Trump deal loses 1300 jobs before he ever takes office ..

Trump deal loses 1300 jobs before he ever takes office ..

Ummm.. yeah...

2400 carrier jobs originally going to Mexico before Trump intervened
1300 carrier jobs going to Mexico after Trump intervened

Yet somehow in the brain of a certain LeftWingATopian Trump's intervention is responsible for a net loss of 1300 Carrier jobs to Mexico.

Let's see how that equation works


1100 stayed
1300 left

his deal BEFORE he took office

what part of that confuses you idiotboi?
Yeah Dumbfuck, the plan was for 2400 to be "leaving" before he intervened.

It takes a special kind of hyper-partisan drone to look at those numbers and conclude that Trump is responsible for the 1300 jobs that were already slated to go.

Now stop abusing your right to be a complete fucking idiot.

every bit of it confused you huh dumbass?
Trump deal loses 1300 jobs before he ever takes office ..

Ummm.. yeah...

2400 carrier jobs originally going to Mexico before Trump intervened
1300 carrier jobs going to Mexico after Trump intervened

Yet somehow in the brain of a certain LeftWingATopian Trump's intervention is responsible for a net loss of 1300 Carrier jobs to Mexico.

Let's see how that equation works


The whole Carrier thing was nothing but a staged t.v. reality show soundbite for Trump's voters, like this "thank you" rallies. He thrives to be on the air and in the news every single day. Period. The end. And you guys ate it up.
I wrote Trump and told him that if he gave me a $3,000 tax break, I won't have my $4,000 worth of dental work done in Nogales, Mexico for $2,000. I expect a response as soon as his people have gone through his campaign donation file looking for my name. He already knows that I am not on his "A" list, because I would already be a cabinet appointee.
I'd tell you to go to mexico and come back and show us the quality of the work.

Obviously, you don't live anywhere near the border. I have had my dental work done in Mexico for 10 years, and the work is excellent. In reality, I will be there again in 2 weeks. the Tucson dentist wanted $8,000. The Nogales dentist wants $1,200 for the exact same procedure. let me know if you want me to pick up some Viagra for you for 20 cents per pill, or maybe some Gentleman Jack, at 60% of the US price.
1) He didn't break the law
2) How did he lose money? They paid the govt back.

Nice alt-left opinion ,but I already posted the links to where Obama violated Bankruptcy law, lost $10 BILLION in tax payer dollars, and 3/4ths of GM's jobs were in foreign countries....making the company every bit worth saving since they are an 'American' company. :p


"Funny - Obama breaks the law, sells off part of GM, loses $10 billion in tax dollars, and 2/3rds of GM's jobs are overseas after Barry's 'rescue' of GM....and you say:

'Better than zero jobs nowhere'....but criticize Trump for saving 1100 US jobs.

What a f*ing partisan hypocrite.
It was a bankruptcy where a company made out of thin air and backed by the government bought out most of the assets of the original company before the real creditors had even a chance to get in on the action.

And while your disdain of stockholders and bondholders is typical, where do you think most of those assets are held, and if this trend continues, who will get hurt?

here's a hint, take a look at the fund holdings of your pension/401k and you will get an idea who actually gets screwed by this.

I don't have a 401k. I've never had much faith in the stock market. It's a rich man's game and for speculators. Hedge fund managers, stock brokers - nothing but leeches IMO...I do have a super fund - the amount of fees and BS they charge is astounding. I have little sympathy for them.
After Obama saved the 'American' Car Company, 3/4 of it's jobs were in foreign countries..... HOW DOES THAT MAKE GM AN 'AMERICAN CAR COMPANY, AGAIN?
1100 jobs stayed
1300 jobs are leaving

another FAIL to his list ..

Trump deal loses 1300 jobs before he ever takes office ..

Ummm.. yeah...

2400 carrier jobs originally going to Mexico before Trump intervened
1300 carrier jobs going to Mexico after Trump intervened

Yet somehow in the brain of a certain LeftWingATopian Trump's intervention is responsible for a net loss of 1300 Carrier jobs to Mexico.

Let's see how that equation works


The whole Carrier thing was nothing but a staged t.v. reality show soundbite for Trump's voters, like this "thank you" rallies. He thrives to be on the air and in the news every single day. Period. The end. And you guys ate it up.
The ones that still have a job ate it up. Liberals can't eat it up because the truth makes them physically ill.
It was a bankruptcy where a company made out of thin air and backed by the government bought out most of the assets of the original company before the real creditors had even a chance to get in on the action.

And while your disdain of stockholders and bondholders is typical, where do you think most of those assets are held, and if this trend continues, who will get hurt?

here's a hint, take a look at the fund holdings of your pension/401k and you will get an idea who actually gets screwed by this.

