Trump cries when called out for attacking women

Trump world Fragmenting...Trump Reeling...

PGA Just Cancelled A Huge Tournament At Trump's Resort. Where They Moved It To Will Infuriate Him

Donald Trump continues to pay the price for his racist and divisive rabble-rousing. The Professional Golf Association (PGA) has decided to not hold their PGA Tour event at Miami’s Trump Doral resort. Instead, they will be moving the prized golf tournament – which had run in Miami since 1962- off to Mexico City. The star-studded golf tournament had been held in the city west of Miami’s airport for 54 years, but it only took the New York real estate mogul and scam university pitchman four short years to destroy the relationship and lose the deal.

The orange-faced one is surely red in the face with embarrassment and rage as Mexicans publicly made a big loser out of the profane bigot who dreams of building border walls at Mexico’s expense. There is little doubt that the racist Republican’s presidential campaign has cost the vulgarian’s company the prestigious PGA Cadillac Championship tournament at Trump Doral Resort, home to the famed Blue Monster.

Mexican conglomerate Grupo Salinas has picked up sponsorship when no American corporation would, and the television production and financial service behemoth got the golf tournament location they wanted in return: Mexico City. As the Miami Herald reports, it’s highly unusual to be unable to replace a sponsor in America’s televised, professional sports leagues:

Losing a title sponsor, whether of a sporting venue or event these days, defines common. Being unable to replace one, especially for a popular golf tournament with international reach and a half-century of history, defines uncommon. Even in the economically stretched times of 2009-10, the PGA signed lucrative sponsor agreements.

Now, the tournament seems headed on the other side of a border on which Trump declares he wants to build a wall.
Ok Pocahontas , Buckwheat Kunta Kinte LOL

bottom line though the only one formally accused of Rape is Donald Trump :banana:
Donnie will lose the female card if he continues attacking Bill. End of story.

If he loses the women's vote, Trump loses the election. End of story.

No one gives a shit when Trump criticizes Bill, sorry man

Well, some do. Millions of millennial women who don't know a thing about Bill the serial predator and Hillary will be turned off when they learn the facts.
The millennials already know that Bill is not running while the scumbag Donnie is running.

HRC continues to have an overwhelming lead in the women's vote and doosh arguments such as those above mean nothing. End of story. HRC wins the election if she dominates the female vote.

What they don't know is that Bill is a vicious sexual predator and that Hillary was in charge of threatening and intimidating his victims into keeping quiet about it. Hillary's popularity with women continues to evaporate.

Notice how Tyrone the douche bag thinks it's funny that Hillary aided and abetted rape and sexual assault.
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Notice how Tyrone the douche bag thinks it's funny that Hillary aided and abetted rape and sexual assault.
Trump was never "called out for attacking women" but there are great photos, some turned into post cards, of Bill Clinton crying when he was caught with his pants down sexually abusing a young woman barely older than his daughter in the freaking Oval Office. The current presumed democrat nominee blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" for the DNA on Monica's freaking dress.

Lol....anyone with much common sense knows full well women have no business in politics.....the nation was much better off before they got the right to vote. As someone said long ago...women should be kept barefoot, pregnant and in the Kitchen!

Now we have a freaking closeted(well not closeted so well) lesbian running for President...unfriggin believable.....yoko ono came out the other day talking about her 'romantic affair' with hillary. Geeeze have we al fallen down a wabbit hole?

People are mad as hell and they are not going to take it anymore.......thus....The Donald will win by a landslide...despite all the b.s. the lying media puts out.
is that why they have him on 24/7 & he's getting all that free campaigning? are you kidding me? they LOVE him. trump = ratings.

They hate him and have been trying to destroy him.

He has used that to manipulate them into giving him coverage.

It is an example of how good he is at getting what he wants from people, a skill that should serve the US well in a President.

manipulate? the same 'media' that brings you the kordashians, access hollywood, fox & friends, & other pablum programs because that is what sells?


Yes. What part of that is confusing to you?

the part that shows how you actually believe what you wrote. they don't hate trump. they love him. the only way he would be 'manipulating' them, would be that he is a total fraud... putting on such a charade, that he is actually 180 degrees from what he is portraying.

if that WAS true, then he's completing fooling you & all the skeeters that are swallowing his pablum.

is he a TOTAL fraud then? either he's genuine in his thoughts & actions, or he's not. which is it?

