Trump cutting services for children at the border

presumed goal is to Keep the invaders out of the USA . Last thing i care about in 'humanitarian , dirty diapers , human trafficking , hungry or sick papooses or widdle invaders . Just keep the papooses and 'otm' and their parents in their third world zhitholes from where they come from eh .
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

Better than the Obama admin handing them over to child traffickers. For years.... never heard of that??? Of course not, you never will on CNN etc.

FACT CHECK: Did the Obama Administration Place Immigrant Children With Human Traffickers?

Among the many dark closet acts of the Obama admin you never knew.

Obama did not hand them over. There was a loophole in the screening process for sponsors of immigrant children that would screen for traffickers. Once discovered it was fixs ed & there were prosecutions.

Your fat assed orange buddy is doing it on purpose.

HAhahaha.... talk about glossing over what happened.
Jesus Christ dude.... you're hopelessly lost.
Pretty bad you are going to excuse away one of the worst happenings in modern history by our government. Perhaps you missed the congressional investigation that found them guilty. The Obama admin didn't even do the most BASIC vetting of who they handed children over to. And ignores rising concerns over the agencies that were trafficking the children for slave labor.
Go back and suck down some more's all you can handle.
What's crap about it? It's from leftist sources. Sleeper KKK members? What are they sleeping for? Are they tired or something?

What is is about you on the left that can never admit when you are wrong? You asked for evidence, I provided that evidence, and now you come up with sleeper members?????

So let's cut to the chase. Two estimates were given: one at 3,000 and another at 6,000. That means AzogtheDefiler was pretty much right on the money; actually, maybe a little over.

Now if you don't believe those estimates, then keep kidding yourself. But if you have a chance, dig up some videos of KKK rallies and see how many attended. It's probably around a hundred or so in most cases.

Are you saying that a few hundred KKKers at a KKK rally is insignificant? Damn, you sure are screwed in the head. The problem with you JBCers is that you aren't that far off the KKKers (you aren't a republican). If I were you, I would worry about the crash that's coming where it all comes down around you. Unfortunately, it also crash around the rest of us as well. And it happens this year or early next year. I don't have to be a genius to predict that. It's already started. Trump is leaving office Jan 2021 and He won't leave gentle. His world will already have crashed around his ears. And your world will (in your tiny mind) will also crash with it. This is not something any of us look forward to. Trump will attempt to finish the job of tearing the entire country to the ground. And he's betting you are going to assist him. You may not but there will be enough fruitcakes that will that the violence level will be deafening. You gave him way too many free rides and now he thinks it's the Will of Trump (God) that He will continue to get them. Nope, the US is due for a Recession very soon the way it's being handled right now. Many of the old Checks and Balances that would prevent the recession have been removed. Grab your ass and get ready for one hell of a ride.

Yes. Insignificant. You just got exposed. Your Trump hatred clouds you. Even 1k is insignificant. It’s a free country and the Klan hates me more than anyone so I get the trepidation but I can name 100 things that are more dangerous to Jews and Blacks than the Klan. And Leftists are on that list. Aka you.

Wow, I just made it to the top of your hate list. I can see me getting a special dinner out of it, being introduced at the awards ceremony, walking slowly to the podium, giving an acceptance speech for the coveted award and getting the Bigly audience applause that anyone has ever received. I'll put that award where it belongs. Bend over.

Learn to read. I am on the top of your hate list. You’re insignificant just like the clan and I dont swing that way. So you like other men? LMAO. Weirdo.

LOL, in your dreams. You don't even make the list. And we all have a list. Mine is quite short. Even if it was that long, I doubt seriously if you would even make dishonorable mention. You are insignificant, little pissant.

But you’re responding? Hmmmm...
Except they oppose every measure proposed to close the border.

You're just another lying leftwing sack of shit.

Hey, stupid, your stupid fantasy argument will never happen. You cannot actually completely close the border. Well, not until they invent Force Fields, that is. And then to have that force field, we are going to have to spend over 50% of our GDP to pay for it and maintain it. And we are at least 100 years away from anything like that. Even then, I am sure, that some evil Genius will come up with some sort of Frequency Modulator to get around that. The present idea of the "Big and Beautiful" wall is tomorrows Force Field.

