Trump Claims Maxine Water's IQ Is Mid 60's

1. I've seen people inherit a business and lose it all. Trump did not do that.

2. THanks for not denying the obvious truth. He had a successful career as a TV stat.

3. Time will tell. But winning the office is quite an epic achievement.

Such a record indicates a very bright person.

1. He came close and if not for the help of an odd cast of characters he would have.

2. Yes, but that is not a sign of intelligence unless you also think that Honey Boo Boo is very intelligent.

3. Odd, for the last 8 years the Cons have been telling us that winning the election was not an achievement at all when it came to Obama. Bush II won the office, he was not very bright either. It happens more than people would like to admit.

1. Came close? LOL, I'l remember that one, for the next Lib presidential candidate. ANd hold him accountable for stuff that ALMOST or MIGHT have happened.

2. A sign is by definition indicative. SMoke is a sign of fire. But not always. Which you knew of course, but said otherwise, because you are dishonest.

3. Neither Obama nor Bush are stupid. Only weak and insecure men need to believe that people they dislike and/or disagree with are stupid. Trump victory, against fierce opposition, is strong evidence of brilliance.

1. Sounds good to me! Remember it for the next Con presidential candidate also.

2. There is no correlation between being a TV star and intelligence.

3. Obama was a book smart person who lacked experience and wisdom. He was also a weak and ineffective leader due to that lack of experience and wisdom. Bush II was a low IQ guy that was in over his head from day one. He was the perfect patsy to manipulate into invading a nation that was no threat to us.

It is sort of ironic that you said this..."Only weak and insecure men need to believe that people they dislike and/or disagree with are stupid." considering the thread is about Trump calling someone he dislikes/disagrees with stupid. At least we finally agree on something, Trump is a weak and insecure man
It was a Democrat idea! Congress ok’d it. Slick Willie wanted to invade Iraq.
I'm glad he didn't insult her on national TV.

He needs to continue to compliment our Lieberal friends whenever he gets the chance.


"unpresidented act"

"...the fake news likes to pour over my tweets looking for a mistake...

And of course his wife "Melanie".

"...the possibility of lasting peach..."

"W.H. Council"

"tapp my phones"

"Teresa May"

"We must fix our education system for our kids to Make America Great again" immediately followed by "I hear by demand..."

"...our deepest apologizes for for the earlier typo." Priceless!

"I am honered to serve you, the great American People, as your 45th President of the United States".

The best part of all is that quite a few pseudocons are going to look at that list and go, "Wut? I don't get it." :lol:

Yup, count me in that crowd. So will you be explaining how your post relates to Mad Max?
Trump is the pot calling the kettle black.

And that somehow ties back to Mad Max.....only tie seems to be Mad Max is black, or so they say.
The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty levels. Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level.
Your need to marginalize those who disagree with you, with little names like "trump zealot" is a sign of how desperate you are to avoid dealing with points you cannot refute.

I call it like I see it. Sorry if I offended you, do you need a tissue or a safe space? Maybe some crayons and paper?
I’m sure you have plenty of that

I do actually, I have a drawer full left over from my days back when I taught Sunday School and Kids Church.

Would you like some also? You could make a nice rainbow picture to help you feel better.
I knew you were skilled in crayons

I am indeed! But I suck at staying in the lines!
I believe that
I love that you actually think you crushed my arguments. It helps to explain your view of a successful career. You have very low bars in your life for success.

Your pretense that you did not understand how talking at a level of education that a person could not understand,

would be off putting for them?

That was an argument easily crushed. Like a weak little bug.

I did not realize that a Trump follower could not understand above a 3rd grade level, thanks for clearing that up for me

Anyone reading can see that what you wrote has no bearing with what I wrote.

Normally when libs play this game, the delete the previous posts. so that their lying is not so obvious.

According to you, Trump talks at a level of education that people can understand, and since he talks at a 3rd grade level, you seem to think that the people he is talking to cannot understand above a 3rd grade level.

These are your words, I am just taking them to their logical conclusion.

No, I said that talking to people at a level they cannot understand is off putting to them.

