trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

Does that mean he was not POTUS in the WH and not able to leave NATO? I don´t think you are seriously debating.

No that means you can only get around to so much in 4 years.

You don't just quit NATO, you have to lay frame for doing that, stir some shit, make some hay, feed the grievances. Thats what Trump is doing now.
They were and still are:
Unfortunately, Trump is correct in stating this matter - which is in regards to a common agreed upon "GUIDELINE". Nowhere is it stated that NATO members MUST pay 2%.

Even though (excluding the USA budget) the European NATO alone, outspends Russia by 5 times.
Which brings in rightfully the question - why does NATO need to spend 2% of it's GDP at all? so that they can outspend Russia by 7 times?

View attachment 901424

The rest of us need to spend 2% of GDP to help the US arms industry, since we buy our big money weapons from YOU.

THAT is the ONLY reason we need to spend the money.
He won´t do a single step just like last time.
Are you Trump's foreign policy advisor?

Because Bolton was his advisor and he tells us you are wrong.

Trump is already talking about letting Russian invade NATO countries, already talking about doing away with all foreign aid. Elections do have consequences and this is the direction Trump is promissing to take us.

Well even if joking , it is a bad joke. Telling them that he would encourage Russia to do whatever.

That is not diplomacy, its making threats to allies. Threats rarely work and creates payback.

The best negotiator gets people to move by letting them believe that is their idea.

The US is part of an alliance. Part of is to keep Russian and its allies in check.

Paying their fair share has always been an issue. Negotiation is better than making threats,
Did Trump claim in the art of negotiation that he was good at making a deal.

Yet he cannot even deal with Congress unless they were all republicans.

"The worst things in history have happened when people stop thinking for themselves, especially when they allow themselves to be influenced by negative people. That's what gives rise to dictators. Avoid that at all costs. Stop it first on a personal level, and you will have contributed to world sanity as well as your own." ~ Donald Trump

Indians say white man speaks with fork tongue still lives on

its my way or the highway
/----/ Well, well well, lookie here. NATO nations respond to Trump's ultimation. Even out of office and with 9,436,128 indictments, he has more sway than Dementia Joe ever could muster.
Are you Trump's foreign policy advisor?

Because Bolton was his advisor and he tells us you are wrong.

Trump is already talking about letting Russian invade NATO countries, already talking about doing away with all foreign aid. Elections do have consequences and this is the direction Trump is promissing to take us.

It is the same stuff that he promised in 2016 and didn´t keep.
Are you Trump's foreign policy advisor?

Because Bolton was his advisor and he tells us you are wrong.

Trump is already talking about letting Russian invade NATO countries, already talking about doing away with all foreign aid. Elections do have consequences and this is the direction Trump is promissing to take us.

Trump: "I made Nato strong"

Trump: "I made Nato strong"

Same Trump that is talking about not defending NATO countries now? What happened, where did "strong" go? :rolleyes-41:
It is the same stuff that he promised in 2016 and didn´t keep.
He also promissed a Great Wall of America, reality was different, but thats the direction he was pushing in. Same with NATO, except in his second term Trump is expected to start by cutting down a lot of instituional resistance that moderated his first term.

You talking about simply ignoring what is clearly on Trump's mind is not convicncing.
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Cancel your job as a spy for Russia. It failed. Do you believe Russia wants to pay to be in NATO? Trump only likes those who pay into NATO.
trump only like trump....anything that enriches trump or gives him more power, he loves.
There are several reasons why NATO still exists despite the end of the Cold War.

First, NATO provides a forum for member countries to discuss and coordinate on security issues, as well as to conduct joint military exercises and operations.

Second, NATO serves as a deterrent against potential aggression from non-member countries, as it demonstrates the collective military strength of its members.

Third, NATO also plays a role in promoting stability and security in regions outside of Europe, such as through its involvement in peacekeeping operations and counter-terrorism efforts.

Moreover, the alliance has also taken on new roles and missions in recent years, such as cybersecurity and countering hybrid warfare, which are relevant in today's security environment.

If America were to leave NATO, it would likely have significant implications for the future of the alliance. NATO was originally formed as a collective defense agreement among Western nations, and the United States has historically been a key player in the organization.

If America were to leave NATO, it could potentially weaken the alliance and diminish its ability to respond to security challenges in Europe and beyond. It could also lead to increased tensions and uncertainty among NATO member countries, as they may feel less secure without the backing of the United States.

However, NATO is not solely reliant on the United States, and other member countries could potentially work to strengthen and maintain the alliance in the absence of American participation.

Additionally, the United States leaving NATO does not necessarily mean the end of the alliance, as other member countries could potentially continue to work together on security issues.

NATO is obviously not a for-profit organization and the US president is not the CEO. Trump will probably fail if he keeps acting just like a Wolf of Wall Street! lol. :)
There are more and more Americans that believe, largely due to trump lies, that we need to abandon NATO. trump is not only a danger to America, he is a danger to the world. He is set to topple the balance of power in the world, in order to seek favoritism to Poootin. It all comes down to whoever or whatever will line trump's pockets. A Hotel in Moscow would do just that.

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