Trump cries when called out for attacking women

Being an expert in one field does not make you an expert in all fields.

What Hawking said was stupid.
I am sure your intelligence outranks Hawkins LOL waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
You are Right wing douche pretending Trump is noble and good LOL

His expertise in Physics does not mean he is an expert in Politics.

Trump 'expertize' in business (lol, 4 bankruptcies included) means he is an expert in homeland politics (forget the world stage) . you cannot run a nation, like you do a business.

The executive experience of running a large business is not exactly like that of running a large nation, of course.

It is better than NO experience running anything, like some candidates have had, but that's neither here nor there.

No one I've seen has cited Trump's success to mean that his word is the end of the matter.

Have you ever seen me say, "Deporting Illegals is a good idea because Trump says so"?

Of course not.

That's the game Tyrone is playing.
Not sure what an "unconditional" is, but I do claim that Trump is of better character than Hillary.
Really how come only Trump has a Fraud trial ahead of him and why has he been accused of rape in court ?

please add in that now he is blaming the press for daring to ask where all that fking vet $$$ he supposedly raised months ago went--basically having a hissy fit by using his best words ( i.e. 5th grade schoolyard name calling AGAIN) what a whiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeeerrrrrr. & a fraud.

The media has taken sides and has no credibility.
And Spock says "beam me up Scotty, there is no intelligent life down here". You have just shown us all why Spock wanted outta here. He must of had a conversation with Hitlery.

Here is your "sweet Baboo" crying because he is being asked questions..why is Trump crying like that ?

Trump goes Cry Baby :ack-1:

Throughout the press conference, Trump railed against the press for looking into the details of his fundraiser.

"The press should be ashamed of themselves," he said, telling reporters, "You make me look very bad."

How dare you look into my public promises and report on what you find! The job of the press is to make Donald Trump look good, and when the press fails at that, they should be ashamed of themselves! :2up::2up::2up:

let's be honest here. The media has no love at all for Trump, and are not there to try and make Trump look good. On the contrary, all they appear to want to do is find something to nail him on. Bit it ain't working, folks. The people are starting to see the media for what it is. A bunch of retarded lying morons who try to lie their way around true facts. Pathetic.

If Trump wanted to keep it to himself and the vets, what business is it of the medias? This story was all about the useless media trying to make it appear as though maybe Trump was stealing some of that money. He proved them wrong. Can you prove the media is right? Trump doesn't need that money, and why would he try in any way to steal from it? If he did Trump would be finished in more ways than one. He would have everything to lose, and nothing to gain by doing so. You should concentrate your efforts on trying to show that Hitlery is not the man, or should I say woman, for the job as President. According to reports on her, she has shown to be a fibber and a crook, and dangerous to American security.

Take all of that.

is that why they have him on 24/7 & he's getting all that free campaigning? are you kidding me? they LOVE him. trump = ratings.

They hate him and have been trying to destroy him.

He has used that to manipulate them into giving him coverage.

It is an example of how good he is at getting what he wants from people, a skill that should serve the US well in a President.
The media has taken sides and has no credibility.
Trump has no are whining like the Trump bitch....HE IS GOING TO BE STRIPPED naked AND YOU WILL SEE WHAT FOOL YOU HAVE BEEN

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I'm not crying. I'm feeling better and better about this election every day.
Yeah that is why you are whining about the media which has bent over to kiss Trump's ass... watch Trump stripped to his skivvies with the Trump fraud...
Not sure what an "unconditional" is, but I do claim that Trump is of better character than Hillary.
Really how come only Trump has a Fraud trial ahead of him and why has he been accused of rape in court ?

please add in that now he is blaming the press for daring to ask where all that fking vet $$$ he supposedly raised months ago went--basically having a hissy fit by using his best words ( i.e. 5th grade schoolyard name calling AGAIN) what a whiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeeerrrrrr. & a fraud.

The media has taken sides and has no credibility.
The debate on "women" is hard to focus because in all cases, female gender is only one parameter of a woman voter. Rich white women living in Trump's Manhattan buildings? Donald's statements about his respect for women ring true to me. Poor women? Black women? Latinas? Now things get more complicated. Poor, black, latina etc. women share issues with their male counterparts but also have issues which are theirs alone. Where does Donald stand on these matters? I'm not sure he even knows himself

Conservative women think Bill is a predator and liberal women are already voting for Clinton. No one's vote is hanging in the balance on this

Many MANY (thinking) conservative women know Trump is as slimy as "Bill is a predator'.

Why? There's nothing predator about Trump and I hear no conservative women saying that.

You a Hillary bitch?

you obviously don't know his years of trashing women, dating back to his days on howard stern.

my ,my, a 'Hillary bitch' you say???? how cute. LOL.

Are you one of Hillary's paid moles?

Are you a paid trumpeteer?
Take all of that.
can anyone imagine reporters asking Hillary Clinton some tough questions about anything and she would start hollering "you are sleaze you are making me look bad"...I mean its outlandish the "Man Card" Trump is playing LOL...if Hillary Clinton did that the media would say she is "a hysterical emotional woman"

The media never asks Hitlery tough questions. They are their darling, and want her for President. If they did ride her ass, she would probably be out of the race and gone by now.

is that why she testified b4 a congressional investigative committee for 11 hours, yet trump complained that the 2 hour debates were too long? wahhhhhhhhhhhh......

