Trump decides to remove national security adviser, and others may follow

I agree. I've owned five businesses and spent my career in management and management consulting. Has Trump done that with his business? I find comparing that to the cabinet weak.

You need to be more specific to make a decent case about which specific turnover you find objectionable. He's obviously trying to figure out how to build his cabinet. I'd rather do some churning than stay with bad picks that didn't work.

And still, you've never given any actual statistics other than comparing him to Obama, who was an abject failure
And I didn't compare him to Obama, YOU DID.



I'm saying the only stat I've seen is the fake news who compare his turnover to Obama. I didn't say you did that. I'm saying that's the only stat I've seen, and you just confirmed you didn't even provide that one.

What is his overall turnover rate so far? Do you even know? Or you're just going by the fake news headlines?
Here you go: White House Staff Turnover Was Already Record-Setting. Then More Advisers Left

Yes, the turnover rate is not normal.

Doesn't contradict anything I said
I didn't say it seemed to be having a hard time finding facts on the matter. Strangely, it took me about 2.1 seconds.

That's because you didn't find facts on what I asked. You just compared him to Obama's turnover which I specifically said was NOT my question.

Anyone can find "facts" on the internet if they don't need to address the question. He has more turnover than the failed Obama Presidency. So the fuck what?
Ah, so in other words, waaahhhhh, I hate Trump. He's a meany pants. I hate him I hate him I hate him!!!
No , he clearly articulated a problem with Trump, in that Trump does not take good advice. That is a problem.

You're just pulling that out of your ass as a result of your bad case of Trump derangement syndrome
if you can't see how your vindictive piece of dung in our white house is bringing down America to his level ,there is no hope for you May you Trump and all your pals here burn in hell With that I must get ready for the great party my building is giving today
Ah, so in other words, waaahhhhh, I hate Trump. He's a meany pants. I hate him I hate him I hate him!!!
No , he clearly articulated a problem with Trump, in that Trump does not take good advice. That is a problem.

You're just pulling that out of your ass as a result of your bad case of Trump derangement syndrome
if you can't see how your vindictive piece of dung in our white house is bringing down America to his level ,there is no hope for you May you Trump and all your pals here burn in hell With that I must get ready for the great party my building is giving today

You're the one who voted for Trump. I didn't. So he's your vindictive piece of dung, not mine
That's because you didn't find facts on what I asked. You just compared him to Obama's turnover
Wrong, of course, as any fool can read in the link provided to you. You know, the link you begged for and could not be bothered to find yourself.

Face just prefer ignorance

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