Trump Concedes it Was the Russians... Now What?

OP awfully quick to jump to conclusions. Exactly how are the "hacks" supposed to have affected the election and why should anyone care? I'm convinced the DNC lost the election when it decided to run Clinton against Trump. No contest.

How is it jumping to conclusions? His Chief of Staff flat out said he has changed his position after meeting with intelligence agencies and now admits the Russians hacked the DNC. No hyperbole... he flat out said it. Please show me how I could possibly take out of context:

"He accepts the fact that this particular case was entities in Russia so that's not the issue," Priebus said on "Fox News Sunday."
Again, unless you want to talk about Trump's position change on it being the Russians that hacked the DNC... please keep it on topic. If you want to talk about your issues, start your own thread. Last time I'll ask, then I'll use the report function.
Oooooh junior has his dander up. It's a goddamn good thing you never strayed off topic. LOL.

As for the topic I don't give shit who hacked or leaked the emails and the CIA may well change the story in a few weeks anyway.

what matters to me is the corruption in the Democrat party. The corrupt ones are those that only care about who spilled the beans.

So you don't believe in rights? Is it ok to you if a cop searches someone illegally and finds stuff to make them guilty? That's exactly the position you are taking here with your comments.
And you want to let the murderer go because the dead body was found illegally. Like I said, different principles.

The fact the Democrats are corrupt, work with media, lie to their base and have sham elections so they can control my life means a hell of a lot more than leaked emails.

You're entire system is corrupt and as long as you support that in this manner you're just as complicit as the system is.

Exactly, if Trump supporters don't think Republicans are just as corrupt as Democrats they are fucking insane. Just because the RNC dirty laundry wasn't leaked doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
What dirty laundry? The fact that you haven't seen any proves how bad it was? Talk about insane.
It's the only FACTS that exist from this, so obviously you want to avoid them, it's okay, the adults are back in charge.

You can rattle off with your delusional rants...

Again, unless you want to talk about Trump's position change on it being the Russians that hacked the DNC... please keep it on topic. If you want to talk about your issues, start your own thread. Last time I'll ask, then I'll use the report function.
Oooooh junior has his dander up. It's a goddamn good thing you never strayed off topic. LOL.

As for the topic I don't give shit who hacked or leaked the emails and the CIA may well change the story in a few weeks anyway.

what matters to me is the corruption in the Democrat party. The corrupt ones are those that only care about who spilled the beans.

So you don't believe in rights? Is it ok to you if a cop searches someone illegally and finds stuff to make them guilty? That's exactly the position you are taking here with your comments.
And you want to let the murderer go because the dead body was found illegally. Like I said, different principles.

The fact the Democrats are corrupt, work with media, lie to their base and have sham elections so they can control my life means a hell of a lot more than leaked emails.

A dead body doesn't make someone guilty. Again... you deflect. So you think it is cool if a cop uses illegal activity to uncover evidence? No wonder you like Russia so much.
I said murderer. Apparently you don't understand legal definitions. Nor did I deflect, I answered why we see it so differently. You don't care about Democrat corruption and I said:

"The fact the Democrats are corrupt, work with media, lie to their base and have sham elections so they can control my life means a hell of a lot more than leaked emails."
This is fucking hilarious... TRUMP admits it was the Russians... and his supporters still deny it! How fucking dumb are these lemmings?

A better question is why aren't you fleeing from this bullshit OP?

Trump's Chief of Staff just said that Trump admits it was the Russians. Do you understand what the responsibilities of the Chief of Staff are?

You fucks are just desplaying exactly how dumb most Trump supporters are.
Do you understand that the Chief of Staff is TRYING to help Trump save face despite Trump's own Twitter postings?

I love that Trump tweets it isn't the Russians and his supporters argue that it was most definitely NOT the Russians...

Trump is too embarrassed that he was wrong so he has his Chief of Staff announce that after seeing the evidence he now knows it was the Russians... and his supporters still say, "It wasn't the Russians!"

Hillary supporters claimed that her private email server was not hacked when told that this act of hers was putting the data stored on the server at risk for a hack. Hillary supporters mocked anyone who suggested it could present risk.

