Trump cutting services for children at the border

And thank you for agreeing to my comment via not refuting it but rather adding some archaic KKK irrelevancy.
The left can not win on today's issue debates so they MUST pander to the dregs of society for support.

And lol at the kkk being anything but a footnote in today's society. The left are void of real ideas and thoughts.
And thank you for agreeing to my comment via not refuting it but rather adding some archaic KKK irrelevancy.
The left can not win on today's issue debates so they MUST pander to the dregs of society for support.

And lol at the kkk being anything but a footnote in today's society. The left are void of real ideas and thoughts.

The original thought was the support of the left fringe groups for the Dems. I just brought up the Right fringe groups that support the Reps. Not a whole lot of difference. Both sides have their own fair share of nutcases. Or are your nutcases a better class of nutcases than their nutcases?
Many here at USMB, including myself, mimic and/or ridicule those who have regular outbursts of irrationality often regarding the POTUS, his fam, his policies, his tweets, his appearance, his ... well ... his everything. As the phenomenon is widespread - afflicting millions of Americans including much of NY, Cali, the media, and WashDC - Psychology Today tackled the issue of whether TDS is a real mental disorder. In that the mass hysteria is readily observable behavior, the author concludes that "Such people may need mental health support."

For those who still cry themselves to sleep every stinking night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every stinking morning, and obsess all day long I respectfully suggest they at least consider committing themselves for observation.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
"Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.

Aren't there enough Demons that already have their horns in line for Trumps Cabinet waiting in the wings? Are you trying to get enough support to get a new Christmas Special made starring Jimmy Hoffa?

View attachment 264213
And right on time you validate the author's conclusion that who "have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning … may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.

And dwelling on it like you do also shows a serious disturbance and distressing manner. YOU may need mental health support.
So because I note that you are a sick pup and because I am concerned about the mental & emotional health of my fellow Americans that I am the one who is disturbed and distressed?

You are familiar with the term "projection," right?

When I got back from South East Asia (I was never stationed in Vietnam so I don't get to wear the hat) I was a real mess. There were 6 of us assigned to a Shrink. We worked and even went TDY to Europe and the Shrink went with us. He got an all expense paid trip to Europe. In the end, I got a paper that stated I was sane. yes, I am documented as sane by not only the Medical Community but the United States Military. Where is your documentation that states you are sane?
I've never been "a real mess" as you have, never required therapy as you have, and never needed anyone to stamp "sane" on my forehead to remind me I'm OK.

That you believe it actually means you are sane says much about your mental and emotional conditions but if you reread this thread I never said you are insane. I did agree with the Psychology Today article in which the author concludes that those who "have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning … may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D

To summarize: if you still cry yourself to sleep every night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every morning, and obsess about D.J Trump all day you should consider committing yourself for more observation.
Aren't there enough Demons that already have their horns in line for Trumps Cabinet waiting in the wings? Are you trying to get enough support to get a new Christmas Special made starring Jimmy Hoffa?

View attachment 264213
And right on time you validate the author's conclusion that who "have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning … may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.

And dwelling on it like you do also shows a serious disturbance and distressing manner. YOU may need mental health support.
So because I note that you are a sick pup and because I am concerned about the mental & emotional health of my fellow Americans that I am the one who is disturbed and distressed?

You are familiar with the term "projection," right?

When I got back from South East Asia (I was never stationed in Vietnam so I don't get to wear the hat) I was a real mess. There were 6 of us assigned to a Shrink. We worked and even went TDY to Europe and the Shrink went with us. He got an all expense paid trip to Europe. In the end, I got a paper that stated I was sane. yes, I am documented as sane by not only the Medical Community but the United States Military. Where is your documentation that states you are sane?
I've never been "a real mess" as you have, never required therapy as you have, and never needed anyone to stamp "sane" on my forehead to remind me I'm OK.

That you believe it actually means you are sane says much about your mental and emotional conditions but if you reread this thread I never said you are insane. I did agree with the Psychology Today article in which the author concludes that those who "have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning … may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D

To summarize: if you still cry yourself to sleep every night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every morning, and obsess about D.J Trump all day you should consider committing yourself for more observation.

