Trump cutting services for children at the border

We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


It is particularly sickening that any hint of such a move would not only be considered but embraced. You really have to wonder what types of monsters Conservatives are raising in their homes when the adults are so hostile to civility.

So what do you want him to do? There is only so much money and the Democrats are not going to give him one dime more. So they are using that money for food and medical care instead of perks.

False. Border security is the sticking point. Not refugee services. But then again refugee healthcare was already cut from the HHS budget so if there is an outbreak, that’s on the blob also.

Of course it will be on him. The MSM wouldn't have it any other way. They will never blame the lack of a wall that allows diseased migrants into the US. As for border security, our border patrol are spending over 60% of their manpower trying to accommodate these invaders instead of patrolling.

Not to worry though. Trump forced Mexico to help out in preventing migrants coming to our borders.

Not sure whats more hilarious; that you believe what Trump tells you or that he said it to start with.

As for the outbreak…you completely misunderstand. The refugees that you likely encounter every day used to have a screening process to where they received anti-bacterials, anti-fungals, and other preventative medicines through the Local Health Departments. It was part of HHS, it has nothing to do with border security. Trump and his fellow dumbasses got rid of the program in 2017. Now…who knows what happens?

And your link to Trump getting rid of the screening process is where?

Our best safety is to not let them into the country at all. Turn them away and let them take their diseases back home with them. We can't even treat our own people yet alone the world.
And thank you for agreeing to my comment via not refuting it but rather adding some archaic KKK irrelevancy.
The left can not win on today's issue debates so they MUST pander to the dregs of society for support.

And lol at the kkk being anything but a footnote in today's society. The left are void of real ideas and thoughts.

The original thought was the support of the left fringe groups for the Dems. I just brought up the Right fringe groups that support the Reps. Not a whole lot of difference. Both sides have their own fair share of nutcases. Or are your nutcases a better class of nutcases than their nutcases?

KKK? Membership? 5k? Virtually nonexistent

Now, where do you get your 5K figure at? Bet that was painful. Hope you wiped afterwards.

As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total KKK membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC) puts it at 6,000 members total.[19]

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia
It is particularly sickening that any hint of such a move would not only be considered but embraced. You really have to wonder what types of monsters Conservatives are raising in their homes when the adults are so hostile to civility.

So what do you want him to do? There is only so much money and the Democrats are not going to give him one dime more. So they are using that money for food and medical care instead of perks.

False. Border security is the sticking point. Not refugee services. But then again refugee healthcare was already cut from the HHS budget so if there is an outbreak, that’s on the blob also.

Of course it will be on him. The MSM wouldn't have it any other way. They will never blame the lack of a wall that allows diseased migrants into the US. As for border security, our border patrol are spending over 60% of their manpower trying to accommodate these invaders instead of patrolling.

Not to worry though. Trump forced Mexico to help out in preventing migrants coming to our borders.

Not sure whats more hilarious; that you believe what Trump tells you or that he said it to start with.

As for the outbreak…you completely misunderstand. The refugees that you likely encounter every day used to have a screening process to where they received anti-bacterials, anti-fungals, and other preventative medicines through the Local Health Departments. It was part of HHS, it has nothing to do with border security. Trump and his fellow dumbasses got rid of the program in 2017. Now…who knows what happens?

And your link to Trump getting rid of the screening process is where?

Our best safety is to not let them into the country at all. Turn them away and let them take their diseases back home with them. We can't even treat our own people yet alone the world.
Too fucking bad your ancestor was not turned away.
Hey, billy! Do you remember the stories of a ship called the 'Exodus"? I believe that was the name. Anyway, it was a ship full of Jews escaping Europe seeking asylum. Due to the politics of the day, it was turned away from our shores. It left to seek asylum elsewhere, but never made a landing, and I believe all was lost. I'll have to look up more facts, but the story is real. And those old enough to remember are still haunted that we turned away to their death those who sought refuge.

Your attitude on the current immigration crisis is the politics of our day....A complete reversal of the values we learned with our mother's milk. And I'm pretty sure our kids and grandkids will be haunted by it.

We need to count our blessings.
The educated, non-drug cartel Jews?
I remember them.

No, they were filthy, immoral Jews. Not to be trusted. They would destroy America just like they destroyed Germany, which was experience record inflation, joblessness and all sorts of economic chaos due to the reparations imposed by the Treaty of Versailles.

The Jews on the Exodus were vilified in the same way that the middle class of Central America who are fleeing the drug cartels in their home countries are being vilified today - as undesireables who would harm the country.


If that's how you feel, ask your government to take them. We'll be happy to give them a ride to the border.

We took in 25,000 Syrian refugees. How many did you take?

The United States allows a million people a year to become citizens of this country. This is besides the work and educational Visa's that we provide each year. We have an estimated 20 million illegals in this country; most of whom we are doing nothing about. How many illegals are in your country?
You & Trump must be related. You both exaggerate.
Trump cutting services for children at the border

Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.
Next...gas chambers.

Trump is human scum.
Sending people home is hardly gas chambers. The invaders abandon six year olds and leave them to die alone. Gas chambers might be more humane.

