Trump cutting services for children at the border

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.

There are nearly 8 billion people in this world, a good percentage of them needy children. How many children should this country of 21 trillion in debt help?
Those that show up unaccompanied at our door?

How many children do you think we should allow to die
None. Allow the adults to die. Deport the children.

The left claim to be a majority in this country yet I don't see anyone on the left donating money to these poor south American countries.

You don't know who donates to whom. You assfucks think only Republicans are going into these countries and helping them?

Trumpettes are too stupid to get why we need to help these Central American countries.

1) The drug lords use them as a headquarters & staging area for the drugs that come into this country
2) These drug lords create a dangerous living situation for the people
3) These people flee & become refugees.
4) The Governments need help to fight these Drug Lords.
5) If we don't help, what if China, Russia or Cuba helps. If we help countries, we can develop friendly trading partners.
6) If we help these countries develop their econmies, their people will not want to leave & we will not hasve this border problem.

Lib please you cheap skate bastards give nothing to the poor. You are only generous with other peoples money am I right. No need to answer we already know.
Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.

There are nearly 8 billion people in this world, a good percentage of them needy children. How many children should this country of 21 trillion in debt help?
Those that show up unaccompanied at our door?

How many children do you think we should allow to die

Millions are dying right now in Africa yet the left remains silent, instead focusing on south America. I think we all know why, future Dem voters am I right. :icon_rolleyes:

Children are dying in Africa therefore, we should let them die on our doorstep.

Go ahead lead by example. You don't need internet service, what you spend on that could feed several dying kids in Africa. No? Yeah we didn't think so. :eusa_hand:
There are nearly 8 billion people in this world, a good percentage of them needy children. How many children should this country of 21 trillion in debt help?
Those that show up unaccompanied at our door?

How many children do you think we should allow to die

Millions are dying right now in Africa yet the left remains silent, instead focusing on south America. I think we all know why, future Dem voters am I right. :icon_rolleyes:

Children are dying in Africa therefore, we should let them die on our doorstep.
Their parents should be charged with child abuse.
Fine, chsrge them.

But in the meantime what do you want to do with the children? Lock them in cages? Treat them like shit? Blame them?

They can bunk with you and you can feed them okay. Head on down to the shelter and volunteer.
Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.

I pay taxes as well. I expect my government to help American children, homeless vets and other citizens - do you disagree?

Every dollar spent on the unwelcome invaders takes a dollar from needy Americans.

Bullshit, You assfucks don't want to help poor people./ You wine about them every fucking day.

Vets? You voted for Trump who trashed them. Repiblicans block bills that help vets.

S[fuck opff
Trumtting services for children at the border
Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.

I pay taxes as well. I expect my government to help American children, homeless vets and other citizens - do you disagree?

Every dollar spent on the unwelcome invaders takes a dollar from needy Americans.

You took money & gave it to wealthy people. You whine about poor people, your party has blocks bills to help vets, you voted for a man who trashed vets, you vote against education.

Sell your house, empty your bank accounts give until it hurts then you can report back here and point fingers.

So, you sold everything & donated it to Trump's wall & his golf trips & to help pay for his tax cuts,.

Why is it you assfucks think it is great for the government to fund the shit you like but have a God damn fit when it does something it should & you don't like it.

When hell freezes over and you liberal do gooders actually lead by example donating your own money then come talk to me. I give over 10% of my net income monthly to charity, I doubt you give a dime.
Our government does not take our money and give it to illegals and whomever they drag along with them. It’s obvious you are on the dole because anyone who has Ever earned money won’t be in favor of the government directing it to non citizens.

Ask the left to give up 20% of their government handouts to help poor people in other countries, then watch their heads explode.
There are no invaders you bigoted fool. There are people seeking help for their children.

Trumpettes hate their own children.

Sure do. That's why we are killing them off left and right.
You condemn them to a more difficult future, you want to arm school shooters with semi-automatic weapons, you want to cut food stamps, you want to cut education, you want to allow measles toting kids to run free,

No, I want kids with measles in their own country and not affecting our children.
Because I believe in the right of Americans to own firearms doesn't mean I believe in arming school shooters.
Yes, I do want food stamps cut, and they were in Republican states. Everybody is living just fine.
I don't want to cut education, I just don't want to pay for somebody else's education. Have all the eduction you can afford.
Excellent. Now send them back.

