Trump Claims Maxine Water's IQ Is Mid 60's

Donald Trump vs. Maxine Waters

holy crap

How proud both ends must be.

She started it.

That is what my kids used to say when they were still children.

It is a valid point.

What? Let me guess, you were one of the asshole adults who just punished everyone?

oh.... you were serious. That makes it even funnier.

It is a valid point. You are just an ass.
1. Sounds good to me! Remember it for the next Con presidential candidate also.

2. There is no correlation between being a TV star and intelligence.

3. Obama was a book smart person who lacked experience and wisdom. He was also a weak and ineffective leader due to that lack of experience and wisdom. Bush II was a low IQ guy that was in over his head from day one. He was the perfect patsy to manipulate into invading a nation that was no threat to us.

It is sort of ironic that you said this..."Only weak and insecure men need to believe that people they dislike and/or disagree with are stupid." considering the thread is about Trump calling someone he dislikes/disagrees with stupid. At least we finally agree on something, Trump is a weak and insecure man

1. Liar. If anyone tried that with you, you would respond with nothing but ridicule and venom.

2. There is between success and intelligence. And this was another example of Trump success.

3. Obama did lack experience. Neither were stupid and neither is Trump.

1. Try it and see.

2. No, there really is not.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man?

1. I will. But the point remains. Success in the complex field of large Real Estate deals.

2. Yes, it is.

3. Success in Politics. Another indication of intelligence.

1. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

2. No it is not. Unless of course you are making the argument that Honey Boo Boo and Chloe Kardashian are highly intelligent people.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man as you claimed above? Right? Why do you keep ignoring this question?

1. But Trump has three successful careers under his belt.

2. I already addressed that point of yours, with my counterpoint about smoke/fire. That you ignored that and just reasserted your previous position is an admission that you have nothing else and my point stands. SUCCESSFUL TV CAREER.

3. Because it is just another example of you trying to deflect from the point, which is that Trump has had a THIRD SUCCESSFUL CAREER in politics.

Broken clock is sometimes right. Trump seems to keep winning. A lot more than he loses.

HOw many successful careers have YOU had?

1. Winning an election is not a career.

2. Yes, SUCCESSFUL TV CAREER...not a indicator of intelligence as has been pointed out by many examples.

3. Winning an election is not a successful career, just ask Obama.

Lets see, how many successful careers have I had...

Self taught welder, moved from grinder to welding line as the only non-school trained welder. Passed certifications test so that I could work on government contracts, was moved up the welding line to bigger and harder projects. That would be one.

Left that to join the Marines, years advancing to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant by my 11th year. Multiple awards and medals and a reputation as a "fixer of broken shops". Retired at 20 years after a career that was successful by any measure.

Since then tried my hand at retail and said "hell no" and now finished my BS and MS in Applied Analytics and working as a statistician. Only 5 years into this career but was given a 12 grand a year raise to start the year due to my work for the company and my successful completion of my PMP.

So looks like 3, all of which took intelligence unlike being a reality TV star.
I'm glad he didn't insult her on national TV.

He needs to continue to compliment our Lieberal friends whenever he gets the chance.

Trump certainly is NOT presidential! He's such an immature, low life.... and ya'll love him??? Just nuts!

P.S. Are you Russian? # walkaway is primarily russian trolls spreading it around the right wing nutters...

so, are you a Russian or just a wanna be Russian? :D

In a constitutional republic such as the United States where the government is for the people, of the people and by the people, the expression "PRESIDENTIAL" is totally meaningless and highly overused.

The president should be just like the majority of the population whose votes put him in office.
I realize that you think so.

Considering his track record, in his THREE successful careers, how can you be that blind?

He was a mediocre businessman that lucked out by virtue of his birth and his grandmothers hard work. I believe he holds the record for fastest bankruptcy of a profitable airline.

He did a good job of marketing himself and turning himself into a celebrity, but that says more about the people than him, in my opinion. Remember we are the same country that made Honey Boo Boo and Mama June into celebs.