Trump is an Ivy League graduate, almost certainly capable of talking at a very high level.

Talking to someone with a high school diploma, or even some college, like that, would NOT make them feel comfortable with you.

INstead he chooses to talk to them at a level well BELOW what they are capable of.

A tricky move. It would be easy for that to be interpreted as condescending, but he managed to pull it off.

That was my actual point. Would you like to respond to IT, or would you like to ignore it and repeat your previous position again?

Actually he does not pull it off for the majority of people, only to his hardcore followers. Some find it condescending, but I find it to be his actual level of ability.

Yes, he went to an Ivy League school 50 years ago, but that was a long time ago. Since that time he has, according to his own boast, been "too busy to read" and he gets all his information from snippets and the TV, which dumbs everything down. The result of 50 years of not reading is now evident every time he speaks.
The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty levels. Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level.

What did Obama, the Ivy League Graduate speak at?
He is obviously, and purposefully talking at a level to avoid talking down to people.

Obviously. It is disturbing that you missed that.

So, he talks at a 3rd grade level to avoid talking down to people?

That makes no sense at all. And it should be noted he has always talked this way, long before becoming a politician. It all stems back to his lack of reading, something he is actually proud of.

It makes perfect sense.

If you talk at an education level that people cannot understand, you come off as condescending.

Trump, as he has said, is a professional negotiator. Putting people at ease, is obviously a skill he developed during that fist career.

So, what you are saying is that Trump's followers cannot understand higher than a 3rd grade level? Wow, that seems sort of condescending, but since you are the Trump follower I will take your word for it.


And again, you have to misrepresent what I say in order to have any comeback.

Putting people at ease, is a skill he has.

THat is obviously what he is doing, when he uses a vocabulary that you know is more limited than his education level suggests, at least when you consider the results.

So, in your world talking to adults as if they were children puts them at ease.

Gotcha, I am finding out more and more about you with each post.
Well we do notice you following. That says volumes
I call it like I see it. Sorry if I offended you, do you need a tissue or a safe space? Maybe some crayons and paper?
I’m sure you have plenty of that

I do actually, I have a drawer full left over from my days back when I taught Sunday School and Kids Church.

Would you like some also? You could make a nice rainbow picture to help you feel better.
I knew you were skilled in crayons

I am indeed! But I suck at staying in the lines!
I believe that

Why would I lie about such a thing! :11_2_1043:
The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty levels. Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level.

And yet Trump is not only PRESIDENT of the USA, but has made more than ALL of the others combined will make in 50 lifetimes......
So much for stupid Flesch-Kincaid Bullshit huh?

When it REALLY matters, let's do a REALITY check next time.
1. I've seen people inherit a business and lose it all. Trump did not do that.
Yeah, in effect he did, his business was leveraged to the tune of $3.5 billion and didn't have the assets to cover it, that's why he was forced into bankruptcy, he was also personally on the hook for $50 million in debt that he couldn't cover, which is one of the reasons he had to go public.

All of that in and of itself isn't a sin, many very successful entrepreneurs fail, learn from those failures and pick themselves up and continue on (Ford, Jobs, Morgan, just to name a few) but Trump didn't do that, he left everybody else holding the bag, he put many of his suppliers out of business and stiffed his creditors, which wouldn't be so bad if not for the fact that to this day he's not only failed to make ANY attempt at restitution he's never even bothered to apologize.

He was foolish and he was reckless, he believed his own hype that he was invincible and didn't listen to people that knew better (including his father) and as a result he ended up hurting A LOT of other people and driving his own business right into the ground.

2. THanks for not denying the obvious truth. He had a successful career as a TV stat.
I indicated it was successful right up to the point that he quit.

3. Time will tell. But winning the office is quite an epic achievement.
Yes it is an achievement but it's also a factor of his primary talents which is self-promotion and con artistry and like I said the style that he learned from Roy Cohn.

Such a record indicates a very bright person.
He's bright but he has shown reckless tendencies in the past and has demonstrated a number of serious character flaws which may or may not prove to be his undoing (and possibly take the rest of us down with him).

