Trump: Deadly Texas Shooting Isn’t A Guns Issue, It’s A Mental Health Problem

What’s bazar and twisted is how fast you libs use dead bodies for your political popularity contests. Say, you hear that it may have been an armed citizen who first inguaved this shooter? Na. A blurb on the news, but your type just sit around touching your self until the next mass murder. Truly a character fault on your part.
So, what, armed citizen 1, mass killers hundreds. That's the score, isn't it?
But this is a futile discussion, the aftermath of Sandy Hook demonstrated the US will trade school children for easy access to weapons. Fair enough, everyone picks their poison.
What’s bazar and twisted is how fast you libs use dead bodies for your political popularity contests. Say, you hear that it may have been an armed citizen who first inguaved this shooter? Na. A blurb on the news, but your type just sit around touching your self until the next mass murder. Truly a character fault on your part.
So, what, armed citizen 1, mass killers hundreds. That's the score, isn't it?

Yeah. I mean hell, typically the shooter gets to shoot ALL his targets while they wait for the police to get there after the shooter kills him self. Not so this time. Citizens were the heros. Cops? They just show up and take pictures.
So a rifle that would hit from 200 yards off ? Maybe something along the lines of an old bolt action rifle ? That’s what got Kennedy. Reagon was hit with a .22 revolver, or here, dude could have just bought an AMC gremlin, waited for noon, pointed it at the front door and hit the gas. Or just made a bomb.
But none of those examples are dozens of presidents, which is what large capacity semi autos enable. Anyway, so what? Sandy Hook showed it didn't matter what atrocity was committed, it would be deemed acceptable as the price of easy firearm access.
Explain that to me, please. Can you at least patch that one up while we're waiting?

First you explain why the fact that murder is illegal doesn't stop murderers, or take a stab at explaining why the fact heroine is illegal doesn't stop people from selling it and buying it.

All you want to do is take law abiding gun owners and turn them into criminals, while at the same time infringing on their right to self defense.
Nope. I want law abiding people going about their business at school, church, shopping, enjoying a concert to be safe from people with rifles designed to shoot dozens of bullets in one minute.

So a rifle that would hit from 200 yards off ? Maybe something along the lines of an old bolt action rifle ? That’s what got Kennedy. Reagon was hit with a .22 revolver, or here, dude could have just bought an AMC gremlin, waited for noon, pointed it at the front door and hit the gas. Or just made a bomb.
Nothing will stop every maniac. Your argument is old and I'm yawning. There is no need of us having semiautomatic rifles that shoot dozens of bullets per minute. Crazy people can do too much damage in too short a time.
Well, had you been cowering under a pew waiting to be a victim, I’m thinking THAT one would have been enough.
Gods. Tell us how you'd have been a hero.

I can’t say that. I sure hope I could, I pray I could, but I just don’t know. What I do know is that if I were under a table waiting to be shot that I really wouldn’t care who the hell shot the motherfucker. The fact that an armed person shut the shot down and the fact I get to go home would be just fine. Cops failed again. Proactive citizens yay.

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