He had a good first year in the White House when all he did was golf and hold pep rallies. But he is too dumb to realize that he sucks at making decisions and now he is doing his level best to fuck things up for the economy.

1. He made billions in real estate.
… and then lost it because he made reckless business decisions , like tapping the bond market for $675 million @ 14% in order to buy the Taj Mahl and way overpaying for properties like the Plaza. The only reason his business survived was because of the bankruptcy court and fucking over his suppliers and creditors. He was personally at risk for bankruptcy and only avoided it by taking one of his companies public.

2. He became a successful TV star.
… yep, until he quit.

3. He won the Presidency of the United States against fierce opposition.
No doubt about that, jury is still out on whether or not he'll be successful as POTUS.

That is not something someone dumb does. That you are unable to admit his brilliance is just butthurt on your part.
No doubt He's a brilliant self promoter and con man, just like his early career mentor Roy Cohn, I just hope that he's learned the lessons from his reckless and foolish business decisions in the late 1980's and early 1990's because if he hasn't , we're fucked.

1. I've seen people inherit a business and lose it all. Trump did not do that.
Yeah, in effect he did, his business was leveraged to the tune of $3.5 billion and didn't have the assets to cover it, that's why he was forced into bankruptcy, he was also personally on the hook for $50 million in debt that he couldn't cover, which is one of the reasons he had to go public.

All of that in and of itself isn't a sin, many very successful entrepreneurs fail, learn from those failures and pick themselves up and continue on (Ford, Jobs, Morgan, just to name a few) but Trump didn't do that, he left everybody else holding the bag, he put many of his suppliers out of business and stiffed his creditors, which wouldn't be so bad if not for the fact that to this day he's not only failed to make ANY attempt at restitution he's never even bothered to apologize.

He was foolish and he was reckless, he believed his own hype that he was invincible and didn't listen to people that knew better (including his father) and as a result he ended up hurting A LOT of other people and driving his own business right into the ground.

2. THanks for not denying the obvious truth. He had a successful career as a TV stat.
I indicated it was successful right up to the point that he quit.

3. Time will tell. But winning the office is quite an epic achievement.
Yes it is an achievement but it's also a factor of his primary talents which is self-promotion and con artistry and like I said the style that he learned from Roy Cohn.

Such a record indicates a very bright person.
He's bright but he has shown reckless tendencies in the past and has demonstrated a number of serious character flaws which may or may not prove to be his undoing (and possibly take the rest of us down with him).
Donald Trump vs. Maxine Waters

holy crap

How proud both ends must be.

She started it.

That is what my kids used to say when they were still children.

It is a valid point.

What? Let me guess, you were one of the asshole adults who just punished everyone?

Nope, but I did try to explain to the older one (she is 7 years older than our son) that such an answer is childish and not a proper response. We taught her to be an adult and to not allow others to control her actions and reactions. No matter what anyone else does, we have the choose of how to respond. That is called being an adult.
3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man as you claimed above? Right? Why do you keep ignoring this question?

Our President is neither weak, nor insecure.

Personally, Donald J Trump could give a crap less about Pathetic Losers like Mad Maxine calling him "hitler" or whatever.

But he doesn't see this as an attack on himself (which he would ignore).

If Lib Extremists are calling Trump "Hitler", by implication they are calling the millions of people supporting the Presidency "nazis", and that is just unacceptable.

President Trump knows how great the American people are, and he will defend them against low IQ losers like Waters.

Leftists call us nazis to desensitize people to the term as more and more people become aware that the left functions exactly as the nazis did.
1. Liar. If anyone tried that with you, you would respond with nothing but ridicule and venom.

2. There is between success and intelligence. And this was another example of Trump success.

3. Obama did lack experience. Neither were stupid and neither is Trump.

1. Try it and see.

2. No, there really is not.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man?

1. I will. But the point remains. Success in the complex field of large Real Estate deals.

2. Yes, it is.

3. Success in Politics. Another indication of intelligence.

1. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

2. No it is not. Unless of course you are making the argument that Honey Boo Boo and Chloe Kardashian are highly intelligent people.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man as you claimed above? Right? Why do you keep ignoring this question?

