Trump cries when called out for attacking women


UNPRECEDENTED: Can You Guess How Many Lawsuits Trump Is Involved In?

UNPRECEDENTED: Can You Guess How Many Lawsuits Trump Is Involved In?
The number is simply staggering.
sounds like an unbiased legitimate source!!!!!:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
manipulate? the same 'media' that brings you the kordashians, access hollywood, fox & friends, & other pablum programs because that is what sells?


Yes. What part of that is confusing to you?

the part that shows how you actually believe what you wrote. they don't hate trump. they love him. the only way he would be 'manipulating' them, would be that he is a total fraud... putting on such a charade, that he is actually 180 degrees from what he is portraying.

if that WAS true, then he's completing fooling you & all the skeeters that are swallowing his pablum.

is he a TOTAL fraud then? either he's genuine in his thoughts & actions, or he's not. which is it?

Your assumption that they give coverage to people they like is incorrect.

Attack pieces can be just as good for ratings, if not better than puff pieces.

Which is not what Trump has been getting, ie puff pieces.

His public persona is a well designed tool, not the real person. This is painfully obvious to anyone that thinks about it for more than one second.

He manipulates them, by, for example making an outrageous statement that they feel compelled to cover and attack him for.

But what they are unable to grasp, or if they grasp it, unable to change their behavior, is that the outrageous statements are designed to position in him the public perception regardless of the spin the media tries to put on it.

IN some cases he has set them up, knowing that they would lie about what he said, with the lie carrying one message and the rebuttal and truth coming out, giving him EVEN MORE free air time.

so what you are praising is a total con artist, & will vote for a snakeoil salesman bent on duping the American public...

got it.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds coming from someone on Hillary's payroll?

I enjoy the fact that what you believe & what is reality are polar opposites. thanx for adding to the entertainment I enjoy on this board.
Ok Pocahontas , Buckwheat Kunta Kinte LOL

bottom line though the only one formally accused of Rape is Donald Trump :banana:
Donnie will lose the female card if he continues attacking Bill. End of story.

If he loses the women's vote, Trump loses the election. End of story.

No one gives a shit when Trump criticizes Bill, sorry man

Well, some do. Millions of millennial women who don't know a thing about Bill the serial predator and Hillary will be turned off when they learn the facts.
The millennials already know that Bill is not running while the scumbag Donnie is running.

HRC continues to have an overwhelming lead in the women's vote and doosh arguments such as those above mean nothing. End of story. HRC wins the election if she dominates the female vote.

What they don't know is that Bill is a vicious sexual predator and that Hillary was in charge of threatening and intimidating his victims into keeping quiet about it. Hillary's popularity with women continues to evaporate.
How sad for hapless, hopeless, cons like you. Hoping for so much but getting so little in return. In reality, Bill's extra-curricular sexual exploits will have little, if any, effect on Hillary's election. Most people don't care and of those who do, almost as many who say they are less likely to support her because of her marriage to Bill; say they are more likely because of her marriage to Bill.

the part that shows how you actually believe what you wrote. they don't hate trump. they love him. the only way he would be 'manipulating' them, would be that he is a total fraud... putting on such a charade, that he is actually 180 degrees from what he is portraying.

if that WAS true, then he's completing fooling you & all the skeeters that are swallowing his pablum.

is he a TOTAL fraud then? either he's genuine in his thoughts & actions, or he's not. which is it?

Your assumption that they give coverage to people they like is incorrect.

Attack pieces can be just as good for ratings, if not better than puff pieces.

Which is not what Trump has been getting, ie puff pieces.

His public persona is a well designed tool, not the real person. This is painfully obvious to anyone that thinks about it for more than one second.

He manipulates them, by, for example making an outrageous statement that they feel compelled to cover and attack him for.

But what they are unable to grasp, or if they grasp it, unable to change their behavior, is that the outrageous statements are designed to position in him the public perception regardless of the spin the media tries to put on it.

IN some cases he has set them up, knowing that they would lie about what he said, with the lie carrying one message and the rebuttal and truth coming out, giving him EVEN MORE free air time.

so what you are praising is a total con artist, & will vote for a snakeoil salesman bent on duping the American public...

got it.

Say, tell you what, instead of "rewording" what I say, why don't you try addressing what I actually SAID?!

He is a fraud.
You will vote for him anyway.

What else needs to be said?

He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.

do you think he actually wears any of his cheap suits made in mexico & china while railing against mexico & china?
Donnie will lose the female card if he continues attacking Bill. End of story.

If he loses the women's vote, Trump loses the election. End of story.

