Trump cries when called out for attacking women

The debate on "women" is hard to focus because in all cases, female gender is only one parameter of a woman voter. Rich white women living in Trump's Manhattan buildings? Donald's statements about his respect for women ring true to me. Poor women? Black women? Latinas? Now things get more complicated. Poor, black, latina etc. women share issues with their male counterparts but also have issues which are theirs alone. Where does Donald stand on these matters? I'm not sure he even knows himself

Conservative women think Bill is a predator and liberal women are already voting for Clinton. No one's vote is hanging in the balance on this

Many MANY (thinking) conservative women know Trump is as slimy as "Bill is a predator'.

Why? There's nothing predator about Trump and I hear no conservative women saying that.

You a Hillary bitch?

you obviously don't know his years of trashing women, dating back to his days on howard stern.

my ,my, a 'Hillary bitch' you say???? how cute. LOL.
OMG? Fifty lashes with a wet noodle for Trump for telling what he believes is the truth. How dare him. 50 lashes should teach Trump to not insult and attack those lieberal media sleaze bags any more.
are you aware that in a Democracy reporters can ask questions ?

No wonder this dude endorsed him :badgrin:

North Korea praises Trump and urges US voters to reject 'dull Hillary'
Yes, they can ask their douche bag questions, and Trump is free to call them douche bags.

trumps acts about the same age as your pic, little angry hissy fitting dude.

That's ironic coming from an infantile douche bag like you.

uh-huh. a 5 year old giving the middle finger.

the epitome of maturity.
Trump Gave to Vets on Day He Was Busted
Source: The Daily Beast

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump gave millions of dollars to veterans organizations only after The Washington Post published an exposé of his questionable claims on the matter. According to an Associated Press investigation, Trump sent checks to many of the groups on May 24, the same date as the Post story.

Trump previously came under fire for refusing to disclose which charities had allegedly received funds from him, but during a Tuesday press conference he named 41 vets organizations. One of the more prominent groups, the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation, confirmed to the AP that it received its check on May 24, despite the campaign previously telling the Post that the scholarship fund's donation had already been distributed. The Daily Beast also reported Tuesday that while Trump has finally accounted for the $6 million promised contributions, the numbers show he fell $400,000 short of what he'd previously claimed to have raised.

Read more: Trump Gave to Vets on Same Day He Was Exposed
The debate on "women" is hard to focus because in all cases, female gender is only one parameter of a woman voter. Rich white women living in Trump's Manhattan buildings? Donald's statements about his respect for women ring true to me. Poor women? Black women? Latinas? Now things get more complicated. Poor, black, latina etc. women share issues with their male counterparts but also have issues which are theirs alone. Where does Donald stand on these matters? I'm not sure he even knows himself

Conservative women think Bill is a predator and liberal women are already voting for Clinton. No one's vote is hanging in the balance on this

Many MANY (thinking) conservative women know Trump is as slimy as "Bill is a predator'.

Why? There's nothing predator about Trump and I hear no conservative women saying that.

You a Hillary bitch?

you obviously don't know his years of trashing women, dating back to his days on howard stern.

my ,my, a 'Hillary bitch' you say???? how cute. LOL.

Are you one of Hillary's paid moles?
Take all of that.
can anyone imagine reporters asking Hillary Clinton some tough questions about anything and she would start hollering "you are sleaze you are making me look bad"...I mean its outlandish the "Man Card" Trump is playing LOL...if Hillary Clinton did that the media would say she is "a hysterical emotional woman"

The media never asks Hitlery tough questions. They are their darling, and want her for President. If they did ride her ass, she would probably be out of the race and gone by now.

is that why she testified b4 a congressional investigative committee for 11 hours, yet trump complained that the 2 hour debates were too long? wahhhhhhhhhhhh......

Congress isn't the media, dumbass. He complained about 3 hour debates, not 2 hour debates. They are too long because the audience gets bored. Trump isn't being investigated for crimes against his country as Hillary is.
OMG? Fifty lashes with a wet noodle for Trump for telling what he believes is the truth. How dare him. 50 lashes should teach Trump to not insult and attack those lieberal media sleaze bags any more.
are you aware that in a Democracy reporters can ask questions ?