I doubt seriously that there are more than one or, maybe, two in here that might fit that bill. You certainly like to toss that around. So you don't mind if I toss around the sickness of those that blindly follow Trump without question. I can bet there are more of those than the ones you keep bringing up. Chances are, the ones you keep talking about would have already ate the business end of a shotgun or, in the case of an extreme leftist, overdosed with some sort of dangerous drugs already. Be very careful with your groups mental health if Trump loses in 2020 or leaves office before then. He will not go quietly in the night and I predict, in that case, all Holy Hell is going to break out. I suggest you take care of your bunches mental health first.
And right on time you validate the author's conclusion that who "have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning … may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.

And dwelling on it like you do also shows a serious disturbance and distressing manner. YOU may need mental health support.
So because I note that you are a sick pup and because I am concerned about the mental & emotional health of my fellow Americans that I am the one who is disturbed and distressed?

You are familiar with the term "projection," right?

When I got back from South East Asia (I was never stationed in Vietnam so I don't get to wear the hat) I was a real mess. There were 6 of us assigned to a Shrink. We worked and even went TDY to Europe and the Shrink went with us. He got an all expense paid trip to Europe. In the end, I got a paper that stated I was sane. yes, I am documented as sane by not only the Medical Community but the United States Military. Where is your documentation that states you are sane?
I've never been "a real mess" as you have, never required therapy as you have, and never needed anyone to stamp "sane" on my forehead to remind me I'm OK.

That you believe it actually means you are sane says much about your mental and emotional conditions but if you reread this thread I never said you are insane. I did agree with the Psychology Today article in which the author concludes that those who "have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning … may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D

To summarize: if you still cry yourself to sleep every night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every morning, and obsess about D.J Trump all day you should consider committing yourself for more observation.

I doubt seriously that there are more than one or, maybe, two in here that might fit that bill. You certainly like to toss that around. So you don't mind if I toss around the sickness of those that blindly follow Trump without question. I can bet there are more of those than the ones you keep bringing up. Chances are, the ones you keep talking about would have already ate the business end of a shotgun or, in the case of an extreme leftist, overdosed with some sort of dangerous drugs already. Be very careful with your groups mental health if Trump loses in 2020 or leaves office before then. He will not go quietly in the night and I predict, in that case, all Holy Hell is going to break out. I suggest you take care of your bunches mental health first.
There are none here who "blindly follow Trump without question" but you need to believe that because your "cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning" have been distorted by your uncontrollable hatred for a man you do not know and to whom you have never spoken.

I realize you don't want to hear this and I know you do not believe it but I want all Americans - including you and those like you in my life - to find some relief from the now 31 month long distress that has filled your lives with so much misery and distress. Trust me ... the Republic will survive and perhaps even thrive the next 5 1/2 years and even you can be part of it but you must let go of the all-consuming hatred that has ruled your life since Trump defeated "the most qualified candidate evah."
And dwelling on it like you do also shows a serious disturbance and distressing manner. YOU may need mental health support.
So because I note that you are a sick pup and because I am concerned about the mental & emotional health of my fellow Americans that I am the one who is disturbed and distressed?

You are familiar with the term "projection," right?

When I got back from South East Asia (I was never stationed in Vietnam so I don't get to wear the hat) I was a real mess. There were 6 of us assigned to a Shrink. We worked and even went TDY to Europe and the Shrink went with us. He got an all expense paid trip to Europe. In the end, I got a paper that stated I was sane. yes, I am documented as sane by not only the Medical Community but the United States Military. Where is your documentation that states you are sane?
I've never been "a real mess" as you have, never required therapy as you have, and never needed anyone to stamp "sane" on my forehead to remind me I'm OK.

That you believe it actually means you are sane says much about your mental and emotional conditions but if you reread this thread I never said you are insane. I did agree with the Psychology Today article in which the author concludes that those who "have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning … may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D

To summarize: if you still cry yourself to sleep every night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every morning, and obsess about D.J Trump all day you should consider committing yourself for more observation.

I doubt seriously that there are more than one or, maybe, two in here that might fit that bill. You certainly like to toss that around. So you don't mind if I toss around the sickness of those that blindly follow Trump without question. I can bet there are more of those than the ones you keep bringing up. Chances are, the ones you keep talking about would have already ate the business end of a shotgun or, in the case of an extreme leftist, overdosed with some sort of dangerous drugs already. Be very careful with your groups mental health if Trump loses in 2020 or leaves office before then. He will not go quietly in the night and I predict, in that case, all Holy Hell is going to break out. I suggest you take care of your bunches mental health first.
There are none here who "blindly follow Trump without question" but you need to believe that because your "cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning" have been distorted by your uncontrollable hatred for a man you do not know and to whom you have never spoken.

