Trump deal loses 1300 jobs before he ever takes office ..

How did Trump's deal with Carrier lose 1300 jobs?

ALL of the jobs were already going to Mexico before the deal - Trump prevented 1,100 jobs from going to Mexico.

D@mn, you snowflakes are DESPERATE to manufacture fake news against Trump.

And Obama saved 1.5 million auto jobs. Who did the better job?

It wasn't their jobs he saved, it was their pensions, which would have been worth pennies on the dollar if the Companies could have shed them to government insurance via bankruptcy.
I wrote Trump and told him that if he gave me a $3,000 tax break, I won't have my $4,000 worth of dental work done in Nogales, Mexico for $2,000. I expect a response as soon as his people have gone through his campaign donation file looking for my name. He already knows that I am not on his "A" list, because I would already be a cabinet appointee.
How did Trump's deal with Carrier lose 1300 jobs?

ALL of the jobs were already going to Mexico before the deal - Trump prevented 1,100 jobs from going to Mexico.

D@mn, you snowflakes are DESPERATE to manufacture fake news against Trump.

And Obama saved 1.5 million auto jobs. Who did the better job?

It wasn't their jobs he saved, it was their pensions, which would have been worth pennies on the dollar if the Companies could have shed them to government insurance via bankruptcy.
and the smart play. that's what inexperience gets he lost more money than GM otherwise would have. too stupid to discuss, just saying.
How did Trump's deal with Carrier lose 1300 jobs?

ALL of the jobs were already going to Mexico before the deal - Trump prevented 1,100 jobs from going to Mexico.

D@mn, you snowflakes are DESPERATE to manufacture fake news against Trump.

And Obama saved 1.5 million auto jobs. Who did the better job?
I dunno, did Trump bailout Carrier while at the same time fucking over the bondholders and their competitors?

Neither one of these jokers deserve any credit, they're both guilty of unadulterated market interventionism using tax payer money to pick winners and losers, the only difference is Obama and his Merry Band of Central Planners did it on a much larger scale.
It wasn't their jobs he saved, it was their pensions, which would have been worth pennies on the dollar if the Companies could have shed them to government insurance via bankruptcy.

And their jobs. The industries ended up leaner and meaner and he also took away some of the unions's power . I'm surprised the right don't love him for it.
I dunno, did Trump bailout Carrier while at the same time fucking over the bondholders and their competitors?

Neither one of these jokers deserve any credit, they're both guilty of unadulterated market interventionism using tax payer money to pick winners and losers, the only difference is Obama and his Merry Band of Central Planners did it on a much larger scale.

I don't have a problem with that as long as they save jobs and then get out of the market, which they did.
And their jobs. The industries ended up leaner and meaner and he also took away some of the unions's power . I'm surprised the right don't love him for it.
Again, Barry violated bankruptcy law when he 'nationalized' Chevy, sold off part of the company to a foreign company that was in worse financial debt, and lost money when his administration finally sold most of the stocks it retained.

Government sells last of its GM shares

"U.S. taxpayers no longer own any of automaker General Motors. The Treasury sold the last of its remaining 31.1 million GM shares today. It started with 500 million shares in 2010.

The taxpayer loss on the GM bailout is $10.5 billion. The Treasury department said it recovered $39 billion from selling its GM stake, and had put $49.5 billion of taxpayer money directly into the GM bailout."

Outsourcer-In-Chief: Obama Of General Motors

"GM’s December 31, 2011 annual report shows General Motors of North America accounting for 98,000 of the 207,000 GM jobs worldwide. But 12,000 of these jobs are in Canada and 11,500 are in Mexico. Accordingly, GM has 74,500 jobs in the United States and 122,500 abroad, even after Obama’s touted surge in Detroit jobs. Almost two thirds of GM’s jobs are in other countries."
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Trump deal loses 1300 jobs before he ever takes office ..

Ummm.. yeah...

2400 carrier jobs originally going to Mexico before Trump intervened
1300 carrier jobs going to Mexico after Trump intervened

Yet somehow in the brain of a certain LeftWingATopian Trump's intervention is responsible for a net loss of 1300 Carrier jobs to Mexico.

Let's see how that equation works


1100 stayed
1300 left

his deal BEFORE he took office

what part of that confuses you idiotboi?
I wrote Trump and told him that if he gave me a $3,000 tax break, I won't have my $4,000 worth of dental work done in Nogales, Mexico for $2,000. I expect a response as soon as his people have gone through his campaign donation file looking for my name. He already knows that I am not on his "A" list, because I would already be a cabinet appointee.
I'd tell you to go to mexico and come back and show us the quality of the work.
Breaking ! (added for RW drama)

Conveniently, we now have the details.

