Trump claims media is not reporting terror attacks

I tend to give Trump the benefit of the doubt because the alternative of Hillary Clinton would have been a nightmare. But I don't get this statement from Trump. The MSM seems to cover the shit out of terror attacks. It gives them something to use to fill endless hours talking about, both for their reporters and opinion shows. It also gives them an opportunity to put their spin on it.

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The media lies to ya'll daily, you just never check to find out because you trust them.

As of 2014 - How many of you knew that 9,500 illegal aliens were found to have terrorist associations? How about that 66,000 illegal aliens are criminals and yet not deported? I mean the facts are out there, they've talked about it Congress, politicians, CIA, FBI, DHS, they've all talked about it - but the media doesn't report it because it doesn't fit their agenda, nor their interests financially. Ya'll have set a precedence for hatred toward anyone who says anything bad about immigrants or aliens and they don't want to lose any money pissing you brats off so they hold shit back and let you have your little safe spaces.
Exactly where did you get that information? Did Trump whisper it in your ear? I think what you're really saying is media that says what you don't want to hear is lying.

There is no doubt that the media, both to the right and left twist the truth. That's understandable considering how controversial the president's actions have been. However, I think it goes further than that. Most people in the country, many who voted for him, just don't like him. I would say most of them hate him, probably more than the Right hated Obama.

I tend to give Trump the benefit of the doubt because the alternative of Hillary Clinton would have been a nightmare. But I don't get this statement from Trump. The MSM seems to cover the shit out of terror attacks. It gives them something to use to fill endless hours talking about, both for their reporters and opinion shows. It also gives them an opportunity to put their spin on it.

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You should get it. Trump has been attacking anyone that makes disparaging remarks against him, no matter the source, a Gold Star mom, a disabled reporter, or an entertainer that makes fun of his hair. He attacks anyone that belittles him or his accomplishments, no matter how trivial. Funny thing is his supporters see this as courage, a fighter that will defend the nation when in reality he's a narcissist with a heck of an inferior complex. This explains perfectly his of lack empathy, boasting and devaluation of others.

As a showman and entertainer, his antics was good press. It kept him in the headlines and made him star. However, as president it just makes him seem little, petty, and a bully.
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If you like yer doctor, you can shove it up yer arse!

We're going to get those people that made that anti Islam video that caused our Ambassador to get killed.

You mean clean the server with a cloth?

If Assad uses chemical weapons...well, that's a red line for us.

Yemen is an example of a successful democracy.

Oh please, ISIS is like JV team.
Don't you just hate Obama and Clinton for those pronouncements? Doesn't it just wipe away any respect you had for them?

But The Sonald, well, that can all be excused, right?
Your president has been president for only two weeks. I suggest you seek professional help for your post election PTSD.
The post traumatic stress syndrome will,be most acute after the articulates of impeachment are introduced. Perhaps the huckster buffoon's wonderful pack of lawyers should have told him about the emoluments clause! Corruption AND crudeness. A combination only available from the professional wrestling fans making up Trump's base. Teenage boys on a sugar high.
IMPEACHMENT?! Is that what you guys are going to jerk yourselves off to for the next eight years? Oh each his / her / it's own.

If Trump said the world was flat, what would Trumpster think about the shape of Earth? Flat or not? :dunno:
If Obama said "if you like yer docta ye can keep yer docta...period!" Would a leftist ass kisser believe him?
There is, in fact, a muslim hiding under the bed of every republican of America, armed with a knife, and just waiting for them to fall asleep so that the Muslim can behead him. The only possible way to avoid this is to kick every muslim and Mexican out of the country, and allow mentally incapacitated people to buy guns.
I will never forget the day that Obama and Hillary got in front of the cameras and blamed the terrorist attack in Libya which resulted in the killing of a US ambassador on a video.

Cause ya know..."Al Queda is on the run..."
The media lies to ya'll daily, you just never check to find out because you trust them.

As of 2014 - How many of you knew that 9,500 illegal aliens were found to have terrorist associations? How about that 66,000 illegal aliens are criminals and yet not deported? I mean the facts are out there, they've talked about it Congress, politicians, CIA, FBI, DHS, they've all talked about it - but the media doesn't report it because it doesn't fit their agenda, nor their interests financially. Ya'll have set a precedence for hatred toward anyone who says anything bad about immigrants or aliens and they don't want to lose any money pissing you brats off so they hold shit back and let you have your little safe spaces.
Exactly where did you get that information? Did Trump whisper it in your ear? I think what you're really saying is media that says what you don't want to hear is lying.

