Trump Claims Maxine Water's IQ Is Mid 60's

ive lost track of maxine's age, but i would guess that in the mid-60's, she was around 70 years old?
if maxine's brain continues to shrink, she will start falling for prank calls from abe lincoln and darth vader
I'm glad he didn't insult her on national TV.

He needs to continue to compliment our Lieberal friends whenever he gets the chance.


I have seen toe-tagged cadavers with more life than her. When she loses just five more brain cells? They will be putting a bib under her neck, she will require a "drool cup" and around the clock medical care. She was never the "sharpest knife in the drawer" to begin with. Her gaffes were legendary even before she became senile. I try to conjure up feelings of pity and sympathy for her.....but ....nah.
I'm glad he didn't insult her on national TV.

He needs to continue to compliment our Lieberal friends whenever he gets the chance.


I am certain the gentle Lady's intelligence is applicable to both attainment of her honorable office and use thereof, namely her use of it over the past month. Dividing America with a chainsaw is always a smart idea. Someone please confiscate her book of matches.

ROTFLMAO!!!! Best post of the week!
RECLAIMING MEH TIME SHUT UP RECLAIMING MEH TIME SHUT.... The question is what sick, racist fucks vote for that low IQ POS Maxine Waters.
She may very well be.
I said Thomas Paine, not Thomas Edison.
1. Surely you've noticed that Trump is the Best in the World at using Hyperbole. So, that point of your is just a joke, right?

2. Because all Presidents have done so. As per the link YOU provided.
“Best at Hyperbole” = Biggest Liar

Only if you don't know the definition of Hyperbole.

"exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally."
No, that would be tongue in cheek

When you claim you saw thousands of Muslims celibrating 9-11 in NJ that is not Hyperbole.......that is an outright lie to draw hatred to Muslims

Your lack of understanding of common english words is noted and held against you.

hyperbole definition - Google Search

  1. exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
Well then it doesn’t apply to Fat Donnie does it

Trump expects to be believed

I'm sorry that you are so full of hate that you can't mention President TRump without insulting him.

Regardless, now that you know the definition of hyperbole, your previous point is refuted.

Piss off, ass.
Even Pelosi and Schummer recognize that Maxine Waters is a trainwreck for the Democrats and has been for years.
She's a shining light who is saying things that need to be said.

She's a modern day Thomas Paine.

well now...too funny ^^^

there is stupid

and there is Mad Max stupid

shining light my ...

maxine waters proved her IQ to be under 26 when she fell for that phone call from the Ukraine

Sort of like when Trump fell for that phone call from the "senator"?

Seems him and Maxine are a lot alike
Not sure of her iq but she is full of hate and racist.
So what race is does she think is inferior and how does she discriminate against them? Hating GOP racists does not make one a racist, super duper. That does.

She hates white people.
That’s an understatement
Seems like she hates Trump cabinet members
... And even if she hated white people that would not make her a racist. You have to believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them.
So white people are fair game for racial hate. Can’t make this up
Not sure of her iq but she is full of hate and racist.
So what race is does she think is inferior and how does she discriminate against them? Hating GOP racists does not make one a racist, super duper. That does.

She hates white people.
That’s an understatement
Seems like she hates Trump cabinet members
... And even if she hated white people that would not make her a racist. You have to believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them.
So white people are fair game for racial hate. Can’t make this up
Dude, racist hate is racist hate no matter the color.

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