Trump Claims Maxine Water's IQ Is Mid 60's

Why do you care if he calls you a "Trump Zealot"?

…. If you admire Donald Trump, there's nothing wrong with that, he does have some admirable achievements (the Cosmo/Hyatt project, Trump Tower, Trump Plaza, etc.,) and qualities but make sure you account for ALL of the facts (not the hype) regarding his history, warts and all because he does have A LOT of personal and professional warts and IMHO those should be taken into account when making an objective evaluation of whether or not he's worthy of your admiration.

Otherwise you're no different than the mindless drones that carry around an irrational hatred of him and criticize him no matter what he does.

It mischaracterizes, my political support of the President, implying that I have not made an objective evaluation of the man, and claims that I am no different than the mindless drones that carry around an irrational hatred of him and criticize him no matter what he does.

It also is an attempt to marginalize me, to provide an excuse for not addressing the points I made, that crushed his arguments like weak little bugs.


You got something to say?

I love that you actually think you crushed my arguments. It helps to explain your view of a successful career. You have very low bars in your life for success.

Your pretense that you did not understand how talking at a level of education that a person could not understand,

would be off putting for them?

That was an argument easily crushed. Like a weak little bug.

I did not realize that a Trump follower could not understand above a 3rd grade level, thanks for clearing that up for me
Maxine needs to challenge Fat Donnie to an IQ test

I have Donnie pegged at around 90

She would not dare. She would be crushed, and she knows it.

YOu know it too. YOu just spew a lot of shit. ANd dont' mean nothing by it.

Dotard Donnie does have the best words

You lib keep talking down to people, to make them aware of how much smarter you think you are than them.

I'm sure that will start working eventually.

Wasn’t Dotard Donnie speaking down to Maxine Waters?

Yep. And that was a fine way to avoid my point.

Does it not raise a red flag that you spend so much time and energy running from real discussion of your positions?

Was he speaking down or what?
Doesn’t that open him up to comparisons of his own IQ?
1. Thanks. Stands.

2. It is a complex and difficult task that he accomplished.

3. Once in office, he gets paid and will get a pension no matter his actual job performance. ANd considering his opposition, a very strong piece of evidence of intelligence.

1. :113:

2. Nope it is not. Too many examples of stupid fucking reality TV stars. In fact I would argue that the majority of them are stupid.

3. That is a very low bar, but I guess you have to go with what you have since there is so little to work with.

None of this of course changes the fact he has the vocabulary of a 3rd grader and lacks basic knowledge that most people have due to his lack of reading.

He is obviously, and purposefully talking at a level to avoid talking down to people.

Obviously. It is disturbing that you missed that.

So, he talks at a 3rd grade level to avoid talking down to people?

That makes no sense at all. And it should be noted he has always talked this way, long before becoming a politician. It all stems back to his lack of reading, something he is actually proud of.

It makes perfect sense.

If you talk at an education level that people cannot understand, you come off as condescending.

Trump, as he has said, is a professional negotiator. Putting people at ease, is obviously a skill he developed during that fist career.

So, what you are saying is that Trump's followers cannot understand higher than a 3rd grade level? Wow, that seems sort of condescending, but since you are the Trump follower I will take your word for it.


And again, you have to misrepresent what I say in order to have any comeback.

Putting people at ease, is a skill he has.

THat is obviously what he is doing, when he uses a vocabulary that you know is more limited than his education level suggests, at least when you consider the results.
1. :113:

2. Nope it is not. Too many examples of stupid fucking reality TV stars. In fact I would argue that the majority of them are stupid.

3. That is a very low bar, but I guess you have to go with what you have since there is so little to work with.

None of this of course changes the fact he has the vocabulary of a 3rd grader and lacks basic knowledge that most people have due to his lack of reading.

He is obviously, and purposefully talking at a level to avoid talking down to people.

Obviously. It is disturbing that you missed that.

So, he talks at a 3rd grade level to avoid talking down to people?

That makes no sense at all. And it should be noted he has always talked this way, long before becoming a politician. It all stems back to his lack of reading, something he is actually proud of.