Real estate is a risky business. I know that personally.
Every business is risky, there's a difference between taking a calculated risk and being totally reckless because you think you're a magician that can defy math, which is exactly what Trump did on the Taj Mahal deal.

Bring jobs back? Reducing immigration? These are very obvious solutions to very obvious problems.
Er..ummm.. you realize that we currently have a labor SHORTAGE in the U.S. , we don't need more jobs we need more qualified labor supply, if we don't get that additional supply it's likely that inflationary wage pressures are going to force the fed into overly aggressive tightening which will in turn cut this recovery phase of the current business cycle short.

Inflationary wage pressure?
Yeah that's what happens during labor shortages absent sufficient productivity increases to compensate, wages rise as business competes for labor but those higher wages get passed along to consumers in the form of higher prices (thus they are inflationary), if wage increases are driven by productivity growth businesses don't need to raise prices because they're producing more output per unit of labor (thus per unit cost is lower).

Rising prices run the risk of forcing the fed to move more aggressively to tighten in order to keep within the boundaries of their inflation targets and that runs the risk of prematurely pulling the peak of the business cycle forward in time.

Bottom line:
You'll end up with more money in your paycheck but your buying power will be relatively lower and the risks to the health of the general economy will be amplified.

… not to mention the fact that shortages of labor stunt output growth.
Our buying power has been dropping for decades
By every metric and methodology tested, Donald Trump’s vocabulary and grammatical structure is significantly more simple, and less diverse, than any President since Herbert Hoover, when measuring “off-script” words, that is, words far less likely to have been written in advance for the speaker,” CEO Bill Frischling wrote. “The gap between Trump and the next closest president ... is larger than any other gap using Flesch-Kincaid. Statistically speaking, there is a significant gap.”
The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty levels. Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level.

What did Obama, the Ivy League Graduate speak at?

Trump speaks at fourth-grade level, lowest of last 15 U.S. presidents, new analysis finds
The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty levels. Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level.

What did Obama, the Ivy League Graduate speak at?

Trump speaks at fourth-grade level, lowest of last 15 U.S. presidents, new analysis finds
Yeah cuase the media has been so kind to him right?
By every metric and methodology tested, Donald Trump’s vocabulary and grammatical structure is significantly more simple, and less diverse, than any President since Herbert Hoover, when measuring “off-script” words, that is, words far less likely to have been written in advance for the speaker,” CEO Bill Frischling wrote. “The gap between Trump and the next closest president ... is larger than any other gap using Flesch-Kincaid. Statistically speaking, there is a significant gap.”

Juuuuuuust say the words.......and stop the nonsense charade.

"Rightwinger is jealous of Trumps sensational success."

The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty levels. Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level.

What did Obama, the Ivy League Graduate speak at?

Trump speaks at fourth-grade level, lowest of last 15 U.S. presidents, new analysis finds
Yeah cuase the media has been so kind to him right?

Not at all, they have been rather harsh, though most of it was well deserved.
Not at all, they have been rather harsh, though most of it was well deserved.

Some of it......

He's a strategic thinker. Often times the things he says that lower thinkers may feel inappropriate were precisely planned to change outcomes multiple layers down the pipeline.

His IQ is actually pretty high despite what lefties want desperately to convince themselves of.

A dose of reality always removes the fog.
Your pretense that you did not understand how talking at a level of education that a person could not understand,

would be off putting for them?

That was an argument easily crushed. Like a weak little bug.

I did not realize that a Trump follower could not understand above a 3rd grade level, thanks for clearing that up for me

Anyone reading can see that what you wrote has no bearing with what I wrote.

Normally when libs play this game, the delete the previous posts. so that their lying is not so obvious.

According to you, Trump talks at a level of education that people can understand, and since he talks at a 3rd grade level, you seem to think that the people he is talking to cannot understand above a 3rd grade level.

These are your words, I am just taking them to their logical conclusion.

No, I said that talking to people at a level they cannot understand is off putting to them.

Trump is an Ivy League graduate, almost certainly capable of talking at a very high level.