1. But Trump has three successful careers under his belt.

2. I already addressed that point of yours, with my counterpoint about smoke/fire. That you ignored that and just reasserted your previous position is an admission that you have nothing else and my point stands. SUCCESSFUL TV CAREER.

3. Because it is just another example of you trying to deflect from the point, which is that Trump has had a THIRD SUCCESSFUL CAREER in politics.

Broken clock is sometimes right. Trump seems to keep winning. A lot more than he loses.

HOw many successful careers have YOU had?

1. Winning an election is not a career.

2. Yes, SUCCESSFUL TV CAREER...not a indicator of intelligence as has been pointed out by many examples.

3. Winning an election is not a successful career, just ask Obama.

Lets see, how many successful careers have I had...

Self taught welder, moved from grinder to welding line as the only non-school trained welder. Passed certifications test so that I could work on government contracts, was moved up the welding line to bigger and harder projects. That would be one.

Left that to join the Marines, years advancing to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant by my 11th year. Multiple awards and medals and a reputation as a "fixer of broken shops". Retired at 20 years after a career that was successful by any measure.

Since then tried my hand at retail and said "hell no" and now finished my BS and MS in Applied Analytics and working as a statistician. Only 5 years into this career but was given a 12 grand a year raise to start the year due to my work for the company and my successful completion of my PMP.

So looks like 3, all of which took intelligence unlike being a reality TV star.

1. This point is about his successful real estate career. Which stands.

2. You gave TWO examples of supposedly stupid tv stars. That point of yours was addressed. Successful TV career.

3. Actually for politicians, getting elected is the bar for success. That's Three. If his policies work, we can count President as four.
1. Try it and see.

2. No, there really is not.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man?

1. I will. But the point remains. Success in the complex field of large Real Estate deals.

2. Yes, it is.

3. Success in Politics. Another indication of intelligence.

1. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

2. No it is not. Unless of course you are making the argument that Honey Boo Boo and Chloe Kardashian are highly intelligent people.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man as you claimed above? Right? Why do you keep ignoring this question?

1. But Trump has three successful careers under his belt.

2. I already addressed that point of yours, with my counterpoint about smoke/fire. That you ignored that and just reasserted your previous position is an admission that you have nothing else and my point stands. SUCCESSFUL TV CAREER.

3. Because it is just another example of you trying to deflect from the point, which is that Trump has had a THIRD SUCCESSFUL CAREER in politics.

Broken clock is sometimes right. Trump seems to keep winning. A lot more than he loses.

HOw many successful careers have YOU had?

1. Winning an election is not a career.

2. Yes, SUCCESSFUL TV CAREER...not a indicator of intelligence as has been pointed out by many examples.

3. Winning an election is not a successful career, just ask Obama.

Lets see, how many successful careers have I had...

Self taught welder, moved from grinder to welding line as the only non-school trained welder. Passed certifications test so that I could work on government contracts, was moved up the welding line to bigger and harder projects. That would be one.

Left that to join the Marines, years advancing to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant by my 11th year. Multiple awards and medals and a reputation as a "fixer of broken shops". Retired at 20 years after a career that was successful by any measure.

Since then tried my hand at retail and said "hell no" and now finished my BS and MS in Applied Analytics and working as a statistician. Only 5 years into this career but was given a 12 grand a year raise to start the year due to my work for the company and my successful completion of my PMP.

So looks like 3, all of which took intelligence unlike being a reality TV star.

1. This point is about his successful real estate career. Which stands.

2. You gave TWO examples of supposedly stupid tv stars. That point of yours was addressed. Successful TV career.

3. Actually for politicians, getting elected is the bar for success. That's Three. If his policies work, we can count President as four.

1. Yep, this one stands.

2. Still no correlation between TV success and intelligence, so this is a no win for you.

3. Bullshit. Winning an election is not a career, it is an event. Nice Try though.
Considering his track record, in his THREE successful careers, how can you be that blind?