It makes perfect sense.

If you talk at an education level that people cannot understand, you come off as condescending.

Trump, as he has said, is a professional negotiator. Putting people at ease, is obviously a skill he developed during that fist career.

So, what you are saying is that Trump's followers cannot understand higher than a 3rd grade level? Wow, that seems sort of condescending, but since you are the Trump follower I will take your word for it.


And again, you have to misrepresent what I say in order to have any comeback.

Putting people at ease, is a skill he has.

THat is obviously what he is doing, when he uses a vocabulary that you know is more limited than his education level suggests, at least when you consider the results.

So, in your world talking to adults as if they were children puts them at ease.

Gotcha, I am finding out more and more about you with each post.
It mischaracterizes, my political support of the President, implying that I have not made an objective evaluation of the man, and claims that I am no different than the mindless drones that carry around an irrational hatred of him and criticize him no matter what he does.

It also is an attempt to marginalize me, to provide an excuse for not addressing the points I made, that crushed his arguments like weak little bugs.


You got something to say?

I love that you actually think you crushed my arguments. It helps to explain your view of a successful career. You have very low bars in your life for success.

Your pretense that you did not understand how talking at a level of education that a person could not understand,

would be off putting for them?

That was an argument easily crushed. Like a weak little bug.

I did not realize that a Trump follower could not understand above a 3rd grade level, thanks for clearing that up for me

Anyone reading can see that what you wrote has no bearing with what I wrote.

Normally when libs play this game, the delete the previous posts. so that their lying is not so obvious.
She would not dare. She would be crushed, and she knows it.

YOu know it too. YOu just spew a lot of shit. ANd dont' mean nothing by it.

Dotard Donnie does have the best words

You lib keep talking down to people, to make them aware of how much smarter you think you are than them.

I'm sure that will start working eventually.

Wasn’t Dotard Donnie speaking down to Maxine Waters?

Yep. And that was a fine way to avoid my point.

Does it not raise a red flag that you spend so much time and energy running from real discussion of your positions?

Was he speaking down or what?
Doesn’t that open him up to comparisons of his own IQ?

I answered that question with a "Yep".

I'm sure that Trump is not afraid of any comparisons of his own IQ.
He is obviously, and purposefully talking at a level to avoid talking down to people.

Obviously. It is disturbing that you missed that.

So, he talks at a 3rd grade level to avoid talking down to people?

That makes no sense at all. And it should be noted he has always talked this way, long before becoming a politician. It all stems back to his lack of reading, something he is actually proud of.

It makes perfect sense.

If you talk at an education level that people cannot understand, you come off as condescending.

Trump, as he has said, is a professional negotiator. Putting people at ease, is obviously a skill he developed during that fist career.

So, what you are saying is that Trump's followers cannot understand higher than a 3rd grade level? Wow, that seems sort of condescending, but since you are the Trump follower I will take your word for it.


And again, you have to misrepresent what I say in order to have any comeback.

Putting people at ease, is a skill he has.

THat is obviously what he is doing, when he uses a vocabulary that you know is more limited than his education level suggests, at least when you consider the results.

So, in your world talking to adults as if they were children puts them at ease.

Gotcha, I am finding out more and more about you with each post.

If you don't understand what I am saying, ask clarifying questions, instead of making self serving assumptions.

I love that you actually think you crushed my arguments. It helps to explain your view of a successful career. You have very low bars in your life for success.

Your pretense that you did not understand how talking at a level of education that a person could not understand,

would be off putting for them?

That was an argument easily crushed. Like a weak little bug.

I did not realize that a Trump follower could not understand above a 3rd grade level, thanks for clearing that up for me

Anyone reading can see that what you wrote has no bearing with what I wrote.

Normally when libs play this game, the delete the previous posts. so that their lying is not so obvious.

According to you, Trump talks at a level of education that people can understand, and since he talks at a 3rd grade level, you seem to think that the people he is talking to cannot understand above a 3rd grade level.

