Trump cries when called out for attacking women

Tell me again how Obama went to a church for twenty years without noticing that his pastor, and friend was a raving, racist, anti-america.

Oh, my... from lame excuses to strawmen.

Aside from parroting my gif, you're on a roll, eh?

It's an example of the media being completely corrupt benefiting you lefties.

Don't play dumb, lawyer.
It's your claim. With so many media outlets available today, prove most people still get their news from left wing sources...

Here's Proof The Media Really Is Liberal

In a data set Crowdpac provided to Business Insider, the company broke these estimates down to indicate whether individual professions were dominated by liberals or conservatives.

Among many other interesting results, the data shows that donors who work for newspapers or other print media skew extremely liberal.

This chart shows the number of donors in the media who were assigned to each ideological score.

The blue bars to the left show very liberal donors, and the much smaller red bars to the right represent the handful of conservative donors:


That took me seconds to find. Want more?
No, what I want is for you to answer the question I asked; not the question you wish I asked.

I challenged you to prove more people get their news from left wing media. You answered the question, do news journalists donate more to left wing candidates; which of course, I didn't ask.

With the level of dominance demonstrated by the above graph, even if the libs were professional and TRIED to do their job correctly, they would be unable to see their UNCONSCIOUS BIAS coloring their reporting.

As liberals have, beyond that, defined their world view as such that anyone that disagrees with them is either stupid or evil, and they view that delusion as fact, and base their actions (or reporting) upon that bias.

AND that is the BEST case scenario, not the most likely, which is that lefty activist reporters try to influence events with by using their jobs to advance their lefty agenda.

Dan Rather lying about GWBush just days before the election is a classic example, stopped only by "conspiracy nuts" on the internet.
Trump has been repeatedly called out for abusing women and will continue to be called out.

Bill is not running.

Hillary is, and she led the assault on women who spoke out about being assaulted by Bill. Hillary is the most anti-woman candidate in history, Jake
Ok Pocahontas , Buckwheat Kunta Kinte LOL

bottom line though the only one formally accused of Rape is Donald Trump :banana:
Donnie will lose the female card if he continues attacking Bill. End of story.

If he loses the women's vote, Trump loses the election. End of story.

No one gives a shit when Trump criticizes Bill, sorry man

Well, some do. Millions of millennial women who don't know a thing about Bill the serial predator and Hillary will be turned off when they learn the facts.
The millennials already know that Bill is not running while the scumbag Donnie is running.

HRC continues to have an overwhelming lead in the women's vote and doosh arguments such as those above mean nothing. End of story. HRC wins the election if she dominates the female vote.

Jake hasn't been the same since he burned his bra
:lol: It was yours. I took it from you and burned it.
Brian Fallon: “Trump U is devastating because it’s metaphor for his whole campaign: promising hardworking Americans way to get ahead, but all based on lies.”
How long before "Universitygate scandal" is used ..what did Trump know and when did he know it...

Jake hasn't been the same since he burned his bra
:lol: It was yours. I took it from you and burned it.

Keep your day job ...
Oh, my... from lame excuses to strawmen.

Aside from parroting my gif, you're on a roll, eh?

It's an example of the media being completely corrupt benefiting you lefties.

Don't play dumb, lawyer.
It's your claim. With so many media outlets available today, prove most people still get their news from left wing sources...

Here's Proof The Media Really Is Liberal

In a data set Crowdpac provided to Business Insider, the company broke these estimates down to indicate whether individual professions were dominated by liberals or conservatives.

Among many other interesting results, the data shows that donors who work for newspapers or other print media skew extremely liberal.

This chart shows the number of donors in the media who were assigned to each ideological score.

The blue bars to the left show very liberal donors, and the much smaller red bars to the right represent the handful of conservative donors:


That took me seconds to find. Want more?
No, what I want is for you to answer the question I asked; not the question you wish I asked.

I challenged you to prove more people get their news from left wing media. You answered the question, do news journalists donate more to left wing candidates; which of course, I didn't ask.

With the level of dominance demonstrated by the above graph, even if the libs were professional and TRIED to do their job correctly, they would be unable to see their UNCONSCIOUS BIAS coloring their reporting.

As liberals have, beyond that, defined their world view as such that anyone that disagrees with them is either stupid or evil, and they view that delusion as fact, and base their actions (or reporting) upon that bias.

AND that is the BEST case scenario, not the most likely, which is that lefty activist reporters try to influence events with by using their jobs to advance their lefty agenda.

Dan Rather lying about GWBush just days before the election is a classic example, stopped only by "conspiracy nuts" on the internet.
Because I'm an ever-optimistic Lib, I'm gonna hold out hope that maybe you'll address my challenge in your next post; because for the second time now, you're answering a one I didn't ask. Here, I'll even repeat it for ya, maybe that'll help....