There is no doubt that the media, both to the right and left twist the truth. That's understandable considering how controversial the president's actions have been. However, I think it goes further than that. Most people in the country, many who voted for him, just don't like him. I would say most of them hate him, probably more than the Right hated Obama.

MANY sources have been talking about the problem with illegals and crime and even terrorist connections for /years/ son... Where does your info come from useless CNN who hides this information from the people on behalf of the DNC?? Did you do /any/ investigation at all before you completely discounted my statement as "fake news"? I doubt it...

Here's the latest:

April 2016 - talking about criminal illegals released in 2014, 2015, & 2016 mostly touches on 2010

See also:


And (this chick is a real piece of work FYI):



The Gov stopped putting reports out in 'easy to read formats' during their "Sanctuary City" era (post 2009). Now they bury the information in separated criminal illegal deportation and criminal alien arrest reports so you have to dig for it a bit harder. Moving to more recent findings, I include the last link as it is one of my favorites, the guy not only links his sources, but he even responds back to media claims that he's lying and stuffs it down their throats (just chase his links "Catch and Release")

Don't think they hide this shit from us? See - Senate probe: DHS inspector general altered and delayed reports at administration request & Senate panel report on allegations of Homeland Security IG misconduct


A review of internal ICE metrics for 2013 reveals that hundreds of thousands of deportable aliens who were identified in the interior of the country were released instead of removed under the administration’s sweeping “prosecutorial discretion” guidelines. In 2013, ICE reported 722,000 encounters with potentially deportable aliens, most of whom came to their attention after incarceration for a local arrest. Yet ICE officials followed through with immigration charges for only 195,000 of these aliens, only about one-fourth. According to ICE personnel, the vast majority of these releases occurred because of current policies that shield most illegal aliens from enforcement, not because the aliens turned out to have legal status or were qualified to stay in the United States.

Many of the aliens ignored by ICE were convicted criminals. In 2013, ICE agents released 68,000 aliens with criminal convictions, or 35 percent of all criminal aliens they reported encountering. The criminal alien releases typically occur without formal notice to local law enforcement agencies and victims.A review of internal ICE metrics for 2013 reveals that hundreds of thousands of deportable aliens who were identified in the interior of the country were released instead of removed under the administration’s sweeping “prosecutorial discretion” guidelines. In 2013, ICE reported 722,000 encounters with potentially deportable aliens, most of whom came to their attention after incarceration for a local arrest. Yet ICE officials followed through with immigration charges for only 195,000 of these aliens, only about one-fourth. According to ICE personnel, the vast majority of these releases occurred because of current policies that shield most illegal aliens from enforcement, not because the aliens turned out to have legal status or were qualified to stay in the United States.

Many of the aliens ignored by ICE were convicted criminals. In 2013, ICE agents released 68,000 aliens with criminal convictions, or 35 percent of all criminal aliens they reported encountering. The criminal alien releases typically occur without formal notice to local law enforcement agencies and victims.

Key Findings

• In 2013, ICE charged only 195,000, or 25 percent, out of 722,000 potentially deportable aliens they encountered. Most of these aliens came to ICE’s attention after incarceration for a local arrest.
• ICE released 68,000 criminal aliens in 2013, or 35 percent of the criminal aliens encountered by officers. The vast majority of these releases occurred because of the Obama administration’s prosecutorial discretion policies, not because the aliens were not deportable.
• ICE targeted 28 percent fewer aliens for deportation from the interior in 2013 than in 2012, despite sustained high numbers of encounters in the Criminal Alien and Secure Communities programs.
• Every ICE field office but one reported a decline in interior enforcement activity, with the largest decline in the Atlanta field office, which covers Georgia and the Carolinas.
• ICE reports that there are more than 870,000 aliens on its docket who have been ordered removed, but who remain in defiance of the law.
• Under current policies, an alien’s family relationships, political considerations, attention from advocacy groups, and other factors not related to public safety can trump even serious criminal convictions and result in the termination of a deportation case.
• Less than 2 percent of ICE’s caseload was in detention at the end of fiscal year 2013.
• About three-fourths of the aliens ICE detained in 2013 had criminal and/or immigration convictions so serious that the detention was required by statute. This suggests the need for more detention capacity, so ICE can avoid releasing so many deportable criminal aliens.

- Senator Sessions Condemns ‘Collapse’ of Immigration Enforcement, as 68,000 Foreign Criminals Are Released into America | illegal alien crime | Limits to Growth (Watch the video)


In 2013, ICE freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens from detention who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings, according to a document obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies. This group included aliens convicted of hundreds of violent and serious crimes, including homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault. The list of crimes also includes more than 16,000 drunk or drugged driving convictions. The vast majority of these releases from ICE custody were discretionary, not required by law (in fact, in some instances, apparently contrary to law), nor the result of local sanctuary policies.