These are your words, I am just taking them to their logical conclusion.
So, he talks at a 3rd grade level to avoid talking down to people?

That makes no sense at all. And it should be noted he has always talked this way, long before becoming a politician. It all stems back to his lack of reading, something he is actually proud of.

It makes perfect sense.

If you talk at an education level that people cannot understand, you come off as condescending.

Trump, as he has said, is a professional negotiator. Putting people at ease, is obviously a skill he developed during that fist career.

So, what you are saying is that Trump's followers cannot understand higher than a 3rd grade level? Wow, that seems sort of condescending, but since you are the Trump follower I will take your word for it.


And again, you have to misrepresent what I say in order to have any comeback.

Putting people at ease, is a skill he has.

THat is obviously what he is doing, when he uses a vocabulary that you know is more limited than his education level suggests, at least when you consider the results.

So, in your world talking to adults as if they were children puts them at ease.

Gotcha, I am finding out more and more about you with each post.

If you don't understand what I am saying, ask clarifying questions, instead of making self serving assumptions.

I fully understand what you are saying, you are saying that talking at a 3rd grade level, i.e. talking to people like they were children, puts people at ease.

I happen to disagree with that, I find it to be condescending.
… and then lost it because he made reckless business decisions , like tapping the bond market for $675 million @ 14% in order to buy the Taj Mahl and way overpaying for properties like the Plaza. The only reason his business survived was because of the bankruptcy court and fucking over his suppliers and creditors. He was personally at risk for bankruptcy and only avoided it by taking one of his companies public.

… yep, until he quit.

No doubt about that, jury is still out on whether or not he'll be successful as POTUS.

No doubt He's a brilliant self promoter and con man, just like his early career mentor Roy Cohn, I just hope that he's learned the lessons from his reckless and foolish business decisions in the late 1980's and early 1990's because if he hasn't , we're fucked.

1. I've seen people inherit a business and lose it all. Trump did not do that.
Yeah, in effect he did, his business was leveraged to the tune of $3.5 billion and didn't have the assets to cover it, that's why he was forced into bankruptcy, he was also personally on the hook for $50 million in debt that he couldn't cover, which is one of the reasons he had to go public.

All of that in and of itself isn't a sin, many very successful entrepreneurs fail, learn from those failures and pick themselves up and continue on (Ford, Jobs, Morgan, just to name a few) but Trump didn't do that, he left everybody else holding the bag, he put many of his suppliers out of business and stiffed his creditors, which wouldn't be so bad if not for the fact that to this day he's not only failed to make ANY attempt at restitution he's never even bothered to apologize.

He was foolish and he was reckless, he believed his own hype that he was invincible and didn't listen to people that knew better (including his father) and as a result he ended up hurting A LOT of other people and driving his own business right into the ground.

2. THanks for not denying the obvious truth. He had a successful career as a TV stat.
I indicated it was successful right up to the point that he quit.

3. Time will tell. But winning the office is quite an epic achievement.
Yes it is an achievement but it's also a factor of his primary talents which is self-promotion and con artistry and like I said the style that he learned from Roy Cohn.

Such a record indicates a very bright person.
He's bright but he has shown reckless tendencies in the past and has demonstrated a number of serious character flaws which may or may not prove to be his undoing (and possibly take the rest of us down with him).

Real estate is a risky business. I know that personally.
Every business is risky, there's a difference between taking a calculated risk and being totally reckless because you think you're a magician that can defy math, which is exactly what Trump did on the Taj Mahal deal.

Bring jobs back? Reducing immigration? These are very obvious solutions to very obvious problems.
Er..ummm.. you realize that we currently have a labor SHORTAGE in the U.S. , we don't need more jobs we need more qualified labor supply, if we don't get that additional supply it's likely that inflationary wage pressures are going to force the fed into overly aggressive tightening which will in turn cut this recovery phase of the current business cycle short.