The Chinese had a brilliant idea for a Wall too. They spent generations building it. They spent entire nations fortunes on it. They spent millions of lives on it. In the end, how effective was it? The Mongols just went around it and invaded anyway. The horse beat the wall. The Chinese just didn't have enough money nor people to ever get that wall completely finished before the Horde came crashing in. All the Wall did was slow them down and look real nifty from Space.

Considering most of the problems have come from the Newly Elected Presidential Policies, I think you have better look at the Orange One for the solution, not Congress who knows that you don't build that wall overnight and has budgeted it that way since 2006. If you can't do that then you need to go to the border and start patrolling there yourself.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Their border jumpers must be lazy. Our southern border jumpers would just bring ropes, blankets to throw over the wire and a few other simple items and be over that fencing (wall) in under 10 seconds. As always, I guess America just has a better class of everything.
Show us where any border crosser has done that.

Geez, it's been all over the news. They've brought cutting torches, wire cutters, ladders, crashed trucks though barriers, and more. You need to get out more. That cave must be lonely.
Prove it, asshole.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

Better than the Obama admin handing them over to child traffickers. For years.... never heard of that??? Of course not, you never will on CNN etc.

FACT CHECK: Did the Obama Administration Place Immigrant Children With Human Traffickers?

Among the many dark closet acts of the Obama admin you never knew.

Obama did not hand them over. There was a loophole in the screening process for sponsors of immigrant children that would screen for traffickers. Once discovered it was fixs ed & there were prosecutions.

Your fat assed orange buddy is doing it on purpose.
In other words, the Obama administration handed them over.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

So you are suggesting that we spend more money we don't have to educate and entertain those that may not be allowed into the country? I thought you were one of those who was raising a stink about the deficit under Trump.

You are upset that illegals are not getting world class treatment while veterans and others live on the street. Why are they more important then veterans?

Perhaps the only reason you care at all is because you can lay blame on Trump. If it were anyone else you probably would not even have noticed.

We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors


That's terrible.
We need to expedite their return to their home country.
And build the wall already.

We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors .
US tax revenue is for US taxpayer interests. I know … America-first really burns the bums of leftarded lemmings.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!!!:D

Wow, you people are really tough on REAL DUMB! We need be nicer, more understanding, caring. Just because he calls all of us every IST in the book he can think of, means nothing.

Now I think we ought to show our caring side, and get together and buy REAL DUMB a one way ticket to El Salvador or somewhere like that, so he can do GOOD THINGS! We can put him on a bus with his Frito, Cheetos, and chips, and send him there; and just think, his mommy will LOVE us for getting his lazy a** out of her basement. Heck, we can even pitch in for a solar flashlight to bribe him, and he will think he is following the GREEN NEW DEAL!

I am willing to kick in 5 bucks to put him on a bus to his utopia. How about you-)
Many here at USMB, including myself, mimic and/or ridicule those who have regular outbursts of irrationality often regarding the POTUS, his fam, his policies, his tweets, his appearance, his ... well ... his everything. As the phenomenon is widespread - afflicting millions of Americans including much of NY, Cali, the media, and WashDC - Psychology Today tackled the issue of whether TDS is a real mental disorder. In that the mass hysteria is readily observable behavior, the author concludes that "Such people may need mental health support."

For those who still cry themselves to sleep every stinking night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every stinking morning, and obsess all day long I respectfully suggest they at least consider committing themselves for observation.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
"Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.
You're a joke supporting this slimeball
Do you wear an antifa mask when you post?
What's crap about it? It's from leftist sources. Sleeper KKK members? What are they sleeping for? Are they tired or something?

What is is about you on the left that can never admit when you are wrong? You asked for evidence, I provided that evidence, and now you come up with sleeper members?????

So let's cut to the chase. Two estimates were given: one at 3,000 and another at 6,000. That means AzogtheDefiler was pretty much right on the money; actually, maybe a little over.

Now if you don't believe those estimates, then keep kidding yourself. But if you have a chance, dig up some videos of KKK rallies and see how many attended. It's probably around a hundred or so in most cases.

