Trump Considers Expanding Medicare & Medicaid To Trigger The Libs


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"During Wednesday's coronavirus briefing, the Fox News White House correspondent John Roberts asked Vice President Mike Pence a series of pointed questions -- Pence did not answer the question --Trump stepped in and conceded that Roberts' question was "fair" and said Pence had skillfully dodged it.

He said it "doesn't seem fair" that so many Americans can't afford to purchase insurance but don't qualify for Medicare or Medicaid — appearing to suggest those programs could be expanded to include more people."

Should Trump expand Medicare and Medicaid and then accuse the libs of not wanting to expand Medicare and Medicaid?? They would be totally triggered if he did that.....
This would be policy. That's got nothing to do with "Libs".

We've tried to point this out for a good (OK not so good) five years now, but again ---- opposition to The Rumpster has nothing to do with policy, since he doesn't have any. It's entirely personal. It's all about character.

See this thread for a ready and recent example. All character, zero policy.
Trump is more of a traditional Democrat than the Democrats themselves.
I think he should make Tulsi Gabbard the Secretary of State and while he's at it, appoint Edward Snowden as National Security Director.
Good. He's siphoning votes away from the Democrats.


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