Your assumption that they give coverage to people they like is incorrect.

Attack pieces can be just as good for ratings, if not better than puff pieces.

Which is not what Trump has been getting, ie puff pieces.

His public persona is a well designed tool, not the real person. This is painfully obvious to anyone that thinks about it for more than one second.

He manipulates them, by, for example making an outrageous statement that they feel compelled to cover and attack him for.

But what they are unable to grasp, or if they grasp it, unable to change their behavior, is that the outrageous statements are designed to position in him the public perception regardless of the spin the media tries to put on it.

IN some cases he has set them up, knowing that they would lie about what he said, with the lie carrying one message and the rebuttal and truth coming out, giving him EVEN MORE free air time.

so what you are praising is a total con artist, & will vote for a snakeoil salesman bent on duping the American public...

got it.
They hate him and have been trying to destroy him.

He has used that to manipulate them into giving him coverage.

It is an example of how good he is at getting what he wants from people, a skill that should serve the US well in a President.

manipulate? the same 'media' that brings you the kordashians, access hollywood, fox & friends, & other pablum programs because that is what sells?


Yes. What part of that is confusing to you?

the part that shows how you actually believe what you wrote. they don't hate trump. they love him. the only way he would be 'manipulating' them, would be that he is a total fraud... putting on such a charade, that he is actually 180 degrees from what he is portraying.

if that WAS true, then he's completing fooling you & all the skeeters that are swallowing his pablum.

is he a TOTAL fraud then? either he's genuine in his thoughts & actions, or he's not. which is it?

Your assumption that they give coverage to people they like is incorrect.

Attack pieces can be just as good for ratings, if not better than puff pieces.

Which is not what Trump has been getting, ie puff pieces.

His public persona is a well designed tool, not the real person. This is painfully obvious to anyone that thinks about it for more than one second.

He manipulates them, by, for example making an outrageous statement that they feel compelled to cover and attack him for.

But what they are unable to grasp, or if they grasp it, unable to change their behavior, is that the outrageous statements are designed to position in him the public perception regardless of the spin the media tries to put on it.

IN some cases he has set them up, knowing that they would lie about what he said, with the lie carrying one message and the rebuttal and truth coming out, giving him EVEN MORE free air time.

so what you are praising is a total con artist, & will vote for a snakeoil salesman bent on duping the American public...

got it.

Hillary must not be paying you very much if that's the quality level she's willing to tolerate.
Through all this it HAS emerged that Slick Willie actually WAS good at something!

He's not eligible to run for president but Chuckie Manson is, so get off your asses, libbies!
They hate him and have been trying to destroy him.

He has used that to manipulate them into giving him coverage.

It is an example of how good he is at getting what he wants from people, a skill that should serve the US well in a President.

manipulate? the same 'media' that brings you the kordashians, access hollywood, fox & friends, & other pablum programs because that is what sells?


Yes. What part of that is confusing to you?

the part that shows how you actually believe what you wrote. they don't hate trump. they love him. the only way he would be 'manipulating' them, would be that he is a total fraud... putting on such a charade, that he is actually 180 degrees from what he is portraying.

if that WAS true, then he's completing fooling you & all the skeeters that are swallowing his pablum.

is he a TOTAL fraud then? either he's genuine in his thoughts & actions, or he's not. which is it?

Your assumption that they give coverage to people they like is incorrect.

Attack pieces can be just as good for ratings, if not better than puff pieces.

Which is not what Trump has been getting, ie puff pieces.

His public persona is a well designed tool, not the real person. This is painfully obvious to anyone that thinks about it for more than one second.

He manipulates them, by, for example making an outrageous statement that they feel compelled to cover and attack him for.

But what they are unable to grasp, or if they grasp it, unable to change their behavior, is that the outrageous statements are designed to position in him the public perception regardless of the spin the media tries to put on it.

IN some cases he has set them up, knowing that they would lie about what he said, with the lie carrying one message and the rebuttal and truth coming out, giving him EVEN MORE free air time.

so what you are praising is a total con artist, & will vote for a snakeoil salesman bent on duping the American public...

got it.

