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Trump considered revoking Obama's security clearance

If you are not in a position, why do you need it?
This should be common practice!
Do it to everyone.
No one should throw away the accumulated experience of years and years of intelligence gathering, TN. Without access to certain current information, these guys couldn't be consulted. It is the currently employed intelligence people who want them to be available for questions when needed. That should be their call, not mine or yours. Or Trump's.
The President shouldnt control the flow of classified information? Lol
They shouldnt be there for years and years! That was my point.
Intelligence agencies aren't political, or they shouldn't be and I think they mostly aren't, it is just the crazed Trump supporters who are PERCEIVING them as political in order to discredit them.
And the President has nothing to do with intelligence gathering, so why would he have anything to do with who has clearance?
Thats because republicans and democrats have the same end goals.
They have the same foreign policy. Blah blah blah.
Thats that same bullshit excuse people throw up about auditing the FED even though the FEDs board is appointed by a goddamn ideologue.
Americans really need to get a damn clue!
Its the PRESIDENT. The Commander and chief of our armed forced.
You dont want an elected person controlling information but want a fucking BUREAUCRAT to do it? :lol:
YES I DO. A "bureaucrat" who knows what he/she is doing, that has years of experience and knows the whys and wherefores of the job.
You work for a company that makes signs, right? You would rather have someone voted in by the tax payers, like your governor, perhaps, make the ultimate decisions about your company, regardless of if they know anything about making signs or how your company runs its operations on a daily basis?
That is EXACTLY what I'm getting at.
If you are not in a position, why do you need it?
This should be common practice!
Do it to everyone.
No one should throw away the accumulated experience of years and years of intelligence gathering, TN. Without access to certain current information, these guys couldn't be consulted. It is the currently employed intelligence people who want them to be available for questions when needed. That should be their call, not mine or yours. Or Trump's.
The President shouldnt control the flow of classified information? Lol
They shouldnt be there for years and years! That was my point.
Intelligence agencies aren't political, or they shouldn't be and I think they mostly aren't, it is just the crazed Trump supporters who are PERCEIVING them as political in order to discredit them.
And the President has nothing to do with intelligence gathering, so why would he have anything to do with who has clearance?
The Intel community falls under the Executive Branch.
Indeed it does. I didn't say that he doesn't have the authority; he could shut down every single one of the agencies, or "run" the Mueller investigation, if he wished.
It makes no sense for him to make those kind of decisions on how these agencies run, though--they were created so he wouldn't have to worry about that kind of stuff.

Trump has this innate need to meddle in everything. He's a dangerous control freak.
McMaster talked him out of it. Of COURSE he denies it now.

At the time, some of Trump’s most fervent supporters in the White House saw former Obama Administration officials as powerful enemies who threatened the new President’s rule, and they agitated for punishing them by revoking their security clearances. The idea was rebuffed by the national-security adviser at the time, H. R. McMaster, who signed a memo extending the clearances of his predecessors at the N.S.C., Republicans and Democrats alike.

As Trump stepped up his public and private attacks on Obama, some of the new President’s advisers thought that he should take the extraordinary step of denying Obama himself access to intelligence briefings that were made available to all of his living predecessors. Trump was told about the importance of keeping former Presidents, who frequently met with foreign leaders, informed. In the end, Trump decided not to exclude Obama, at the urging of McMaster.​

LoL - I say let him keep going with this and see how it works out for him. Everyone who has EVER said ANYTHING critical of the Mango Menace gets the axe. Let's do 500 of them a day. That will keep him busy for the next 2.4 years (assuming he lasts that long ;-)

John Brennan’s Choice to Confront Trump

Why does the token negro need it? There is no reason he needs a security clearance. No expresidant does. If they need to consult they can be cleared on the spot and given a temporary clearance. Happens all the time. Y’all just look dumb on this topic. But I understand the desperation what with the Russia thing failing all this time.
If you are not in a position, why do you need it?
This should be common practice!
Do it to everyone.

No - It's a matter of national security and especially during the first couple of years of a new administration. ENOUGH with this power-hungry authoritarian exacting revenge on his political enemies. Remove that power - If there is cause to revoke fine. The DOJ can make that recommendation.

Another armchair rulemaker without hope.
Seems like you folks are the ones wanting to change the rules, taking away everyone's security clearance.

What rule would be changed?

Yanking intel clearance to silence political enemies - THIS is a new Donnie Dumpster operation and rule change.
Straight jacket the bastard before he's allowed to turn us into a banana republic.


Who's been silenced? Seems Brennan is yammering more than ever.
Why does the token negro need it? There is no reason he needs a security clearance. No expresidant does. If they need to consult they can be cleared on the spot and given a temporary clearance. Happens all the time. Y’all just look dumb on this topic. But I understand the desperation what with the Russia thing failing all this time.

