Trump cries when called out for attacking women

No one gives a shit when Trump criticizes Bill, sorry man

Well, some do. Millions of millennial women who don't know a thing about Bill the serial predator and Hillary will be turned off when they learn the facts.
The millennials already know that Bill is not running while the scumbag Donnie is running.

HRC continues to have an overwhelming lead in the women's vote and doosh arguments such as those above mean nothing. End of story. HRC wins the election if she dominates the female vote.
And millennials lean Democrat.

White millennials are be raised and indoctrinated in NOT being racist.

As time goes on, and they find that they are being blamed for everything, like they will be since they are white, they are going to tired of that real fast.
Good luck with that.
Hasn't happened yet. No indication it will happen in November. But good luck.

I've seen some studies on young people. I've talked to quite a number.

They know they aren't racist. Because they aren't.

But you lefties can NEVER let go of the Myth of White Racism.

Right now, when they hear you, they can assume you mean old people they haven't met yet.

Time will come when they realize you mean them.

And that you mean them to take personal responsibility for slavery, jim crow, the indians, and blah, blah, blah.
Say, tell you what, instead of "rewording" what I say, why don't you try addressing what I actually SAID?!

He is a fraud.
You will vote for him anyway.

What else needs to be said?

He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.

do you think he actually wears any of his cheap suits made in mexico & china while railing against mexico & china?

Irrelevant to anything I have said or any of the issues.

My point stands.

He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.

hmmm.... so, you don't mind that he rails against 'jobs going to mexico & china' but sets up shop in mexico & china?

sounds mighty hypocritical.

so, you have a problem about illegals coming here & taking jobs away from americans?


He wants to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs.

He is the only one.

IMO, that is exactly what America needs.

THe rest is unimportant.
Trump Campaign Releases a Video Defending Trump University... that is Itself a Scam | RedState

So the Trump campaign has released a video with purported testimonials from Trump University students which I guess is supposed to show that Trump University was not a scam. This video features three people - none of whom have ever bought or sold real estate for a living. One of them appears to be a professional testimonial-giver for seminars, one appears to give these kinds of seminars for himself, and one of them has an ongoing business and personal relationship with the Trump family, who have allowed him to sell his protein water on a number of their properties.


Another of the persons featured on the video is Casey Hoban, who is also not today involved in the business of selling or buying real estate. He claims in the video that he was, either in Florida or South Carolina (he is not really clear) but one wonders if the returns from these real estate deals were so "incalculable" why he is in the business of selling protein water (instead of real estate, which is booming right now).

While Mr. Hoban does not appear to be in the business of buying and selling real estate, he does appear to be in some sort of business and personal relationship with Donald Trump and the Trump family through his protein water company, and a supporter of Trump's.

Nobody cares about Trump university, douche bag. You can flog this until doomsday and it won't move the polls a single centimeter.
You're so delusional, it's quite amusing.


ooooohh, Brian Fallon?! Well, that settle that, I guess.

Jeez, and just because his policies would have been so good for the Working Class and Middle Class...

What was I thinking?

I don't even know who the fuck Brian Fallon is. I posted his quote because I agree with his sentiment.
Well, some do. Millions of millennial women who don't know a thing about Bill the serial predator and Hillary will be turned off when they learn the facts.
The millennials already know that Bill is not running while the scumbag Donnie is running.

HRC continues to have an overwhelming lead in the women's vote and doosh arguments such as those above mean nothing. End of story. HRC wins the election if she dominates the female vote.

What they don't know is that Bill is a vicious sexual predator and that Hillary was in charge of threatening and intimidating his victims into keeping quiet about it. Hillary's popularity with women continues to evaporate.
How sad for hapless, hopeless, cons like you. Hoping for so much but getting so little in return. In reality, Bill's extra-curricular sexual exploits will have little, if any, effect on Hillary's election. Most people don't care and of those who do, almost as many who say they are less likely to support her because of her marriage to Bill; say they are more likely because of her marriage to Bill.

You are missing the point.

Her strongest weapon would have been the Woman Card.

She wanted that to be a big PLUS, not a draw.

Trump has neutralized her primary play.
It's still is a weapon of hers. Don't know if it was ever her strongest, but it's still a strong weapon since most people don't care and it will not affect their support for her. Of those whose it will, it increases there interest in supporting her almost as much as it decreases it.