Say, tell you what, instead of "rewording" what I say, why don't you try addressing what I actually SAID?!
Brian Fallon: “Trump U is devastating because it’s metaphor for his whole campaign: promising hardworking Americans way to get ahead, but all based on lies.”
How long before "Universitygate scandal" is used ..what did Trump know and when did he know it...




manipulate? the same 'media' that brings you the kordashians, access hollywood, fox & friends, & other pablum programs because that is what sells?


Yes. What part of that is confusing to you?

the part that shows how you actually believe what you wrote. they don't hate trump. they love him. the only way he would be 'manipulating' them, would be that he is a total fraud... putting on such a charade, that he is actually 180 degrees from what he is portraying.

if that WAS true, then he's completing fooling you & all the skeeters that are swallowing his pablum.

is he a TOTAL fraud then? either he's genuine in his thoughts & actions, or he's not. which is it?

Your assumption that they give coverage to people they like is incorrect.

Attack pieces can be just as good for ratings, if not better than puff pieces.

Which is not what Trump has been getting, ie puff pieces.

His public persona is a well designed tool, not the real person. This is painfully obvious to anyone that thinks about it for more than one second.

He manipulates them, by, for example making an outrageous statement that they feel compelled to cover and attack him for.

But what they are unable to grasp, or if they grasp it, unable to change their behavior, is that the outrageous statements are designed to position in him the public perception regardless of the spin the media tries to put on it.

IN some cases he has set them up, knowing that they would lie about what he said, with the lie carrying one message and the rebuttal and truth coming out, giving him EVEN MORE free air time.

so what you are praising is a total con artist, & will vote for a snakeoil salesman bent on duping the American public...

got it.

Say, tell you what, instead of "rewording" what I say, why don't you try addressing what I actually SAID?!

He is a fraud.
You will vote for him anyway.

What else needs to be said?
Trump was never "called out for attacking women" but there are great photos, some turned into post cards, of Bill Clinton crying when he was caught with his pants down sexually abusing a young woman barely older than his daughter in the freaking Oval Office. The current presumed democrat nominee blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" for the DNA on Monica's freaking dress.

Lol....anyone with much common sense knows full well women have no business in politics.....the nation was much better off before they got the right to vote. As someone said long ago...women should be kept barefoot, pregnant and in the Kitchen!

Now we have a freaking closeted(well not closeted so well) lesbian running for President...unfriggin believable.....yoko ono came out the other day talking about her 'romantic affair' with hillary. Geeeze have we al fallen down a wabbit hole?

People are mad as hell and they are not going to take it anymore.......thus....The Donald will win by a landslide...despite all the b.s. the lying media puts out.

please refill your 'script for Haldol.
manipulate? the same 'media' that brings you the kordashians, access hollywood, fox & friends, & other pablum programs because that is what sells?


Yes. What part of that is confusing to you?

the part that shows how you actually believe what you wrote. they don't hate trump. they love him. the only way he would be 'manipulating' them, would be that he is a total fraud... putting on such a charade, that he is actually 180 degrees from what he is portraying.

if that WAS true, then he's completing fooling you & all the skeeters that are swallowing his pablum.

is he a TOTAL fraud then? either he's genuine in his thoughts & actions, or he's not. which is it?

Your assumption that they give coverage to people they like is incorrect.

Attack pieces can be just as good for ratings, if not better than puff pieces.

Which is not what Trump has been getting, ie puff pieces.

His public persona is a well designed tool, not the real person. This is painfully obvious to anyone that thinks about it for more than one second.

He manipulates them, by, for example making an outrageous statement that they feel compelled to cover and attack him for.

But what they are unable to grasp, or if they grasp it, unable to change their behavior, is that the outrageous statements are designed to position in him the public perception regardless of the spin the media tries to put on it.

IN some cases he has set them up, knowing that they would lie about what he said, with the lie carrying one message and the rebuttal and truth coming out, giving him EVEN MORE free air time.

so what you are praising is a total con artist, & will vote for a snakeoil salesman bent on duping the American public...

got it.

Hillary must not be paying you very much if that's the quality level she's willing to tolerate.

LOL. time for you to come up with some new material, little middle finger dude.
They hate him and have been trying to destroy him.

He has used that to manipulate them into giving him coverage.

