Trump Claims Maxine Water's IQ Is Mid 60's

It's just amazing that any so-called "progressive" would defend this hateful, violence-inciting, intolerant, bigoted, ignorant woman.
“Best at Hyperbole” = Biggest Liar

Only if you don't know the definition of Hyperbole.

"exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally."
No, that would be tongue in cheek

When you claim you saw thousands of Muslims celibrating 9-11 in NJ that is not Hyperbole.......that is an outright lie to draw hatred to Muslims
At least it wasn't al 54 States
You lie....he never said that

You're right it was 57 states ... some say it was a veiled reference to the 57 Islamic states..... personally I think it was a coded message to John Kerry family who own the Heinz Ketchup Fortune [ Heinz 57 Sauce ] .... iT's aLl a vAsT CoNsPiRaCy I tElL Ya !!!
Why did you lie and say 54?
It's just amazing that any so-called "progressive" would defend this hateful, violence-inciting, intolerant, bigoted, ignorant woman.
I find it amazing that anyone would defend a hateful, violence inciting, intolerant, bigoted, ignorant president like Trump
Maxine Waters threatens to SOCIALIZE the oil companies, basically the government would take over all the oil companies. You go girl!
You don't even know that the correct word is "nationalize" not "socialize", and you claim you are smart. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Obviously, you don't know what was said by the brilliant Maxine Waters. You need to have all that laughing for her. She wants to SOCIALIZE the oil companies. She's more of a Socialist than your mentor Bernie Sanders. See her shock herself into silence by what even she can't believe she said out loud.

She almost said "socializing" or "socialization", but didn't finish, because she knew she was using the wrong word.

Unlike you guys, who are morons and proud of it.

And I'm sure you support oil companies.

She almost said "socializing" or "socialization", but didn't finish, because she knew she was using the wrong word.

Unlike you guys, who are morons and proud of it.

And I'm sure you support oil companies.

She said exactly what she meant and then realized her huge faux pas and tried to walk it back. The other committee person is looking at her in disbelief at what she said and how she was trying to dig herself out of the hole.

It was the "wrong" word because she didn't want to say it in public! :D
She almost said "socializing" or "socialization", but didn't finish, because she knew she was using the wrong word.

Unlike you guys, who are morons and proud of it.

And I'm sure you support oil companies.

She said exactly what she meant and then realized her huge faux pas and tried to walk it back. The other committee person is looking at her in disbelief at what she said and how she was trying to dig herself out of the hole.

It was the "wrong" word because she didn't want to say it in public! :D
So you are really such an idiot that you still believe "socialization" means "nationalization"? You haven't even tried to deny it.

So I suppose if you try to talk to your friends, that makes you a communist. You better shut up then.
'Trump Claims Maxine Water's IQ Is Mid 60's'

What an idiot! 60? Maxine Waters would be blessed to have an IQ half that high...
Africans average 70 IQ and that means half are above and half are below, so the insanely moronic (retarded relative to Westerners) Watters could be significantly lower that The Donald's estimate. :p
I'm glad he didn't insult her on national TV.

He needs to continue to compliment our Lieberal friends whenever he gets the chance.

Trump certainly is NOT presidential! He's such an immature, low life.... and ya'll love him??? Just nuts!

P.S. Are you Russian? # walkaway is primarily russian trolls spreading it around the right wing nutters...

so, are you a Russian or just a wanna be Russian? :D

What?! So Russians don't like liberals?
They only like, people they can fool!!!
You describe the Democrat Party here. The foundation of their base is made up of useful idiots who actually believe all the shit they spew is beneficial to them in the long run.
He does not speak well, but yeah he is better than Hillary...who fucking cares...that is one shitty low that really the best we can do in this country..."well at least he is not Hillary".


Fuck, I need a beer! :beer:
What do you need him to say? He draws thousands to hear him. How many you draw?

Britney Spears drew tens of thousands to hear her sing, did not make her a good singer.

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True, but did you turn in to see Donald's tits?
I mean people think if you sound like a snobbish brit, you're smarter, not the case. I like people who are plainspeaking. Trump makes it interesting. He says stuff no one else would dare do, and it's an endearing trait for him.

It does not have to be one extreme or the other, there is a lot of middle ground between a speaking like a 4th grader and being dry and boring and snobbish.
You can be “folksy” without constantly talking at a fourth grade level

Bill Clinton was one of our brightest Presidents but spoke like a good ole boy. But Clinton could change gears when talking to other leaders, politicians and businessmen

Trump can’t
He went to Penn, you guys say this about ever republican. EVERY ONE.
We like people who are blunt and speak well, we don't need a bunch of George Wills.
How do you know how Trump speaks to foreign leaders?
Not sure of her iq but she is full of hate and racist.
So what race is does she think is inferior and how does she discriminate against them? Hating GOP racists does not make one a racist, super duper. That does.

She hates white people.
. . . certainly white racists.
LOL jakey the fakey is now defending Maxine Watters, but hey he is a republican......this guy........comedy gold.
That would mean, if true, hers is double his.

He's as terrified of Rep Waters as he is other women.

We've seen this all along from trump - he bullies and name calls because he's a frightened little baby.

yeah, Maxine does have the bloods and crips at her disposal.
but seriously who is afraid of Maxine Watters, Trump was generous with that IQ, monkeys at the zoo are smarter.
Seems like she hates Trump cabinet members
... And even if she hated white people that would not make her a racist. You have to believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them.

ONLY my far left Progressive good friend francoHFW could invent his own definition for racist. What fun!
That is the definition. You GOP Dupes have been given a new one which you swallow no problem.
So Evergreen College is racist, thanks for pointing that out.

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