Trump claims millions voted illegally...

The Donald is the prez nothing will change. Voter fraud is akin to bigfoot. All proof. This country is an embarrassment. Truth be told.
The Donald is the prez nothing will change. Voter fraud is akin to bigfoot. All proof. This country is an embarrassment. Truth be told.

Tell that to Donald. He is unhappy that the majority of the voters in this country voted for Hillary.
So as been said, illegal voting is fine as long as your candidate wins? As long as they win there is no reason to do any audits or recounts to find flaws in the system and fix them?

No, illegal voting is NOT ok, regardless of who the illegal votes are for. Those committing voter fraud should be dealt with by our legal system.

Ok then...why are people fighting this audit/recount? It looks more and more like courts in North Carolina is going to do a recount as well.

I don't know anyone personally that is fighting it. I'm all for it. Question is, can the Clinton supporters accept that she lost if the results don't change?


Then you aren't paying attention. Hell there are like three threads about the audit/recounts and in every one of them Trump supporters are whining about it. Trump even sent out a tweet today whining about it.

Like I said, I don't know anyone personally that is fighting the vote audit/recount. I do not know anyone on this message board in real life. What others whine about is not my problem. If you let it become yours, that's on you. you realize what you just said? You basically questioned whether people were fighting against it. I showed you many people on here are... and your response is, basically so what you don't care? :alcoholic:
And you're a fool. The MASSIVE turnout in Michigan WASNT Hillary supporters. Trump won, but only because we overwhelmed the Clinton Vote Machine.

From Oct 28

Donald Trump is out on the complain trail talking about how he’s facing off against Hillary Clinton in a rigged election – and Hillary isn’t having it. Donald Trump daring to question the validity of the eventual election results is a “serious threat to democracy” according to Hillary.

Hillary DONOR Owns the Voting Machines in THESE 22 States - WARNING
by the way, if trump is so full of shit and it isn't rigged m, why do you want a recount? Oh yeah, typical left hypocrisy
by the way, if trump is so full of shit and it isn't rigged m, why do you want a recount? Oh yeah, typical left hypocrisy

I want a recount because I'm tired of hearing about "rigged" elections. I want the truth to come out and see if the machines were/could be hacked, if the ballots are counted correctly, and how much of a difference counting ALL the votes including absentee and provisional ballots matters.

You talk about hypocrisy... Trump said the election was rigged and wasn't sure if he would concede a loss... now he is whining because the election is being contested for possibly being rigged. :cuckoo:
I agree with Trump.

When Democrats talk about their vaunted "Ground Game" they are talking about the Dead and the Illegal Alien Voter....particularly in states with no voter I. D. Laws.

Fuck California.

Then you are as clueless as he is. The US is in big trouble. We will have a delusional leader in January.

Delusional in what sense?

Trump is the most down to earth guy in politics in ages.

Really? Have you been listening to this man though his campaign? He makes statements that are either outfight lies or incredibly confused fabrications. He claims he want to drain the swamp and then he goes out and puts a bunch of billionaires, lobbiest, and DC animals in his administration.

I expect him to veto any attempt by the GOP to kill the ACA. Welcome to Progressive Land.
There have been people arrested this election cycle for fraud, so yes, he has every right to say what he did.

Two women busted for election fraud in Miami-Dade

Woman Jailed on Charge of Illegal Voting

many other links about illegal voting arrests out there

You take two people and call it millions?

I never said millions. I also said there were many more links about people being arrested for illegal voting this election. I guess you didn't comprehend what I said.

First link says 2 people, next one says 1. 2 + 1 = 3.

You said he has a right to say what he said, "millions". You said three. No wonder he won. None of you even know basic math.
There have been people arrested this election cycle for fraud, so yes, he has every right to say what he did.

Two women busted for election fraud in Miami-Dade

Woman Jailed on Charge of Illegal Voting

many other links about illegal voting arrests out there

He said "millions" in case you missed that, honey. Not three.
So, he didn't ask for a recount either!

Don't you think he needs to prove "millions"? I told you he was going to rule by Twitter. He's the biggest fucking coward in the world.
There have been people arrested this election cycle for fraud, so yes, he has every right to say what he did.

Two women busted for election fraud in Miami-Dade

Woman Jailed on Charge of Illegal Voting

many other links about illegal voting arrests out there

He said "millions" in case you missed that, honey. Not three.
So, he didn't ask for a recount either!

Don't you think he needs to prove "millions"? I told you he was going to rule by Twitter. He's the biggest fucking coward in the world.

Nobody fact checks Twitter. Even when people fact check Trump it comes out as lies... but his supporters don't care.
The Donald is the prez nothing will change. Voter fraud is akin to bigfoot. All proof. This country is an embarrassment. Truth be told.
They claim it doesn't exist, yet want a recount. Why?
There have been people arrested this election cycle for fraud, so yes, he has every right to say what he did.

Two women busted for election fraud in Miami-Dade

Woman Jailed on Charge of Illegal Voting

many other links about illegal voting arrests out there

He said "millions" in case you missed that, honey. Not three.
So, he didn't ask for a recount either!

Don't you think he needs to prove "millions"? I told you he was going to rule by Twitter. He's the biggest fucking coward in the world.

Nobody fact checks Twitter. Even when people fact check Trump it comes out as lies... but his supporters don't care.
Why do you?
He is such a whiny little pu$$y. It needs to be grabbed and bee slapped around a little to help him man up.

Wait! He is the one that grabs pu$$y....remember?

You have certainly been grabbed... soo, soo butthurt.

The "butthurt" thing is getting old, especially now that he's doing exactly what I said he would do: sit on Twitter and communicate by video talking from prepared speeches.

Oh so different from those rallies that were shown on live t.v., hmmmmm? Hahahahahaaaa....Kim Jong Un with bleach-blonde hair.

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