Well said. You know, the thought of my tax dollars (any fraction thereof) buying these juvenile invaders X Boxes or whatever while fellow veterans suffer for shit VA care and live under bridges (I know a few) and American Children sleep on the streets doesn't just piss people off, it makes them further hate American Leftism and anyone or anything associated with it. Selectively caring about certain children will not keep the Democrats who champion free and absolute immigration from the wrath of the American People.
So, what are repugs doing about the homeless veterans and kids? Cutting more services probably.
Trump cutting services for children at the border

Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.

There are nearly 8 billion people in this world, a good percentage of them needy children. How many children should this country of 21 trillion in debt help?
Those that show up unaccompanied at our door?

How many children do you think we should allow to die

Those kids are not our responsibility, and the only reason they send them here is to have them sneak into the country. They made it here alive, they can make it home alive.
Trump cutting services for children at the border

Did you empty your bank account and send the money to these illegals to assist them? I'm guessing you contributed $0.00 to this 'crisis'.

I pay taxes & I expect my government not to be cruel assfucks that hand money to the wearthy & cart around some fat ass bastard in golf trips but can't help CHILDREN that show up at our border,.

There are nearly 8 billion people in this world, a good percentage of them needy children. How many children should this country of 21 trillion in debt help?
Those that show up unaccompanied at our door?

How many children do you think we should allow to die

Those kids are not our responsibility, and the only reason they send them here is to have them sneak into the country. They made it here alive, they can make it home alive.

Meanwhile poor black kids in dem run inner cities are destined for Dem run prisons and a living hell.
The original thought was the support of the left fringe groups for the Dems. I just brought up the Right fringe groups that support the Reps. Not a whole lot of difference. Both sides have their own fair share of nutcases. Or are your nutcases a better class of nutcases than their nutcases?

KKK? Membership? 5k? Virtually nonexistent

Now, where do you get your 5K figure at? Bet that was painful. Hope you wiped afterwards.

Guesstimate. If you listen to the news it’s between 4K-8K so a pittance. And since you went the ad Hominem route, I will respond. I have seen your posts for months. They bring nothing to the conversation and you are the epitome of waste of space. I never opined before because I wanted to be civil but since you do not, I am free to smash you. Thank you for that. It is very much appreciated.

So it could be 4K or it could be 400K as well. That's a Wag. I can accept a SWAG but not a WAG.

Nope. 8k is the max your English needs work. 400k LMAO. This isn’t 1960. Can you accept that you’re dumber than a pile of rocks?

I accept that you pulled a number out your rectum and you didn't even wipe it off.
KKK? Membership? 5k? Virtually nonexistent

Now, where do you get your 5K figure at? Bet that was painful. Hope you wiped afterwards.

Guesstimate. If you listen to the news it’s between 4K-8K so a pittance. And since you went the ad Hominem route, I will respond. I have seen your posts for months. They bring nothing to the conversation and you are the epitome of waste of space. I never opined before because I wanted to be civil but since you do not, I am free to smash you. Thank you for that. It is very much appreciated.

So it could be 4K or it could be 400K as well. That's a Wag. I can accept a SWAG but not a WAG.

Nope. 8k is the max your English needs work. 400k LMAO. This isn’t 1960. Can you accept that you’re dumber than a pile of rocks?

I accept that you pulled a number out your rectum and you didn't even wipe it off.

My number was proven by a different poster. You lose again. At least you’re used to it.
Excellent. Now send them back.
Hey, billy! Do you remember the stories of a ship called the 'Exodus"? I believe that was the name. Anyway, it was a ship full of Jews escaping Europe seeking asylum. Due to the politics of the day, it was turned away from our shores. It left to seek asylum elsewhere, but never made a landing, and I believe all was lost. I'll have to look up more facts, but the story is real. And those old enough to remember are still haunted that we turned away to their death those who sought refuge.

Your attitude on the current immigration crisis is the politics of our day....A complete reversal of the values we learned with our mother's milk. And I'm pretty sure our kids and grandkids will be haunted by it.

We need to count our blessings.
We'll let Egypt take them then
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


That's terrible.
We need to expedite their return to their home country.
And build the wall already.
The fact that they keep coming to this racist country is proof they're too stupid to know what's best for them. Send them home before 5heyre victimized anymore by th his vile country!
And thank you for agreeing to my comment via not refuting it but rather adding some archaic KKK irrelevancy.
The left can not win on today's issue debates so they MUST pander to the dregs of society for support.

And lol at the kkk being anything but a footnote in today's society. The left are void of real ideas and thoughts.

The original thought was the support of the left fringe groups for the Dems. I just brought up the Right fringe groups that support the Reps. Not a whole lot of difference. Both sides have their own fair share of nutcases. Or are your nutcases a better class of nutcases than their nutcases?