The document reveals that the 36,007 convicted criminal aliens freed from ICE custody in many instances had multiple convictions. Among them, the 36,007 had nearly 88,000 convictions, including:

193 homicide convictions (including one willful killing of a public official with gun)

426 sexual assault convictions

303 kidnapping convictions

1,075 aggravated assault convictions

1,160 stolen vehicle convictions

9,187 dangerous drug convictions

16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions

303 flight escape convictions

193 homicide convictions (including one willful killing of a public official with gun)

426 sexual assault convictions

303 kidnapping convictions

1,075 aggravated assault convictions

1,160 stolen vehicle convictions

9,187 dangerous drug convictions

16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions

303 flight escape convictions

- ICE Document Details 36,000 Criminal Alien Releases in 2013


History 2003-2009

Here's a snap shot I made from a 2011 report by the Government Accountability Department on their study of /caught/ criminal illegals (covers 2003 through 2009, and terrorism links found in 2010.) Full report -

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The media lies to ya'll daily, you just never check to find out because you trust them.

As of 2014 - How many of you knew that 9,500 illegal aliens were found to have terrorist associations? How about that 66,000 illegal aliens are criminals and yet not deported? I mean the facts are out there, they've talked about it Congress, politicians, CIA, FBI, DHS, they've all talked about it - but the media doesn't report it because it doesn't fit their agenda, nor their interests financially. Ya'll have set a precedence for hatred toward anyone who says anything bad about immigrants or aliens and they don't want to lose any money pissing you brats off so they hold shit back and let you have your little safe spaces.
Exactly where did you get that information? Did Trump whisper it in your ear? I think what you're really saying is media that says what you don't want to hear is lying.

There is no doubt that the media, both to the right and left twist the truth. That's understandable considering how controversial the president's actions have been. However, I think it goes further than that. Most people in the country, many who voted for him, just don't like him. I would say most of them hate him, probably more than the Right hated Obama.

MANY sources have been talking about the problem with illegals and crime and even terrorist connections for /years/ son... Where does your info come from useless CNN who hides this information from the people on behalf of the DNC?? Did you do /any/ investigation at all before you completely discounted my statement as "fake news"? I doubt it...

Here's the latest:

April 2016 - talking about criminal illegals released in 2014, 2015, & 2016 mostly touches on 2010

See also:


And (this chick is a real piece of work FYI):



The Gov stopped putting reports out in 'easy to read formats' during their "Sanctuary City" era (post 2009). Now they bury the information in separated criminal illegal deportation and criminal alien arrest reports so you have to dig for it a bit harder. Moving to more recent findings, I include the last link as it is one of my favorites, the guy not only links his sources, but he even responds back to media claims that he's lying and stuffs it down their throats (just chase his links "Catch and Release")

Don't think they hide this shit from us? See - Senate probe: DHS inspector general altered and delayed reports at administration request & Senate panel report on allegations of Homeland Security IG misconduct


A review of internal ICE metrics for 2013 reveals that hundreds of thousands of deportable aliens who were identified in the interior of the country were released instead of removed under the administration’s sweeping “prosecutorial discretion” guidelines. In 2013, ICE reported 722,000 encounters with potentially deportable aliens, most of whom came to their attention after incarceration for a local arrest. Yet ICE officials followed through with immigration charges for only 195,000 of these aliens, only about one-fourth. According to ICE personnel, the vast majority of these releases occurred because of current policies that shield most illegal aliens from enforcement, not because the aliens turned out to have legal status or were qualified to stay in the United States.

Many of the aliens ignored by ICE were convicted criminals. In 2013, ICE agents released 68,000 aliens with criminal convictions, or 35 percent of all criminal aliens they reported encountering. The criminal alien releases typically occur without formal notice to local law enforcement agencies and victims.A review of internal ICE metrics for 2013 reveals that hundreds of thousands of deportable aliens who were identified in the interior of the country were released instead of removed under the administration’s sweeping “prosecutorial discretion” guidelines. In 2013, ICE reported 722,000 encounters with potentially deportable aliens, most of whom came to their attention after incarceration for a local arrest. Yet ICE officials followed through with immigration charges for only 195,000 of these aliens, only about one-fourth. According to ICE personnel, the vast majority of these releases occurred because of current policies that shield most illegal aliens from enforcement, not because the aliens turned out to have legal status or were qualified to stay in the United States.

Many of the aliens ignored by ICE were convicted criminals. In 2013, ICE agents released 68,000 aliens with criminal convictions, or 35 percent of all criminal aliens they reported encountering. The criminal alien releases typically occur without formal notice to local law enforcement agencies and victims.