No one gives a shit when Trump criticizes Bill, sorry man

Well, some do. Millions of millennial women who don't know a thing about Bill the serial predator and Hillary will be turned off when they learn the facts.
The millennials already know that Bill is not running while the scumbag Donnie is running.

HRC continues to have an overwhelming lead in the women's vote and doosh arguments such as those above mean nothing. End of story. HRC wins the election if she dominates the female vote.

What they don't know is that Bill is a vicious sexual predator and that Hillary was in charge of threatening and intimidating his victims into keeping quiet about it. Hillary's popularity with women continues to evaporate.
How sad for hapless, hopeless, cons like you. Hoping for so much but getting so little in return. In reality, Bill's extra-curricular sexual exploits will have little, if any, effect on Hillary's election. Most people don't care and of those who do, almost as many who say they are less likely to support her because of her marriage to Bill; say they are more likely because of her marriage to Bill.

You are missing the point.

Her strongest weapon would have been the Woman Card.

She wanted that to be a big PLUS, not a draw.

Trump has neutralized her primary play.
Your assumption that they give coverage to people they like is incorrect.

Attack pieces can be just as good for ratings, if not better than puff pieces.

Which is not what Trump has been getting, ie puff pieces.

His public persona is a well designed tool, not the real person. This is painfully obvious to anyone that thinks about it for more than one second.

He manipulates them, by, for example making an outrageous statement that they feel compelled to cover and attack him for.

But what they are unable to grasp, or if they grasp it, unable to change their behavior, is that the outrageous statements are designed to position in him the public perception regardless of the spin the media tries to put on it.

IN some cases he has set them up, knowing that they would lie about what he said, with the lie carrying one message and the rebuttal and truth coming out, giving him EVEN MORE free air time.

so what you are praising is a total con artist, & will vote for a snakeoil salesman bent on duping the American public...

got it.

Say, tell you what, instead of "rewording" what I say, why don't you try addressing what I actually SAID?!

He is a fraud.
You will vote for him anyway.

What else needs to be said?

He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.

do you think he actually wears any of his cheap suits made in mexico & china while railing against mexico & china?

Irrelevant to anything I have said or any of the issues.

My point stands.

He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.
Trump Campaign Releases a Video Defending Trump University... that is Itself a Scam | RedState

So the Trump campaign has released a video with purported testimonials from Trump University students which I guess is supposed to show that Trump University was not a scam. This video features three people - none of whom have ever bought or sold real estate for a living. One of them appears to be a professional testimonial-giver for seminars, one appears to give these kinds of seminars for himself, and one of them has an ongoing business and personal relationship with the Trump family, who have allowed him to sell his protein water on a number of their properties.


Another of the persons featured on the video is Casey Hoban, who is also not today involved in the business of selling or buying real estate. He claims in the video that he was, either in Florida or South Carolina (he is not really clear) but one wonders if the returns from these real estate deals were so "incalculable" why he is in the business of selling protein water (instead of real estate, which is booming right now).

While Mr. Hoban does not appear to be in the business of buying and selling real estate, he does appear to be in some sort of business and personal relationship with Donald Trump and the Trump family through his protein water company, and a supporter of Trump's.

Nobody cares about Trump university, douche bag. You can flog this until doomsday and it won't move the polls a single centimeter.
You're so delusional, it's quite amusing.

Trump Campaign Releases a Video Defending Trump University... that is Itself a Scam | RedState

So the Trump campaign has released a video with purported testimonials from Trump University students which I guess is supposed to show that Trump University was not a scam. This video features three people - none of whom have ever bought or sold real estate for a living. One of them appears to be a professional testimonial-giver for seminars, one appears to give these kinds of seminars for himself, and one of them has an ongoing business and personal relationship with the Trump family, who have allowed him to sell his protein water on a number of their properties.


Another of the persons featured on the video is Casey Hoban, who is also not today involved in the business of selling or buying real estate. He claims in the video that he was, either in Florida or South Carolina (he is not really clear) but one wonders if the returns from these real estate deals were so "incalculable" why he is in the business of selling protein water (instead of real estate, which is booming right now).

While Mr. Hoban does not appear to be in the business of buying and selling real estate, he does appear to be in some sort of business and personal relationship with Donald Trump and the Trump family through his protein water company, and a supporter of Trump's.

Nobody cares about Trump university, douche bag. You can flog this until doomsday and it won't move the polls a single centimeter.
You're so delusional, it's quite amusing.


ooooohh, Brian Fallon?! Well, that settle that, I guess.

Jeez, and just because his policies would have been so good for the Working Class and Middle Class...

What was I thinking?

It's your claim. With so many media outlets available today, prove most people still get their news from left wing sources...