It is an example of how good he is at getting what he wants from people, a skill that should serve the US well in a President.

manipulate? the same 'media' that brings you the kordashians, access hollywood, fox & friends, & other pablum programs because that is what sells?


Yes. What part of that is confusing to you?

the part that shows how you actually believe what you wrote. they don't hate trump. they love him. the only way he would be 'manipulating' them, would be that he is a total fraud... putting on such a charade, that he is actually 180 degrees from what he is portraying.

if that WAS true, then he's completing fooling you & all the skeeters that are swallowing his pablum.

is he a TOTAL fraud then? either he's genuine in his thoughts & actions, or he's not. which is it?

Your assumption that they give coverage to people they like is incorrect.

Attack pieces can be just as good for ratings, if not better than puff pieces.

Which is not what Trump has been getting, ie puff pieces.

His public persona is a well designed tool, not the real person. This is painfully obvious to anyone that thinks about it for more than one second.

He manipulates them, by, for example making an outrageous statement that they feel compelled to cover and attack him for.

But what they are unable to grasp, or if they grasp it, unable to change their behavior, is that the outrageous statements are designed to position in him the public perception regardless of the spin the media tries to put on it.

IN some cases he has set them up, knowing that they would lie about what he said, with the lie carrying one message and the rebuttal and truth coming out, giving him EVEN MORE free air time.

so what you are praising is a total con artist, & will vote for a snakeoil salesman bent on duping the American public...

got it.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds coming from someone on Hillary's payroll?
Yes. What part of that is confusing to you?

the part that shows how you actually believe what you wrote. they don't hate trump. they love him. the only way he would be 'manipulating' them, would be that he is a total fraud... putting on such a charade, that he is actually 180 degrees from what he is portraying.

if that WAS true, then he's completing fooling you & all the skeeters that are swallowing his pablum.

is he a TOTAL fraud then? either he's genuine in his thoughts & actions, or he's not. which is it?

Your assumption that they give coverage to people they like is incorrect.

Attack pieces can be just as good for ratings, if not better than puff pieces.

Which is not what Trump has been getting, ie puff pieces.

His public persona is a well designed tool, not the real person. This is painfully obvious to anyone that thinks about it for more than one second.

He manipulates them, by, for example making an outrageous statement that they feel compelled to cover and attack him for.

But what they are unable to grasp, or if they grasp it, unable to change their behavior, is that the outrageous statements are designed to position in him the public perception regardless of the spin the media tries to put on it.

IN some cases he has set them up, knowing that they would lie about what he said, with the lie carrying one message and the rebuttal and truth coming out, giving him EVEN MORE free air time.

so what you are praising is a total con artist, & will vote for a snakeoil salesman bent on duping the American public...

got it.

Hillary must not be paying you very much if that's the quality level she's willing to tolerate.

LOL. time for you to come up with some new material, little middle finger dude.

On the contrary, this meme has lot's of life still in it.
Yes. What part of that is confusing to you?

the part that shows how you actually believe what you wrote. they don't hate trump. they love him. the only way he would be 'manipulating' them, would be that he is a total fraud... putting on such a charade, that he is actually 180 degrees from what he is portraying.

if that WAS true, then he's completing fooling you & all the skeeters that are swallowing his pablum.

is he a TOTAL fraud then? either he's genuine in his thoughts & actions, or he's not. which is it?

Your assumption that they give coverage to people they like is incorrect.

Attack pieces can be just as good for ratings, if not better than puff pieces.

Which is not what Trump has been getting, ie puff pieces.

His public persona is a well designed tool, not the real person. This is painfully obvious to anyone that thinks about it for more than one second.

He manipulates them, by, for example making an outrageous statement that they feel compelled to cover and attack him for.

But what they are unable to grasp, or if they grasp it, unable to change their behavior, is that the outrageous statements are designed to position in him the public perception regardless of the spin the media tries to put on it.

IN some cases he has set them up, knowing that they would lie about what he said, with the lie carrying one message and the rebuttal and truth coming out, giving him EVEN MORE free air time.

so what you are praising is a total con artist, & will vote for a snakeoil salesman bent on duping the American public...

got it.

Say, tell you what, instead of "rewording" what I say, why don't you try addressing what I actually SAID?!

He is a fraud.
You will vote for him anyway.

What else needs to be said?

He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.

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