .. that means they know they were helped by trump

But But their numbers don’t add up from that

It seems they are in a PANIC to hide the men’s vote .. to hide the white mens vote and to hide the military vote

They are in a panic afraid trump will now do like Andrew Jackson did with that real power

Fake lying media

Fake lying educators

Fake lying everybody that is getting their money from the crooked system which could bring us to world war 111

Really stoopid corrupt deep state
Indeed RC Spain lost to Prot England. Spanish Armada 1588.
Hitler (RC, Pagan and Nationalist) officially "lost" in 1945.
However, the victors did not see themselves as "Protestants." The ideology of the victors was really Socialist- Globalist.
Note the victors immediately created the "United Nations."
Spain only lost some provinces to Prot America. Mexico had a revolution, but did not "lose" to America.
In the long run, Cuba did not lose to America... surviving the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco that was launched by the Catholic dominated CIA and also sabotaged by Roman Catholic JFK.

Oh, Pruitt, the only reason why you have a "Protestant" Church is that Henry VIII wanted to get laid and the Pope wouldn't let him dump his wife.


Chick Magnet - 1530!
The Protestants won the wars against the Catholics starting in 200 yrs ago

Catholics joined the loser hitler and got beat again

Today in America has the conservatives as the Protestants for trump with the men and will beat the northeast Catholics with the less men
Indeed RC Spain lost to Prot England. Spanish Armada 1588.
Hitler (RC, Pagan and Nationalist) officially "lost" in 1945.
However, the victors did not see themselves as "Protestants." The ideology of the victors was really Socialist- Globalist.
Note the victors immediately created the "United Nations."
Spain only lost some provinces to Prot America. Mexico had a revolution, but did not "lose" to America.
In the long run, Cuba did not lose to America... surviving the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco that was launched by the Catholic dominated CIA and also sabotaged by Roman Catholic JFK.

Oh, Pruitt, the only reason why you have a "Protestant" Church is that Henry VIII wanted to get laid and the Pope wouldn't let him dump his wife.

View attachment 282970
Chick Magnet - 1530!

Protestant Reformers - Wikipedia
Indeed RC Spain lost to Prot England. Spanish Armada 1588.
Hitler (RC, Pagan and Nationalist) officially "lost" in 1945.
However, the victors did not see themselves as "Protestants." The ideology of the victors was really Socialist- Globalist.
Note the victors immediately created the "United Nations."
Spain only lost some provinces to Prot America. Mexico had a revolution, but did not "lose" to America.
In the long run, Cuba did not lose to America... surviving the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco that was launched by the Catholic dominated CIA and also sabotaged by Roman Catholic JFK.

Oh, Pruitt, the only reason why you have a "Protestant" Church is that Henry VIII wanted to get laid and the Pope wouldn't let him dump his wife.

View attachment 282970
Chick Magnet - 1530!

Protestant Reformers - Wikipedia

Guy, I have no love for the Catholic Church, but stupid evangelicals like you are kind of boring. You really think that God Got it wrong for 1500 years before Henry VIII got horny?

So 2 Billion Christians in the world, half of them are Catholic... another quarter of them are Orthodox... but nope, you various Protestants are the one who got it right.
Indeed RC Spain lost to Prot England. Spanish Armada 1588.
Hitler (RC, Pagan and Nationalist) officially "lost" in 1945.
However, the victors did not see themselves as "Protestants." The ideology of the victors was really Socialist- Globalist.
Note the victors immediately created the "United Nations."
Spain only lost some provinces to Prot America. Mexico had a revolution, but did not "lose" to America.
In the long run, Cuba did not lose to America... surviving the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco that was launched by the Catholic dominated CIA and also sabotaged by Roman Catholic JFK.

Oh, Pruitt, the only reason why you have a "Protestant" Church is that Henry VIII wanted to get laid and the Pope wouldn't let him dump his wife.

View attachment 282970
Chick Magnet - 1530!

Protestant Reformers - Wikipedia

Guy, I have no love for the Catholic Church, but stupid evangelicals like you are kind of boring. You really think that God Got it wrong for 1500 years before Henry VIII got horny?

So 2 Billion Christians in the world, half of them are Catholic... another quarter of them are Orthodox... but nope, you various Protestants are the one who got it right.

History proves the wise are Protestants because they have won all the wars !!!
Henry VIII didn't start the Protestant religion. German Martin Luther started the Protestant reformation. King Henry started the Church of England.
If Trump is impeached, I will consider it to be the end of me having even the hope of having my interests ever represented in national policy.

I will consider the political process from this point on, to be a show, just going though the motions, with everyone knowing that no outsider will ever be allowed to upset the status quo.

And I think at least, tens of millions of Americans will feel the same way.
So revolt then, Correll :rolleyes:

Partisans are so lame.

I made a point. You were the one too lame to address it, but felt he had to say something anyway.
You didnt make a point. You made a prediction about disgruntled citizens. Whhoo00a, Shakespeare, this has happened every election since time.

But...since we can now drama queen on the internet, empty calls for Civil War come from the whining. Its basically been happening since the internet/aol forums were first invented.

This does not happen with every election. We WON the election. FOr the Presidency. ANd for BOTH houses of Congress. AND we got the Supreme Court.

If with all of that, we still dont' get to have our turn? Then it is obvious that we never will.

That is a the basis for a "deep Civil War like fracture".
I think you need to put the partisan politic-like Alex Jones space tunnel of fox news msnbc down and go outside.

IF winning the White House and Congress, AND having the Supreme COurt, does not get our voices heard, then explain how under the current system, we get it heard.
IF winning the White House and Congress, AND having the Supreme COurt, does not get our voices heard, then explain how under the current system, we get it heard.
You don't, when your voices are saying stupid and unconstitutional things. It's one of the points of how our system is constructed.

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