Trump gains nothing from this.

I disagree. I think she was hoping to use that card, to

A. Attract women who would otherwise be in play.

b. To convince women who might have been in play to dismiss Trump,

c To convince Men that voting for Trump would be identifying as sexist.

IMO, none of that will happen now, not in significant numbers.
Trump Campaign Releases a Video Defending Trump University... that is Itself a Scam | RedState

So the Trump campaign has released a video with purported testimonials from Trump University students which I guess is supposed to show that Trump University was not a scam. This video features three people - none of whom have ever bought or sold real estate for a living. One of them appears to be a professional testimonial-giver for seminars, one appears to give these kinds of seminars for himself, and one of them has an ongoing business and personal relationship with the Trump family, who have allowed him to sell his protein water on a number of their properties.


Another of the persons featured on the video is Casey Hoban, who is also not today involved in the business of selling or buying real estate. He claims in the video that he was, either in Florida or South Carolina (he is not really clear) but one wonders if the returns from these real estate deals were so "incalculable" why he is in the business of selling protein water (instead of real estate, which is booming right now).

While Mr. Hoban does not appear to be in the business of buying and selling real estate, he does appear to be in some sort of business and personal relationship with Donald Trump and the Trump family through his protein water company, and a supporter of Trump's.

Nobody cares about Trump university, douche bag. You can flog this until doomsday and it won't move the polls a single centimeter.
You're so delusional, it's quite amusing.


ooooohh, Brian Fallon?! Well, that settle that, I guess.

Jeez, and just because his policies would have been so good for the Working Class and Middle Class...

What was I thinking?

I don't even know who the fuck Brian Fallon is. I posted his quote because I agree with his sentiment.

The idea that deporting illegals will reduce the supply of labor and thus raise price ie wages, is not a lie.

The idea that our "Free Trade" polices such and need to be renegotiated in order to bring back manufacturing jobs is not a lie.
Media fires back at Trump

The media is firing back at Donald Trump over his take down of the political press on Tuesday.

National Press Club president Thomas Bur released a scathing statement
attacking the presumptive GOP presidential nominee for “misunderstanding” or “simply opposing” a free press.

“Any American political candidate who attacks the press for doing its job is campaigning in the wrong country,” Burr said.
He is a fraud.
You will vote for him anyway.

What else needs to be said?

He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.

do you think he actually wears any of his cheap suits made in mexico & china while railing against mexico & china?

Irrelevant to anything I have said or any of the issues.

My point stands.

He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.

hmmm.... so, you don't mind that he rails against 'jobs going to mexico & china' but sets up shop in mexico & china?

sounds mighty hypocritical.

so, you have a problem about illegals coming here & taking jobs away from americans?


He wants to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs.

He is the only one.

IMO, that is exactly what America needs.

THe rest is unimportant.

he wants to bring back jobs, how about him STARTING WITH HIS OWN?

but instead, he manufactures clothing in foreign countries paying foreigners instead of bringing his own jobs back to America & paying American workers.



his company was found guilty of hiring illegals as well.
Last edited:
No, what I want is for you to answer the question I asked; not the question you wish I asked.

I challenged you to prove more people get their news from left wing media. You answered the question, do news journalists donate more to left wing candidates; which of course, I didn't ask.

With the level of dominance demonstrated by the above graph, even if the libs were professional and TRIED to do their job correctly, they would be unable to see their UNCONSCIOUS BIAS coloring their reporting.

As liberals have, beyond that, defined their world view as such that anyone that disagrees with them is either stupid or evil, and they view that delusion as fact, and base their actions (or reporting) upon that bias.

AND that is the BEST case scenario, not the most likely, which is that lefty activist reporters try to influence events with by using their jobs to advance their lefty agenda.

Dan Rather lying about GWBush just days before the election is a classic example, stopped only by "conspiracy nuts" on the internet.
Because I'm an ever-optimistic Lib, I'm gonna hold out hope that maybe you'll address my challenge in your next post; because for the second time now, you're answering a one I didn't ask. Here, I'll even repeat it for ya, maybe that'll help....

With so many media outlets available today, prove most people still get their news from left wing sources...

I pointed out the obvious fact that the lefty media is completely corrupt.

It is absurd at this point in time to claim otherwise.