I see NO desperation on the part of Mueller - Only Cornered Rat Trump and his clueless minions :)

Who's been silenced? Seems Brennan is yammering more than ever.

Brennan isn't the point.
The Mango Menace is threatening more and more of these in hopes of getting others who've been critical of his administration to shut up.
Thankfully it isn't working .. not now/ not ever
Another Wave Of Ex-National Security Officials Criticizes Trump
It's wasted effort. Trump isn't listening. He did it to "get back" at his "enemies" and he could give a damn if it's ethical or sensible. :lalala:
If you are not in a position, why do you need it?
This should be common practice!
Do it to everyone.

No - It's a matter of national security and especially during the first couple of years of a new administration. ENOUGH with this power-hungry authoritarian exacting revenge on his political enemies. Remove that power - If there is cause to revoke fine. The DOJ can make that recommendation.
Oh bullshit. We shouldnt have career politicians. We shouldnt have given the fed govt this much power and we wouldnt have sheep arguing for it!

We have given the president (not just this one) too much power. Trump in particular has abused his. Revoking clearances for vindictive reasons, pardoning criminals (Arpaio) before they're even sentenced and convicted felons {D'Souza), Entering military engagements without congressional approval, executive orders to undo literally everything from a past president he hates - ENOUGH
You seem to forget the last idiot in charge.
Bombing a hospital
Selling guns to drug cartels then trying to blame it on Bush
Giving taxpayer money to Solyendra one of his political backers
Starting a war without congressional approval
Signing an Iran agreement that was not ratified by congress
EOs by the handful some he admitted were not legal
It was a YouTube video

Need I go on?
Why would he still need it?

Indeed. Take Bush's, Clinton's, Bush's, and Carter's as well. If a situation arises wherein Trump wants advice on a particular issue, all he need do is call them.

You cannot "call" someone for advice who has been out of the loop for months if not years. Additionally, you Trumptards need to understand what Donald does not. Having security clearance doesn't mean someone can access intel on their computer. It means they would come in - probably to a SCIF - meet with the appropriate people and view the appropriate materials.
Why do you think Trump yanked his clearance?
John Brennan has proved to be a security risk in the past, and his sedicious, over the top rants on MSNBC only reinforced this belief.
Why would he still need it?

Indeed. Take Bush's, Clinton's, Bush's, and Carter's as well. If a situation arises wherein Trump wants advice on a particular issue, all he need do is call them.

You cannot "call" someone for advice who has been out of the loop for months if not years. Additionally, you Trumptards need to understand what Donald does not. Having security clearance doesn't mean someone can access intel on their computer. It means they would come in - probably to a SCIF - meet with the appropriate people and view the appropriate materials.
Why do you think Trump yanked his clearance?
John Brennan has proved to be a security risk in the past, and his sedicious, over the top rants on MSNBC only reinforced this belief.

Why not just face the face that Trumpelthinskin simply cannot take criticism. The slightest bit and he pitches a tantrum like an 8 year old and lashes out. If he can't take the heat, then he should get the fuck out of the kitchen.
Why does the token negro need it? There is no reason he needs a security clearance. No expresidant does. If they need to consult they can be cleared on the spot and given a temporary clearance. Happens all the time. Y’all just look dumb on this topic. But I understand the desperation what with the Russia thing failing all this time.

I see NO desperation on the part of Mueller - Only Cornered Rat Trump and his clueless minions :)


Yes, yes, Mewler was not digging threw tweets, Mewler hasn’t spent the last two months with his legal team getting bitch slapped in their firs non-Russia related court case, Mewler hasn’t had to fire or demote 20 of his soldiers during this investigation. Yup, slam dunk case. That desperation I was talking about ? Your post is a perfect demonstration of just that. Please, Do hold your breath for those Russian spy charges to be announced against the President.
Yes, yes, Mewler was not digging threw tweets, Mewler hasn’t spent the last two months with his legal team getting bitch slapped in their firs non-Russia related court case, Mewler hasn’t had to fire or demote 20 of his soldiers during this investigation. Yup, slam dunk case. That desperation I was talking about ? Your post is a perfect demonstration of just that. Please, Do hold your breath for those Russian spy charges to be announced against the President.

You lost me at 20 dismissals - There has been ONE dismissal: Peter Strzok.
Couple of others have left on their own accord.
Make shit up and nobody is going to take you seriously.
Oh wait - Nobody with more than half a brain DOES take you seriously. :)

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Yes, yes, Mewler was not digging threw tweets, Mewler hasn’t spent the last two months with his legal team getting bitch slapped in their firs non-Russia related court case, Mewler hasn’t had to fire or demote 20 of his soldiers during this investigation. Yup, slam dunk case. That desperation I was talking about ? Your post is a perfect demonstration of just that. Please, Do hold your breath for those Russian spy charges to be announced against the President.