I realize you don't want to hear this and I know you do not believe it but I want all Americans - including you and those like you in my life - to find some relief from the now 31 month long distress that has filled your lives with so much misery and distress. Trust me ... the Republic will survive and perhaps even thrive the next 5 1/2 years and even you can be part of it but you must let go of the all-consuming hatred that has ruled your life since Trump defeated "the most qualified candidate evah."

Trump didn't defeat the most qualified candidate evah. Hillary was just a bigger nightmare than Trump in the Electoral College's eyes. It was a case of, "I had better drink the battery acid because the Drano is so bad for me". It was even worse than when Bush, Jr ran both times. I voted for Bush Jr both times because he was slightly better than the battery acid but his foes weren't. But Trump and Hillary? Strictly battery acid and drano. And Trump is still battery acid. The problem is, the Dems are so eaten up, they still try and present both battery acid and drano candidates. Can you imagine if they present someone like Bennet or Jim Webb? Wouldn''t it be refreshing to see a runoff between Jim Webb (D) and Nicky Haley (R)? Jim Webb already gave up that ghost 8 years ago and Nicky Haley will NEVER get the chance. Both of them are just way too qualified and don't have any excess baggage.

Instead, we are right back to Battery Acid and Drano.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

It’s not the duty of U.S. taxpayers to support the children of law breakers. They can take care of their own kids.
And thank you for agreeing to my comment via not refuting it but rather adding some archaic KKK irrelevancy.
The left can not win on today's issue debates so they MUST pander to the dregs of society for support.

And lol at the kkk being anything but a footnote in today's society. The left are void of real ideas and thoughts.

The original thought was the support of the left fringe groups for the Dems. I just brought up the Right fringe groups that support the Reps. Not a whole lot of difference. Both sides have their own fair share of nutcases. Or are your nutcases a better class of nutcases than their nutcases?

KKK? Membership? 5k? Virtually nonexistent
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


Bless His Heart.

And now the children coming in with parents or being rented to others as children can now wait in Mexico for a couple of years.

Those that enter illegally, after being returned to Mexico can now be deported to their Home Country. IMMEDIATELY

With the money we save, maybe we can furnish portables for Democrats in Frisco and LA to shit in instead of on the streets.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

It’s not the duty of U.S. taxpayers to support the children of law breakers. They can take care of their own kids.

They will have to. Since Trump could not get the commie Congress to work with him, he forced Mexico to work with him. Now they are taking frantic measures to make sure they don't lose their biggest customer, the United States of America. They are sending troops south to stop the flow of migrants entering their country, and more effort north to stop the people that already have.

Years ago this would not be possible as Mexico was a major oil exporter to the US. Today, we have plenty of our own oil and have Mexico by the gringos. Thank goodness Democrats didn't have enough power at the time to stop fracking.

People who worked with Trump in the past have always said Trump is the kind of guy that likes a challenge; to do things people said were impossible to do. Now he is supporting that opinion of him as our President.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

It’s not the duty of U.S. taxpayers to support the children of law breakers. They can take care of their own kids.

They will have to. Since Trump could not get the commie Congress to work with him, he forced Mexico to work with him. Now they are taking frantic measures to make sure they don't lose their biggest customer, the United States of America. They are sending troops south to stop the flow of migrants entering their country, and more effort north to stop the people that already have.

Years ago this would not be possible as Mexico was a major oil exporter to the US. Today, we have plenty of our own oil and have Mexico by the gringos. Thank goodness Democrats didn't have enough power at the time to stop fracking.

People who worked with Trump in the past have always said Trump is the kind of guy that likes a challenge; to do things people said were impossible to do. Now he is supporting that opinion of him as our President.

Commie Congresss? They passed spending for the border & your fucking asshole orange buddy vetoed it.

The FACT is Trump did not know how to solve the border situation so he tried to bully Mexico into solving it for him.

You cheer as the school yard bully steals lunch money from the smaller kids.

Mexico is still a large supplier of US oil.

Our oil supplies increased under Obama. Under Obama, our imports from Mexico were nearly cut in half.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

It’s not the duty of U.S. taxpayers to support the children of law breakers. They can take care of their own kids.

So, if a kid shows up & you can't find the patents, just let the kid starve.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

So you are suggesting that we spend more money we don't have to educate and entertain those that may not be allowed into the country? I thought you were one of those who was raising a stink about the deficit under Trump.