Congress isn't the media, dumbass. He complained about 3 hour debates, not 2 hour debates. They are too long because the audience gets bored. Trump isn't being investigated for crimes against his country as Hillary is.

okey dokey. 3 hour debates vs 11 straight hrs of testimony.

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! what he didn't want was time enough for the moderators or his opponents pinning him down on any substance related Q's. you know, so he'd actually have to have replies containing substance, rather than giving petulant child, knee jerk reactionary answers.
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are you aware that in a Democracy reporters can ask questions ?

No wonder this dude endorsed him :badgrin:

North Korea praises Trump and urges US voters to reject 'dull Hillary'
Yes, they can ask their douche bag questions, and Trump is free to call them douche bags.

trumps acts about the same age as your pic, little angry hissy fitting dude.

That's ironic coming from an infantile douche bag like you.

uh-huh. a 5 year old giving the middle finger.

the epitome of maturity.

You judge someone's maturity by their avatar? That's how I judge that you're a dumbass.

noooooooooo.... actually I judge you by your posts, just like i do with everyone else. yours just happens to be as close to what you & trump portray by your 'best words'.

Take all of that.
can anyone imagine reporters asking Hillary Clinton some tough questions about anything and she would start hollering "you are sleaze you are making me look bad"...I mean its outlandish the "Man Card" Trump is playing LOL...if Hillary Clinton did that the media would say she is "a hysterical emotional woman"

The media never asks Hitlery tough questions. They are their darling, and want her for President. If they did ride her ass, she would probably be out of the race and gone by now.

is that why she testified b4 a congressional investigative committee for 11 hours, yet trump complained that the 2 hour debates were too long? wahhhhhhhhhhhh......
How much is Hillary paying you to post this swill?

Personal politics of destruction.


That has to be an all time joke...this Correl is with the Political Mafia that calls Bill Clinton Rapist ; Calls Hillary Clinton "Vince Foster' murderer "; Calls Elizabeth Warren ";Pocahontas" and then he has the UNMITIGATED GALL to start crying about "personal politics of destruction"..that is some brass
Not sure what an "unconditional" is, but I do claim that Trump is of better character than Hillary.
Really how come only Trump has a Fraud trial ahead of him and why has he been accused of rape in court ?

please add in that now he is blaming the press for daring to ask where all that fking vet $$$ he supposedly raised months ago went--basically having a hissy fit by using his best words ( i.e. 5th grade schoolyard name calling AGAIN) what a whiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeeerrrrrr. & a fraud.

The media has taken sides and has no credibility.

It is absurd at this date to deny the almost complete partisanship of the lib media.

This is me ridiculing you.

Gallup, one of America's oldest and most respected pollsters took the poll. And to put it in perspective, at this same point in Reagan's second term, 5.31.1988, Reagan's job approval rating was 50% according to Gallup. And Reagan is a diety to many conservatives. Bush was at 28% at this point and Clinton was at 57%.

A completely corrupt media is a valuable tool.

I hope you lefties appreciate them.

What a pity you're armed with nothing but lame excuses.

Tell me again how Obama went to a church for twenty years without noticing that his pastor, and friend was a raving, racist, anti-america.

Oh, my... from lame excuses to strawmen.

Aside from parroting my gif, you're on a roll, eh?

It's an example of the media being completely corrupt benefiting you lefties.

Don't play dumb, lawyer.
It's your claim. With so many media outlets available today, prove most people still get their news from left wing sources...
And Spock says "beam me up Scotty, there is no intelligent life down here". You have just shown us all why Spock wanted outta here. He must of had a conversation with Hitlery.

Here is your "sweet Baboo" crying because he is being asked questions..why is Trump crying like that ?

Trump goes Cry Baby :ack-1:

Throughout the press conference, Trump railed against the press for looking into the details of his fundraiser.

"The press should be ashamed of themselves," he said, telling reporters, "You make me look very bad."

How dare you look into my public promises and report on what you find! The job of the press is to make Donald Trump look good, and when the press fails at that, they should be ashamed of themselves! :2up::2up::2up:

let's be honest here. The media has no love at all for Trump, and are not there to try and make Trump look good. On the contrary, all they appear to want to do is find something to nail him on. Bit it ain't working, folks. The people are starting to see the media for what it is. A bunch of retarded lying morons who try to lie their way around true facts. Pathetic.

If Trump wanted to keep it to himself and the vets, what business is it of the medias? This story was all about the useless media trying to make it appear as though maybe Trump was stealing some of that money. He proved them wrong. Can you prove the media is right? Trump doesn't need that money, and why would he try in any way to steal from it? If he did Trump would be finished in more ways than one. He would have everything to lose, and nothing to gain by doing so. You should concentrate your efforts on trying to show that Hitlery is not the man, or should I say woman, for the job as President. According to reports on her, she has shown to be a fibber and a crook, and dangerous to American security.

Take all of that.

is that why they have him on 24/7 & he's getting all that free campaigning? are you kidding me? they LOVE him. trump = ratings.

They hate him and have been trying to destroy him.

He has used that to manipulate them into giving him coverage.

It is an example of how good he is at getting what he wants from people, a skill that should serve the US well in a President.

manipulate? the same 'media' that brings you the kordashians, access hollywood, fox & friends, & other pablum programs because that is what sells?


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