Hillary lost and the ones doing the mocking over the possibility of a hack are crying the loudest butt hurt.
OP awfully quick to jump to conclusions. Exactly how are the "hacks" supposed to have affected the election and why should anyone care? I'm convinced the DNC lost the election when it decided to run Clinton against Trump. No contest.

How is it jumping to conclusions? His Chief of Staff flat out said he has changed his position after meeting with intelligence agencies and now admits the Russians hacked the DNC. No hyperbole... he flat out said it. Please show me how I could possibly take out of context:

"He accepts the fact that this particular case was entities in Russia so that's not the issue," Priebus said on "Fox News Sunday."

What you are missing is that nobody cares if some nerd in Russia hacked the DNC unless it actually in some way affected the election. If you can prove that it did there is some point to the OP otherwise there isn't. Don't beg the question.
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Again, unless you want to talk about Trump's position change on it being the Russians that hacked the DNC... please keep it on topic. If you want to talk about your issues, start your own thread. Last time I'll ask, then I'll use the report function.
Oooooh junior has his dander up. It's a goddamn good thing you never strayed off topic. LOL.

As for the topic I don't give shit who hacked or leaked the emails and the CIA may well change the story in a few weeks anyway.

what matters to me is the corruption in the Democrat party. The corrupt ones are those that only care about who spilled the beans.

So you don't believe in rights? Is it ok to you if a cop searches someone illegally and finds stuff to make them guilty? That's exactly the position you are taking here with your comments.
And you want to let the murderer go because the dead body was found illegally. Like I said, different principles.

The fact the Democrats are corrupt, work with media, lie to their base and have sham elections so they can control my life means a hell of a lot more than leaked emails.

A dead body doesn't make someone guilty. Again... you deflect. So you think it is cool if a cop uses illegal activity to uncover evidence? No wonder you like Russia so much.
I said murderer. Apparently you don't understand legal definitions. Nor did I deflect, I answered why we see it so differently. You don't care about Democrat corruption and I said:

"The fact the Democrats are corrupt, work with media, lie to their base and have sham elections so they can control my life means a hell of a lot more than leaked emails."

I do care about DNC corruption, but I find that having a foreign country hack into our country and spread the news of only one side of a election to influence the American people is more important. The fact you don't is scary.
Again, unless you want to talk about Trump's position change on it being the Russians that hacked the DNC... please keep it on topic. If you want to talk about your issues, start your own thread. Last time I'll ask, then I'll use the report function.
Oooooh junior has his dander up. It's a goddamn good thing you never strayed off topic. LOL.

As for the topic I don't give shit who hacked or leaked the emails and the CIA may well change the story in a few weeks anyway.

what matters to me is the corruption in the Democrat party. The corrupt ones are those that only care about who spilled the beans.

So you don't believe in rights? Is it ok to you if a cop searches someone illegally and finds stuff to make them guilty? That's exactly the position you are taking here with your comments.
And you want to let the murderer go because the dead body was found illegally. Like I said, different principles.

The fact the Democrats are corrupt, work with media, lie to their base and have sham elections so they can control my life means a hell of a lot more than leaked emails.

A dead body doesn't make someone guilty. Again... you deflect. So you think it is cool if a cop uses illegal activity to uncover evidence? No wonder you like Russia so much.
I said murderer. Apparently you don't understand legal definitions. Nor did I deflect, I answered why we see it so differently. You don't care about Democrat corruption and I said:

"The fact the Democrats are corrupt, work with media, lie to their base and have sham elections so they can control my life means a hell of a lot more than leaked emails."

You don't convict someone of murder based solely on a dead body... or course all the stuff you know about Law Enforcement you got from a forum...
Nobody hacked the election. There was a leak from DNC, which revealed the truth about the corrupt candidate of the corrupt party. You should be thankful to that, otherwise that corrupt candidate would be your next president. What is so difficult to understand, dummies?

Murray in an interview with said the leakers were motivated by 'disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.'

He suggested that Podesta's emails might be 'of legitimate interest to the security services' in the U.S., due to his communications with Saudi Arabia lobbyists and foreign officials.
“I don't understand why the CIA would say the information came from Russian hackers when they must know that isn't true,' he said. 'Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents Wikileaks published did not come from that.'

WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Hillary Clinton emails | Daily Mail Online

Look Commie numbnuts. The last person that wants to admit it was the Russians, just saw the evidence and conceded it WAS the Russians. End of story.
Except they did NOT in fact hack the election and Obama admitted it on Friday with a statement from a "senior Official". If you are claiming the election was hacked you are not backed up by anyone anymore.
Nobody hacked the election. There was a leak from DNC, which revealed the truth about the corrupt candidate of the corrupt party. You should be thankful to that, otherwise that corrupt candidate would be your next president. What is so difficult to understand, dummies?

Murray in an interview with said the leakers were motivated by 'disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.'

He suggested that Podesta's emails might be 'of legitimate interest to the security services' in the U.S., due to his communications with Saudi Arabia lobbyists and foreign officials.
“I don't understand why the CIA would say the information came from Russian hackers when they must know that isn't true,' he said. 'Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents Wikileaks published did not come from that.'

WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Hillary Clinton emails | Daily Mail Online

Look Commie numbnuts. The last person that wants to admit it was the Russians, just saw the evidence and conceded it WAS the Russians. End of story.
Except they did NOT in fact hack the election and Obama admitted it on Friday with a statement from a "senior Official". If you are claiming the election was hacked you are not backed up by anyone anymore.

You understand no one can prove the election was not influenced by the hack... nor can they disprove it. It is all a matter of opinion on that. What can be proven however, is that Russia DID hack the DNC and DID give the hacked information to WikiLeaks.
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks affecting the U.S. presidential election and may take actions in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday.

Reince Priebus said Trump believes Russia was behind the intrusions into the Democratic Party organizations, though he did not clarify whether the president-elect agreed that the hacks were directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"He accepts the fact that this particular case was entities in Russia so that's not the issue," Priebus said on "Fox News Sunday.""

Trump accepts U.S. intelligence on Russia hacking, top aide says

Trump finally... though not publicly, and by himself... admits it was the Russians that hacked the DNC. So now what? Shouldn't this change his position with Putin and Russia? Why hasn't he denounced their actions? Why hasn't he tweeted about Assange? Seriously... If his non-actions here doesn't tell you something, nothing ever will.

And the Obama DOJ has not requested a inquiry into the findings of the DNC hacking of Wassermann-Schultz or Brasil? Election fraud in the Democrat Primary should be the real issue here, didn't we force Nixon to resign?

I think the real story here is Obama didn't want to pardon Clinton, Wassermann-Schultz and Brazile and they paid off the Bernie the so called Socialist...

Quit deflecting on the fucking issue. An outside country just worked to influence our Presidential election and delegitimize our news sources.
Wrong no one said that except you and your lefty buddies. Obama stated for the record the election was sound and fair.
I'm sure the Russians DID hack the DNC emails, as well as the Chinese, Israelis, and probably thousands of teenagers throughout this country and others. What did they expect when they had passwords like "password", and discussed them freely in their emails? Dems merely want to focus on Russia because they make a much better bad guy than a 14 year old nerd sitting in his parents den.
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks affecting the U.S. presidential election and may take actions in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday.
Just another example of how partisans turn pretty much everything into shit.

Trump and his fans could have just admitted that Russia did what it did, promised to get to the bottom of it, and move on. Instead they had to play this silly game, because they're afraid that admitting it would hurt Trump politically.

Of course, the Democrats are stoking the fire with every conceivable shameless attack on Trump under the sun, trying desperately to de-legitimize him for political gain.

Sheesh. This party-over-country crap is getting pretty fucking old.
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You understand no one can prove the election was not influenced by the hack... nor an they disprove it. It is all a matter of opinion on that.

But the lying media was claiming that there is prove that the election was hacked.
These dishonest people lost more of their credibility and therefore became even more insignificant.

What can be proven however, is that Russia DID hack the DNC and DID give the hacked information to WikiLeaks.

No, that cannot be proven either, and the dishonest media will eventually have to admit that, too, speak it will lose again and became more and more insignificant.

These fools did not learn anything, they are digging their own grave, and that is good for America.

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