Are you saying that a few hundred KKKers at a KKK rally is insignificant? Damn, you sure are screwed in the head. The problem with you JBCers is that you aren't that far off the KKKers (you aren't a republican). If I were you, I would worry about the crash that's coming where it all comes down around you. Unfortunately, it also crash around the rest of us as well. And it happens this year or early next year. I don't have to be a genius to predict that. It's already started. Trump is leaving office Jan 2021 and He won't leave gentle. His world will already have crashed around his ears. And your world will (in your tiny mind) will also crash with it. This is not something any of us look forward to. Trump will attempt to finish the job of tearing the entire country to the ground. And he's betting you are going to assist him. You may not but there will be enough fruitcakes that will that the violence level will be deafening. You gave him way too many free rides and now he thinks it's the Will of Trump (God) that He will continue to get them. Nope, the US is due for a Recession very soon the way it's being handled right now. Many of the old Checks and Balances that would prevent the recession have been removed. Grab your ass and get ready for one hell of a ride.
How is Trump "tearing the country to the ground," by opposing open borders?

It's a BS argument. Almost everyone you and your Orange One claims wants open borders doesn't want open borders.

Then why are they not acting to close them?

And where do you get the idea (outside of the voices in your head) that they aren't?

Because there is no evidence that they are doing so.

There is nothing wrong with attempting to close them. But sane people know that the border can NEVER be completely closed without boots on the ground to do it. WALLS only work to slow the intruders down. Sort of like the walls of a prison only slow the prisoners down long enough so the Guards can actually stop the Prisoners from escaping. Even then, there are still some that succeed. Stop being so damned stupid and get real.

Real is a wall AND boots on the ground with Barrett M82s and SOS authority AND an "internal wall" that prevents illegals from conducting business of any kind, nationwide.

I'm all for getting real.
What's crap about it? It's from leftist sources. Sleeper KKK members? What are they sleeping for? Are they tired or something?

What is is about you on the left that can never admit when you are wrong? You asked for evidence, I provided that evidence, and now you come up with sleeper members?????

So let's cut to the chase. Two estimates were given: one at 3,000 and another at 6,000. That means AzogtheDefiler was pretty much right on the money; actually, maybe a little over.

Now if you don't believe those estimates, then keep kidding yourself. But if you have a chance, dig up some videos of KKK rallies and see how many attended. It's probably around a hundred or so in most cases.

Are you saying that a few hundred KKKers at a KKK rally is insignificant? Damn, you sure are screwed in the head. The problem with you JBCers is that you aren't that far off the KKKers (you aren't a republican). If I were you, I would worry about the crash that's coming where it all comes down around you. Unfortunately, it also crash around the rest of us as well. And it happens this year or early next year. I don't have to be a genius to predict that. It's already started. Trump is leaving office Jan 2021 and He won't leave gentle. His world will already have crashed around his ears. And your world will (in your tiny mind) will also crash with it. This is not something any of us look forward to. Trump will attempt to finish the job of tearing the entire country to the ground. And he's betting you are going to assist him. You may not but there will be enough fruitcakes that will that the violence level will be deafening. You gave him way too many free rides and now he thinks it's the Will of Trump (God) that He will continue to get them. Nope, the US is due for a Recession very soon the way it's being handled right now. Many of the old Checks and Balances that would prevent the recession have been removed. Grab your ass and get ready for one hell of a ride.
How is Trump "tearing the country to the ground," by opposing open borders?

It's a BS argument. Almost everyone you and your Orange One claims wants open borders doesn't want open borders.

Then why are they not acting to close them?

And where do you get the idea (outside of the voices in your head) that they aren't? There is nothing wrong with attempting to close them. But sane people know that the border can NEVER be completely closed without boots on the ground to do it. WALLS only work to slow the intruders down. Sort of like the walls of a prison only slow the prisoners down long enough so the Guards can actually stop the Prisoners from escaping. Even then, there are still some that succeed. Stop being so damned stupid and get real.

Not everybody that tries to cross the border are physically fit. In fact many of them are not. The more difficult it is to get over a wall or fence, the less likely those people will get across even if they tried.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

Better than the Obama admin handing them over to child traffickers. For years.... never heard of that??? Of course not, you never will on CNN etc.