With so many media outlets available today, prove most people still get their news from left wing sources...
Trump Campaign Releases a Video Defending Trump University... that is Itself a Scam | RedState

So the Trump campaign has released a video with purported testimonials from Trump University students which I guess is supposed to show that Trump University was not a scam. This video features three people - none of whom have ever bought or sold real estate for a living. One of them appears to be a professional testimonial-giver for seminars, one appears to give these kinds of seminars for himself, and one of them has an ongoing business and personal relationship with the Trump family, who have allowed him to sell his protein water on a number of their properties.


Another of the persons featured on the video is Casey Hoban, who is also not today involved in the business of selling or buying real estate. He claims in the video that he was, either in Florida or South Carolina (he is not really clear) but one wonders if the returns from these real estate deals were so "incalculable" why he is in the business of selling protein water (instead of real estate, which is booming right now).

While Mr. Hoban does not appear to be in the business of buying and selling real estate, he does appear to be in some sort of business and personal relationship with Donald Trump and the Trump family through his protein water company, and a supporter of Trump's.
Hillary is, and she led the assault on women who spoke out about being assaulted by Bill. Hillary is the most anti-woman candidate in history, Jake
Ok Pocahontas , Buckwheat Kunta Kinte LOL

bottom line though the only one formally accused of Rape is Donald Trump :banana:
Donnie will lose the female card if he continues attacking Bill. End of story.

If he loses the women's vote, Trump loses the election. End of story.

No one gives a shit when Trump criticizes Bill, sorry man

Well, some do. Millions of millennial women who don't know a thing about Bill the serial predator and Hillary will be turned off when they learn the facts.
The millennials already know that Bill is not running while the scumbag Donnie is running.

HRC continues to have an overwhelming lead in the women's vote and doosh arguments such as those above mean nothing. End of story. HRC wins the election if she dominates the female vote.
And millennials lean Democrat.
Hillary is, and she led the assault on women who spoke out about being assaulted by Bill. Hillary is the most anti-woman candidate in history, Jake
Ok Pocahontas , Buckwheat Kunta Kinte LOL

bottom line though the only one formally accused of Rape is Donald Trump :banana:
Donnie will lose the female card if he continues attacking Bill. End of story.

If he loses the women's vote, Trump loses the election. End of story.

No one gives a shit when Trump criticizes Bill, sorry man

Well, some do. Millions of millennial women who don't know a thing about Bill the serial predator and Hillary will be turned off when they learn the facts.
The millennials already know that Bill is not running while the scumbag Donnie is running.

HRC continues to have an overwhelming lead in the women's vote and doosh arguments such as those above mean nothing. End of story. HRC wins the election if she dominates the female vote.

What they don't know is that Bill is a vicious sexual predator and that Hillary was in charge of threatening and intimidating his victims into keeping quiet about it. Hillary's popularity with women continues to evaporate.
Trump Campaign Releases a Video Defending Trump University... that is Itself a Scam | RedState

So the Trump campaign has released a video with purported testimonials from Trump University students which I guess is supposed to show that Trump University was not a scam. This video features three people - none of whom have ever bought or sold real estate for a living. One of them appears to be a professional testimonial-giver for seminars, one appears to give these kinds of seminars for himself, and one of them has an ongoing business and personal relationship with the Trump family, who have allowed him to sell his protein water on a number of their properties.


Another of the persons featured on the video is Casey Hoban, who is also not today involved in the business of selling or buying real estate. He claims in the video that he was, either in Florida or South Carolina (he is not really clear) but one wonders if the returns from these real estate deals were so "incalculable" why he is in the business of selling protein water (instead of real estate, which is booming right now).

While Mr. Hoban does not appear to be in the business of buying and selling real estate, he does appear to be in some sort of business and personal relationship with Donald Trump and the Trump family through his protein water company, and a supporter of Trump's.

Nobody cares about Trump university, douche bag. You can flog this until doomsday and it won't move the polls a single centimeter.
What they don't know is that Bill is a vicious sexual predator and that Hillary was in charge of threatening and intimidating his victims into keeping quiet about it. Hillary's popularity with women continues to evaporate.
What they don't know is that Bill is a vicious sexual predator and that Hillary was in charge of threatening and intimidating his victims into keeping quiet about it. Hillary's popularity with women continues to evaporate.

That's the exactly reaction everyone has when they read your pathetic accusations about Trump being a rapist.
Last edited:
It's an example of the media being completely corrupt benefiting you lefties.

Don't play dumb, lawyer.
It's your claim. With so many media outlets available today, prove most people still get their news from left wing sources...