No wonder this dude endorsed him :badgrin:

North Korea praises Trump and urges US voters to reject 'dull Hillary'
Yes, they can ask their douche bag questions, and Trump is free to call them douche bags.

trumps acts about the same age as your pic, little angry hissy fitting dude.

That's ironic coming from an infantile douche bag like you.

uh-huh. a 5 year old giving the middle finger.

the epitome of maturity.

You judge someone's maturity by their avatar? That's how I judge that you're a dumbass.
Barrio Logan residents complain about 'martial law' during Trump protest
Source: KGTV

SAN DIEGO - Community leaders Tuesday decried what they described as a decision by city leaders "to effectively put Barrio Logan under martial law" last week during a Donald Trump campaign rally at the Convention Center.

During a late-morning news conference in the bayside neighborhood, the group of activists voiced their complaints about the heavy paramilitary-style law enforcement presence at the Friday afternoon campaign event, during which 35 protesters were arrested, including city attorney candidate Bryan Pease.


Pedro Rios, director of the American Friends Service Committee in San Diego, urged anyone who felt harassed or otherwise victimized by police conduct during the rally to have their stories documented with the American Civil Liberties Union.

"San Diegans demand that Mayor Faulconer and Chief Zimmerman account for their actions that created unnecessary tension and arrests in Barrio Logan," Rios said. "The use of small tanks and riot police against San Diego residents has no place in America's Finest City."

Ricardo Favela of Alliance San Diego said the area was turned into a militarized zone, threatening residents and scaring families.


"Law enforcement officials dressed in riot gear with armored vehicles behind them, marched in a wall of force that stretched the width of Harbor Drive, pushing a small number of protesters from downtown San Diego into the residential area of Barrio Logan, over a mile away," Favela said.

"Once in Barrio Logan, the community was surrounded by SDPD squad cars with lights flashing, corralling people in the neighborhood," he said. "The mayor's and chief's decision to effectively put Barrio Logan under martial law is irresponsible and violates the community's trust."

Read more: Barrio Logan residents complain about 'martial law' during Trump protest
Take all of that.
can anyone imagine reporters asking Hillary Clinton some tough questions about anything and she would start hollering "you are sleaze you are making me look bad"...I mean its outlandish the "Man Card" Trump is playing LOL...if Hillary Clinton did that the media would say she is "a hysterical emotional woman"

The media never asks Hitlery tough questions. They are their darling, and want her for President. If they did ride her ass, she would probably be out of the race and gone by now.

is that why she testified b4 a congressional investigative committee for 11 hours, yet trump complained that the 2 hour debates were too long? wahhhhhhhhhhhh......
How much is Hillary paying you to post this swill?
\They're trying so hard to make something stick to Trump, but their pathetic attempts always fail. Their problem is that anything they accuse Trump of looks like grade school stuff compared to what Hillary is guilty of.

Unlike Hillary, Trump is actually facing fraud charges in the State of New York, and multiple law suits. Despite all of your assertions of her so-called "criminal" behaviour, and despite being hounded and scrutinized throughout her life, Hillary has ever been charged with ANYTHING.

Unlike Hillary, Trump has a long history of business failures and questionable business practices, hence the law suit. Trump has had four business bankruptcies - in the casino business. Having a casino license is like a license to print money. How can anyone go broke running a casino?

Unlike Hillary, Trump has a long history of cheating on his wives, being sued by former business partners, and blaming others for his failures.

But fool that you are, you're going to vote for him.
How much is Hillary paying you to post this swill?

Says the guy who is going to vote for the least qualified Republican candidate in the history of the Republic. A guy who had to PAY people to turn up for his announcement that he was going to run.
\They're trying so hard to make something stick to Trump, but their pathetic attempts always fail. Their problem is that anything they accuse Trump of looks like grade school stuff compared to what Hillary is guilty of.

Unlike Hillary, Trump is actually facing fraud charges in the State of New York, and multiple law suits. Despite all of your assertions of her so-called "criminal" behaviour, and despite being hounded and scrutinized throughout her life, Hillary has ever been charged with ANYTHING.