He was a mediocre businessman that lucked out by virtue of his birth and his grandmothers hard work. I believe he holds the record for fastest bankruptcy of a profitable airline.

He did a good job of marketing himself and turning himself into a celebrity, but that says more about the people than him, in my opinion. Remember we are the same country that made Honey Boo Boo and Mama June into celebs.

He had a good first year in the White House when all he did was golf and hold pep rallies. But he is too dumb to realize that he sucks at making decisions and now he is doing his level best to fuck things up for the economy.

1. He made billions in real estate.
… and then lost it because he made reckless business decisions , like tapping the bond market for $675 million @ 14% in order to buy the Taj Mahl and way overpaying for properties like the Plaza. The only reason his business survived was because of the bankruptcy court and fucking over his suppliers and creditors. He was personally at risk for bankruptcy and only avoided it by taking one of his companies public.

2. He became a successful TV star.
… yep, until he quit.

3. He won the Presidency of the United States against fierce opposition.
No doubt about that, jury is still out on whether or not he'll be successful as POTUS.

That is not something someone dumb does. That you are unable to admit his brilliance is just butthurt on your part.
No doubt He's a brilliant self promoter and con man, just like his early career mentor Roy Cohn, I just hope that he's learned the lessons from his reckless and foolish business decisions in the late 1980's and early 1990's because if he hasn't , we're fucked.

1. I've seen people inherit a business and lose it all. Trump did not do that.
Yeah, in effect he did, his business was leveraged to the tune of $3.5 billion and didn't have the assets to cover it, that's why he was forced into bankruptcy, he was also personally on the hook for $50 million in debt that he couldn't cover, which is one of the reasons he had to go public.

All of that in and of itself isn't a sin, many very successful entrepreneurs fail, learn from those failures and pick themselves up and continue on (Ford, Jobs, Morgan, just to name a few) but Trump didn't do that, he left everybody else holding the bag, he put many of his suppliers out of business and stiffed his creditors, which wouldn't be so bad if not for the fact that to this day he's not only failed to make ANY attempt at restitution he's never even bothered to apologize.

He was foolish and he was reckless, he believed his own hype that he was invincible and didn't listen to people that knew better (including his father) and as a result he ended up hurting A LOT of other people and driving his own business right into the ground.

2. THanks for not denying the obvious truth. He had a successful career as a TV stat.
I indicated it was successful right up to the point that he quit.

3. Time will tell. But winning the office is quite an epic achievement.
Yes it is an achievement but it's also a factor of his primary talents which is self-promotion and con artistry and like I said the style that he learned from Roy Cohn.

Such a record indicates a very bright person.
He's bright but he has shown reckless tendencies in the past and has demonstrated a number of serious character flaws which may or may not prove to be his undoing (and possibly take the rest of us down with him).

Real estate is a risky business. I know that personally.

The status quo was literally killing US. It is time to take some risks.

Bring jobs back? Reducing immigration? These are very obvious solutions to very obvious problems.
1. Liar. If anyone tried that with you, you would respond with nothing but ridicule and venom.

2. There is between success and intelligence. And this was another example of Trump success.

3. Obama did lack experience. Neither were stupid and neither is Trump.

1. Try it and see.

2. No, there really is not.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man?

1. I will. But the point remains. Success in the complex field of large Real Estate deals.

2. Yes, it is.

3. Success in Politics. Another indication of intelligence.

1. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

2. No it is not. Unless of course you are making the argument that Honey Boo Boo and Chloe Kardashian are highly intelligent people.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man as you claimed above? Right? Why do you keep ignoring this question?

1. But Trump has three successful careers under his belt.

2. I already addressed that point of yours, with my counterpoint about smoke/fire. That you ignored that and just reasserted your previous position is an admission that you have nothing else and my point stands. SUCCESSFUL TV CAREER.

3. Because it is just another example of you trying to deflect from the point, which is that Trump has had a THIRD SUCCESSFUL CAREER in politics.

