Trump Claims Maxine Water's IQ Is Mid 60's

1. I've seen people inherit a business and lose it all. Trump did not do that.

2. THanks for not denying the obvious truth. He had a successful career as a TV stat.

3. Time will tell. But winning the office is quite an epic achievement.

Such a record indicates a very bright person.

1. He came close and if not for the help of an odd cast of characters he would have.

2. Yes, but that is not a sign of intelligence unless you also think that Honey Boo Boo is very intelligent.

3. Odd, for the last 8 years the Cons have been telling us that winning the election was not an achievement at all when it came to Obama. Bush II won the office, he was not very bright either. It happens more than people would like to admit.

1. Came close? LOL, I'l remember that one, for the next Lib presidential candidate. ANd hold him accountable for stuff that ALMOST or MIGHT have happened.

2. A sign is by definition indicative. SMoke is a sign of fire. But not always. Which you knew of course, but said otherwise, because you are dishonest.

3. Neither Obama nor Bush are stupid. Only weak and insecure men need to believe that people they dislike and/or disagree with are stupid. Trump victory, against fierce opposition, is strong evidence of brilliance.

1. Sounds good to me! Remember it for the next Con presidential candidate also.

2. There is no correlation between being a TV star and intelligence.

3. Obama was a book smart person who lacked experience and wisdom. He was also a weak and ineffective leader due to that lack of experience and wisdom. Bush II was a low IQ guy that was in over his head from day one. He was the perfect patsy to manipulate into invading a nation that was no threat to us.

It is sort of ironic that you said this..."Only weak and insecure men need to believe that people they dislike and/or disagree with are stupid." considering the thread is about Trump calling someone he dislikes/disagrees with stupid. At least we finally agree on something, Trump is a weak and insecure man

1. Liar. If anyone tried that with you, you would respond with nothing but ridicule and venom.

2. There is between success and intelligence. And this was another example of Trump success.

3. Obama did lack experience. Neither were stupid and neither is Trump.
Yes, he won the presidency. That does not make him smart, just ask Bush II. Him winning the presidency says more about the state of our country than it does about him.

President Trump took a cognitive test during his physical exam, and the WH doctor never had a patient perform better. The Consensus was the President is a "Stable genius"
Yes, he won the presidency. That does not make him smart, just ask Bush II. Him winning the presidency says more about the state of our country than it does about him.

President Trump took a cognitive test during his physical exam, and the WH doctor never had a patient perform better. The Consensus was the President is a "Stable genius"

The WH doctor is paid to say those things. Do you think he was going to come out and say something bad?
Yes, he won the presidency. That does not make him smart, just ask Bush II. Him winning the presidency says more about the state of our country than it does about him.

President Trump took a cognitive test during his physical exam, and the WH doctor never had a patient perform better. The Consensus was the President is a "Stable genius"
To pass that cognitive test, Trump had to put his shoes on the right feet
1. I've seen people inherit a business and lose it all. Trump did not do that.

2. THanks for not denying the obvious truth. He had a successful career as a TV stat.

3. Time will tell. But winning the office is quite an epic achievement.

Such a record indicates a very bright person.

1. He came close and if not for the help of an odd cast of characters he would have.

2. Yes, but that is not a sign of intelligence unless you also think that Honey Boo Boo is very intelligent.

3. Odd, for the last 8 years the Cons have been telling us that winning the election was not an achievement at all when it came to Obama. Bush II won the office, he was not very bright either. It happens more than people would like to admit.

1. Came close? LOL, I'l remember that one, for the next Lib presidential candidate. ANd hold him accountable for stuff that ALMOST or MIGHT have happened.

2. A sign is by definition indicative. SMoke is a sign of fire. But not always. Which you knew of course, but said otherwise, because you are dishonest.

3. Neither Obama nor Bush are stupid. Only weak and insecure men need to believe that people they dislike and/or disagree with are stupid. Trump victory, against fierce opposition, is strong evidence of brilliance.

1. Sounds good to me! Remember it for the next Con presidential candidate also.

2. There is no correlation between being a TV star and intelligence.

3. Obama was a book smart person who lacked experience and wisdom. He was also a weak and ineffective leader due to that lack of experience and wisdom. Bush II was a low IQ guy that was in over his head from day one. He was the perfect patsy to manipulate into invading a nation that was no threat to us.

