Trump: Comey is a weak and untruthful slime ball

What is the matter with this man?

Doesn’t he realize he is President? Slimeball?
What a disgrace to the office he holds
When are you going to tweet Trump to let him know how you feel, Braveheart?
Our President is an embarrassment

Schoolyard taunts from the principle representative of our country
Sad what this nation has become

It’s like we went from a Cadillac Escalade to a Chevy van that’s still rocking.
More like a Jiguar to a Rolls Royce.
What is a jiguar?
Not very bright, are you?
When are you going to tweet Trump to let him know how you feel, Braveheart?
Our President is an embarrassment

Schoolyard taunts from the principle representative of our country
Sad what this nation has become

It’s like we went from a Cadillac Escalade to a Chevy van that’s still rocking.
More like a Jiguar to a Rolls Royce.
What is a jiguar?
Not very bright, are you?

What is a jiguar.
Our President is an embarrassment

Schoolyard taunts from the principle representative of our country
Sad what this nation has become

It’s like we went from a Cadillac Escalade to a Chevy van that’s still rocking.
More like a Jiguar to a Rolls Royce.
What is a jiguar?
Not very bright, are you?

What is a jiguar.
Think about it. It'll come to you, Foggy.
In the wake of leaked excerpts of a book shamelessly about to be hawked by former Director of the FBI James Comey, President Trump took to Twitter in his trademark style and held back nothing.
Trump: Comey Is “A Weak And Untruthful Slime Ball”

Comey is a big bulls---t liar, he certainly put a damper on the FBI public opinion. Traitors for Clinton what else would we expect to a twit who sold her soul decades ago.
Takes one to know one.
He should be grateful.
Comets disclosure did Clinton in.
Mindwars ? They believe we landed on the moon yet?
Old white ignorant farts info
It’s like we went from a Cadillac Escalade to a Chevy van that’s still rocking.
More like a Jiguar to a Rolls Royce.
What is a jiguar?
Not very bright, are you?

What is a jiguar.
Think about it. It'll come to you, Foggy.

Gosh, is there some reason you’re refusing to fill me in? I went and Googled it. If you’re using the meaning I found, hmm. Well, I don’t know who came up with that word, but his mama did a piss-poor job raising him.

She should definitely be quite embarrassed. My heart goes out to her.

Hopefully I found the wrong meaning.

Adam Schiff


1 hour

On the day the President wrongly attacks Comey for being a “leaker and liar” he considers pardoning a convicted leaker and liar, Scooter Libby. This is the President’s way of sending a message to those implicated in the Russia investigation: You have my back and I‘ll have yours.

:clap:Really, Somethangs are just so clear.

Not so just within the past 2 hours, Judith Miller, a Pulitzer Prize journalist was on Fox News and explained how she went to jail for making erroneous reports that were given to her by the people gunning for Libby, who took a bullet for Bush. Trump mentioned it yesterday that Miller had contacted him and told the true story that caused him to pardon Libby. Get facts straight before you toot your horn.

BTW, Squirrel Cheeks Schiff is a slimy, backstabbing bastard who isn't worth spit.

He probably isn't worth much to the idiots who will do anything to protect Trump.

He's a worthless POS human being
Don't our old white farts realize there are more people go south than north?
Just regurgitate THE WALL

Adam Schiff


1 hour

On the day the President wrongly attacks Comey for being a “leaker and liar” he considers pardoning a convicted leaker and liar, Scooter Libby. This is the President’s way of sending a message to those implicated in the Russia investigation: You have my back and I‘ll have yours.

:clap:Really, Somethangs are just so clear.

Not so just within the past 2 hours, Judith Miller, a Pulitzer Prize journalist was on Fox News and explained how she went to jail for making erroneous reports that were given to her by the people gunning for Libby, who took a bullet for Bush. Trump mentioned it yesterday that Miller had contacted him and told the true story that caused him to pardon Libby. Get facts straight before you toot your horn.