FACT CHECK: Did the Obama Administration Place Immigrant Children With Human Traffickers?

Among the many dark closet acts of the Obama admin you never knew.

You need to read your own Cite. Those children were smuggled in without DHSes knowledge. They discovered them and the Justice Department tried and convicted the people that had done it. The problem was and still is, there are loopholes for unaccompanied children that have NOT been fully addressed by either the Obama nor the Trump administration. It's even worse now. You want to point fingers at Obama. Well, you had better be shaking your entire fist at Trump. It's still wrong no matter what.

Stop giving Trump all these free rides.
Are you saying that a few hundred KKKers at a KKK rally is insignificant? Damn, you sure are screwed in the head. The problem with you JBCers is that you aren't that far off the KKKers (you aren't a republican). If I were you, I would worry about the crash that's coming where it all comes down around you. Unfortunately, it also crash around the rest of us as well. And it happens this year or early next year. I don't have to be a genius to predict that. It's already started. Trump is leaving office Jan 2021 and He won't leave gentle. His world will already have crashed around his ears. And your world will (in your tiny mind) will also crash with it. This is not something any of us look forward to. Trump will attempt to finish the job of tearing the entire country to the ground. And he's betting you are going to assist him. You may not but there will be enough fruitcakes that will that the violence level will be deafening. You gave him way too many free rides and now he thinks it's the Will of Trump (God) that He will continue to get them. Nope, the US is due for a Recession very soon the way it's being handled right now. Many of the old Checks and Balances that would prevent the recession have been removed. Grab your ass and get ready for one hell of a ride.
How is Trump "tearing the country to the ground," by opposing open borders?

It's a BS argument. Almost everyone you and your Orange One claims wants open borders doesn't want open borders.

Then why are they not acting to close them?

And where do you get the idea (outside of the voices in your head) that they aren't?

Because there is no evidence that they are doing so.

There is nothing wrong with attempting to close them. But sane people know that the border can NEVER be completely closed without boots on the ground to do it. WALLS only work to slow the intruders down. Sort of like the walls of a prison only slow the prisoners down long enough so the Guards can actually stop the Prisoners from escaping. Even then, there are still some that succeed. Stop being so damned stupid and get real.

Real is a wall AND boots on the ground with Barrett M82s and SOS authority AND an "internal wall" that prevents illegals from conducting business of any kind, nationwide.

I'm all for getting real.

Ah, so you support East Berlins methods during the cold war. Newsflash: Walls like that are only to keep people in. If you turn the US into that kind of country, there are going to be a whole lot of people that are wanting to get out or take up arms against those that put those programs into place. Don't look for our Military to support such actions, commie, pinko, bastard.
Are you saying that a few hundred KKKers at a KKK rally is insignificant? Damn, you sure are screwed in the head. The problem with you JBCers is that you aren't that far off the KKKers (you aren't a republican). If I were you, I would worry about the crash that's coming where it all comes down around you. Unfortunately, it also crash around the rest of us as well. And it happens this year or early next year. I don't have to be a genius to predict that. It's already started. Trump is leaving office Jan 2021 and He won't leave gentle. His world will already have crashed around his ears. And your world will (in your tiny mind) will also crash with it. This is not something any of us look forward to. Trump will attempt to finish the job of tearing the entire country to the ground. And he's betting you are going to assist him. You may not but there will be enough fruitcakes that will that the violence level will be deafening. You gave him way too many free rides and now he thinks it's the Will of Trump (God) that He will continue to get them. Nope, the US is due for a Recession very soon the way it's being handled right now. Many of the old Checks and Balances that would prevent the recession have been removed. Grab your ass and get ready for one hell of a ride.
How is Trump "tearing the country to the ground," by opposing open borders?

It's a BS argument. Almost everyone you and your Orange One claims wants open borders doesn't want open borders.

Then why are they not acting to close them?

And where do you get the idea (outside of the voices in your head) that they aren't? There is nothing wrong with attempting to close them. But sane people know that the border can NEVER be completely closed without boots on the ground to do it. WALLS only work to slow the intruders down. Sort of like the walls of a prison only slow the prisoners down long enough so the Guards can actually stop the Prisoners from escaping. Even then, there are still some that succeed. Stop being so damned stupid and get real.