KKK? Membership? 5k? Virtually nonexistent

Now, where do you get your 5K figure at? Bet that was painful. Hope you wiped afterwards.

As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total KKK membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC) puts it at 6,000 members total.[19]

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

In other words, no one is sure. It could be less or it could be more. There could also be sleepers. Please wipe that number off before you present it. It's loaded with crap.
The left can not win on today's issue debates so they MUST pander to the dregs of society for support.

And lol at the kkk being anything but a footnote in today's society. The left are void of real ideas and thoughts.

The original thought was the support of the left fringe groups for the Dems. I just brought up the Right fringe groups that support the Reps. Not a whole lot of difference. Both sides have their own fair share of nutcases. Or are your nutcases a better class of nutcases than their nutcases?

KKK? Membership? 5k? Virtually nonexistent

Now, where do you get your 5K figure at? Bet that was painful. Hope you wiped afterwards.

As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total KKK membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC) puts it at 6,000 members total.[19]

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

In other words, no one is sure. It could be less or it could be more. There could also be sleepers. Please wipe that number off before you present it. It's loaded with crap.
No, it means the racist SPLC has a political agenda in creating a "threat" out of nothing.
The left can not win on today's issue debates so they MUST pander to the dregs of society for support.

And lol at the kkk being anything but a footnote in today's society. The left are void of real ideas and thoughts.

The original thought was the support of the left fringe groups for the Dems. I just brought up the Right fringe groups that support the Reps. Not a whole lot of difference. Both sides have their own fair share of nutcases. Or are your nutcases a better class of nutcases than their nutcases?

KKK? Membership? 5k? Virtually nonexistent

Now, where do you get your 5K figure at? Bet that was painful. Hope you wiped afterwards.

As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total KKK membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC) puts it at 6,000 members total.[19]

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

In other words, no one is sure. It could be less or it could be more. There could also be sleepers. Please wipe that number off before you present it. It's loaded with crap.

LMAO. No we are pretty sure. “Sleepers”? You’re an idiot.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied.
Dave, are you saying these children escaped from their parents?

They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services. No more
every country in the world denies that to them...even their own

The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing
that's being righted dave

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.
cuz these folks were not poor before the tax cuts?

Another example of Trump mismanagement.
and proof of just how big a lie it was to pretend hillary was the smartest choice to run against him

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.
you are the only one engaging in this/that
Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.
if that were true there is not a liberal in this country who would not vote for him

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.
lol...omit the word "ON" and you have the liberal version of that.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors[/QUOTE]
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The left can not win on today's issue debates so they MUST pander to the dregs of society for support.

And lol at the kkk being anything but a footnote in today's society. The left are void of real ideas and thoughts.

The original thought was the support of the left fringe groups for the Dems. I just brought up the Right fringe groups that support the Reps. Not a whole lot of difference. Both sides have their own fair share of nutcases. Or are your nutcases a better class of nutcases than their nutcases?

KKK? Membership? 5k? Virtually nonexistent

Now, where do you get your 5K figure at? Bet that was painful. Hope you wiped afterwards.

As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total KKK membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC) puts it at 6,000 members total.[19]

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

In other words, no one is sure. It could be less or it could be more. There could also be sleepers. Please wipe that number off before you present it. It's loaded with crap.

What's crap about it? It's from leftist sources. Sleeper KKK members? What are they sleeping for? Are they tired or something?

What is is about you on the left that can never admit when you are wrong? You asked for evidence, I provided that evidence, and now you come up with sleeper members?????

So let's cut to the chase. Two estimates were given: one at 3,000 and another at 6,000. That means AzogtheDefiler was pretty much right on the money; actually, maybe a little over.

Now if you don't believe those estimates, then keep kidding yourself. But if you have a chance, dig up some videos of KKK rallies and see how many attended. It's probably around a hundred or so in most cases.
Excellent. Now send them back.
Hey, billy! Do you remember the stories of a ship called the 'Exodus"? I believe that was the name. Anyway, it was a ship full of Jews escaping Europe seeking asylum. Due to the politics of the day, it was turned away from our shores. It left to seek asylum elsewhere, but never made a landing, and I believe all was lost. I'll have to look up more facts, but the story is real. And those old enough to remember are still haunted that we turned away to their death those who sought refuge.

Your attitude on the current immigration crisis is the politics of our day....A complete reversal of the values we learned with our mother's milk. And I'm pretty sure our kids and grandkids will be haunted by it.

We need to count our blessings.
Remember who was president when Exodus was seeking asylum? It's not a good example for Dims to bring up.
We could have given them Texas.
Who is them?

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