I'm not sure why you think you get to set the bar on what constitutes proof of that fact.

Do you really believe that a group that tilts so heavily hard left can, or would even try to be objective on anything that even lightly touches upon the political?

Rhetorical question. THe answer is,

I guess you're just too retarded to even understand my challenge, no less respond to it. Oh well. :dunno: That pretty much renders your nonsensical claim, that Obama's job approval rating is higher than Reagan's at this point because of a corrupt media, DOA.


Ouch! You just declared yourself the victor and patted yourself on the back about how much smarter you are then me.

No one has ever done that before!

Oh, wait, lefties do stupid shit like that all the time.

The media, as I demonstrated, totally dominated by the Hard Left, has given Obama nothing but good press, and passes since he hit the National Spot Light.
Well let's rehash....

You made a claim that Obama's JAR is higher than Reagan's due to a corrupt (read left-leaning) media.

I challenged you to prove it by showing more people are influenced by a left-lean media and you failed to demonstrate it.


Instead of showing more people get their news from left-leaning sites, you showed that the media leans left.

Only that doesn't prove your claim. :eusa_doh:

By failing to prove your claim, there is no reason to believe it's rooted in reality.

Not to mention, the data you rely on spans 30 years. Not very relevant to today's media.

Reagan won a massive 49 state landslide DESPITE a completely hostile press, just based on his accomplishments.
That was at 3½ years earlier against a flawed opponent. At this point, Reagan's JAR dropped to 50%. Just under Obama's at this same point.
Reason: Trump’s Attacks Are “Racist Conspiracy Garbage” And “Vile Stuff.” Reason editor Damon Root chastised Donald Trump for “peddling racist conspiracy garbage” and “vile stuff.” Damon called Trump a “bigoted authoritarian” and said his most recents attacks against the judge represent “a very real threat to the rule of law.” From the May 31 blog (emphasis original):

This is vile stuff. Not only is Trump peddling racist conspiracy garbage about a federal judge (Curiel was born and raised in Indiana), Trump is using the bully pulpit to try to intimidate the courts to rule in his favor. Just imagine, Trump effectively warned Judge Curiel, what will happen to you if you rule against me after I'm elected president.

To state the obvious, Trump is a bigoted authoritarian whose continued political success represents a very real threat to the rule of law in this country. [, 5/31/16]
Well, some do. Millions of millennial women who don't know a thing about Bill the serial predator and Hillary will be turned off when they learn the facts.
The millennials already know that Bill is not running while the scumbag Donnie is running.

HRC continues to have an overwhelming lead in the women's vote and doosh arguments such as those above mean nothing. End of story. HRC wins the election if she dominates the female vote.
And millennials lean Democrat.

White millennials are be raised and indoctrinated in NOT being racist.

As time goes on, and they find that they are being blamed for everything, like they will be since they are white, they are going to tired of that real fast.
Good luck with that.
Hasn't happened yet. No indication it will happen in November. But good luck.

I've seen some studies on young people. I've talked to quite a number.

They know they aren't racist. Because they aren't.

But you lefties can NEVER let go of the Myth of White Racism.

Right now, when they hear you, they can assume you mean old people they haven't met yet.

Time will come when they realize you mean them.

And that you mean them to take personal responsibility for slavery, jim crow, the indians, and blah, blah, blah.
Again, you're talkin' to the hand :blahblah: millennials lean Democrat.

2000: 47% / 47%
2004: 56% / 43%
2008: 66% / 32%
2012: 60% / 37%

You have nothing to counter that other than with wishes.

Again -- good luck with that.
Donald Trump sought cheap labor overseas for clothing lines
By Drew Griffin, Nelli Black and Curt Devine, CNN Investigations

Updated 5:07 PM ET, Thu May 26, 2016


(CNN)Donald Trump may claim to have the backs of U.S. workers, but when it comes to making shirts for those backs, Trump has chosen to make his shirts overseas.[...]

Scott Nova, an executive director of Worker Rights Consortium, an independent labor rights group that investigates the garment industry, says there is one reason clothes are made overseas: cheap labor.
"If a company were committed to producing clothing in the U.S., they could find a way," Nova said, but he added, "The competition is to find the lowest wages you can possibly get."
Trump's clothing line has fallen on hard times since his comments concerning Mexicans and Muslims in the early primaries led to retail giant Macy's dropping the Trump clothing line. And Trump's manufacturer, PVH, has said it is phasing out its licensing agreement with Trump.

