Trump claims we are no better than Russia

I like to think of it as defending the truth and I can't see anything more worth defending.
The Republican party is full evangelical now and worships Putin as a figure that will help destroy Islam.
I think the majority see Putin as being on the correct side in the war on terrorism.
Yes comrade hail Putin. Sadly you will find plenty of republicans that will agree with you. They are the party of Trump now and are putty in your hands.
Yes, it is interesting to witness the power of ideology and party loyalty intermixed with patriotism. It is easily observable with both parties that they trump rational thought.
Trump voters don't have rational thought. Vote in a con artist with three marriages that talks about grabbing pussy. "Christians" voted for him overwhelmingly. Hypocrites not to be taken seriously. Sad!
I don't disagree with you. Liberals who voted for Hillary really aren't in a place to criticize though.
The Republican party is full evangelical now and worships Putin as a figure that will help destroy Islam.
I think the majority see Putin as being on the correct side in the war on terrorism.
Yes comrade hail Putin. Sadly you will find plenty of republicans that will agree with you. They are the party of Trump now and are putty in your hands.
Yes, it is interesting to witness the power of ideology and party loyalty intermixed with patriotism. It is easily observable with both parties that they trump rational thought.
Trump voters don't have rational thought. Vote in a con artist with three marriages that talks about grabbing pussy. "Christians" voted for him overwhelmingly. Hypocrites not to be taken seriously. Sad!
I don't disagree with you. Liberals who voted for Hillary really aren't in a place to criticize though.
Hillary! Hillary!...Obama! Obama!

Classic republicans blaming people who aren't even in power for their failures. Take some personal responsibility, sad!
People actually defending Putin's reign; do we laugh or cry?
I like to think of it as defending the truth and I can't see anything more worth defending.
The Republican party is full evangelical now and worships Putin as a figure that will help destroy Islam.
I think the majority see Putin as being on the correct side in the war on terrorism.

Polls says most Americans do not trust Russia.
what do you expect after nearly a century of propaganda?

Killing journalists, killing and locking up political opponents, and annexing foreign territory isn't propaganda.
What's amusing about American "conservatives'" Putin-worship is that his support for Assad and Russia's bombing of Syrian civilians is a big reason why millions of Muslims "conservatives" fear and hate went to Europe and want to come to America in the first place.
Sympathy for Russia and its people is understandable. Defense of Putin is reprehensible.
I like to think of it as defending the truth and I can't see anything more worth defending.
The Republican party is full evangelical now and worships Putin as a figure that will help destroy Islam.
I think the majority see Putin as being on the correct side in the war on terrorism.

Polls says most Americans do not trust Russia.
what do you expect after nearly a century of propaganda?

Killing journalists, killing and locking up political opponents, and annexing foreign territory isn't propaganda.

Yeah and we're completely innocent with absolutely no blood on our hands
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”


Have you read any current events? Apparently not. The US has kidnapped dozens of people and put them in black prisons. We have killed people with drone strikes. We have done a lot of really bad things. Now how is it that in your mind those things are all just fine and dandy but when Russia does similar things they are terrible?
Have you read any current events? Apparently not. The US has kidnapped dozens of people and put them in black prisons. We have killed people with drone strikes. We have done a lot of really bad things. Now how is it that in your mind those things are all just fine and dandy but when Russia does similar things they are terrible?

We've done it in war.

Putin has done those things to his own countrymen.

You won't hear about that watching RT and listening to Alex Jones.
Have you read any current events? Apparently not. The US has kidnapped dozens of people and put them in black prisons. We have killed people with drone strikes. We have done a lot of really bad things. Now how is it that in your mind those things are all just fine and dandy but when Russia does similar things they are terrible?

We've done it in war.

Putin has done those things to his own countrymen.

You won't hear about that watching RT and listening to Alex Jones.

We've done it to our own citizens too. We just killed an American little girl. We've targeted Americans for death. Not as a result of a battlefield, but specifically targeting them. We've targeted Weddings because someone at the wedding might be a bad guy. We've done just about everything you can blame Russia for. Now, why should we get a pass when Russia fighting their own wars has done those things.

This is such bullshit. Blaming Syria for violating the ban on Chemical Weapons when Syria never signed it. That was such a stretch it was practically gibberish. We arm Terrorists, and our allies trade with terrorists, and we shout at Russia to stop supporting the bad guy Assad. Pull your head out of your ass already, we're the bad guys.
It hardly exonerates Putin from crimes to point out other criminals exist.
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”

Usmb Republicans before the election didn't believe Putin is a killer. Maybe Obama had good reason to sanction the fuck.

We just want their oil, and peace, but you're not going to get peace.
Oh, you mean like when Obama pulled everybody out of Iraq and you libs blamed Bush for it?
As though Fuckwit43 had not signed the deal.

No deal is written in stone by the last administration. When liberals do stupid things, look for them to find a way to blame Republicans instead of accepting responsibility for themselves. It's the Democrat way.
No deal is written in stone? So agreements with Republicans are worthless because they are dishonest pieces of shit.

Got it! Finally, something we can both agree on.

Starting to get the picture.
Have you read any current events? Apparently not. The US has kidnapped dozens of people and put them in black prisons. We have killed people with drone strikes. We have done a lot of really bad things. Now how is it that in your mind those things are all just fine and dandy but when Russia does similar things they are terrible?

We've done it in war.

Putin has done those things to his own countrymen.

You won't hear about that watching RT and listening to Alex Jones.

We've done it to our own citizens too. We just killed an American little girl. We've targeted Americans for death. Not as a result of a battlefield, but specifically targeting them. We've targeted Weddings because someone at the wedding might be a bad guy. We've done just about everything you can blame Russia for. Now, why should we get a pass when Russia fighting their own wars has done those things.

This is such bullshit. Blaming Syria for violating the ban on Chemical Weapons when Syria never signed it. That was such a stretch it was practically gibberish. We arm Terrorists, and our allies trade with terrorists, and we shout at Russia to stop supporting the bad guy Assad. Pull your head out of your ass already, we're the bad guys.

List the American political opponents and journalists killed by Obama and Bush.

Honesty is why I fully support Trump as President....he is 100% correct here. Look what Obama did to the middle east and all the lives it cost.

America is far from innocent and anyone who doesn't know this is one dumb fuck.

It isn't innocent. It also isn't as bad as Russia wouldn't you agree? Putin's fuck buddy Trump doesn't..
I really love the Trumpsters in this thread defending Putin's puppet by saying "America has done bad things".

These same folks would pitch a fit and fall into it in a thread about Islam where the horrors perpetrated by Christians is pointed out.
Honesty is why I fully support Trump as President....he is 100% correct here. Look what Obama did to the middle east and all the lives it cost.

America is far from innocent and anyone who doesn't know this is one dumb fuck.

It isn't innocent. It also isn't as bad as Russia wouldn't you agree? Putin's fuck buddy Trump doesn't..

Oh America has killed both in secret and in public.

Putin is a thug and he's always been a thug and the fact that you think Trump and Putin are connected doesn't make it so.

Of course you wish it were so, so that your foolish post doesn't sound as batshit crazy as it does.

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