It is sort of ironic that you said this..."Only weak and insecure men need to believe that people they dislike and/or disagree with are stupid." considering the thread is about Trump calling someone he dislikes/disagrees with stupid. At least we finally agree on something, Trump is a weak and insecure man

1. Liar. If anyone tried that with you, you would respond with nothing but ridicule and venom.

2. There is between success and intelligence. And this was another example of Trump success.

3. Obama did lack experience. Neither were stupid and neither is Trump.

1. Try it and see.

2. No, there really is not.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man?
Maxine needs to challenge Fat Donnie to an IQ test

I have Donnie pegged at around 90

She would not dare. She would be crushed, and she knows it.

YOu know it too. YOu just spew a lot of shit. ANd dont' mean nothing by it.

Dotard Donnie does have the best words

You lib keep talking down to people, to make them aware of how much smarter you think you are than them.

I'm sure that will start working eventually.

Wasn’t Dotard Donnie speaking down to Maxine Waters?

Yep. And that was a fine way to avoid my point.

Does it not raise a red flag that you spend so much time and energy running from real discussion of your positions?
I'm glad he didn't insult her on national TV.

He needs to continue to compliment our Lieberal friends whenever he gets the chance.

Trump certainly is NOT presidential! He's such an immature, low life.... and ya'll love him??? Just nuts!

P.S. Are you Russian? # walkaway is primarily russian trolls spreading it around the right wing nutters...

so, are you a Russian or just a wanna be Russian? :D
1. I've seen people inherit a business and lose it all. Trump did not do that.

2. THanks for not denying the obvious truth. He had a successful career as a TV stat.

3. Time will tell. But winning the office is quite an epic achievement.

Such a record indicates a very bright person.

1. He came close and if not for the help of an odd cast of characters he would have.

2. Yes, but that is not a sign of intelligence unless you also think that Honey Boo Boo is very intelligent.

3. Odd, for the last 8 years the Cons have been telling us that winning the election was not an achievement at all when it came to Obama. Bush II won the office, he was not very bright either. It happens more than people would like to admit.

1. Came close? LOL, I'l remember that one, for the next Lib presidential candidate. ANd hold him accountable for stuff that ALMOST or MIGHT have happened.

2. A sign is by definition indicative. SMoke is a sign of fire. But not always. Which you knew of course, but said otherwise, because you are dishonest.

3. Neither Obama nor Bush are stupid. Only weak and insecure men need to believe that people they dislike and/or disagree with are stupid. Trump victory, against fierce opposition, is strong evidence of brilliance.

1. Sounds good to me! Remember it for the next Con presidential candidate also.

2. There is no correlation between being a TV star and intelligence.

3. Obama was a book smart person who lacked experience and wisdom. He was also a weak and ineffective leader due to that lack of experience and wisdom. Bush II was a low IQ guy that was in over his head from day one. He was the perfect patsy to manipulate into invading a nation that was no threat to us.

It is sort of ironic that you said this..."Only weak and insecure men need to believe that people they dislike and/or disagree with are stupid." considering the thread is about Trump calling someone he dislikes/disagrees with stupid. At least we finally agree on something, Trump is a weak and insecure man

1. Liar. If anyone tried that with you, you would respond with nothing but ridicule and venom.

2. There is between success and intelligence. And this was another example of Trump success.

3. Obama did lack experience. Neither were stupid and neither is Trump.

1. Try it and see.

2. No, there really is not.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man?

1. I will. But the point remains. Success in the complex field of large Real Estate deals.

2. Yes, it is.

3. Success in Politics. Another indication of intelligence.
1. He came close and if not for the help of an odd cast of characters he would have.

2. Yes, but that is not a sign of intelligence unless you also think that Honey Boo Boo is very intelligent.

3. Odd, for the last 8 years the Cons have been telling us that winning the election was not an achievement at all when it came to Obama. Bush II won the office, he was not very bright either. It happens more than people would like to admit.

1. Came close? LOL, I'l remember that one, for the next Lib presidential candidate. ANd hold him accountable for stuff that ALMOST or MIGHT have happened.

2. A sign is by definition indicative. SMoke is a sign of fire. But not always. Which you knew of course, but said otherwise, because you are dishonest.

3. Neither Obama nor Bush are stupid. Only weak and insecure men need to believe that people they dislike and/or disagree with are stupid. Trump victory, against fierce opposition, is strong evidence of brilliance.

1. Sounds good to me! Remember it for the next Con presidential candidate also.

2. There is no correlation between being a TV star and intelligence.

3. Obama was a book smart person who lacked experience and wisdom. He was also a weak and ineffective leader due to that lack of experience and wisdom. Bush II was a low IQ guy that was in over his head from day one. He was the perfect patsy to manipulate into invading a nation that was no threat to us.