Here's Proof The Media Really Is Liberal

In a data set Crowdpac provided to Business Insider, the company broke these estimates down to indicate whether individual professions were dominated by liberals or conservatives.

Among many other interesting results, the data shows that donors who work for newspapers or other print media skew extremely liberal.

This chart shows the number of donors in the media who were assigned to each ideological score.

The blue bars to the left show very liberal donors, and the much smaller red bars to the right represent the handful of conservative donors:


That took me seconds to find. Want more?
No, what I want is for you to answer the question I asked; not the question you wish I asked.

I challenged you to prove more people get their news from left wing media. You answered the question, do news journalists donate more to left wing candidates; which of course, I didn't ask.

With the level of dominance demonstrated by the above graph, even if the libs were professional and TRIED to do their job correctly, they would be unable to see their UNCONSCIOUS BIAS coloring their reporting.

As liberals have, beyond that, defined their world view as such that anyone that disagrees with them is either stupid or evil, and they view that delusion as fact, and base their actions (or reporting) upon that bias.

AND that is the BEST case scenario, not the most likely, which is that lefty activist reporters try to influence events with by using their jobs to advance their lefty agenda.

Dan Rather lying about GWBush just days before the election is a classic example, stopped only by "conspiracy nuts" on the internet.
Because I'm an ever-optimistic Lib, I'm gonna hold out hope that maybe you'll address my challenge in your next post; because for the second time now, you're answering a one I didn't ask. Here, I'll even repeat it for ya, maybe that'll help....

With so many media outlets available today, prove most people still get their news from left wing sources...

I pointed out the obvious fact that the lefty media is completely corrupt.

It is absurd at this point in time to claim otherwise.

I'm not sure why you think you get to set the bar on what constitutes proof of that fact.

Do you really believe that a group that tilts so heavily hard left can, or would even try to be objective on anything that even lightly touches upon the political?

Rhetorical question. THe answer is,

I guess you're just too retarded to even understand my challenge, no less respond to it. Oh well. :dunno: That pretty much renders your nonsensical claim, that Obama's job approval rating is higher than Reagan's at this point because of a corrupt media, DOA.

Donnie will lose the female card if he continues attacking Bill. End of story.

If he loses the women's vote, Trump loses the election. End of story.

No one gives a shit when Trump criticizes Bill, sorry man

Well, some do. Millions of millennial women who don't know a thing about Bill the serial predator and Hillary will be turned off when they learn the facts.
The millennials already know that Bill is not running while the scumbag Donnie is running.

HRC continues to have an overwhelming lead in the women's vote and doosh arguments such as those above mean nothing. End of story. HRC wins the election if she dominates the female vote.
And millennials lean Democrat.

White millennials are be raised and indoctrinated in NOT being racist.

As time goes on, and they find that they are being blamed for everything, like they will be since they are white, they are going to tired of that real fast.
Good luck with that.
Hasn't happened yet. No indication it will happen in November. But good luck.
so what you are praising is a total con artist, & will vote for a snakeoil salesman bent on duping the American public...

got it.

Say, tell you what, instead of "rewording" what I say, why don't you try addressing what I actually SAID?!

He is a fraud.
You will vote for him anyway.

What else needs to be said?

He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.

do you think he actually wears any of his cheap suits made in mexico & china while railing against mexico & china?

Irrelevant to anything I have said or any of the issues.

My point stands.

He is not a fraud.

He has a public persona that is a well designed tool.

That does not mean that he is not serious about his stated intentions or policies.

He stated polices on Trade and Immigration and Russia are almost exact matches for my positions on those issues.

AND those are the issues I care about the most.

hmmm.... so, you don't mind that he rails against 'jobs going to mexico & china' but sets up shop in mexico & china?

sounds mighty hypocritical.

so, you have a problem about illegals coming here & taking jobs away from americans?

Diduck v. Kaszycki & Sons Contractors, Inc., 774 F. Supp. 802 (S.D.N.Y. 1991)
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York - 774 F. Supp. 802 (S.D.N.Y. 1991)
April 30, 1991

Harry J. DIDUCK, [...]Plaintiff,
KASZYCKI & SONS CONTRACTORS, INC., William Kaszycki, John Senyshyn, Trump-Equitable Fifth Avenue Company, Donald J. Trump, Donald J. Trump d/b/a the Trump Organization, and the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, Defendants [...]

Diduck, a beneficiary of the Union's pension and welfare insurance funds, alleges that Senyshyn breached the fiduciary duty imposed upon him as a trustee of the funds by section 404 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"), 29 U.S.C. § 1104. Plaintiff alleges Senyshyn breached his fiduciary duty by failing to collect pension and welfare fund contributions due on the wages of non-union, Polish workers.