Key Findings

• In 2013, ICE charged only 195,000, or 25 percent, out of 722,000 potentially deportable aliens they encountered. Most of these aliens came to ICE’s attention after incarceration for a local arrest.
• ICE released 68,000 criminal aliens in 2013, or 35 percent of the criminal aliens encountered by officers. The vast majority of these releases occurred because of the Obama administration’s prosecutorial discretion policies, not because the aliens were not deportable.
• ICE targeted 28 percent fewer aliens for deportation from the interior in 2013 than in 2012, despite sustained high numbers of encounters in the Criminal Alien and Secure Communities programs.
• Every ICE field office but one reported a decline in interior enforcement activity, with the largest decline in the Atlanta field office, which covers Georgia and the Carolinas.
• ICE reports that there are more than 870,000 aliens on its docket who have been ordered removed, but who remain in defiance of the law.
• Under current policies, an alien’s family relationships, political considerations, attention from advocacy groups, and other factors not related to public safety can trump even serious criminal convictions and result in the termination of a deportation case.
• Less than 2 percent of ICE’s caseload was in detention at the end of fiscal year 2013.
• About three-fourths of the aliens ICE detained in 2013 had criminal and/or immigration convictions so serious that the detention was required by statute. This suggests the need for more detention capacity, so ICE can avoid releasing so many deportable criminal aliens.

- Senator Sessions Condemns ‘Collapse’ of Immigration Enforcement, as 68,000 Foreign Criminals Are Released into America | illegal alien crime | Limits to Growth (Watch the video)


In 2013, ICE freed 36,007 convicted criminal aliens from detention who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings, according to a document obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies. This group included aliens convicted of hundreds of violent and serious crimes, including homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault. The list of crimes also includes more than 16,000 drunk or drugged driving convictions. The vast majority of these releases from ICE custody were discretionary, not required by law (in fact, in some instances, apparently contrary to law), nor the result of local sanctuary policies.

The document reveals that the 36,007 convicted criminal aliens freed from ICE custody in many instances had multiple convictions. Among them, the 36,007 had nearly 88,000 convictions, including:

193 homicide convictions (including one willful killing of a public official with gun)

426 sexual assault convictions

303 kidnapping convictions

1,075 aggravated assault convictions

1,160 stolen vehicle convictions

9,187 dangerous drug convictions

16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions

303 flight escape convictions

193 homicide convictions (including one willful killing of a public official with gun)

426 sexual assault convictions

303 kidnapping convictions

1,075 aggravated assault convictions

1,160 stolen vehicle convictions

9,187 dangerous drug convictions

16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions

303 flight escape convictions

- ICE Document Details 36,000 Criminal Alien Releases in 2013


History 2003-2009

Here's a snap shot I made from a 2011 report by the Government Accountability Department on their study of /caught/ criminal illegals (covers 2003 through 2009, and terrorism links found in 2010.) Full report -

Great copy and pasting but it does not alter the simple fact that lies from the media is no excuse for lies from the administration.

The fact that the Trump administration lies doesn't bother me in the least because all politicians lie. What does bother me is the clumsy disorganized way the administration does business. The way the immigration EO was done was a disaster and totally lacked any planning. Trump is saying one thing while his VP or press secretary is saying the opposite. There is no foreign policy, there are just tweets, interviews, press briefings in which Trump sends conflicting messages. One would have to be nuts to think this is going to make the US safer. I suspect the US is going to be in a major military confrontation within 2 years because Trump does not understand foreign affairs. He treats relations with other nations like a corporate negotiation and that will never work.
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"I don't like the way the President scheduled this thing" or the reality you previously admitted "I hate the President" doesn't really have much to do with the conversation at hand in this particular thread - that the media is hiding shit from the public in order to support their political agenda - which I commented on, you called me on it, I proved my point that the media hides criminal illegal activity (and terrorist connections)

I'm pretty sure there's a thread on "Trump rolled out his immigration EO like shit," but it's not this thread so I'm going to decline to discuss it as we already OT'ed with my previous post heh
"I don't like the way the President scheduled this thing" or the reality you previously admitted "I hate the President" doesn't really have much to do with the conversation at hand in this particular thread - that the media is hiding shit from the public in order to support their political agenda - which I commented on, you called me on it, I proved my point that the media hides criminal illegal activity (and terrorist connections)

I'm pretty sure there's a thread on "Trump rolled out his immigration EO like shit," but it's not this thread so I'm going to decline to discuss it as we already OT'ed with my previous post heh
I have never said, "I hate the president" because that is irrelevant. I have said a lot of people do, which should be obvious.