You lost me at 20 dismissals - There has been ONE dismissal: Peter Strzok.
Couple of others have left on their own accord.
Make shit up and nobody is going to take you seriously.
Oh wait - Nobody with more than half a brain DOES take you seriously. :)


Sorry puddin’ So many people have been fired just to keep them away from the IG it’s not funny. You forgot McCabe who is at this time begging for money to pay his legal bills. Comet doing the same, Steozk as well and it looks like Page has turned snitch and Bruce Ohr is feeling the heat himself. It’s only desperate turds like who who believe this fantasy. But like is said, keep believing in the tooth fairly. It will be great fodder to use for making fun of all you morons after this all shakes out.
Just take away everyone's security clearance moving forward and let Trump decide who and who shouldn't have them.

If you want to keep your clearance, make sure you don't cross trump, simple.

Once Trump leaves office, then of course we will pretend we never said any of these things.
Just take away everyone's security clearance moving forward and let Trump decide who and who shouldn't have them.

If you want to keep your clearance, make sure you don't cross trump simple.

Once Trump leaves office, then of course we will pretend we never said any of these things.

I could almost be onboard there, but how about we just remove everyone’s security clearance after they leave their post in fovrenment and it they should need it after, we just grant it on a case by case basis?
Sorry puddin’ So many people have been fired just to keep them away from the IG it’s not funny. You forgot McCabe who is at this time begging for money to pay his legal bills. Comet doing the same, Steozk as well and it looks like Page has turned snitch and Bruce Ohr is feeling the heat himself. It’s only desperate turds like who who believe this fantasy. But like is said, keep believing in the tooth fairly. It will be great fodder to use for making fun of all you morons after this all shakes out.

Name TWENTY who were ON THE MUELLER TEAM and dismissed. That was your claim - Take your time
Sorry puddin’ So many people have been fired just to keep them away from the IG it’s not funny. You forgot McCabe who is at this time begging for money to pay his legal bills. Comet doing the same, Steozk as well and it looks like Page has turned snitch and Bruce Ohr is feeling the heat himself. It’s only desperate turds like who who believe this fantasy. But like is said, keep believing in the tooth fairly. It will be great fodder to use for making fun of all you morons after this all shakes out.

Name TWENTY who were ON THE MUELLER TEAM and dismissed. That was your claim - Take your time

On or around and that we know about. So far twenty folks (maybe 17) have been moved away from it outright fired for their behavior before and during the campaigne of 2016. I’ll tell you what, I’ll do exactly as you request if you present the damning evidence you libtards cling to that makes you believe any of this.
If you are not in a position, why do you need it?
This should be common practice!
Do it to everyone.
No one should throw away the accumulated experience of years and years of intelligence gathering, TN. Without access to certain current information, these guys couldn't be consulted. It is the currently employed intelligence people who want them to be available for questions when needed. That should be their call, not mine or yours. Or Trump's.
The President shouldnt control the flow of classified information? Lol
They shouldnt be there for years and years! That was my point.
Intelligence agencies aren't political, or they shouldn't be and I think they mostly aren't, it is just the crazed Trump supporters who are PERCEIVING them as political in order to discredit them.
And the President has nothing to do with intelligence gathering, so why would he have anything to do with who has clearance?
Thats because republicans and democrats have the same end goals.
They have the same foreign policy. Blah blah blah.
Thats that same bullshit excuse people throw up about auditing the FED even though the FEDs board is appointed by a goddamn ideologue.
Americans really need to get a damn clue!
Its the PRESIDENT. The Commander and chief of our armed forced.
You dont want an elected person controlling information but want a fucking BUREAUCRAT to do it? :lol:
YES I DO. A "bureaucrat" who knows what he/she is doing, that has years of experience and knows the whys and wherefores of the job.
You work for a company that makes signs, right? You would rather have someone voted in by the tax payers, like your governor, perhaps, make the ultimate decisions about your company, regardless of if they know anything about making signs or how your company runs its operations on a daily basis?
That is EXACTLY what I'm getting at.
You could never understand the issue with it if you are comparing a private sector company to an unconstitutional federal bureaucracy.
Who's been silenced? Seems Brennan is yammering more than ever.

Brennan isn't the point.
The Mango Menace is threatening more and more of these in hopes of getting others who've been critical of his administration to shut up.
Thankfully it isn't working .. not now/ not ever
Another Wave Of Ex-National Security Officials Criticizes Trump
"mango menace" :rofl:
I love it

Wrong color though. It’s not authentic.

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