Broken clock is sometimes right. Trump seems to keep winning. A lot more than he loses.

HOw many successful careers have YOU had?

1. Winning an election is not a career.

2. Yes, SUCCESSFUL TV CAREER...not a indicator of intelligence as has been pointed out by many examples.

3. Winning an election is not a successful career, just ask Obama.

Lets see, how many successful careers have I had...

Self taught welder, moved from grinder to welding line as the only non-school trained welder. Passed certifications test so that I could work on government contracts, was moved up the welding line to bigger and harder projects. That would be one.

Left that to join the Marines, years advancing to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant by my 11th year. Multiple awards and medals and a reputation as a "fixer of broken shops". Retired at 20 years after a career that was successful by any measure.

Since then tried my hand at retail and said "hell no" and now finished my BS and MS in Applied Analytics and working as a statistician. Only 5 years into this career but was given a 12 grand a year raise to start the year due to my work for the company and my successful completion of my PMP.

So looks like 3, all of which took intelligence unlike being a reality TV star.

Sincere congratulations for all your successes in life.

So, for Heaven's sake, how can you be so politically misguided??
Donald Trump vs. Maxine Waters

holy crap

How proud both ends must be.

She started it.

That is what my kids used to say when they were still children.

It is a valid point.

What? Let me guess, you were one of the asshole adults who just punished everyone?

Nope, but I did try to explain to the older one (she is 7 years older than our son) that such an answer is childish and not a proper response. We taught her to be an adult and to not allow others to control her actions and reactions. No matter what anyone else does, we have the choose of how to respond. That is called being an adult.

It would not be "Adult" of Trump to sit back and let Maxine Water incite public harassment of his supporters, without any pushback from him.
1. Try it and see.

2. No, there really is not.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man?

1. I will. But the point remains. Success in the complex field of large Real Estate deals.

2. Yes, it is.

3. Success in Politics. Another indication of intelligence.

1. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

2. No it is not. Unless of course you are making the argument that Honey Boo Boo and Chloe Kardashian are highly intelligent people.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man as you claimed above? Right? Why do you keep ignoring this question?

1. But Trump has three successful careers under his belt.

2. I already addressed that point of yours, with my counterpoint about smoke/fire. That you ignored that and just reasserted your previous position is an admission that you have nothing else and my point stands. SUCCESSFUL TV CAREER.

3. Because it is just another example of you trying to deflect from the point, which is that Trump has had a THIRD SUCCESSFUL CAREER in politics.

Broken clock is sometimes right. Trump seems to keep winning. A lot more than he loses.

HOw many successful careers have YOU had?

1. Winning an election is not a career.

2. Yes, SUCCESSFUL TV CAREER...not a indicator of intelligence as has been pointed out by many examples.

3. Winning an election is not a successful career, just ask Obama.

Lets see, how many successful careers have I had...

Self taught welder, moved from grinder to welding line as the only non-school trained welder. Passed certifications test so that I could work on government contracts, was moved up the welding line to bigger and harder projects. That would be one.

Left that to join the Marines, years advancing to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant by my 11th year. Multiple awards and medals and a reputation as a "fixer of broken shops". Retired at 20 years after a career that was successful by any measure.

Since then tried my hand at retail and said "hell no" and now finished my BS and MS in Applied Analytics and working as a statistician. Only 5 years into this career but was given a 12 grand a year raise to start the year due to my work for the company and my successful completion of my PMP.

So looks like 3, all of which took intelligence unlike being a reality TV star.

Sincere congratulations for all your successes in life.

So, for Heaven's sake, how can you be so politically misguided??

I don't know, I have been a libertarian for the last 20 years and that will not likely change. I am as opposed to Trump and some of his policies as I was to Obama and his. All I want is smaller government and more personal freedoms.
Maxine needs to challenge Fat Donnie to an IQ test

I have Donnie pegged at around 90

He projects that persona, I believe to cause his opponents to underestimate him. His actual intelligence is probably something different.
Your need to marginalize those who disagree with you, with little names like "trump zealot"
Why do you care if he calls you a "Trump Zealot"?

