Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.

So, do you all agree with this? Is just the mere thought of something being declassified enough to make it so?
I love how he is digging his hole deeper and deeper.

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.

So, do you all agree with this? Is just the mere thought of something being declassified enough to make it so?
Biden Reclassified.jpg

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.

So, do you all agree with this? Is just the mere thought of something being declassified enough to make it so?
Is he wrong? Post the rule that says he cant, word for word.
According to this, it isnt so black and white.
He can basically do whatever he wants with declassification. There are informal protocols, but nothing set in stone. EXCEPT nuclear documents. Those are protected under the Atomic Energy Act.
Apparently, just because they are declassified, doesnt mean they can just take those documents with them when they leave the WH either.
"He can basically do whatever he wants with declassification"...........................not without documentation, he can't. But thanks for showing us you believe your orange god is above the law.
Well the Dems seem to think they can indict & convict DT with just strong feelings.
At least thinking involves actual brain function & not just some Pavlovian response to your emotional triggers.

Yes, I think if he considers them unclassified, they are unclassified.
He has the ultimate authority in these matters.
Did that hurt?
Way to ignore the mounting evidence on all fronts. It must be comforting to be so willingly blind to reality., eh?
Declassification 101

1. President or Congress ordering all JFK records declassified. Memorandum sent to all Agencies with those records to start declassification process(blacking shit out). Records released on websites and foia requests.

2.President in National Security Scif briefing on North Korea they need somebody to get inside. President calls Dennis Rodman in to help. Rodman has no Security Clearance, President tells staff to let Rodman seeTop Secret documents about what issue is. President has declassified documents for Rodman to read while in this meeting.

Truman didn’t have Atomic Bomb papers at his house

Kennedy did not have Castro assassination papers at his house.

Clintons boy Burger stuffed classified documents in his pants while reviewing in National Archives Scif. He gets caught and convicted of Felony. Pardoned bu Bush🤦‍♂️

Trumps issue is he took them home. Its a closed and shut case.
Is he wrong? Post the rule that says he cant, word for word.
Part 1. Original Classification

Sec. 1.1.
Classification Standards.

(a) Information may be originally classified under the terms of this order only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • (1) an original classification authority is classifying the information;

  • (2) the information is owned by, produced by or for, or is under the control of the United States Government;

  • (3) the information falls within one or more of the categories of information listed in section 1.4 of this order; and

  • (4) the original classification authority determines that the unauthorized disclosure of the information reasonably could be expected to result in damage to the national security, which includes defense against transnational terrorism, and the original classification authority is able to identify or describe the damage.
(b) Classified information shall not be declassified automatically as a result of any unauthorized disclosure of identical or similar information.

(c) The unauthorized disclosure of foreign government information is presumed to cause damage to the national security.

Executive Order 12958 was amended on March 25, 2003, by Executive Order 13292,

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.

So, do you all agree with this? Is just the mere thought of something being declassified enough to make it so?
As Chief Executive, he ARGUABLY has that power. There is literally nothing that limits his power to classify or declassify information. This trial, and yes there will be one, will make its way up to SCOTUS and we'll likely get the issue made more clear. AS IT IS, there is no LAW that sets limits on the Executive Branch authority to execute its powers.
As Chief Executive, he ARGUABLY has that power. There is literally nothing that limits his power to classify or declassify information. This trial, and yes there will be one, will make its way up to SCOTUS and we'll likely get the issue made more clear. AS IT IS, there is no LAW that sets limits on the Executive Branch authority to execute its powers.
And where's the declassification documentation?
Can pardons be thought up too? Opens up a whole new opportunity for Trump.
"He can basically do whatever he wants with declassification"...........................not without documentation, he can't. But thanks for showing us you believe your orange god is above the law.
The link I posted said there wasnt any actual policy on that.
Its not my fault you are illiterate.
As Chief Executive, he ARGUABLY has that power. There is literally nothing that limits his power to classify or declassify information. This trial, and yes there will be one, will make its way up to SCOTUS and we'll likely get the issue made more clear. AS IT IS, there is no LAW that sets limits on the Executive Branch authority to execute its powers.
Executive Order 13292, to read as follows:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to further amend Executive Order 12958, as amended, it is hereby ordered that Executive Order 12958 is amended to read as follows:

This order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information, including information relating to defense against transnational terrorism. Our democratic principles require that the American people be informed of the activities of their Government. Also, our Nation's progress depends on the free flow of information. Nevertheless, throughout our history, the national defense has required that certain information be maintained in confidence in order to protect our citizens, our democratic institutions, our homeland security, and our interactions with foreign nations. Protecting information critical to our Nation's security remains a priority.
Executive Order 13292, to read as follows:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to further amend Executive Order 12958, as amended, it is hereby ordered that Executive Order 12958 is amended to read as follows:

This order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information, including information relating to defense against transnational terrorism. Our democratic principles require that the American people be informed of the activities of their Government. Also, our Nation's progress depends on the free flow of information. Nevertheless, throughout our history, the national defense has required that certain information be maintained in confidence in order to protect our citizens, our democratic institutions, our homeland security, and our interactions with foreign nations. Protecting information critical to our Nation's security remains a priority.
That order is null and void. Obama replaced it.
That order is null and void. Obama replaced it.
it was amended

A significant provision of EO 13526 is the creation of the National Declassification Center. The major focus is the idea that information should become declassified systematically as soon as practicable. Specific time limits are mentioned for different kinds of information, but there is also the provision that information that still needs to be classified can stay classified. Mechanisms are outlined for periodic reevaluation of the need to classify information, even if the result of the evaluation is to keep the information classified

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