The media has no legal obligation to report anything. Media outlets present material that their audience will watch. If CNN or MSNBC doesn't present the kind of material their audience wants to watch their audience will drop them. The exact same thing is true of Fox News and most Talk Radio. CNN is not likely to cover a relatively minor terrorist attack on the other side of the world because they don't see it of interest to their viewers. Fox News or talk radio are likely to jump on it because it pleases their audience.

Donald Trump has had the worst approval ratings of any president in his first month of office and garnered condemnations worldwide. He's constantly criticized by his own party and he's made outrageous claims that simply can't be supported. Does this effect the media? Of course it does. Right wing media tries to defend him or downplay what he said and Left wing media will focus on it.
I tend to give Trump the benefit of the doubt because the alternative of Hillary Clinton would have been a nightmare. But I don't get this statement from Trump. The MSM seems to cover the shit out of terror attacks. It gives them something to use to fill endless hours talking about, both for their reporters and opinion shows. It also gives them an opportunity to put their spin on it.

Sent from my iPhone using
You should get it. Trump has been attacking anyone that makes disparaging remarks against him, no matter the source, a Gold Star mom, a disabled reporter, or an entertainer that makes fun of his hair. He attacks anyone that belittles him or his accomplishments, no matter how trivial. Funny thing is his supporters see this as courage, a fighter that will defend the nation when in reality he's a narcissist with a heck of an inferior complex. This explains perfectly his of lack empathy, boasting and devaluation of others.

As a showman and entertainer, his antics was good press. It kept him in the headlines and made him star. However, as president it just makes him seem little, petty, and a bully.

Spot-on. There's a Yuge difference between being an entertainment klown and being in charge of something. We're seeing exactly what that difference is played out now. Which was inevitable.
I suggesting watching General Kelly talk about the roll out of the EO, he basically said the media made it out to be chaos but it wasn't. The minor question of in air passengers and citizens was addressed that night.

He said the only things he would have done differently was not put it out on a Friday, and talk to the reps before hand because they were causing chaos, generally based on false and misleading reports from the media.
After this most recent lie of Trump's came out, Jake Tapper from CNN showed a long montage of CNN reporters covering countless terrorist attacks over the years.
Why does Trump continue to lie when he knows his lies can be so easily disproved?
We know his base will believe anything he says, but smarter saner people are getting very uncomfortable with the regularity of POTUS 's incessant lying.
Even his Propaganda Minister , Kellyanne Conway, had no answer when Jake Tapper confronted her with her boss' most recent series of lies.
I suggesting watching General Kelly talk about the roll out of the EO, he basically said the media made it out to be chaos but it wasn't. The minor question of in air passengers and citizens was addressed that night.

He said the only things he would have done differently was not put it out on a Friday, and talk to the reps before hand because they were causing chaos, generally based on false and misleading reports from the media.
You're going to need a chiropractor soon from carrying the water of the Liar - in - Chief.
I tend to give Trump the benefit of the doubt because the alternative of Hillary Clinton would have been a nightmare. But I don't get this statement from Trump. The MSM seems to cover the shit out of terror attacks. It gives them something to use to fill endless hours talking about, both for their reporters and opinion shows. It also gives them an opportunity to put their spin on it.

Sent from my iPhone using
You should get it. Trump has been attacking anyone that makes disparaging remarks against him, no matter the source, a Gold Star mom, a disabled reporter, or an entertainer that makes fun of his hair. He attacks anyone that belittles him or his accomplishments, no matter how trivial. Funny thing is his supporters see this as courage, a fighter that will defend the nation when in reality he's a narcissist with a heck of an inferior complex. This explains perfectly his of lack empathy, boasting and devaluation of others.

As a showman and entertainer, his antics was good press. It kept him in the headlines and made him star. However, as president it just makes him seem little, petty, and a bully.

Spot-on. There's a Yuge difference between being an entertainment klown and being in charge of something. We're seeing exactly what that difference is played out now. Which was inevitable.
Narcissists can be very effective in business or criminal environments. As they do not feel the same level of emotions as most of us nor do they care about the emotions of others, they are able to function on a more driven and determined road. In short, as a manager or leader, they are likely to get things done quickly and efficiently.

However, there is a serious caveat, particularly if the person is in a position of great responsibility and power. When a narcissist is seriously challenged, their behavior becomes unpredictable and dangerous and often bizarre because protection of their ego becomes paramount. In a leader, that behavior may manifest itself in verbal attacks and actions that he sees as protection of his ego even though it damages his position. If the use of nuclear weapons appears to strengthen his self image, it will override all other considerations.
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