Unlike Hillary, Trump has a long history of business failures and questionable business practices, hence the law suit. Trump has had four business bankruptcies - in the casino business. Having a casino license is like a license to print money. How can anyone go broke running a casino?

Unlike Hillary, Trump has a long history of cheating on his wives, being sued by former business partners, and blaming others for his failures.

But fool that you are, you're going to vote for him.

You are so stupid you're like a black hole for intelligent thought.

Trump isn't facing any criminal charges. He is a defendant in a civil lawsuit. You know what the term "civil" means, don't you? No one goes to jail from losing a lawsuit.

Trump has only cheated on his wife. He hasn't raped or sexually assaulted anyone. Yet, Hillary is married to such a monster and even threatens and harasses her husband's victims into remaining silent.

Watching you douche bags trying to make Hillary look more wholesome then Trump is better than watching a three ring circus.
How much is Hillary paying you to post this swill?

Says the guy who is going to vote for the least qualified Republican candidate in the history of the Republic. A guy who had to PAY people to turn up for his announcement that he was going to run.

"Qualified" means they've had lot's of practice at back slapping, log rolling and selling out their constituents to lobbyists. We don't need that kind of experience.

Who did Trump pay to turn up for his announcement that he was going to run?
How much is Hillary paying you to post this swill?

Says the guy who is going to vote for the least qualified Republican candidate in the history of the Republic. A guy who had to PAY people to turn up for his announcement that he was going to run.

"Qualified" means they've had lot's of practice at back slapping, log rolling and selling out their constituents to lobbyists. We don't need that kind of experience.

Who did Trump pay to turn up for his announcement that he was going to run?

Seriously dude, I live in another country and know more of what's going on in your country than you do.

Donald Trump reportedly paid actors $50 to cheer for him at his 2016 announcement

Donald Trump Campaign Offered Actors $50 to Cheer for Him at Presidential Announcement

The Business of Hiring a Fake Crowd

If you don't find Ivana's accusation credible, then why are we even discussing it?

Trump says or implies Bill Clinton is a rapist correct ?

why would you invite a rapist to your wedding :2up:

Hillary Clinton Attended Donald Trump's Wedding - YouTube

There is that. Personally I think he's doing this to deflect from the fact that everyone knows he raped ivana

Sooooooo, you don't believe that people lie in divorces? Just to get 25 million dollars?
Watch MSNBC/CNN and other useless media outfits and all they do is try to find fault with Trump over and over and over again all day long. Yet Hitlery is in trouble over her e-mails, and so much more, but yet the media doesn't go after her over and over and over again about those e-mails hardly at all.

Obama? Who took that poll or survey? A lieberal outfit? Lots of bias goes on when polls and surveys are done. They can never be trusted. If a lieberal takes a poll, Obama is good. If a conservative poll is done, Obama is not so good. Only fools believe in polls and surveys. But hey, that is just my opinion.
Gallup, one of America's oldest and most respected pollsters took the poll. And to put it in perspective, at this same point in Reagan's second term, 5.31.1988, Reagan's job approval rating was 50% according to Gallup. And Reagan is a diety to many conservatives. Bush was at 28% at this point and Clinton was at 57%.

A completely corrupt media is a valuable tool.

I hope you lefties appreciate them.

What a pity you're armed with nothing but lame excuses.

Tell me again how Obama went to a church for twenty years without noticing that his pastor, and friend was a raving, racist, anti-america.

Oh, my... from lame excuses to strawmen.

Aside from parroting my gif, you're on a roll, eh?

It's an example of the media being completely corrupt benefiting you lefties.

Don't play dumb, lawyer.
Sooooooo, you don't believe that people lie in divorces? Just to get 25 million dollars?

The only mother fucker that don't lie is Trumpo? ..what an asshole LOL
Trump is 100 percent CON MAN 100 % Mother fukr LOL
Trump raped and paid $25 million hush money

Today his Trump University SCAM will be EXPOSED......sweet
Let me take you to schooling TRUMP U

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