He also alleges that the Trump defendants participated in the breach, thereby becoming jointly and severally liable.[...]

Most, if not all, of Kaszycki's Polish workers had recently arrived from Poland. They were undocumented and worked "off the books." Tr. 725. No records were kept, no Social Security or other taxes were withheld, Tr. 715, 724, 728, and they were *806 not paid in accordance with wage laws. See Donovan v. Kaszycki, 599 F. Supp. 860, 864 (1984). They were told they would be paid $4.00 or in some cases $5.00 an hour for working 12-hour shifts seven days a week. In fact they were paid irregularly and incompletely, sometimes with Kaszycki's personal checks which were returned by the bank for insufficient funds. Tr. 153-54. Kaszycki was later found to have violated the sections of the Fair Labor Standards Act requiring recordkeeping, payment of overtime, and minimum wages. See Donovan v. Kaszycki, 599 F. Supp. at 867-69.[...]

The Polish workers were obvious not only in numbers but also in appearance. In contrast to the union workers the non-union, Polish workers were distinguished by the fact that most of them did not wear hard hats. Tr. 1317-18. In addition the Polish workers staged several very visible work stoppages because they were not being paid their wages.[13][...]

Macari, the vice-president of Trump-Equitable and the person in charge of the Bonwit Teller demolition, knowingly participated in John Senyshyn's breach of fiduciary duty. Macari was involved in every aspect of the demolition job. He knew the Polish workers were working "off the books," that they were doing demolition work, that they were non-union, that they were paid substandard wages with no overtime pay, and that they were paid irregularly if at all. [...]
We find for the plaintiff. We hold that John Senyshyn breached his fiduciary duty and that Trump-Equitable participated in the breach.

Plaintiff shall submit a judgment.

[URL='']Diduck v. Kaszycki & Sons Contractors, Inc., 774 F. Supp. 802 (S.D.N.Y. 1991)

manipulate? the same 'media' that brings you the kordashians, access hollywood, fox & friends, & other pablum programs because that is what sells?


Yes. What part of that is confusing to you?

the part that shows how you actually believe what you wrote. they don't hate trump. they love him. the only way he would be 'manipulating' them, would be that he is a total fraud... putting on such a charade, that he is actually 180 degrees from what he is portraying.

if that WAS true, then he's completing fooling you & all the skeeters that are swallowing his pablum.

is he a TOTAL fraud then? either he's genuine in his thoughts & actions, or he's not. which is it?

Your assumption that they give coverage to people they like is incorrect.

Attack pieces can be just as good for ratings, if not better than puff pieces.

Which is not what Trump has been getting, ie puff pieces.

His public persona is a well designed tool, not the real person. This is painfully obvious to anyone that thinks about it for more than one second.

He manipulates them, by, for example making an outrageous statement that they feel compelled to cover and attack him for.

But what they are unable to grasp, or if they grasp it, unable to change their behavior, is that the outrageous statements are designed to position in him the public perception regardless of the spin the media tries to put on it.

IN some cases he has set them up, knowing that they would lie about what he said, with the lie carrying one message and the rebuttal and truth coming out, giving him EVEN MORE free air time.

so what you are praising is a total con artist, & will vote for a snakeoil salesman bent on duping the American public...

got it.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds coming from someone on Hillary's payroll?
How much is she getting paid?
Here's Proof The Media Really Is Liberal

In a data set Crowdpac provided to Business Insider, the company broke these estimates down to indicate whether individual professions were dominated by liberals or conservatives.

Among many other interesting results, the data shows that donors who work for newspapers or other print media skew extremely liberal.

This chart shows the number of donors in the media who were assigned to each ideological score.

The blue bars to the left show very liberal donors, and the much smaller red bars to the right represent the handful of conservative donors:


That took me seconds to find. Want more?
No, what I want is for you to answer the question I asked; not the question you wish I asked.

I challenged you to prove more people get their news from left wing media. You answered the question, do news journalists donate more to left wing candidates; which of course, I didn't ask.

With the level of dominance demonstrated by the above graph, even if the libs were professional and TRIED to do their job correctly, they would be unable to see their UNCONSCIOUS BIAS coloring their reporting.

As liberals have, beyond that, defined their world view as such that anyone that disagrees with them is either stupid or evil, and they view that delusion as fact, and base their actions (or reporting) upon that bias.

AND that is the BEST case scenario, not the most likely, which is that lefty activist reporters try to influence events with by using their jobs to advance their lefty agenda.