But you can still find Donald J.Trump signature brand clothes on the internet, though apparently at drastically reduced prices. CNN purchased several Trump brand items online including a $16.95 dress shirt made in Bangladesh, a $166.88 pinstripe suit made in Indonesia, and even a dollar-shaped tie clip made in China bought for $24.
Sizes and colors were extremely limited, suggesting the Trump clothing brand is at the end of its line. But the Trump campaign refused to directly answer if Trump's clothing business is shutting down.[...]

Donald Trump sought cheap labor overseas for clothing lines -
The millennials already know that Bill is not running while the scumbag Donnie is running.

HRC continues to have an overwhelming lead in the women's vote and doosh arguments such as those above mean nothing. End of story. HRC wins the election if she dominates the female vote.

What they don't know is that Bill is a vicious sexual predator and that Hillary was in charge of threatening and intimidating his victims into keeping quiet about it. Hillary's popularity with women continues to evaporate.
How sad for hapless, hopeless, cons like you. Hoping for so much but getting so little in return. In reality, Bill's extra-curricular sexual exploits will have little, if any, effect on Hillary's election. Most people don't care and of those who do, almost as many who say they are less likely to support her because of her marriage to Bill; say they are more likely because of her marriage to Bill.

You are missing the point.

Her strongest weapon would have been the Woman Card.

She wanted that to be a big PLUS, not a draw.

Trump has neutralized her primary play.
It's still is a weapon of hers. Don't know if it was ever her strongest, but it's still a strong weapon since most people don't care and it will not affect their support for her. Of those whose it will, it increases there interest in supporting her almost as much as it decreases it.

Trump gains nothing from this.

I disagree. I think she was hoping to use that card, to

A. Attract women who would otherwise be in play.

b. To convince women who might have been in play to dismiss Trump,

c To convince Men that voting for Trump would be identifying as sexist.

IMO, none of that will happen now, not in significant numbers.
Nonsense. Hillary is still winning the woman vote against Bernie.

And get this -- Women like Bernie more than the like the orange misogynist.

Trump Campaign Releases a Video Defending Trump University... that is Itself a Scam | RedState

So the Trump campaign has released a video with purported testimonials from Trump University students which I guess is supposed to show that Trump University was not a scam. This video features three people - none of whom have ever bought or sold real estate for a living. One of them appears to be a professional testimonial-giver for seminars, one appears to give these kinds of seminars for himself, and one of them has an ongoing business and personal relationship with the Trump family, who have allowed him to sell his protein water on a number of their properties.


Another of the persons featured on the video is Casey Hoban, who is also not today involved in the business of selling or buying real estate. He claims in the video that he was, either in Florida or South Carolina (he is not really clear) but one wonders if the returns from these real estate deals were so "incalculable" why he is in the business of selling protein water (instead of real estate, which is booming right now).

While Mr. Hoban does not appear to be in the business of buying and selling real estate, he does appear to be in some sort of business and personal relationship with Donald Trump and the Trump family through his protein water company, and a supporter of Trump's.

Nobody cares about Trump university, douche bag. You can flog this until doomsday and it won't move the polls a single centimeter.
You're so delusional, it's quite amusing.


ooooohh, Brian Fallon?! Well, that settle that, I guess.

Jeez, and just because his policies would have been so good for the Working Class and Middle Class...

What was I thinking?

I don't even know who the fuck Brian Fallon is. I posted his quote because I agree with his sentiment.

The idea that deporting illegals will reduce the supply of labor and thus raise price ie wages, is not a lie.

The idea that our "Free Trade" polices such and need to be renegotiated in order to bring back manufacturing jobs is not a lie.
Too fucking retarded and nothing to do with what I posted. Can ya stay focused?

And it flies in the face that we are already deporting record numbers of illegals.
He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.

do you think he actually wears any of his cheap suits made in mexico & china while railing against mexico & china?

Irrelevant to anything I have said or any of the issues.

My point stands.

He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.

hmmm.... so, you don't mind that he rails against 'jobs going to mexico & china' but sets up shop in mexico & china?

sounds mighty hypocritical.

so, you have a problem about illegals coming here & taking jobs away from americans?