BTW, Squirrel Cheeks Schiff is a slimy, backstabbing bastard who isn't worth spit.
So Hillary helped 911 survivors families 5000000 African kids.
And you genius?
What did you ever do but whine.
Keep enjoying your socialist benefits

Adam Schiff


1 hour

On the day the President wrongly attacks Comey for being a “leaker and liar” he considers pardoning a convicted leaker and liar, Scooter Libby. This is the President’s way of sending a message to those implicated in the Russia investigation: You have my back and I‘ll have yours.

:clap:Really, Somethangs are just so clear.

Not so just within the past 2 hours, Judith Miller, a Pulitzer Prize journalist was on Fox News and explained how she went to jail for making erroneous reports that were given to her by the people gunning for Libby, who took a bullet for Bush. Trump mentioned it yesterday that Miller had contacted him and told the true story that caused him to pardon Libby. Get facts straight before you toot your horn.

BTW, Squirrel Cheeks Schiff is a slimy, backstabbing bastard who isn't worth spit.

He probably isn't worth much to the idiots who will do anything to protect Trump.

He's a worthless POS human being
Don't our old white farts realize there are more people go south than north?
Just regurgitate THE WALL
If you say so.
Don't like Comey , have no way of knowing when he is telling the truth, hope what he says is checked & rechecked, sure there will be some informative stuff in there.
More like a Jiguar to a Rolls Royce.
What is a jiguar?
Not very bright, are you?

What is a jiguar.
Think about it. It'll come to you, Foggy.

Gosh, is there some reason you’re refusing to fill me in? I went and Googled it. If you’re using the meaning I found, hmm. Well, I don’t know who came up with that word, but his mama did a piss-poor job raising him.

She should definitely be quite embarrassed. My heart goes out to her.

Hopefully I found the wrong meaning.

:) Coward :)
Liar in Chief Trump calling someone a dishonest slimeball is priceless. Biggest liar and slimeball in US Presidential history is Don the Con.
What is the matter with this man?

Doesn’t he realize he is President? Slimeball?
What a disgrace to the office he holds
When are you going to tweet Trump to let him know how you feel, Braveheart?
Our President is an embarrassment

Schoolyard taunts from the principle representative of our country
Sad what this nation has become

It’s like we went from a Cadillac Escalade to a Chevy van that’s still rocking.
Trump is more like a clown car
What is a jiguar?
Not very bright, are you?

What is a jiguar.
Think about it. It'll come to you, Foggy.

Gosh, is there some reason you’re refusing to fill me in? I went and Googled it. If you’re using the meaning I found, hmm. Well, I don’t know who came up with that word, but his mama did a piss-poor job raising him.

She should definitely be quite embarrassed. My heart goes out to her.

Hopefully I found the wrong meaning.

:) Coward :)

I honestly don't get all the smiley faces - I mean if I were the type of person to use a racial slur, I'd be man enough to own it. But you do you.
Not very bright, are you?

What is a jiguar.
Think about it. It'll come to you, Foggy.

Gosh, is there some reason you’re refusing to fill me in? I went and Googled it. If you’re using the meaning I found, hmm. Well, I don’t know who came up with that word, but his mama did a piss-poor job raising him.

She should definitely be quite embarrassed. My heart goes out to her.

Hopefully I found the wrong meaning.

:) Coward :)

I honestly don't get all the smiley faces - I mean if I were the type of person to use a racial slur, I'd be man enough to own it. But you do you.
It's a truism that could be considered as a racial slur.
Comey was a Republican until the summer of 2016 - the same summer that the trump organization was identified as having ‘irregular’ contact with Russia
and became under investigation
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According to the Democrats Comey is a scumbag....

You need to post content. And the Email investigation like all HRC investigations of HRC have FAILED to show crimes by her.
Comey screwed up here, on the HRC email investigation reopening in Late 2016.

AS The GOP Spews on Comey NOW will fail. As Still, Comey speaking the truth on both HRC and the Great Douche.
Thang IS HERE! The Great Douche has done REAL crimes for decades. HRC better at pushing the legal lines. To not commit crimes.

Btw, Why is the Great Douche not Pardoning Bubba Clinton for lying about a blowjob?
Somehow the DOPers feel Pardoning Scooter Libby's lies (Perjury, Obstruction of justice and Lying to the FBI)are better ones here. Lies are Lies.
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