Trump Concedes it Was the Russians... Now What?

You understand no one can prove the election was not influenced by the hack... nor an they disprove it. It is all a matter of opinion on that.

But the lying media was claiming that there is prove that the election was hacked.
These dishonest people lost more of their credibility and therefore became even more insignificant.

What can be proven however, is that Russia DID hack the DNC and DID give the hacked information to WikiLeaks.

No, that cannot be proven either, and the dishonest media will eventually have to admit that, too, speak it will lose again and became more and more insignificant.

These fools did not learn anything, they are digging their own grave, and that is good for America.

There is no proof? Jesus fucking Christ... TRUMP changed his stance after seeing the evidence. Donald Trump, Putin's butt buddy now admits that Russia hacked the DNC... Please tell me you aren't that fucking stupid to still deny that fact.
He DID quote him, in the OP.

No, he did not quote Trump.

You sir are a dishonest lying hack.

Let's show the audience at home the part of the nested quote you just cut out.

Roll tape.

Trump's Chief of Staff just said that Trump admits it was the Russians.

What precisely did he say? Can you quote him?
What did them Russians do?

He DID quote him, in the OP. And again just above in big bold letters in post 82.

Need a road map? :wtf:

"He" can only refer to "Rump's Chief of Staff", which is Prince Reebus. That's the only entity referred to.

Now you want to move your own goalposts.
Because Trump doesn't have the balls to admit himself that he was wrong.

That is a stupid explanation.
Here is what Trump told 2 hours ago on Twitter:

Before I, or anyone, saw the classified and/or highly confidential hacking intelligence report, it was leaked out to @NBCNews. So serious!

He makes jokes about this intelligence report.
Trump was going to bring Sister Cleo in as his top security advisor, but found out that she is dead. Nobody saw that coming, including Sister Cleo.

Because Trump doesn't have the balls to admit himself that he was wrong.

That is a stupid explanation.
Here is what Trump told 2 hours ago on Twitter:

Before I, or anyone, saw the classified and/or highly confidential hacking intelligence report, it was leaked out to @NBCNews. So serious!

He makes jokes about this intelligence report.

That is not a joke... that's him saying that it is a serious situation that intelligence information was leaked to NBC before even him saw it.
Nobody hacked the election. There was a leak from DNC, which revealed the truth about the corrupt candidate of the corrupt party. You should be thankful for that, otherwise that corrupt candidate would be your next president. What is so difficult to understand, dummies?

Murray in an interview with said the leakers were motivated by 'disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.'

He suggested that Podesta's emails might be 'of legitimate interest to the security services' in the U.S., due to his communications with Saudi Arabia lobbyists and foreign officials.
“I don't understand why the CIA would say the information came from Russian hackers when they must know that isn't true,' he said. 'Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents Wikileaks published did not come from that.'

WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Hillary Clinton emails | Daily Mail Online
^ that
Nobody hacked the election. There was a leak from DNC, which revealed the truth about the corrupt candidate of the corrupt party. You should be thankful for that, otherwise that corrupt candidate would be your next president. What is so difficult to understand, dummies? ...
The Russians want you to think this way.
Nobody hacked the election. There was a leak from DNC, which revealed the truth about the corrupt candidate of the corrupt party. You should be thankful for that, otherwise that corrupt candidate would be your next president. What is so difficult to understand, dummies?

Murray in an interview with said the leakers were motivated by 'disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.'

He suggested that Podesta's emails might be 'of legitimate interest to the security services' in the U.S., due to his communications with Saudi Arabia lobbyists and foreign officials.
“I don't understand why the CIA would say the information came from Russian hackers when they must know that isn't true,' he said. 'Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents Wikileaks published did not come from that.'

WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Hillary Clinton emails | Daily Mail Online
^ please start a thread about this Stratford57 I'll post in it
he'll still bend over & grab his ankles anytime putin tells him to.

Trump whooped your ass in the election, he rolled into Dem territory like a tank and took your blue states away from Hillary. PA, MI, WI funniest damn thing I ever saw. Who got bent over? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

pootey poot didn't want hillary in the whitehouse for a very good reason. SHE wouldn't become his whore....

that's why he wanted donny from queens & got him. that orange anus shaped mouth of his is just right for what putin is gonna get from him.