Here's Proof The Media Really Is Liberal

In a data set Crowdpac provided to Business Insider, the company broke these estimates down to indicate whether individual professions were dominated by liberals or conservatives.

Among many other interesting results, the data shows that donors who work for newspapers or other print media skew extremely liberal.

This chart shows the number of donors in the media who were assigned to each ideological score.

The blue bars to the left show very liberal donors, and the much smaller red bars to the right represent the handful of conservative donors:


That took me seconds to find. Want more?
No, what I want is for you to answer the question I asked; not the question you wish I asked.

I challenged you to prove more people get their news from left wing media. You answered the question, do news journalists donate more to left wing candidates; which of course, I didn't ask.

With the level of dominance demonstrated by the above graph, even if the libs were professional and TRIED to do their job correctly, they would be unable to see their UNCONSCIOUS BIAS coloring their reporting.

As liberals have, beyond that, defined their world view as such that anyone that disagrees with them is either stupid or evil, and they view that delusion as fact, and base their actions (or reporting) upon that bias.

AND that is the BEST case scenario, not the most likely, which is that lefty activist reporters try to influence events with by using their jobs to advance their lefty agenda.

Dan Rather lying about GWBush just days before the election is a classic example, stopped only by "conspiracy nuts" on the internet.
Because I'm an ever-optimistic Lib, I'm gonna hold out hope that maybe you'll address my challenge in your next post; because for the second time now, you're answering a one I didn't ask. Here, I'll even repeat it for ya, maybe that'll help....

With so many media outlets available today, prove most people still get their news from left wing sources...

I pointed out the obvious fact that the lefty media is completely corrupt.

It is absurd at this point in time to claim otherwise.

I'm not sure why you think you get to set the bar on what constitutes proof of that fact.

Do you really believe that a group that tilts so heavily hard left can, or would even try to be objective on anything that even lightly touches upon the political?

Rhetorical question. THe answer is,

Nobody cares about Trump university, douche bag. You can flog this until doomsday and it won't move the polls a single centimeter.

I just finished watching the National network news ..I only watched CBS...but that was the lead story bro..that and the full throated attack that Hillay Clinton unleashed on the Donald about the Rip off..

05.31.2016 - 5:44 PM EDT
A Former Colleague Chimes in
TPM Reader DS responds to Trump's attacks on Judge Curiel ...

I had the honor of serving alongside Judge Curiel as a federal prosecutor. To put it mildly, Trump’s attacks are offensive and wrong and bear no resemblance to this fair and impartial jurist. As you point out, Judge Curiel was born and raised in Indiana and had a decorated career as a fearless prosecutor of Mexican drug cartels.
Read More →
Ok Pocahontas , Buckwheat Kunta Kinte LOL

bottom line though the only one formally accused of Rape is Donald Trump :banana:
Donnie will lose the female card if he continues attacking Bill. End of story.

If he loses the women's vote, Trump loses the election. End of story.

No one gives a shit when Trump criticizes Bill, sorry man

Well, some do. Millions of millennial women who don't know a thing about Bill the serial predator and Hillary will be turned off when they learn the facts.
The millennials already know that Bill is not running while the scumbag Donnie is running.

HRC continues to have an overwhelming lead in the women's vote and doosh arguments such as those above mean nothing. End of story. HRC wins the election if she dominates the female vote.
And millennials lean Democrat.

White millennials are be raised and indoctrinated in NOT being racist.

As time goes on, and they find that they are being blamed for everything, like they will be since they are white, they are going to tired of that real fast.
Nobody cares about Trump university, douche bag. You can flog this until doomsday and it won't move the polls a single centimeter.

I just finished watching the National network news ..I only watched CBS...but that was the lead story bro..that and the full throated attack that Hillay Clinton unleashed on the Donald about the Rip off..

05.31.2016 - 5:44 PM EDT
A Former Colleague Chimes in
TPM Reader DS responds to Trump's attacks on Judge Curiel ...

I had the honor of serving alongside Judge Curiel as a federal prosecutor. To put it mildly, Trump’s attacks are offensive and wrong and bear no resemblance to this fair and impartial jurist. As you point out, Judge Curiel was born and raised in Indiana and had a decorated career as a fearless prosecutor of Mexican drug cartels.
Read More →

Yeah, we know Hillary and her lap dogs in the media are trying to make this an issue. What else can she do, run on her record?

It's a big nothing.
That whole Trump University-Gate scandal dominated the network news sure enough...the rest of the Media are yelling at Trump "we are as mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore"..he is getting roasted and broiled ...Increible
That whole Trump University-Gate scandal dominated the network news sure enough...the rest of the Media are yelling at Trump "we are as mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore"..he is getting roasted and broiled ...Increible


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