Inflationary wage pressure?
Yeah that's what happens during labor shortages absent sufficient productivity increases to compensate, wages rise as business competes for labor but those higher wages get passed along to consumers in the form of higher prices (thus they are inflationary), if wage increases are driven by productivity growth businesses don't need to raise prices because they're producing more output per unit of labor (thus per unit cost is lower).

Rising prices run the risk of forcing the fed to move more aggressively to tighten in order to keep within the boundaries of their inflation targets and that runs the risk of prematurely pulling the peak of the business cycle forward in time.

Bottom line:
You'll end up with more money in your paycheck but your buying power will be relatively lower and the risks to the health of the general economy will be amplified.

… not to mention the fact that shortages of labor stunt output growth.
Last edited:
I'm glad he didn't insult her on national TV.

He needs to continue to compliment our Lieberal friends whenever he gets the chance.


"unpresidented act"

"...the fake news likes to pour over my tweets looking for a mistake...

And of course his wife "Melanie".

"...the possibility of lasting peach..."

"W.H. Council"

"tapp my phones"

"Teresa May"

"We must fix our education system for our kids to Make America Great again" immediately followed by "I hear by demand..."

"...our deepest apologizes for for the earlier typo." Priceless!

"I am honered to serve you, the great American People, as your 45th President of the United States".

The best part of all is that quite a few pseudocons are going to look at that list and go, "Wut? I don't get it." :lol:
You got something to say?

I love that you actually think you crushed my arguments. It helps to explain your view of a successful career. You have very low bars in your life for success.

Your pretense that you did not understand how talking at a level of education that a person could not understand,

would be off putting for them?

That was an argument easily crushed. Like a weak little bug.

I did not realize that a Trump follower could not understand above a 3rd grade level, thanks for clearing that up for me

Anyone reading can see that what you wrote has no bearing with what I wrote.

Normally when libs play this game, the delete the previous posts. so that their lying is not so obvious.

According to you, Trump talks at a level of education that people can understand, and since he talks at a 3rd grade level, you seem to think that the people he is talking to cannot understand above a 3rd grade level.

These are your words, I am just taking them to their logical conclusion.

No, I said that talking to people at a level they cannot understand is off putting to them.

Trump is an Ivy League graduate, almost certainly capable of talking at a very high level.

Talking to someone with a high school diploma, or even some college, like that, would NOT make them feel comfortable with you.

INstead he chooses to talk to them at a level well BELOW what they are capable of.

A tricky move. It would be easy for that to be interpreted as condescending, but he managed to pull it off.

That was my actual point. Would you like to respond to IT, or would you like to ignore it and repeat your previous position again?
I'm glad he didn't insult her on national TV.

He needs to continue to compliment our Lieberal friends whenever he gets the chance.


"unpresidented act"

"...the fake news likes to pour over my tweets looking for a mistake...

And of course his wife "Melanie".

"...the possibility of lasting peach..."

"W.H. Council"

"tapp my phones"

"Teresa May"

"We must fix our education system for our kids to Make America Great again" immediately followed by "I hear by demand..."

"...our deepest apologizes for for the earlier typo." Priceless!

"I am honered to serve you, the great American People, as your 45th President of the United States".

The best part of all is that quite a few pseudocons are going to look at that list and go, "Wut? I don't get it." :lol:

Yup, count me in that crowd. So will you be explaining how your post relates to Mad Max?
… and then lost it because he made reckless business decisions , like tapping the bond market for $675 million @ 14% in order to buy the Taj Mahl and way overpaying for properties like the Plaza. The only reason his business survived was because of the bankruptcy court and fucking over his suppliers and creditors. He was personally at risk for bankruptcy and only avoided it by taking one of his companies public.

… yep, until he quit.

No doubt about that, jury is still out on whether or not he'll be successful as POTUS.

No doubt He's a brilliant self promoter and con man, just like his early career mentor Roy Cohn, I just hope that he's learned the lessons from his reckless and foolish business decisions in the late 1980's and early 1990's because if he hasn't , we're fucked.

The thing none of the Trump zealots seem to know about the man is that he did not really start to make a lot of money till he quit making business decisions and turned Trump Inc into a holding company. So I guess I have to give him credit for being smart enough to know he was too dumb to make such decisions and just started selling his name.

