trump criticizes Biden for attacks on Houthi terrorists

have you ever seen a picture of him playing with his grandkids? Have you even seen a picture of him with his grandkids?
I've never seen a picture of you, but I know you're a piece of shit. :)

But yeah, while his grandkids ain't nobody's business, I have seen pictures of him with them; doting opa.
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The difference is Trump did a shit ton more of it
Trump was as bad as BClinton, which is to say the best since.

But still unacceptable, yes.
and you were eating the corn out of his shit while he was.
I'll make this quick, as it sounds like you're hangry and want to eat someone's shit corn - your own?

Trump's a lesser war criminal than the 2 who preceded him and the 1 who's followed.

Not saying much, but by US standards, not too bad.
Your worship of the man is growing stronger each day
I worship him SO much I won't be voting for him - now THAT is devotion.

Hope the corn is good, shittertarian. :)
What you say and what you support are not in alignment.
He's a shittertarian, combining the worst of both shitcons and shitlibs.

But what a crazy idea people like you and Gipper and Rigby and I have, right?

I mean, if the USG would just stop supporting Israel's mass murder of Palestinian children, the mass murder would stop, and the Houthi's would stop what they're doing.

But I guess not enough children have been blown to pieces yet...
EvilCat Breath and most of his kind are weasely little cowards, traitors, supporting dangerous authoritarian conmen like Trump at home … and thus dumb enough to support Putin over Ukraine and Iranian-funded Houthi tribal terrorists attacking world trade.

Have I left something out?
ECB's a chick.
He is correct that it is almost never right to resort to the use of force when there are complex situation.
It is always better to meet, negotiate, and try to use diplomacy first.

And in this case, it should be obvious to everyone, that the Houthis are the only ones who are correct, legal, and moral.
The rest of the world is complicit with horrendous crimes against humanity.

What is the Houthis objective?
Lol. Uninformed. They never shot at US ships. They haven’t threatened the homeland. I guess you support empire and allowing Israel to control our military.

You need to change the channel, dewd

Today, the U.N. Security Council demanded that Houthi rebels in Yemen stop attacking international ships in the Red Sea. The U.S. military says there have been more than two dozen attacks in the last seven weeks, the most serious yesterday, when Houthis fired more than 20 drones and missiles right at U.S. and allied warships.

It just simply amazes me how many people come in here to debate politics when they have no clue. None. Zero information and even less intelligence.
What is the Houthis objective?
Same as every other Muzzie. None. Just starting a shit show because they have nothing else to do besides that; and beating their wives, molesting young boys and fucking goats.
You need to change the channel, dewd

It just simply amazes me how many people come in here to debate politics when they have no clue. None. Zero information and even less intelligence.
What amazes me is how easily they can dupe people like you. No ships sunk. No sailor’s injured or killed, but you think they’re a danger to Americans.

This is all about protecting Israel and threatening Iran. Neocons rule the day.
What amazes me is how easily they can dupe people like you. No ships sunk. No sailor’s injured or killed, but you think they’re a danger to Americans.

This is all about protecting Israel and threatening Iran. Neocons rule the day.
It was you, dickbreath, that said the Houthis hadn't fired at US Warships. Which was a fucking lie. Now you want to move the goal posts??

This is why this place is a shithole.... People like you. Who should be banned for outright lies. Not a mistake.... A fucking bald-faced lie. If not for lying, for being incredibly stupid. If not for being stupid and dishonest, for being phenomenally gullible. If not for that, for working for the DNC by the hour and coming in here only to spread propaganda. Can't have a conversation with you, you are too incredibly dishonest. And a scumbag.

Now go hump somebody else's leg for a while.
It was you, dickbreath, that said the Houthis hadn't fired at US Warships. Which was a fucking lie. Now you want to move the goal posts??

This is why this place is a shithole.... People like you. Who should be banned for outright lies. Not a mistake.... A fucking bald-faced lie. If not for lying, for being incredibly stupid. If not for being stupid and dishonest, for being phenomenally gullible. If not for that, for working for the DNC by the hour and coming in here only to spread propaganda. Can't have a conversation with you, you are too incredibly dishonest. And a scumbag.

Now go hump somebody else's leg for a while.
Wow! Rather emotional. Do you love empire and war?

I don’t give a fuck. It’s none of our criminal government’s business. Starting yet another war with a third world nation to protect Israel, is fucking dumb.

Don’t you agree?

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