…. If you admire Donald Trump, there's nothing wrong with that, he does have some admirable achievements (the Cosmo/Hyatt project, Trump Tower, Trump Plaza, etc.,) and qualities but make sure you account for ALL of the facts (not the hype) regarding his history, warts and all because he does have A LOT of personal and professional warts and IMHO those should be taken into account when making an objective evaluation of whether or not he's worthy of your admiration.

Otherwise you're no different than the mindless drones that carry around an irrational hatred of him and criticize him no matter what he does.
If ever a person should not mock another person's IQ, it would be Trump. He speaks and writes at a 3rd grade level and has a vocabulary smaller than some trained parrots.

You do realize that he is utterly brilliant, right?

I realize that you think so.

Considering his track record, in his THREE successful careers, how can you be that blind?

He was a mediocre businessman that lucked out by virtue of his birth and his grandmothers hard work. I believe he holds the record for fastest bankruptcy of a profitable airline.

He did a good job of marketing himself and turning himself into a celebrity, but that says more about the people than him, in my opinion. Remember we are the same country that made Honey Boo Boo and Mama June into celebs.

He had a good first year in the White House when all he did was golf and hold pep rallies. But he is too dumb to realize that he sucks at making decisions and now he is doing his level best to fuck things up for the economy.

1. He made billions in real estate.

2. He became a successful TV star.

3. He won the Presidency of the United States against fierce opposition.

That is not something someone dumb does. That you are unable to admit his brilliance is just butthurt on your part.

And I believe Trump is just fine with them continuing to think that. It allows him to stay two steps ahead of them.
1. I will. But the point remains. Success in the complex field of large Real Estate deals.

2. Yes, it is.

3. Success in Politics. Another indication of intelligence.

1. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

2. No it is not. Unless of course you are making the argument that Honey Boo Boo and Chloe Kardashian are highly intelligent people.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man as you claimed above? Right? Why do you keep ignoring this question?

1. But Trump has three successful careers under his belt.

2. I already addressed that point of yours, with my counterpoint about smoke/fire. That you ignored that and just reasserted your previous position is an admission that you have nothing else and my point stands. SUCCESSFUL TV CAREER.

3. Because it is just another example of you trying to deflect from the point, which is that Trump has had a THIRD SUCCESSFUL CAREER in politics.

Broken clock is sometimes right. Trump seems to keep winning. A lot more than he loses.

HOw many successful careers have YOU had?

1. Winning an election is not a career.

2. Yes, SUCCESSFUL TV CAREER...not a indicator of intelligence as has been pointed out by many examples.

3. Winning an election is not a successful career, just ask Obama.

Lets see, how many successful careers have I had...

Self taught welder, moved from grinder to welding line as the only non-school trained welder. Passed certifications test so that I could work on government contracts, was moved up the welding line to bigger and harder projects. That would be one.

Left that to join the Marines, years advancing to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant by my 11th year. Multiple awards and medals and a reputation as a "fixer of broken shops". Retired at 20 years after a career that was successful by any measure.

Since then tried my hand at retail and said "hell no" and now finished my BS and MS in Applied Analytics and working as a statistician. Only 5 years into this career but was given a 12 grand a year raise to start the year due to my work for the company and my successful completion of my PMP.

So looks like 3, all of which took intelligence unlike being a reality TV star.

1. This point is about his successful real estate career. Which stands.

2. You gave TWO examples of supposedly stupid tv stars. That point of yours was addressed. Successful TV career.

3. Actually for politicians, getting elected is the bar for success. That's Three. If his policies work, we can count President as four.

1. Yep, this one stands.

2. Still no correlation between TV success and intelligence, so this is a no win for you.

3. Bullshit. Winning an election is not a career, it is an event. Nice Try though.

1. Thanks. Stands.

2. It is a complex and difficult task that he accomplished.

3. Once in office, he gets paid and will get a pension no matter his actual job performance. ANd considering his opposition, a very strong piece of evidence of intelligence.

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