He wants to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs.

He is the only one.

IMO, that is exactly what America needs.

THe rest is unimportant.

he wants to bring back jobs, how about him STARTING WITH HIS OWN?

but instead, he manufactures clothing in foreign countries paying foreigners instead of bringing his own jobs back to America & paying American workers.



his company was found guilty of hiring illegals as well.

Image this scenario.

I am sitting in a bar, 2 years from now.

A poorly dressed man, drunk, starts telling me his tale of woe.

He had it all. He was a HUGE real estate guy, who owned a successful casino.

BUT, he got caught employing hundreds of illegals.

THe fines ruined him.

And he starts railing about how unfair and hypocritical it is that Trump should ruin him, just for breaking the law, and cheating Americans out of jobs, and higher wages, when Trump allegedly hired illegals or outsourced and this and that.

Lets say for argument's sake that the asshole criminal is right, that it is "unfair" and "hypocritical".

BUT that, in this scenario, the illegal labor force is dropping like a fucking rock, employers are being forced to raise wages to get Americans to take fill the jobs they need done, and thanks to tariffs, manufacturing employment is starting to rise.

In this scenario, which do you think would be more important to me?

Fairness for the asshole criminal, or the best interests of the American Working and Middle Classes?
With the level of dominance demonstrated by the above graph, even if the libs were professional and TRIED to do their job correctly, they would be unable to see their UNCONSCIOUS BIAS coloring their reporting.

As liberals have, beyond that, defined their world view as such that anyone that disagrees with them is either stupid or evil, and they view that delusion as fact, and base their actions (or reporting) upon that bias.

AND that is the BEST case scenario, not the most likely, which is that lefty activist reporters try to influence events with by using their jobs to advance their lefty agenda.

Dan Rather lying about GWBush just days before the election is a classic example, stopped only by "conspiracy nuts" on the internet.
Because I'm an ever-optimistic Lib, I'm gonna hold out hope that maybe you'll address my challenge in your next post; because for the second time now, you're answering a one I didn't ask. Here, I'll even repeat it for ya, maybe that'll help....

With so many media outlets available today, prove most people still get their news from left wing sources...

I pointed out the obvious fact that the lefty media is completely corrupt.

It is absurd at this point in time to claim otherwise.

I'm not sure why you think you get to set the bar on what constitutes proof of that fact.

Do you really believe that a group that tilts so heavily hard left can, or would even try to be objective on anything that even lightly touches upon the political?

Rhetorical question. THe answer is,

I guess you're just too retarded to even understand my challenge, no less respond to it. Oh well. :dunno: That pretty much renders your nonsensical claim, that Obama's job approval rating is higher than Reagan's at this point because of a corrupt media, DOA.


Ouch! You just declared yourself the victor and patted yourself on the back about how much smarter you are then me.

No one has ever done that before!

Oh, wait, lefties do stupid shit like that all the time.

The media, as I demonstrated, totally dominated by the Hard Left, has given Obama nothing but good press, and passes since he hit the National Spot Light.
Well let's rehash....

You made a claim that Obama's JAR is higher than Reagan's due to a corrupt (read left-leaning) media.

I challenged you to prove it by showing more people are influenced by a left-lean media and you failed to demonstrate it.


Instead of showing more people get their news from left-leaning sites, you showed that the media leans left.

Only that doesn't prove your claim. :eusa_doh:

By failing to prove your claim, there is no reason to believe it's rooted in reality.

Not to mention, the data you rely on spans 30 years. Not very relevant to today's media.

Reagan won a massive 49 state landslide DESPITE a completely hostile press, just based on his accomplishments.
That was at 3½ years earlier against a flawed opponent. At this point, Reagan's JAR dropped to 50%. Just under Obama's at this same point.

Finding the data you are claiming to want, sounds hard.

And I know that you will dismiss it anyway, even if it has been collected.

And at this point, only a dishonest partisan hack would try to pretend that the media is not a tool of the Hard Left.

So, can't be bothered.

I've got some TV viewing to catch up on, sooooooo

Whatever lefty.
He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.

do you think he actually wears any of his cheap suits made in mexico & china while railing against mexico & china?

Irrelevant to anything I have said or any of the issues.

My point stands.