Not everybody that tries to cross the border are physically fit. In fact many of them are not. The more difficult it is to get over a wall or fence, the less likely those people will get across even if they tried.

Excuses, Excuses, more Excuses.
We are housing thousands of children who came here unaccompanied. They are kept in facilities where they used to be able to take English Classes & had recreational activities, etc/. No more legal services.

No more. The USA is soooooo poor, we can no longer afford these thing

Another example of the poor paying for the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Another example of Trump mismanagement.

These are children. Not political pawns. Children that were born to parents in poor areas and/or dangerous places.

Another example of how Trump keeps sinking the Republican Party & the United States of America.

Picking on children to profit the wealthy.

Administration Cuts Education And Legal Services For Unaccompanied Minors

Better than the Obama admin handing them over to child traffickers. For years.... never heard of that??? Of course not, you never will on CNN etc.

FACT CHECK: Did the Obama Administration Place Immigrant Children With Human Traffickers?

Among the many dark closet acts of the Obama admin you never knew.

You need to read your own Cite. Those children were smuggled in without DHSes knowledge. They discovered them and the Justice Department tried and convicted the people that had done it. The problem was and still is, there are loopholes for unaccompanied children that have NOT been fully addressed by either the Obama nor the Trump administration. It's even worse now. You want to point fingers at Obama. Well, you had better be shaking your entire fist at Trump. It's still wrong no matter what.

Stop giving Trump all these free rides.
--------------------------- i don't know as i don't know the timeline of when certain hurtful to the USA policies were put in place . But i bet , that lots of the policies that haunt the USA and Trump Administration and Americans were put in place by 'mrobama' or one of his 'hip hopping' crew of embedded traitors 'mrguncontrol Daryl' !!
How is Trump "tearing the country to the ground," by opposing open borders?

It's a BS argument. Almost everyone you and your Orange One claims wants open borders doesn't want open borders.

Then why are they not acting to close them?

And where do you get the idea (outside of the voices in your head) that they aren't?

Because there is no evidence that they are doing so.

There is nothing wrong with attempting to close them. But sane people know that the border can NEVER be completely closed without boots on the ground to do it. WALLS only work to slow the intruders down. Sort of like the walls of a prison only slow the prisoners down long enough so the Guards can actually stop the Prisoners from escaping. Even then, there are still some that succeed. Stop being so damned stupid and get real.

Real is a wall AND boots on the ground with Barrett M82s and SOS authority AND an "internal wall" that prevents illegals from conducting business of any kind, nationwide.

I'm all for getting real.

Ah, so you support East Berlins methods during the cold war. Newsflash: Walls like that are only to keep people in. If you turn the US into that kind of country, there are going to be a whole lot of people that are wanting to get out or take up arms against those that put those programs into place. Don't look for our Military to support such actions, commie, pinko, bastard.
---------------------------- GOOD 'mrguncontol Daryl' .
How is Trump "tearing the country to the ground," by opposing open borders?

It's a BS argument. Almost everyone you and your Orange One claims wants open borders doesn't want open borders.

Then why are they not acting to close them?

And where do you get the idea (outside of the voices in your head) that they aren't?

Because there is no evidence that they are doing so.

There is nothing wrong with attempting to close them. But sane people know that the border can NEVER be completely closed without boots on the ground to do it. WALLS only work to slow the intruders down. Sort of like the walls of a prison only slow the prisoners down long enough so the Guards can actually stop the Prisoners from escaping. Even then, there are still some that succeed. Stop being so damned stupid and get real.

Real is a wall AND boots on the ground with Barrett M82s and SOS authority AND an "internal wall" that prevents illegals from conducting business of any kind, nationwide.

I'm all for getting real.

Ah, so you support East Berlins methods during the cold war. Newsflash: Walls like that are only to keep people in. If you turn the US into that kind of country, there are going to be a whole lot of people that are wanting to get out or take up arms against those that put those programs into place. Don't look for our Military to support such actions, commie, pinko, bastard.
---------------------------- i don't care about 'e berlins' past 40 year old past methods Mr guncontrol Daryl .
How is Trump "tearing the country to the ground," by opposing open borders?