Yes yes you have Trump butthurt, anything else? What are your thoughts on the SCOTUS nomination we stole from Obama or Comey swift boating Hillary at the last moment? :badgrin:

hey, i find it amusing that you like to cheat & steal to get the SC & the votes... & attempting - yet failed -to strip the ethics committee of it's power in secret down in the bowels of the capital pretty much sums up what your filthy party has become. kudos sweety, how long b4 drumpf gets impeached?

as far as comey is concerned... he will answer to what he did & why on tuesday... maybe he has reason... maybe he doesn't.

When you play the impeach card before the guy is even sworn into office, that makes your side look like sore losers who have sour grapes. The American people find that childish.
Nobody hacked the election. There was a leak from DNC, which revealed the truth about the corrupt candidate of the corrupt party. You should be thankful for that, otherwise that corrupt candidate would be your next president. What is so difficult to understand, dummies?

Murray in an interview with said the leakers were motivated by 'disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.'

He suggested that Podesta's emails might be 'of legitimate interest to the security services' in the U.S., due to his communications with Saudi Arabia lobbyists and foreign officials.
“I don't understand why the CIA would say the information came from Russian hackers when they must know that isn't true,' he said. 'Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents Wikileaks published did not come from that.'

WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Hillary Clinton emails | Daily Mail Online

lol see? Right out of the box a retarded denial.
Again, the person who absolutely, positively, DOESN'T WANT IT TO BE THE RUSSIANS... just admitted after seeing the evidence, that it was the Russians.
Except he didn't. One of his underlings was on Fox News spinning his ass off. When Trump publicly says so himself, then you can make that claim. Until then you're blowing as much hot air as Rince was

Again, his CHIEF OF STAFF just said what Trump's position is. Do you understand that? The Chief of Staff is the highest ranking employee in the White House. He IS Trump's private secretary. If anyone on this planet knows Trump's position on the matter, it is him.
A wise man doesn't believe everything he hears and waits for proof before drawing conclusions. Rince was spinning his ass off. Trump himself contradicted Rince with his Tweet after he saw the evidence. But you go ahead and play the fool and believe everything you hear.

Wrong, Trump just said that he saw the evidence and that many countries cyber-attack us... but still didn't believe the leaks effected the election. He never said he still felt it wasn't the Russians. Do you understand how to read through his shit?

Trump won't admit personally he was wrong. He never will. That's why his ego is so dangerous to this country.
Trump's ego is no more dangerous than Obama's.

lol, so you're conceding that Obama was just as good a president as Trump can ever be.
OP awfully quick to jump to conclusions. Exactly how are the "hacks" supposed to have affected the election and why should anyone care? I'm convinced the DNC lost the election when it decided to run Clinton against Trump. No contest.

Well the first thing you should be concerned about is that these election hacks were in fact ordered by a Foreign adversary--Putin and not some 400 lb. fat guy sitting on his bed that had a grudge against Hillary Clinton--LOL

It is a FELONY in this country to hack into any private or public computer that comes with PRISON time. If you are conspiring with a Foreign adversary to commit this crime it will be considered TREASON against the United States. IOW--it really doesn't matter if it swayed any voters, but I imagine it did.

The worst in my mind were Debbie Wasserman's emails that were leaked by Russia. Bernie Sanders was out there campaigning on a rigged election--Russia leaked Wasserman's anxiety over Sanders campaign rhetoric, which confirmed to a lot of stupid Sanders supporters that the primary was rigged against him. Trump jumped on this immediately, actually campaigned on it, to try and sway Sanders supporters into his column. We even had a few Sanders supporters on this board that continually threatened to vote for Trump over it.

And since Trump won this election by a mere 170K votes coming out of several battleground states, one of them Missouri (a state Sanders won), it's really hard to make the claim that Russia did NOT have anything to do with Comrade Trump winning. In fact it's impossible, but I am positive that's the Reich wing spin right now.

Trumps words: "Russia if you're listening could you find those 30K emails of Hillary Clinton's." Those words will go down in infamy for centuries to come.

So Comrade Trump is the new poster boy for the Republican party: And you're going to pay a very heavy price for it.


This article came out before all Russian Diplomats were thrown out, and it may have TEETH and legs to grow.
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No, it is the Russian ex-KGB that hates the NATO countries and have interests contrary to western democracies.

There is no need and no justification for Nato after the collapse of the East Block.
That is the reason why warmongers try to instigate a new Cold War, the need a justification for Nato's existence.

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