Trump claims we are no better than Russia

Have you read any current events? Apparently not. The US has kidnapped dozens of people and put them in black prisons. We have killed people with drone strikes. We have done a lot of really bad things. Now how is it that in your mind those things are all just fine and dandy but when Russia does similar things they are terrible?

We've done it in war.

Putin has done those things to his own countrymen.

You won't hear about that watching RT and listening to Alex Jones.
we are not at war there has been no declaration of war
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”


World wide drone warfare anyone?

Christian genocide in Syria unaddressed anyone?

50 million plus murdered unborn children anyone?

How is Libya working for ya?

Nuff said.
Have you read any current events? Apparently not. The US has kidnapped dozens of people and put them in black prisons. We have killed people with drone strikes. We have done a lot of really bad things. Now how is it that in your mind those things are all just fine and dandy but when Russia does similar things they are terrible?

We've done it in war.

Putin has done those things to his own countrymen.

You won't hear about that watching RT and listening to Alex Jones.

We've done it to our own citizens too. We just killed an American little girl. We've targeted Americans for death. Not as a result of a battlefield, but specifically targeting them. We've targeted Weddings because someone at the wedding might be a bad guy. We've done just about everything you can blame Russia for. Now, why should we get a pass when Russia fighting their own wars has done those things.

This is such bullshit. Blaming Syria for violating the ban on Chemical Weapons when Syria never signed it. That was such a stretch it was practically gibberish. We arm Terrorists, and our allies trade with terrorists, and we shout at Russia to stop supporting the bad guy Assad. Pull your head out of your ass already, we're the bad guys.

List the American political opponents and journalists killed by Obama and Bush.


I'll do better than that. Robert Seldon Lady. Robert Lady was the CIA station chief in Italy. He helped plan the kidnapping of a Muslim Cleric. The CIA grabbed him and sent him to Egypt where he spent five years being tortured to try and get him to confess to supporting terrorism. Eventually the Egyptian court ruled he wasn't a terrorist and ordered him released and returned to Italy. An innocent man was kidnapped, jailed in a hell hole for five years, and tortured.

Italy when he got home was understandably perturbed. Lady fled Italy after his claim of diplomatic immunity was rejected. His cover assignment did not grant him full immunity, only immunity for his official duties.

Lady and the twenty two CIA agents were tried in absentia, convicted, and sentenced to a decade in prison. None of them have spent a day in prison. The US Government under Obama even spirited Lady out of Panama when he was caught and held on a valid extradition order.

Kidnapping under US law is a death penalty felony. Bush Co. ordered the kidnapping and Obama refused to comply with the extradition order.

We know this happened. We have plenty of proof. Lady himself says he was just following orders.

Has anyone confessed to killing one of Putin's enemies? Any Jason Bourne types come forward and admitted the truth?

Robert Seldon Lady - Wikipedia
Once again, had President Obama said that, you lying bastards would have been calling him a traitor.

Obama???? Oh! You mean that guy that ran around the world apologizing for America? I remember him now.
He did no such thing. This is just another right wing myth, false news. he did make America look much better after the disastrous Bush years.
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”


World wide drone warfare anyone?

Christian genocide in Syria unaddressed anyone?

50 million plus murdered unborn children anyone?

How is Libya working for ya?

Nuff said.

Damn...what a stupid post

I'm not even bothering with a response
What's amusing about American "conservatives'" Putin-worship is that his support for Assad and Russia's bombing of Syrian civilians is a big reason why millions of Muslims "conservatives" fear and hate went to Europe and want to come to America in the first place.
Putin didn't create the mess in Syria, we did. Don't lose sight of that fact.
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”

I told the tards Trump the Pied Piper would lead them into the liberal cave, and they scoffed.

I told them he would slowly get them to defend ever last liberal belief, and they laughed.

America the war criminal nation. That's a favorite of the far, far marxist left. And Trump has his Chumps backing him up on that.

This is like some kind of satirical play.

"I'll get them bashing Reagan yet!"
How many "Do overs" does Trump get?

A Democrat would be hounded out of Washington for equating us to a dictator murderer like Putin

Does Putin own Trump or what?

They've been giving him the equivilant of "Participation Trophies" this whole time. He reads off a teleprompter and they applaud going "At least he didnt go nuts" then when he goes nuts they applaud going "At least he's not a typical politician". He can come out with a watermelon on his head and theyd commend him calling him unconventional
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”

Nay, President Trump correctly praises Russia for they are more efficient killers. Our damn armed forces better take note and start being more efficient, or President Trump will rightfully discipline them! (pursing asshole lips)
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”

I told the tards Trump the Pied Piper would lead them into the liberal cave, and they scoffed.

I told them he would slowly get them to defend ever last liberal belief, and they laughed.

America the war criminal nation. That's a favorite of the far, far marxist left. And Trump has his Chumps backing him up on that.

This is like some kind of satirical play.

"I'll get them bashing Reagan yet!"

Hard to believe Trump could get Conservatives to back Putin
Remember, while the conservatives were supporting the war in Iraq and calling anyone opposed to the war a traitor, there was a far left limousine liberal New York registered Democrat named Donald J. Trump calling for Bush's impeachment, and for the US to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now he is calling us killers and criminals.

Here's some far left propaganda for you fucking Chumps to enjoy.


But he’s a killer though. Putin’s a killer.


There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think — our country’s so innocent. You think our country’s so innocent?
"We’ve got a lot of killers."

Just a matter of time now. Trump will have his Chumps calling our troops baby killers.

Just a matter of time.
No other nation on earth invades more nations and kills more people than the Unites States does. That's just fact. So, Trump is right. The US doesn't have the right to hop up on a high horse. It can't preach to others. It no longer possesses a moral high ground.
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think he should have said it. Then again, honesty is awesome. And unusual in American politics.
We might not be like Russia is as far as domestically, but foreign policy, I would think we are worse. We overthrow elected leaders, invade countries for bullshit, use drones and bomb innocent people, put up illegal headquarters in countries that they don't even know exist, influence foreign elections, and its all for greed and power.
I think Trump says some stupid shit. And flat out lies. But he got this one right.
And what really is funny, is the left is acting like this is complete bullshit, when they have railed against our bullshit for decades. But NOW it is lies.
Grow up people. Grow the fuck up.
No other nation on earth invades more nations and kills more people than the Unites States does. That's just fact. So, Trump is right. The US doesn't have the right to hop up on a high horse. It can't preach to others. It no longer possesses a moral high ground.
We do not acquire territory or property as Putin does, nor do we assassinate rival pols or press, although Trump may be a new direction for us.
We're no better in the context which Trump was speaking about. We're a warring nation. We invade and kill too much, to preach to others on violence and war.

Now as far as a better nation overall goes? Of course we're better. I'd much rather be in the US than in Russia.

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