I don't have a 401k. I've never had much faith in the stock market. It's a rich man's game and for speculators. Hedge fund managers, stock brokers - nothing but leeches IMO...I do have a super fund - the amount of fees and BS they charge is astounding. I have little sympathy for them.

well I do, and if companies are allowed to fuck off stockholders and bondholders to protect union pensions, then the system is in trouble.

What retirement DO you have?
Nice alt-left opinion ,but I already posted the links to where Obama violated Bankruptcy law, lost $10 BILLION in tax payer dollars, and 3/4ths of GM's jobs were in foreign countries....making the company every bit worth saving since they are an 'American' company. :p


"Funny - Obama breaks the law, sells off part of GM, loses $10 billion in tax dollars, and 2/3rds of GM's jobs are overseas after Barry's 'rescue' of GM....and you say:

'Better than zero jobs nowhere'....but criticize Trump for saving 1100 US jobs.

What a f*ing partisan hypocrite.

Nothing illegal about it at all...

What am I being a hypocrite about? I'm not criticising Trump. I'm criticising YOUR hypocrisy.
well I do, and if companies are allowed to fuck off stockholders and bondholders to protect union pensions, then the system is in trouble.

What retirement DO you have?

No idea. Nor do I care. We have compulsory super (I live in Australia) so I have no choice. Would rather use the money to invest in real estate. It's better to fuck off the stock holders than lose a whole industry. It wasn't just the pension funds, it was the industry itself.
Siete, again.....

ALL jobs are leaving the United States.
Trump steps in and prevents 100 from leaving

Where do snowflakes get that Trump is somehow responsible for the rest of the jobs that were already leaving...all before he even takes his oath of office...besides pulling this out of your tender sore butts?

Trump has already saved jobs and gotten a Japanese company to bring jobs to the US before being sworn in.

You know what Barry was doing before being sworn in?
- Coming up with a long list of Tax Cheats to nominate for cabinet positions. :p
Would the # of jobs remaining have been different after a bankruptcy re-organization?

Also, I guess fuck the stockholders and bondholders, right?

Ah, that is a fair question. I don't know to be honest. They did go into bankruptcy. You do now that?

I don't have too much sympathy for stockholders and bondholders. Stocks are risky, thus why I've never owned any. Major stockholders don't have much sympathy when the fuck over mum and dad stockholders. I don't have much sympathy for them when they get fucked over.
wow business 101 and you failed. wow. do you know what stocks and bonds even are for? OMG, hly fk are these turds fked up. no wonder they voted in obummer, they don't know anything. voting in someone who doesn't know anything becomes easy at that point I guess. Companies go to an investment banker, which is not the same as a commercial bank, and convinces the investment bank to make a Initial Public Offering (IPO). The bank issues stock for sale to investors so the company gets money for things like R&D and future revenues from the product developed from R&D. The investor expects the company to produce a product that will make more money and increase the value of the stock. Bonds are very similar, but are a bit different as well. you buy a bond at a price hoping the company is successful and thus the bond matures and increases in value. Stock holders, bond holders are people like you and me. failure means money loss for an investor you stupid fk. Companies need investors everyday 365 days a fking year to remain in business.
Trump deal loses 1300 jobs before he ever takes office ..

Ummm.. yeah...

2400 carrier jobs originally going to Mexico before Trump intervened
1300 carrier jobs going to Mexico after Trump intervened

Yet somehow in the brain of a certain LeftWingATopian Trump's intervention is responsible for a net loss of 1300 Carrier jobs to Mexico.

Let's see how that equation works


1100 stayed
1300 left

his deal BEFORE he took office

what part of that confuses you idiotboi?
Yeah Dumbfuck, the plan was for 2400 to be "leaving" before he intervened.

It takes a special kind of hyper-partisan drone to look at those numbers and conclude that Trump is responsible for the 1300 jobs that were already slated to go.

Now stop abusing your right to be a complete fucking idiot.

every bit of it confused you huh dumbass?
dude, your stupid is so out there, you're fking damn right it confuses us.
I wrote Trump and told him that if he gave me a $3,000 tax break, I won't have my $4,000 worth of dental work done in Nogales, Mexico for $2,000. I expect a response as soon as his people have gone through his campaign donation file looking for my name. He already knows that I am not on his "A" list, because I would already be a cabinet appointee.
I'd tell you to go to mexico and come back and show us the quality of the work.

Obviously, you don't live anywhere near the border. I have had my dental work done in Mexico for 10 years, and the work is excellent. In reality, I will be there again in 2 weeks. the Tucson dentist wanted $8,000. The Nogales dentist wants $1,200 for the exact same procedure. let me know if you want me to pick up some Viagra for you for 20 cents per pill, or maybe some Gentleman Jack, at 60% of the US price.
well do they have obummercare there? no wonder why! and you think you're laughing at us. you're telling everyone how fked up obummercare actually is. thanks.

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