Trump claims millions voted illegally...

Well technically Trump's election did save us from a war with Russia. Clinton had every intention of pushing a no fly zone in Syria and Putin said flat out that would start a war...
Well technically Trump's election did save us from a war with Russia. Clinton had every intention of pushing a no fly zone in Syria and Putin said flat out that would start a war...
Yes now that Russia has succeeded in putting an agent in the White House. But don't feel too let down, Russia will probably be on China's side when Trump goes to war with them.
Well technically Trump's election did save us from a war with Russia. Clinton had every intention of pushing a no fly zone in Syria and Putin said flat out that would start a war...

I'm still trying to find out who won the war that the Russians promised would happen because of our Berlin airlift in 1948.....
Well technically Trump's election did save us from a war with Russia. Clinton had every intention of pushing a no fly zone in Syria and Putin said flat out that would start a war...

I'm still trying to find out who won the war that the Russians promised would happen because of our Berlin airlift in 1948.....

To be fair, it is possible that Russia put that war on hold because they were going to go to war with us in 1962 if we stopped a Russia ship on the way to Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis.
I wonder if the thought has crossed the minds of some people here... that Putin made these threatening statements in order to sway some voters to vote for Trump to avoid war. Just saying. I mean at least a couple of posters here have admitted they voted for Trump simply because of it. So it worked.
The only lying I see is by the imbecile liberals who still don't realize Clinton lost. Meanwhile, Trump is busy trying to save the country, and all the libs do is cry and make up ignorant horse shit.
Save the country from what? You people are fucking nuts.

Here it is. In black and white. ^^^ The reason these idiots lost.
No answer of course.
Clueless. You and the rest need mental help.
Yeah Trump needs to save the country from being jade helmed, killed off by Ebola, scary children crossing the border with prayer rugs :rolleyes:

Again, you people are absolutely fucking insane, and may God help us by making what you want Trump to do impossible.
When Trump said the election would be rigged, did he mean he would do the rigging?
Well technically Trump's election did save us from a war with Russia. Clinton had every intention of pushing a no fly zone in Syria and Putin said flat out that would start a war...

I'm still trying to find out who won the war that the Russians promised would happen because of our Berlin airlift in 1948.....

Well basically we made them look like idiots and flew over their road blockade to save Berlin's people. Best option they had was to tuck tail.

American officials were furious, and some in the administration of President Harry S. Truman argued that the time for diplomacy with the Soviets was over. For a few tense days, the world waited to see whether the United States and Soviet Union would come to blows. In West Berlin, panic began to set in as its population worried about shortages of food, water, and medical aid. The United States response came just two days after the Soviets began their blockade. A massive airlift of supplies into West Berlin was undertaken in what was to become one of the greatest logistical efforts in history. For the Soviets, the escapade quickly became a diplomatic embarrassment. Russia looked like an international bully that was trying to starve men, women, and children into submission. And the successful American airlift merely served to accentuate the technological superiority of the United States over the Soviet Union. On May 12, 1949, the Soviets officially ended the blockade.
There have been people arrested this election cycle for fraud, so yes, he has every right to say what he did.

Two women busted for election fraud in Miami-Dade

Woman Jailed on Charge of Illegal Voting

many other links about illegal voting arrests out there

You take two people and call it millions?

I never said millions. I also said there were many more links about people being arrested for illegal voting this election. I guess you didn't comprehend what I said.

First link says 2 people, next one says 1. 2 + 1 = 3.

You are defending someone who does not have a grasp on reality. What next? Is he going to claim he is Santa Clause?

You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

I'm willing to bet that if there were a true recount, as in weeding out illegal aliens who cast ballots, that Hillary would lose in a bigger way. It isn't easy discovering illegal aliens who vote. Literally takes the FBI digging. And that simply is never done.
You take two people and call it millions?

I never said millions. I also said there were many more links about people being arrested for illegal voting this election. I guess you didn't comprehend what I said.

First link says 2 people, next one says 1. 2 + 1 = 3.

You are defending someone who does not have a grasp on reality. What next? Is he going to claim he is Santa Clause?

You and many others are grasping at straws in hopes of one being a magic wand that will somehow change the election results. Reality is, Trump won and Clinton lost. Illegal voting is a reality and has been before this election.

So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

I'm willing to bet that if there were a true recount, as in weeding out illegal aliens who cast ballots, that Hillary would lose in a bigger way. It isn't easy discovering illegal aliens who vote. Literally takes the FBI digging. And that simply is never done.

Ok...let's assume Hillary loses some million illegal votes in states like California that causes her to lose the popular vote, but she gains votes in WI, MI, and PA that makes her win the electoral Vote. you going to accept that?
I agree with Trump.

When Democrats talk about their vaunted "Ground Game" they are talking about the Dead and the Illegal Alien Voter....particularly in states with no voter I. D. Laws.

Fuck California.

Then you are as clueless as he is. The US is in big trouble. We will have a delusional leader in January.

Delusional in what sense?

Trump is the most down to earth guy in politics in ages.

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