The idea he is smart because he was a "successful TV star" is the funniest of all. By this measure Honey Boo Boo and Mama June are rocket scientist. And those "real housewives" should be running the country as successful TV stars as they are

Your need to marginalize those who disagree with you, with little names like "trump zealot" is a sign of how desperate you are to avoid dealing with points you cannot refute.

I call it like I see it. Sorry if I offended you, do you need a tissue or a safe space? Maybe some crayons and paper?
I’m sure you have plenty of that

I do actually, I have a drawer full left over from my days back when I taught Sunday School and Kids Church.

Would you like some also? You could make a nice rainbow picture to help you feel better.
I knew you were skilled in crayons
The thing none of the Trump zealots seem to know about the man is that he did not really start to make a lot of money till he quit making business decisions and turned Trump Inc into a holding company. So I guess I have to give him credit for being smart enough to know he was too dumb to make such decisions and just started selling his name.

The idea he is smart because he was a "successful TV star" is the funniest of all. By this measure Honey Boo Boo and Mama June are rocket scientist. And those "real housewives" should be running the country as successful TV stars as they are

Your need to marginalize those who disagree with you, with little names like "trump zealot" is a sign of how desperate you are to avoid dealing with points you cannot refute.

I call it like I see it. Sorry if I offended you, do you need a tissue or a safe space? Maybe some crayons and paper?
I’m sure you have plenty of that

I do actually, I have a drawer full left over from my days back when I taught Sunday School and Kids Church.

Would you like some also? You could make a nice rainbow picture to help you feel better.
I knew you were skilled in crayons

I am indeed! But I suck at staying in the lines!
I'm glad he didn't insult her on national TV.

He needs to continue to compliment our Lieberal friends whenever he gets the chance.


"unpresidented act"

"...the fake news likes to pour over my tweets looking for a mistake...

And of course his wife "Melanie".

"...the possibility of lasting peach..."

"W.H. Council"

"tapp my phones"

"Teresa May"

"We must fix our education system for our kids to Make America Great again" immediately followed by "I hear by demand..."

"...our deepest apologizes for for the earlier typo." Priceless!

"I am honered to serve you, the great American People, as your 45th President of the United States".

The best part of all is that quite a few pseudocons are going to look at that list and go, "Wut? I don't get it." :lol:

Yup, count me in that crowd. So will you be explaining how your post relates to Mad Max?
Trump is the pot calling the kettle black.
Admitting that someone is intelligent is hardly "worship"

But I understand. YOu can't defend the position your trash talk put you in, so you switch to attacking me personally.

Standard lefty defense. Effective. YOu just have to be a dishonest ass.

Calling someone intelligent because they are a TV star, now that is worship!

It is not, and besides it is not what I did.

That you have to lie about what I said, reveals that on some level, you know you are wrong.

And, like I said, have now switched over to attacking me, trying to make ME the topic, so that you can avoid how stupid your position on the actual topic is.

My position is that Trump is not a very smart person, that has not yet been refuted. Trump brags about not reading, that is not the sign of intelligence. Trump has the vocabulary of a 3rd grader. I do not find being a celebrity indicates the intelligence level of a person.
And he won the presidency does it matter? You seem to think it does. Hmm not much support on your argument

Yes, he won the presidency. That does not make him smart, just ask Bush II. Him winning the presidency says more about the state of our country than it does about him.
Yeah yeah, we get it, only stupid people become president! Dude, you crack me up with your style of stupid.
I'm glad he didn't insult her on national TV.

He needs to continue to compliment our Lieberal friends whenever he gets the chance.

Trump certainly is NOT presidential! He's such an immature, low life.... and ya'll love him??? Just nuts!

P.S. Are you Russian? # walkaway is primarily russian trolls spreading it around the right wing nutters...

so, are you a Russian or just a wanna be Russian? :D
Your definition of "presidential" is for BONOBO to travel around the world and let every government leader fuck in in the ass.

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