He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.

hmmm.... so, you don't mind that he rails against 'jobs going to mexico & china' but sets up shop in mexico & china?

sounds mighty hypocritical.

so, you have a problem about illegals coming here & taking jobs away from americans?


He wants to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs.

He is the only one.

IMO, that is exactly what America needs.

THe rest is unimportant.

he wants to bring back jobs, how about him STARTING WITH HIS OWN?

but instead, he manufactures clothing in foreign countries paying foreigners instead of bringing his own jobs back to America & paying American workers.



his company was found guilty of hiring illegals as well.
What Trump really wants to bring back is all of his money from overseas.

Trump stands to make possibly hundreds of millions of dollars by becoming president and using a tax holiday to repatriate his fortune.

Hell, why do you think he wants to be president? He does nothing which doesn't earn him money. :thup:
Because I'm an ever-optimistic Lib, I'm gonna hold out hope that maybe you'll address my challenge in your next post; because for the second time now, you're answering a one I didn't ask. Here, I'll even repeat it for ya, maybe that'll help....

With so many media outlets available today, prove most people still get their news from left wing sources...

I pointed out the obvious fact that the lefty media is completely corrupt.

It is absurd at this point in time to claim otherwise.

I'm not sure why you think you get to set the bar on what constitutes proof of that fact.

Do you really believe that a group that tilts so heavily hard left can, or would even try to be objective on anything that even lightly touches upon the political?

Rhetorical question. THe answer is,

I guess you're just too retarded to even understand my challenge, no less respond to it. Oh well. :dunno: That pretty much renders your nonsensical claim, that Obama's job approval rating is higher than Reagan's at this point because of a corrupt media, DOA.


Ouch! You just declared yourself the victor and patted yourself on the back about how much smarter you are then me.

No one has ever done that before!

Oh, wait, lefties do stupid shit like that all the time.

The media, as I demonstrated, totally dominated by the Hard Left, has given Obama nothing but good press, and passes since he hit the National Spot Light.
Well let's rehash....

You made a claim that Obama's JAR is higher than Reagan's due to a corrupt (read left-leaning) media.

I challenged you to prove it by showing more people are influenced by a left-lean media and you failed to demonstrate it.


Instead of showing more people get their news from left-leaning sites, you showed that the media leans left.

Only that doesn't prove your claim. :eusa_doh:

By failing to prove your claim, there is no reason to believe it's rooted in reality.

Not to mention, the data you rely on spans 30 years. Not very relevant to today's media.

Reagan won a massive 49 state landslide DESPITE a completely hostile press, just based on his accomplishments.
That was at 3½ years earlier against a flawed opponent. At this point, Reagan's JAR dropped to 50%. Just under Obama's at this same point.

Finding the data you are claiming to want, sounds hard.

And I know that you will dismiss it anyway, even if it has been collected.

And at this point, only a dishonest partisan hack would try to pretend that the media is not a tool of the Hard Left.

So, can't be bothered.

I've got some TV viewing to catch up on, sooooooo

Whatever lefty.
Sadly, you reject the proof that your claim is not merely the hallucination you portray it as; in lieu of yet another strawman.

Who could have seen that coming?
Nobody cares about Trump university, douche bag. You can flog this until doomsday and it won't move the polls a single centimeter.
You're so delusional, it's quite amusing.


ooooohh, Brian Fallon?! Well, that settle that, I guess.

Jeez, and just because his policies would have been so good for the Working Class and Middle Class...

What was I thinking?

I don't even know who the fuck Brian Fallon is. I posted his quote because I agree with his sentiment.

The idea that deporting illegals will reduce the supply of labor and thus raise price ie wages, is not a lie.

The idea that our "Free Trade" polices such and need to be renegotiated in order to bring back manufacturing jobs is not a lie.
Too fucking retarded and nothing to do with what I posted. Can ya stay focused?

And it flies in the face that we are already deporting record numbers of illegals.

His quote, that you posted, stated that Trump's campaign was based on lies.

I understand that you didn't really read his quote. YOu saw negativity about TRump and that was the end of your thinking on the quote.

Thus, my comment about the central themes of Trump's campaign being TRUE was completely focused on your post. It is kind of retarded that you couldn't make that connection on your own.

And deporting "record numbers" is irrelevant is the population of illegals is ELEVEN FUCKING MILLION.

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