Dan Rather lying about GWBush just days before the election is a classic example, stopped only by "conspiracy nuts" on the internet.
Because I'm an ever-optimistic Lib, I'm gonna hold out hope that maybe you'll address my challenge in your next post; because for the second time now, you're answering a one I didn't ask. Here, I'll even repeat it for ya, maybe that'll help....

With so many media outlets available today, prove most people still get their news from left wing sources...

I pointed out the obvious fact that the lefty media is completely corrupt.

It is absurd at this point in time to claim otherwise.

I'm not sure why you think you get to set the bar on what constitutes proof of that fact.

Do you really believe that a group that tilts so heavily hard left can, or would even try to be objective on anything that even lightly touches upon the political?

Rhetorical question. THe answer is,

I guess you're just too retarded to even understand my challenge, no less respond to it. Oh well. :dunno: That pretty much renders your nonsensical claim, that Obama's job approval rating is higher than Reagan's at this point because of a corrupt media, DOA.


Ouch! You just declared yourself the victor and patted yourself on the back about how much smarter you are then me.

No one has ever done that before!

Oh, wait, lefties do stupid shit like that all the time.

The media, as I demonstrated, totally dominated by the Hard Left, has given Obama nothing but good press, and passes since he hit the National Spot Light.

Reagan won a massive 49 state landslide DESPITE a completely hostile press, just based on his accomplishments.
Donald Trump Turned Down Hundreds of American Workers and Hired Immigrants Instead
By Maegan Vazquez (3 months ago) | Business

Donald Trump may say he wants to put a halt to illegal immigration. However, when it comes to foreign guest workers taking jobs at his Florida resorts and clubs, he’s a little more tolerant.

The New York Times reports that since 2010 at Donald Trump’s 17-acre Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida:

“[N]early 300 United States residents have applied or been referred for jobs as waiters, waitresses, cooks and housekeepers there. But according to federal records, only 17 have been hired. In all but a handful of cases, Mar-a-Lago sought to fill the jobs with hundreds of foreign guest workers from Romania and other countries.”

Trump sought 500 visas, which last between 10 months and 3 years, for vacancies at Mar-a-Lago and his other Florida properties since 2010, mostly for workers from Europe out of hospitality colleges.

The program seeks to fill temporary positions when American workers fail to bite the bait, or all the potential applicants are unemployable. However, the Times piece notes instances where applicants were told they interviewed well, but never heard back.

These temporary worker visa programs have been under a microscope in recent months. This past summer, under one of these visa programs, Disney World terminated 250 American employees in favor of new temporary guest workers.

While Trump made a promise to hire 50 locals following a Reuters report last summer, the New York Times also reports that Mar-a-Lago has only filled one position.

Meanwhile, Trump has stoked controversy for his stance on immigration along the campaign trail.

His own immigration proposal says:

“The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment high, and makes it difficult for poor and working class Americans – including immigrants themselves and their children – to earn a middle class wage … Every year, we voluntarily admit another 2 million new immigrants, guest workers, refugees, and dependents, growing our existing all-time historic record population of 42 million immigrants. We need to control the admission of new low-earning workers[.]”

Unlike American workers, who may not be inclined to stay throughout the entirety of the Mar-a-Lago season, these guest workers cannot “switch to another resort down the road where the pay is better without a new visa approval.”

Donald Trump Turned Down Hundreds of American Workers and Hired Immigrants Instead

can you say fraud AND hypocrite?
No one gives a shit when Trump criticizes Bill, sorry man

Well, some do. Millions of millennial women who don't know a thing about Bill the serial predator and Hillary will be turned off when they learn the facts.
The millennials already know that Bill is not running while the scumbag Donnie is running.

HRC continues to have an overwhelming lead in the women's vote and doosh arguments such as those above mean nothing. End of story. HRC wins the election if she dominates the female vote.

What they don't know is that Bill is a vicious sexual predator and that Hillary was in charge of threatening and intimidating his victims into keeping quiet about it. Hillary's popularity with women continues to evaporate.
How sad for hapless, hopeless, cons like you. Hoping for so much but getting so little in return. In reality, Bill's extra-curricular sexual exploits will have little, if any, effect on Hillary's election. Most people don't care and of those who do, almost as many who say they are less likely to support her because of her marriage to Bill; say they are more likely because of her marriage to Bill.

You are missing the point.

Her strongest weapon would have been the Woman Card.

She wanted that to be a big PLUS, not a draw.

Trump has neutralized her primary play.
It's still is a weapon of hers. Don't know if it was ever her strongest, but it's still a strong weapon since most people don't care and it will not affect their support for her. Of those whose it will, it increases there interest in supporting her almost as much as it decreases it.

Trump gains nothing from this.

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