You are upset that illegals are not getting world class treatment while veterans and others live on the street. Why are they more important then veterans?

Perhaps the only reason you care at all is because you can lay blame on Trump. If it were anyone else you probably would not even have noticed.

I get it. Fuck these children as you run around screaming about abortion.

We found 1.5 trillion for the tax cut. Trump found billions for his wall.

We just spent a million to haul the Trump clan to his Scotland gold course.

But we can properly take care of children that came here unaccompanied.

Congress is not giving them more funds.
Congress didn't give your orange buddy any wall money either.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


It is particularly sickening that any hint of such a move would not only be considered but embraced. You really have to wonder what types of monsters Conservatives are raising in their homes when the adults are so hostile to civility.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


It is particularly sickening that any hint of such a move would not only be considered but embraced. You really have to wonder what types of monsters Conservatives are raising in their homes when the adults are so hostile to civility.

So what do you want him to do? There is only so much money and the Democrats are not going to give him one dime more. So they are using that money for food and medical care instead of perks.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

It’s not the duty of U.S. taxpayers to support the children of law breakers. They can take care of their own kids.

They will have to. Since Trump could not get the commie Congress to work with him, he forced Mexico to work with him. Now they are taking frantic measures to make sure they don't lose their biggest customer, the United States of America. They are sending troops south to stop the flow of migrants entering their country, and more effort north to stop the people that already have.

Years ago this would not be possible as Mexico was a major oil exporter to the US. Today, we have plenty of our own oil and have Mexico by the gringos. Thank goodness Democrats didn't have enough power at the time to stop fracking.

People who worked with Trump in the past have always said Trump is the kind of guy that likes a challenge; to do things people said were impossible to do. Now he is supporting that opinion of him as our President.

Commie Congresss? They passed spending for the border & your fucking asshole orange buddy vetoed it.

The FACT is Trump did not know how to solve the border situation so he tried to bully Mexico into solving it for him.

You cheer as the school yard bully steals lunch money from the smaller kids.

Mexico is still a large supplier of US oil.

Our oil supplies increased under Obama. Under Obama, our imports from Mexico were nearly cut in half.

Yes he did veto it because he wanted more money to facilitate these people. Instead, Democrats didn't provide the money because they wanted to force Trump into Catch and Release again which means asylum seekers getting into our country never to be seen again unless they get caught in criminal activity.,

The spending bill would fund a yearly average of 45,274 detention beds, according to Republican and Democratic offices involved in the negotiations. That number represents a 12 percent increase over funded levels in fiscal year 2018 — a significant concession, but far below the 52,000 beds Trump had requested.

ICE was detaining 48,502 people as of Feb. 2, with a yearly average of 45,814 detainees in its custody.

Democrats continued to argue that the bill “establishes Congress’s intent” to reduce the detention population to 40,520 by the end of the fiscal year. No clause within the bill makes that mandatory, but Democrats say that ICE will need to cut detention levels to arrive at a 45,274-bed yearly average.

Funding bill includes new limits on Trump’s immigration crackdown
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


It is particularly sickening that any hint of such a move would not only be considered but embraced. You really have to wonder what types of monsters Conservatives are raising in their homes when the adults are so hostile to civility.
selective civility
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


It is particularly sickening that any hint of such a move would not only be considered but embraced. You really have to wonder what types of monsters Conservatives are raising in their homes when the adults are so hostile to civility.

So what do you want him to do? There is only so much money and the Democrats are not going to give him one dime more. So they are using that money for food and medical care instead of perks.

False. Border security is the sticking point. Not refugee services. But then again refugee healthcare was already cut from the HHS budget so if there is an outbreak, that’s on the blob also.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


It is particularly sickening that any hint of such a move would not only be considered but embraced. You really have to wonder what types of monsters Conservatives are raising in their homes when the adults are so hostile to civility.

So what do you want him to do? There is only so much money and the Democrats are not going to give him one dime more. So they are using that money for food and medical care instead of perks.

False. Border security is the sticking point. Not refugee services. But then again refugee healthcare was already cut from the HHS budget so if there is an outbreak, that’s on the blob also.

Of course it will be on him. The MSM wouldn't have it any other way. They will never blame the lack of a wall that allows diseased migrants into the US. As for border security, our border patrol are spending over 60% of their manpower trying to accommodate these invaders instead of patrolling.

Not to worry though. Trump forced Mexico to help out in preventing migrants coming to our borders.

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