It's a BS argument. Almost everyone you and your Orange One claims wants open borders doesn't want open borders.

Then why are they not acting to close them?

And where do you get the idea (outside of the voices in your head) that they aren't?

Because there is no evidence that they are doing so.

There is nothing wrong with attempting to close them. But sane people know that the border can NEVER be completely closed without boots on the ground to do it. WALLS only work to slow the intruders down. Sort of like the walls of a prison only slow the prisoners down long enough so the Guards can actually stop the Prisoners from escaping. Even then, there are still some that succeed. Stop being so damned stupid and get real.

Real is a wall AND boots on the ground with Barrett M82s and SOS authority AND an "internal wall" that prevents illegals from conducting business of any kind, nationwide.

I'm all for getting real.

Ah, so you support East Berlins methods during the cold war. Newsflash: Walls like that are only to keep people in. If you turn the US into that kind of country, there are going to be a whole lot of people that are wanting to get out or take up arms against those that put those programs into place. Don't look for our Military to support such actions, commie, pinko, bastard.

There is a vast difference between "keeping in" and "keeping out" as all those of sound mind recognize.

What arms will you be taking up?

Just curious.
It's a BS argument. Almost everyone you and your Orange One claims wants open borders doesn't want open borders.

Then why are they not acting to close them?

And where do you get the idea (outside of the voices in your head) that they aren't?

Because there is no evidence that they are doing so.

There is nothing wrong with attempting to close them. But sane people know that the border can NEVER be completely closed without boots on the ground to do it. WALLS only work to slow the intruders down. Sort of like the walls of a prison only slow the prisoners down long enough so the Guards can actually stop the Prisoners from escaping. Even then, there are still some that succeed. Stop being so damned stupid and get real.

Real is a wall AND boots on the ground with Barrett M82s and SOS authority AND an "internal wall" that prevents illegals from conducting business of any kind, nationwide.

I'm all for getting real.

Ah, so you support East Berlins methods during the cold war. Newsflash: Walls like that are only to keep people in. If you turn the US into that kind of country, there are going to be a whole lot of people that are wanting to get out or take up arms against those that put those programs into place. Don't look for our Military to support such actions, commie, pinko, bastard.

There is a vast difference between "keeping in" and "keeping out" as all those of sound mind recognize.

What arms will you be taking up?

Just curious.

And there are a vast different methods of keeping people out and keeping people in. You keep describing placing armed guards with machine gun nests to prevent people from crossing and shooting people in the no mans land. That method is used to keep people in not keep people out, you sick commie pinko bastard.
Then why are they not acting to close them?

And where do you get the idea (outside of the voices in your head) that they aren't?

Because there is no evidence that they are doing so.

There is nothing wrong with attempting to close them. But sane people know that the border can NEVER be completely closed without boots on the ground to do it. WALLS only work to slow the intruders down. Sort of like the walls of a prison only slow the prisoners down long enough so the Guards can actually stop the Prisoners from escaping. Even then, there are still some that succeed. Stop being so damned stupid and get real.

Real is a wall AND boots on the ground with Barrett M82s and SOS authority AND an "internal wall" that prevents illegals from conducting business of any kind, nationwide.

I'm all for getting real.

Ah, so you support East Berlins methods during the cold war. Newsflash: Walls like that are only to keep people in. If you turn the US into that kind of country, there are going to be a whole lot of people that are wanting to get out or take up arms against those that put those programs into place. Don't look for our Military to support such actions, commie, pinko, bastard.

There is a vast difference between "keeping in" and "keeping out" as all those of sound mind recognize.

What arms will you be taking up?

Just curious.

And there are a vast different methods of keeping people out and keeping people in. You keep describing placing armed guards with machine gun nests to prevent people from crossing and shooting people in the no mans land.

I have never suggested any such thing. I favor sharpshooters. You want to take up arms, but you don't know your guns either, I see.

That method is used to keep people in not keep people out, you sick commie pinko bastard.

Commie? Moi? :auiqs.jpg:

That's a first.
And where do you get the idea (outside of the voices in your head) that they aren't?