Open the border to hunting the invaders will leave on their own.
There are no invaders you bigoted fool. There are people seeking help for their children.

Trumpettes hate their own children.
Trump cutting services for children at the border

Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.

There are nearly 8 billion people in this world, a good percentage of them needy children. How many children should this country of 21 trillion in debt help?
The educated, non-drug cartel Jews?
I remember them.

No, they were filthy, immoral Jews. Not to be trusted. They would destroy America just like they destroyed Germany, which was experience record inflation, joblessness and all sorts of economic chaos due to the reparations imposed by the Treaty of Versailles.

The Jews on the Exodus were vilified in the same way that the middle class of Central America who are fleeing the drug cartels in their home countries are being vilified today - as undesireables who would harm the country.


If that's how you feel, ask your government to take them. We'll be happy to give them a ride to the border.

We took in 25,000 Syrian refugees. How many did you take?

The United States allows a million people a year to become citizens of this country. This is besides the work and educational Visa's that we provide each year. We have an estimated 20 million illegals in this country; most of whom we are doing nothing about. How many illegals are in your country?
You & Trump must be related. You both exaggerate.

Really? Need some links to prove I'm not?
Trump cutting services for children at the border

Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.
The duty on the taxes that are collected from Us is to benefit Us and not non taxpaying non citizens. Once again, you are being governed completely by emotion and completely erroneously.
Trump cutting services for children at the border

Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.

I pay taxes as well. I expect my government to help American children, homeless vets and other citizens - do you disagree?

Every dollar spent on the unwelcome invaders takes a dollar from needy Americans.
Trump cutting services for children at the border

Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.

I pay taxes as well. I expect my government to help American children, homeless vets and other citizens - do you disagree?

Every dollar spent on the unwelcome invaders takes a dollar from needy Americans.

Bullshit, You assfucks don't want to help poor people./ You wine about them every fucking day.

Vets? You voted for Trump who trashed them. Repiblicans block bills that help vets.

S[fuck opff
Trumtting services for children at the border
Trump cutting services for children at the border

Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.

I pay taxes as well. I expect my government to help American children, homeless vets and other citizens - do you disagree?

Every dollar spent on the unwelcome invaders takes a dollar from needy Americans.

You took money & gave it to wealthy people. You whine about poor people, your party has blocks bills to help vets, you voted for a man who trashed vets, you vote against education.
Trump cutting services for children at the border

Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.
The duty on the taxes that are collected from Us is to benefit Us and not non taxpaying non citizens. Once again, you are being governed completely by emotion and completely erroneously.

America is about being a world lesader, in helping those on need. Not trampling on children.
No, they were filthy, immoral Jews. Not to be trusted. They would destroy America just like they destroyed Germany, which was experience record inflation, joblessness and all sorts of economic chaos due to the reparations imposed by the Treaty of Versailles.

The Jews on the Exodus were vilified in the same way that the middle class of Central America who are fleeing the drug cartels in their home countries are being vilified today - as undesireables who would harm the country.


If that's how you feel, ask your government to take them. We'll be happy to give them a ride to the border.

We took in 25,000 Syrian refugees. How many did you take?

The United States allows a million people a year to become citizens of this country. This is besides the work and educational Visa's that we provide each year. We have an estimated 20 million illegals in this country; most of whom we are doing nothing about. How many illegals are in your country?
You & Trump must be related. You both exaggerate.

Really? Need some links to prove I'm not?
The typical number is 750, 000 Not a million.
Trump cutting services for children at the border

Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.

There are nearly 8 billion people in this world, a good percentage of them needy children. How many children should this country of 21 trillion in debt help?
Those that show up unaccompanied at our door?

How many children do you think we should allow to die
There are no invaders you bigoted fool. There are people seeking help for their children.

Trumpettes hate their own children.

Sure do. That's why we are killing them off left and right.
You condemn them to a more difficult future, you want to arm school shooters with semi-automatic weapons, you want to cut food stamps, you want to cut education, you want to allow measles toting kids to run free,
Next...gas chambers.

Trump is human scum.
Sending people home is hardly gas chambers. The invaders abandon six year olds and leave them to die alone. Gas chambers might be more humane.

Open the border to hunting the invaders will leave on their own.
There are no invaders you bigoted fool. There are people seeking help for their children.

Trumpettes hate their own children.
Seeking help for rented children??? As soon as the invaders get under the wire the children are rented to someone else.
Trump cutting services for children at the border

Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.

There are nearly 8 billion people in this world, a good percentage of them needy children. How many children should this country of 21 trillion in debt help?
Those that show up unaccompanied at our door?

How many children do you think we should allow to die
None. Allow the adults to die. Deport the children.
Trump cutting services for children at the border

Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.

There are nearly 8 billion people in this world, a good percentage of them needy children. How many children should this country of 21 trillion in debt help?
Those that show up unaccompanied at our door?

How many children do you think we should allow to die
None. Allow the adults to die. Deport the children.
More proof Repukes don't care about human life once you're born.
Fucking pathetic.

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