trump criticizes Biden for attacks on Houthi terrorists

Have a lovely vacay in Panama. :)

We will, counting the days.

When do you expect WWIII to start? Should we go hog wild while there and blow all our savings since WWIII will most likely kill us all anyhow?
"Here comes kinetic WW3. When we go to full missile war with Iran, it will be game on with Russia and China. "

Trump is a domestic terrorist so his sympathy with the Houthi's is not surprising.
trump has no sympathy for the houthis. he gave the saudis billions in arms to crush the houthi (at which they appear to have failed)

trump is "ameria'x monday morning quarterback."

if biden had not retaliated, trump's ridiculous comments would be reversed.

i would like to think that some of this retaliation is aimed at the proper direction. can't imagine there are many targets still standing in yemen. or gaza for that matter.
trump has no sympathy for the houthis. he gave the saudis billions in arms to crush the houthi (at which they appear to have failed)

trump is "ameria'x monday morning quarterback."

if biden had not retaliated, trump's ridiculous comments would be reversed.

i would like to think that some of this retaliation is aimed at the proper direction. can't imagine there are many targets still standing in yemen. or gaza for that matter.
I don't know about Yemen but Gaza has been obliterated back to the Stone Age.

Trump doesn't give two shits about either one, he's just running his big mouth for attention.
Trump wants to isolate the USA and it will decline. His supporters are all in with that America 1st nonsense. Maybe shades of North Korea is what I envision.

As an aside from Trump being a moron, Musk is all in with keeping the shipping lane open. It's affecting Tesla.

Edit this in...

That's a lie, America first is not isolationist, it's about putting our resources to use for our benefit. At the same time others are expected to tend to their territories, using their resources. It upsets the liberal lunacy of 'it takes a village' which is the basis of the liberal lies.

Does the former president understand that the US, along with Britain and the international community is taking these steps to stop the disruption of up to 30% of shipping? Does he understand that this attacks could crash the world's economy and that these strike are trying to prevent worldwide economic disaster?

Wait....he is already on record wishing for economic disaster. A former president hoping for economic disaster?

trump dors not understand
You are supporting incredible violence because you fear that you'll be inconvenienced. Good for you.
Everyone would dumbass.
Maritime Security

International Maritime Organization › GuideMaritimeSecurityDefault

The SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally regarded as the most important of all international treaties concerning the safety and security of ...

On 1 July 2004 a new maritime security regulatory regime was adopted into the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 as amended, namely chapter XI-2 on Special measures to enhance maritime security, which includes the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. The ISPS Code entered into force a mere 18 months after its adoption by the SOLAS Conference in December 2002.

It was adopted in response to the devastating terrorist acts of September 11 (2001) in the United States, following which, the international community recognised the need to protect the international maritime transport sector against the threat of terrorism. IMO responded swiftly and firmly by developing these new requirements, which are a by-product of cooperation between Governments, Government agencies, local administrations and shipping and port industries.
Iran and the Houthis are trying to shut down shipping through the Straits of Hormuz and the Bab Al Mandab. No one can ignore that.
Sure we can. How many countries are around there? It's past time for regional players to pull their own weight. Half the problem is that nobody else is expected to do anything, so they don't.
That's a lie, America first is not isolationist, it's about putting our resources to use for our benefit. At the same time others are expected to tend to their territories, using their resources. It upsets the liberal lunacy of 'it takes a village' which is the basis of the liberal lies.
whose resources are those to be "put to use" and for whose benefit.

and if it, whatever it is, does not "take a village" why is a corporation necessary?

Does the former president understand that the US, along with Britain and the international community is taking these steps to stop the disruption of up to 30% of shipping? Does he understand that this attacks could crash the world's economy and that these strike are trying to prevent worldwide economic disaster?

Wait....he is already on record wishing for economic disaster. A former president hoping for economic disaster?

When they start targeting civilian commercial ships they need to be eliminated. They are basically the same as pirates. Threatening civilization itself.
On 26 March 2015, Saudi Arabia, leading a coalition of nine countries from West Asia and North Africa, launched an intervention in Yemen following a new joint request from Yemeni president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi for military support after his forces were ousted from Sanaʽa by Houthi insurgents during the Yemeni Civil ...
whose resources are those to be "put to use" and for whose benefit.
In terms of the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea, the countries that are there. They have as much or more interest in protecting trade lanes than we do. We have no need to be anywhere outside our own hemisphere. In fact if we rid our hemisphere of narco-states and spent a fraction of what spend elsewhere on development the Americas would become an economic powerhouse nobody could rival.

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