Talking to someone with a high school diploma, or even some college, like that, would NOT make them feel comfortable with you.

INstead he chooses to talk to them at a level well BELOW what they are capable of.

A tricky move. It would be easy for that to be interpreted as condescending, but he managed to pull it off.

That was my actual point. Would you like to respond to IT, or would you like to ignore it and repeat your previous position again?

Actually he does not pull it off for the majority of people, only to his hardcore followers. Some find it condescending, but I find it to be his actual level of ability.

Yes, he went to an Ivy League school 50 years ago, but that was a long time ago. Since that time he has, according to his own boast, been "too busy to read" and he gets all his information from snippets and the TV, which dumbs everything down. The result of 50 years of not reading is now evident every time he speaks.

I don't know about that. I don't think I've ever heard anyone complain about him being condescending.

Certainly a lot of his haters, consider him stupid.

I'm a hard core supporter and I don't find his speaking style all that endearing. Though it is growing on me with time.

You blame tv. If anything, I think it would be interesting to know it this was how he spoke when arranging those huge real estate deals.

Did talking to bankers and big money New York City real estate people, at a Third Grade level work? Or was that a more recent thing?
The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty levels. Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level.

What did Obama, the Ivy League Graduate speak at?
Obama spoke at a 9.7 grade level
Five grade levels above Trump

Trump speaks at fourth-grade level, lowest of last 15 U.S. presidents, new analysis finds
Actually he does not pull it off for the majority of people, only to his hardcore followers. Some find it condescending, but I find it to be his actual level of ability.
You do realize that he won the election, right? Are you operating under the delusion that his support came solely from his "hardcore followers"? Or are you capable of acknowledging that maybe at least a handful of his votes came from average non-political Joes and Janes that thought what he had to say made a lot more sense than what his opponent was chattering about?

You don't appear to understand his playbook at all, here's a hint, he didn't come up with it on his own, he copied it from a guy that perfected "bluster, bullshit and belittling" to an art form and used his art to become one of the most powerful men in NYC, In 2016 Daffy Don proved that playbook works on a National Level, if it ain't broke why would he fix it?.
I did not realize that a Trump follower could not understand above a 3rd grade level, thanks for clearing that up for me

Anyone reading can see that what you wrote has no bearing with what I wrote.

Normally when libs play this game, the delete the previous posts. so that their lying is not so obvious.

According to you, Trump talks at a level of education that people can understand, and since he talks at a 3rd grade level, you seem to think that the people he is talking to cannot understand above a 3rd grade level.

These are your words, I am just taking them to their logical conclusion.

No, I said that talking to people at a level they cannot understand is off putting to them.

Trump is an Ivy League graduate, almost certainly capable of talking at a very high level.

Talking to someone with a high school diploma, or even some college, like that, would NOT make them feel comfortable with you.

INstead he chooses to talk to them at a level well BELOW what they are capable of.

A tricky move. It would be easy for that to be interpreted as condescending, but he managed to pull it off.

That was my actual point. Would you like to respond to IT, or would you like to ignore it and repeat your previous position again?

Actually he does not pull it off for the majority of people, only to his hardcore followers. Some find it condescending, but I find it to be his actual level of ability.

Yes, he went to an Ivy League school 50 years ago, but that was a long time ago. Since that time he has, according to his own boast, been "too busy to read" and he gets all his information from snippets and the TV, which dumbs everything down. The result of 50 years of not reading is now evident every time he speaks.

I don't know about that. I don't think I've ever heard anyone complain about him being condescending.

Certainly a lot of his haters, consider him stupid.

I'm a hard core supporter and I don't find his speaking style all that endearing. Though it is growing on me with time.

You blame tv. If anything, I think it would be interesting to know it this was how he spoke when arranging those huge real estate deals.

Did talking to bankers and big money New York City real estate people, at a Third Grade level work? Or was that a more recent thing?

I think it has evolved over time as he was more removed from school and from making actual financial decisions, something he has not done in a long time. His company is now a holding company and he basically sells his name.

There is a reason that people push reading, it has an actual benefit.

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