Because there is no evidence that they are doing so.

There is nothing wrong with attempting to close them. But sane people know that the border can NEVER be completely closed without boots on the ground to do it. WALLS only work to slow the intruders down. Sort of like the walls of a prison only slow the prisoners down long enough so the Guards can actually stop the Prisoners from escaping. Even then, there are still some that succeed. Stop being so damned stupid and get real.

Real is a wall AND boots on the ground with Barrett M82s and SOS authority AND an "internal wall" that prevents illegals from conducting business of any kind, nationwide.

I'm all for getting real.

Ah, so you support East Berlins methods during the cold war. Newsflash: Walls like that are only to keep people in. If you turn the US into that kind of country, there are going to be a whole lot of people that are wanting to get out or take up arms against those that put those programs into place. Don't look for our Military to support such actions, commie, pinko, bastard.

There is a vast difference between "keeping in" and "keeping out" as all those of sound mind recognize.

What arms will you be taking up?

Just curious.

And there are a vast different methods of keeping people out and keeping people in. You keep describing placing armed guards with machine gun nests to prevent people from crossing and shooting people in the no mans land.

I have never suggested any such thing. I favor sharpshooters. You want to take up arms, but you don't know your guns either, I see.

That method is used to keep people in not keep people out, you sick commie pinko bastard.

Commie? Moi? :auiqs.jpg:

That's a first.

I know them a lot better than you do. I am retired Military. And you want to Militarize the Border. Only works if you want to keep people in. Find other methods to keep people out.
Because there is no evidence that they are doing so.

Real is a wall AND boots on the ground with Barrett M82s and SOS authority AND an "internal wall" that prevents illegals from conducting business of any kind, nationwide.

I'm all for getting real.

Ah, so you support East Berlins methods during the cold war. Newsflash: Walls like that are only to keep people in. If you turn the US into that kind of country, there are going to be a whole lot of people that are wanting to get out or take up arms against those that put those programs into place. Don't look for our Military to support such actions, commie, pinko, bastard.

There is a vast difference between "keeping in" and "keeping out" as all those of sound mind recognize.

What arms will you be taking up?

Just curious.

And there are a vast different methods of keeping people out and keeping people in. You keep describing placing armed guards with machine gun nests to prevent people from crossing and shooting people in the no mans land.

I have never suggested any such thing. I favor sharpshooters. You want to take up arms, but you don't know your guns either, I see.

That method is used to keep people in not keep people out, you sick commie pinko bastard.

Commie? Moi? :auiqs.jpg:

That's a first.

I know them a lot better than you do. I am retired Military. And you want to Militarize the Border. Only works if you want to keep people in. Find other methods to keep people out.

No. If we built a wall (fence) around the entire southern border, people will still be able to leave. Leaving this country has nothing to do with a wall, it has to do with government. But a wall will retard or stop people from coming in that our government doesn't want.
Because there is no evidence that they are doing so.

Real is a wall AND boots on the ground with Barrett M82s and SOS authority AND an "internal wall" that prevents illegals from conducting business of any kind, nationwide.

I'm all for getting real.

Ah, so you support East Berlins methods during the cold war. Newsflash: Walls like that are only to keep people in. If you turn the US into that kind of country, there are going to be a whole lot of people that are wanting to get out or take up arms against those that put those programs into place. Don't look for our Military to support such actions, commie, pinko, bastard.

There is a vast difference between "keeping in" and "keeping out" as all those of sound mind recognize.

What arms will you be taking up?

Just curious.

And there are a vast different methods of keeping people out and keeping people in. You keep describing placing armed guards with machine gun nests to prevent people from crossing and shooting people in the no mans land.

I have never suggested any such thing. I favor sharpshooters. You want to take up arms, but you don't know your guns either, I see.

That method is used to keep people in not keep people out, you sick commie pinko bastard.

Commie? Moi? :auiqs.jpg:

That's a first.

I know them a lot better than you do. I am retired Military. And you want to Militarize the Border. Only works if you want to keep people in. Find other methods to keep people out.

You do not know who or what I am, or what I may or may not know.

Your argument is ridiculous in its entirety.

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