Trump 'conviction'


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

a term I use loosely. The Dems playbook, silence the opposition. Just have a few Larry Hogan's and Lisa Murkowski's for nominal opposition.

a term I use loosely. The Dems playbook, silence the opposition. Just have a few Larry Hogan's and Lisa Murkowski's for nominal opposition.
Except that appeals have the final say thus why republicans have stack the court
These proceedings have provided a valuable service for Americans in thousands of different venues.

They were so totally corrupt, so totally political, so totally fraudulent that it was simply not possible to see them and see "nothing wrong." Every Leftist on this fucking board has been exposed as a vacuous anti-American ass.

Just because some episode furthers something you like politically does not demand that you support it or claim that it was not. fucked up.

The Left is evil. Even little bitty Leftists like those who post here.
New poll today shows Trump in a tie with Biden for Virginia!!!
The suggestion is that there are a lot of democrat judges and lawyers who live there and they saw a travesty of Justice in NY and are switching to Trump....
Republicans stacked the court with people who can read the Constitution, which is something liberals cannot seem to do.
Stacking the court means stifling alternative views. Its not about what the constitution says, its more interpreting it to meet whatever is in contention.

If there was a do over button, the originalist would do it differently.
Stacking the court means stifling alternative views. Its not about what the constitution says, its more interpreting it to meet whatever is in contention.

If there was a do over button, the originalist would do it differently.
Indeed. When the GOP is putting in judges that seem to value their role as far as being apolitical (often ruling against GOP interests), while the Democrats put in radical leftist activists who always push the leftist agenda.. it’s not how it’s supposed to be.

a term I use loosely. The Dems playbook, silence the opposition. Just have a few Larry Hogan's and Lisa Murkowski's for nominal opposition.
Here's one witness for the prosecution:

Trump attorney who organized fake electors plot in Wisconsin pleads guilty in Georgia

Kenneth Chesebro, a lawyer who authored memos detailing how Republicans could send false slates of presidential electors from states including Wisconsin to Congress, has pleaded guilty in the Georgia election interference case that charged him and 18 others.

Chesebro pleaded guilty Friday to one felony count of conspiracy to commit filing false documents.


According to the indictment, one memo he wrote “provides detailed, state-specific instructions for how (former President Donald) Trump presidential elector nominees in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin would meet and cast electoral votes” for Trump, even though he lost the election in those states.
Here's another witness for the prosecution:

Former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election interference case

On Thursday morning — one day before the scheduled start of jury selection for her joint trial with attorney Kenneth Chesebro — Powell appeared in Fulton County Superior Court to plead guilty to six misdemeanor counts of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with the performance of election duties.

Under the plea deal, Powell will serve six years of probation, pay a $6,000 fine, pay restitution of $2,700 to the state that covers the cost of replacing election equipment, write an apology letter and testify truthfully in future hearings and trials, as well as provide "any requested documents or evidence subject to any lawful privileges asserted in good faith prior to entering this plea."
Yet another witness for the prosecution:

Former Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis pleads guilty in Georgia case

Former Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis pleaded guilty Tuesday in the Georgia election subversion case and will cooperate with Fulton County prosecutors – the third guilty plea in the past week.

At an unscheduled hearing in Atlanta, Ellis pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements, a felony stemming from the election lies that Ellis and other Donald Trump lawyers peddled to Georgia lawmakers in December 2020.


“If I knew then what I knew now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges. I look back on this experience with deep remorse,” Ellis said, her voice breaking at times.


Ellis, Chesebro and Powell all agreed to testify on behalf of the prosecution at future trials. By flipping, these onetime Trump insiders are now on track to become major Trump nemeses. They are all lawyers and can shed light on what was happening behind the scenes in 2020.

So you see, Trump is well and truly fucked.

Stand by to see the character of Trump's co-conspirators to be attacked, the same way Cohen was attacked.
Trump's mobsters fucked around and found out. So will Trump.

Jenna Ellis was laughing when she fucked around:


She was crying when she found out:

New York had one lawyer to help convict Trump.

Georgia has three Trump lawyers for the prosecution. And those lawyers have receipts.

Don von Shitzenpants is terrified. He's running scared, and his cucks in Congress are trying to throw up as much bullshit and smoke as they can to protect him.

The more noise they make, the more terrified you know Trump is.
Anyone who is thinking about working for the Trump Crime Family should think about the fate of the previous mob soldiers. They should think about the crimes they will be ordered to commit.

And they should pay attention to the slurs Trump hurls about his previous soldiers.

Especially these witnesses for the prosecution:

That's funny! One of those liberals graduated from the same law school as the conservatives, and the other two graduated from Princeton, another Ivy league school. See! You even screwed that up!
No you failed to understand its not the school it is the graduates who failed.

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