It is sort of ironic that you said this..."Only weak and insecure men need to believe that people they dislike and/or disagree with are stupid." considering the thread is about Trump calling someone he dislikes/disagrees with stupid. At least we finally agree on something, Trump is a weak and insecure man

1. Liar. If anyone tried that with you, you would respond with nothing but ridicule and venom.

2. There is between success and intelligence. And this was another example of Trump success.

3. Obama did lack experience. Neither were stupid and neither is Trump.

1. Try it and see.

2. No, there really is not.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man?

1. I will. But the point remains. Success in the complex field of large Real Estate deals.

2. Yes, it is.

3. Success in Politics. Another indication of intelligence.

1. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

2. No it is not. Unless of course you are making the argument that Honey Boo Boo and Chloe Kardashian are highly intelligent people.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man as you claimed above? Right? Why do you keep ignoring this question?
I'm glad he didn't insult her on national TV.

He needs to continue to compliment our Lieberal friends whenever he gets the chance.

Trump certainly is NOT presidential! He's such an immature, low life.... and ya'll love him??? Just nuts!

P.S. Are you Russian? # walkaway is primarily russian trolls spreading it around the right wing nutters...

so, are you a Russian or just a wanna be Russian? :D

^^^^^^Why we love Trump lolol.

This is wonderful.
1. Came close? LOL, I'l remember that one, for the next Lib presidential candidate. ANd hold him accountable for stuff that ALMOST or MIGHT have happened.

2. A sign is by definition indicative. SMoke is a sign of fire. But not always. Which you knew of course, but said otherwise, because you are dishonest.

3. Neither Obama nor Bush are stupid. Only weak and insecure men need to believe that people they dislike and/or disagree with are stupid. Trump victory, against fierce opposition, is strong evidence of brilliance.

1. Sounds good to me! Remember it for the next Con presidential candidate also.

2. There is no correlation between being a TV star and intelligence.

3. Obama was a book smart person who lacked experience and wisdom. He was also a weak and ineffective leader due to that lack of experience and wisdom. Bush II was a low IQ guy that was in over his head from day one. He was the perfect patsy to manipulate into invading a nation that was no threat to us.

It is sort of ironic that you said this..."Only weak and insecure men need to believe that people they dislike and/or disagree with are stupid." considering the thread is about Trump calling someone he dislikes/disagrees with stupid. At least we finally agree on something, Trump is a weak and insecure man

1. Liar. If anyone tried that with you, you would respond with nothing but ridicule and venom.

2. There is between success and intelligence. And this was another example of Trump success.

3. Obama did lack experience. Neither were stupid and neither is Trump.

1. Try it and see.

2. No, there really is not.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man?

1. I will. But the point remains. Success in the complex field of large Real Estate deals.

2. Yes, it is.

3. Success in Politics. Another indication of intelligence.

1. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

2. No it is not. Unless of course you are making the argument that Honey Boo Boo and Chloe Kardashian are highly intelligent people.

3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man as you claimed above? Right? Why do you keep ignoring this question?

1. But Trump has three successful careers under his belt.

2. I already addressed that point of yours, with my counterpoint about smoke/fire. That you ignored that and just reasserted your previous position is an admission that you have nothing else and my point stands. SUCCESSFUL TV CAREER.

3. Because it is just another example of you trying to deflect from the point, which is that Trump has had a THIRD SUCCESSFUL CAREER in politics.

Broken clock is sometimes right. Trump seems to keep winning. A lot more than he loses.

HOw many successful careers have YOU had?
I'm glad he didn't insult her on national TV.

He needs to continue to compliment our Lieberal friends whenever he gets the chance.


Waters IQ anywhere near 60 is a compliment.

I have seen more intellect from house cats that Maxine Waterhead.

I'm glad he didn't insult her on national TV.

He needs to continue to compliment our Lieberal friends whenever he gets the chance.


Remember, Trump is the master of exaggeration.
It's called hyperbole.
He uses it masterfully and it makes the humorless and ignorant leftists freak the fuck out.

So he uses it more. It's wonderful.


3. But you do agree that Trump is a weak and insecure man as you claimed above? Right? Why do you keep ignoring this question?

Our President is neither weak, nor insecure.

Personally, Donald J Trump could give a crap less about Pathetic Losers like Mad Maxine calling him "hitler" or whatever.

But he doesn't see this as an attack on himself (which he would ignore).

If Lib Extremists are calling Trump "Hitler", by implication they are calling the millions of people supporting the Presidency "nazis", and that is just unacceptable.

President Trump knows how great the American people are, and he will defend them against low IQ losers like Waters.

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