Trump Claims Maxine Water's IQ Is Mid 60's

She may very well be.
I said Thomas Paine, not Thomas Edison.
Yes, you said shining light too.
It was quite obvious third grader. You should read the post I responded to! Hmm not the brightest bulb in the package

Ahh, you are so cute when you try so hard. So, did you figure out what that nice chart meant that I posted for you or do you need me to explain it you
That Ivy Leaguer thought there was 57 states! Hmm, maybe because he’s not a US citizen

If he was not a citizen he could not have been POTUS. Just one more thing you have been wrong about. You are on a roll
We know, it’s why the Birchers exist. Still no proof
You live on a totally imaginary Planet, GOP dupe. Small government and family values hi my ass.
Weze need to start going into westeraunts, public restrooms, doctors offices and dem whitey bingo parlors and start harrassing dem white people by grabbing the nearest bowling ball or watermelon and hitting those racists on the head!
1. Surely you've noticed that Trump is the Best in the World at using Hyperbole. So, that point of your is just a joke, right?

2. Because all Presidents have done so. As per the link YOU provided.
“Best at Hyperbole” = Biggest Liar

Only if you don't know the definition of Hyperbole.

"exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally."
No, that would be tongue in cheek

When you claim you saw thousands of Muslims celibrating 9-11 in NJ that is not Hyperbole.......that is an outright lie to draw hatred to Muslims
At least it wasn't al 54 States
You lie....he never said that

You're right it was 57 states ... some say it was a veiled reference to the 57 Islamic states..... personally I think it was a coded message to John Kerry family who own the Heinz Ketchup Fortune [ Heinz 57 Sauce ] .... iT's aLl a vAsT CoNsPiRaCy I tElL Ya !!!
Even Pelosi and Schummer recognize that Maxine Waters is a trainwreck for the Democrats and has been for years.
She's a shining light who is saying things that need to be said.

She's a modern day Thomas Paine.

well now...too funny ^^^

there is stupid

and there is Mad Max stupid

shining light my ...

maxine waters proved her IQ to be under 26 when she fell for that phone call from the Ukraine

Sort of like when Trump fell for that phone call from the "senator"?

Seems him and Maxine are a lot alike
Except there is no evidence in the Maxine case, Super Dupe. More garbage GOP propaganda, all you know, ignoramus.
i hope that someday a prankster calls maxine claiming that he is an alien from Mars and she falls for it.

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