As Fortune reports, citing a source close to the company, Trump called Greg Hayes, CEO of Carrier’s parent company United Technologies, two weeks ago and asked him to rethink the decision to close the Carrier plant in Indiana. Hayes explained that the jobs were lower-wage and had high turnover, and the move was necessary to keep the plant competitive, according to the source. He said the plan would save the company $65 million a year.

Trump then replied that those savings would be dwarfed by the savings UTC would enjoy from corporate tax-rate reductions he planned to put in place. During the recent campaign, Trump threatened to slap tariffs on Carrier imports from Mexico.

So what were the "incentives"? In the end, UTC agreed to retain approximately 800 manufacturing jobs at the Indiana plant that had been slated to move to Mexico, as well as another 300 engineering and headquarters jobs. In return, the company will get roughly $700,000 a year for a period of years in state tax incentives. Still, some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind.

In summary, the "math" works out to $636 per year per job saved in tax savings: hardly an egregious sum, and one which could likely be extended to other companies (unless, of course, those other companies decide to hold Trump hostage and demand escalating pay schedules) if and when Trump's fiscal stimulus package is implemented. It remains to be seen if the popular response, outside of conservative groups, will interpret this trade off as taxpayer funded "moral hazard."

write this down ...

Still, some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind.

And doesn't sound like those employees will be getting raises anytime soon. But in Republand workers are just happy to have a job. Workers are not happy they are a bunch of Bob Cratchit's
only Trumpbots suck Trumps cock for bribing a company and still losing more jobs than it kept.
But you said it lost 1,300 jobs when it really saved 800. As opposed to obama doing nothing for business in eight years. You can't cover up your lies with insults.
Trump deal loses 1300 jobs before he ever takes office ..

Ummm.. yeah...

2400 carrier jobs originally going to Mexico before Trump intervened
1300 carrier jobs going to Mexico after Trump intervened

Yet somehow in the brain of a certain LeftWingATopian Trump's intervention is responsible for a net loss of 1300 Carrier jobs to Mexico.

Let's see how that equation works


1100 stayed
1300 left

his deal BEFORE he took office

what part of that confuses you idiotboi?
Yeah Dumbfuck, the plan was for 2400 to be "leaving" before he intervened.

It takes a special kind of hyper-partisan drone to look at those numbers and conclude that Trump is responsible for the 1300 jobs that were already slated to go.

Now stop abusing your right to be a complete fucking idiot.
As Americans debate the trivial details of a useless publicity act, the jobs leave. The only way any of you dipshits are going to stop the export of American work is by buying American, supporting companies that manufacture here and supporting a fair wage. All the BS steam is BS steam. Speak up.

Support American workers: 2015

One Example of American Workers Growing Despair; We Need OUR Jobs to Stay Here!
So now that republicans have full control, HOW will they address the following issues?
CDZ - NAFTA - good or bad?


Blueprint for supporting the American Worker

Wanna make American buy from American companies who build develop and manufacture in America. We drive a mobile add for the American worker and the nation, what do you drive. Check sites at bottom for particulars.

When American companies, TV shows, or News agencies use foreign cars in their ads, write them.

Check labels if you want to support America and make it.

Support higher wages, minimum wage, and buy products made in the USA.

When politicians mention taxes and regulations as if they are bad things remember America's best years

No need for tariffs support your country and

American veterans don't support foreign nations, do they.

Write on air companies that make their profits from Americans when they use foreign autos in their ads.

Civil service workers and those whose livelihood is local, support local American made.

Japan imports a millions and half cars into the US while allows only a few

Google recalls when you think a certain manufacturer is best.

Auto makers make 50% of their profit from high end cars, guess who profits. Audi, BMW, Equus, Genesis, Jaguar, Mercedes.

Union workers in Germany make twice as much as American union workers.

more to come
Again, Barry violated bankruptcy law when he 'nationalized' Chevy, sold off part of the company to a foreign company that was in worse financial debt, and lost money when his administration finally sold most of the stocks it retained.

Government sells last of its GM shares

"U.S. taxpayers no longer own any of automaker General Motors. The Treasury sold the last of its remaining 31.1 million GM shares today. It started with 500 million shares in 2010.

The taxpayer loss on the GM bailout is $10.5 billion. The Treasury department said it recovered $39 billion from selling its GM stake, and had put $49.5 billion of taxpayer money directly into the GM bailout."

Outsourcer-In-Chief: Obama Of General Motors

"GM’s December 31, 2011 annual report shows General Motors of North America accounting for 98,000 of the 207,000 GM jobs worldwide. But 12,000 of these jobs are in Canada and 11,500 are in Mexico. Accordingly, GM has 74,500 jobs in the United States and 122,500 abroad, even after Obama’s touted surge in Detroit jobs. Almost two thirds of GM’s jobs are in other countries."

Better than zero jobs nowhere...

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